Chapter 25 : The Final Fight Part 2


Last 2 Chapters to go :)



Lee Cheung-ho's house (Bucheon)

Bom together with Seungri, Daesung and the 3 girls arrived at the house of their Uncle, Seungri uses his binoculars to see if Mr.Shin's men are guarding the house, he saw 2 on the front door

"Why would they guard Uncle's house?" Ryo asked them

"I think they thought that you girls will come back here, it's near your resthouse in Gyeonggi-do.." Bom answered

"Did Dara-Noona told you where we would meet them?" Daeasung asked Bom, the latter shook her head

"No, she just said to wait here. Girls is there any other way in to your Uncle's house?"

"Yeah, we made a small door at the back whenever we want to sneak out during the night and drive around.." Minji said

"Then take us there, we need to get this place back from them.." Bom said



"We're out!" Ken said when Dara gave him the assault rifle she used

"I took some grenades, maybe you can throw those at them.." Chaerin said, she's going 90kph, she wants to go faster but she feels that she might loose control of the car

"Ken find those grenades now.." Dara said, Ken immediately saw the grenades on the floor

"Here.." he said but he saw that Dara is too weak now and keep on putting pressure on her waist

"Let me do it, Noona.." Ken whispered but Dara shook her head

"I need you to be there for my baby.." she answered, she grab two grenades and throw it on the road, when the two grenades explode Chaerin almost loose control of their car but the grenades damaged only one car, there are still 3 more

"They are like gremlins! They keep on multiplying!" Chaerin yelled

"Gremlins?" Ken asked Dara, who laugh at Chaerin but frown when she felt a pain

"That's my baby and i love her.." she answered, she took another grenade but after she throw it, Dong-jun who is in one of the cars, shot Dara on her arm

"Ah! !" Dara yelled, she get back in and Ken saw her arm bleeds

"They shot you again.." he said, Chaerin look at the mirror

"What do you mean again?!" Chaerin asked him but he didn't respond, he look at Dara who's trying hard to stay awake and fight for their lives

"Ken!! What do you mean they shot her again?!" Chaerin said

"Chaerin please just keep driving.." Dara said

"Answer me god damn it!!" she yelled again and hit the steering wheel


"Answer me or i'll stop this car!" Dara sigh, Ken hop on the front and sits beside Chaerin

"I'll drive.." he said, Chaerin look at him, she nod her head, she released her foot on the gas pedal when Ken told her that he got it and they quickly switch places but Chaerin went to Dara's side who's wrapping her wounded arm when Ken gave her his shirt, she look at Chaerin and smile

"I'm sorry.." Dara said, Chaerin furrows her eyebrows she then saw Dara lift her jacket and Chaerin gasp at what she see



"Hello?" Bom answered her phone when she saw Seunghyun's calling them

"We're here at the pier, there still no sign of Mr. Shin but some of his friends are already here.." she heard Seunghyun speaks

"Good! Make sure they won't get away this time.."

"Yes we'll make sure of that. Any news about Dara and Chaerin?"

"Dara called me a while ago and said to meet them here in Lee Cheung-ho's place.."

"How about the 3 girls?"

"They are helping us to get inside, we saw 2 men guarding the front door.."

"Be careful but i'll call Dad and send some backups right away.."

"Don't worry honey, i already did that.."

"Nice thinking hon, oh and by the way have your Oppa called you?"


"Yes, Teddy-Hyung.." Bom shocked at what she heard

"Hon? Bom?"

"Ahm, i-im still here, what do you mean Teddy-Oppa?"

"He's alive Bom, he's the one who's been communicating with Dara.."

"What?! Why she didn't tell me?!" Minji, JB and Ryo look at Bom

"Dara told you that she knows what that disc contains right? Teddy-Hyung went to investigate on Mr. Shin's business, like and undercover agent and became one of his men. When he found out that Mr. Shin is using Mr. Lee's business to do dirty things, he immediately talked to him and let Mr. Lee knows what's happening with his business.." Bom didn't say a word

"They are exporting powerful guns all over the world Hon, even drugs. They used people and animals, their Uncle didn't know any of those but when he did, he captured them on video and put it on the disc. There are 4 on each bears, Mr. Lee contact his brother and told him to hire a bodyguard for the girls, Teddy-Hyung gave your name and Dara's.."

"!! How did you know all of these?"

"I talked to Teddy-Hyung, he also said that he sent of of his men to search for Dara and Chaerin, he'll meet us here at exactly 6am.." Bom look at her watch, it's already 4:30 am

"But why Dara hide this from me?"

"You know your sister, as long as she thinks she can handle it alone, she won't tell you or us. You now how stubborn she is.." Bom let out a faint smile

"She wants to protect you too, they killed Mr. Lee because of that video and i know she thinks that they will kill anyone who will come in their way.."

"I know that, hon can you give me a call once Teddy-Oppa's there?"

"Sure, i have to go now. You guys be safe okay?"

"We will, take care.." and she hang up

"What' wrong Unnie?" JB asked her, she just smile and said

"Nothing, let's get going.."



"Why you didn't tell me huh?!" Chaerin said, she's holding Dara's waist helping her to put pressure on her wound

"If i told you, you'll start to panick.." Dara said smiling but Chaerin knows she's losing too much blood

"When you start panicking, we w-won't get out there a-alive.."

"Where's your vest? You're wearing one when we leave that trailer.."

"I gave it to Ken.."

"I told her i don't need it but she insisted.."

"Who shot her Ken?!" Chaerin asked him, Ken look at the rer view mirror

"Answer me or i'll throw you out of this car!"

"It's Dong-jun-ssi. he shot her twice but the first one didn't hit her but there's a scratch on her left leg.." Chaerin look at it and she saw some blood on her leg

"I'm going to kill him!! I really am!!" Chaerin said, she hit the window while her other hand is place on the passenger seat when she felt something, she saw a black strap peeking on the seats and pull it

"Give me your cellphone.." she said to Ken and he hand over his phone, she push a button so the phone can illuminate the whole she saw on the back

"Bingo!" she said and took 2 M16

"We have plenty of guns here.." she said, Dara move and grab one of the gun

"No! You just sit here and let me handle this.."


"You already risk your life for me a million times, save my everytime i got into trouble, now it's my time to save yours.." Dara smiled at her. Chaerin look inside the car, she thought of breaking the glass at the back but it's bullet proof, she look on the roof and saw a button, she push it and the roof of the car slowly open, it formed a square shape

"Don't mess with the Baddest Female's wife!" she said and stand up, she aim her gun at them and fired

"You got one though of a lady back there Noona.." Ken said

"Yeah and keep on driving.." she said, her eyes starts to get blur and felt her eyelids are getting heavier

"Noona! Please stay awake!" Ken yelled, Chaerin went back in and grab another gun at the back but instead she fish out a barrel with no trigger

"What's this?" she asked, Ken and Dara look at her

"It's a M-203 grenade launcher, give me your M-16.." Dara said, she move a little but screamed in pain

"Just sit there.."

"I said give it to me, you don't know how to use this.." Chaerin gave it to her

"It will fit perfectly here on your M-16.." Chaerin watched Dara how she released the lever and slipped the barrel forward

"Go find some ammo at the back.." she said, Chaerin light the phone again

"What kind of ammo?" she asked

"If you can see a much bigger ammo than the ones we used to refill those guns with.. It's like a bombshell.." Dara answered

"What is a bombshell?!" Chaerin yelled, Dara hit her arm causing her to back out, she grab the phone and look inside the hole

"This is what i'm looking for.." she said

"Oh, it doesn't look like a shell.."

"Shut up!" Chaerin shut and look at Dara

"Listen to me, this round will go inside this barrel.." shes said and make Chaerin watch her every move

"Make it's lock when you put this inside.."

"How am i gonna know if it's already lock?"

"You'll hear a 'click' sound.." she said

"Here's the safety, you need to pull it toward you.. Don't pull it unless you you already estimated your target, you can look through this.." Dara points the M-203 sight which is on the left side of the M16's carrying handle

"You can set your target by looking through that then pull this elevation lock and set your range of your sight. Put the weapon against your shoulder.. When you're ready flip the safety forward and aim at your target then pull the trigger.."

"Okay, set my range and elevation then flip the safety, aim and pull the trigger.. Got it!" Dara hand over the gun at her, Chaerin stand up bu before she get out of the hole again, Dara pulled her arm

"Make sure you aim that thing to them and not on our car Chaerin.." she said, she peck her lips and let Chaerin do her thing

"Okay let's do this.." she said, she stands up, place the weapon against her shoulder, look through the sight and set her elevation, when she feels that it's already set she flip the safety and aim at her target

"Say bye-bye world!" she yelled and pulled the trigger, she duck in as soon as she pulled it and they heard a loud bang

"Did you hit them?" Ken asked, he's looking at the side mirror but all he can see is smoke

"I don't know.." Chaerin answered while looking at the back, Dara on the other hand can't move now and exhausted her self for teaching Chaerin how to use the weapon

"You missed!" Ken yelled when he saw 3 cars still chasing them and they heard gunshots

"!" Chaerin said

"Just k-keep on doing it baby, i-it's normal to miss on y-your first t-try.." Dara said, Chaerin nod her head and look out

"We're almost there baby, hang on please.." Chaerin said and place another round

"This time i won't going to miss.." she whispered and did the same things before she pulled the trigger, she didn't went back inside this time and wait for grenade to explode and hit one of the car

"Yeah!! Serves you right!!" but Dara pulled her back in just in time when Dong-jun's men fired back

"Are you stupid or what?!" Dara said and wince in pain

"I'm sorry baby.." she look out the window again

"Turn left on the second intersection Ken.." she said, she place Dara's body on her lap and she felt Dara's cold body


"I'm s-so proud of y-you.." she whispered and close her eyes

"Ken hurry up! She's losing too much blood!" she yelled

"Baby open your eyes for me please" Chaerin said



At the House..

Bom managed to get the house back from Mr. Shin's men, there we're only 4 mean guarding the house, the backups are already scattered around and some a few miles from the place then she hears her phone ring

"Dara?" she answered

"Unnie!" she heard Chaerin's voice

"Chaerin? Where are you guys?! Are you both okay?" she asked, she started to panick when she heard Chaerin's soft sobs

"Chaerin?! What's going on?"

"Unnie.. It's Dara.. s-she's been shot thrice.." Bom place her hand over and tears started to build up on her eyes

"Call an ambulance now Unnie, she already lost a lot of blood and she's unconcious now.." but Bom didn't said a word

"Unnie?!" Ryo who's looking at her quickly grab the phone

"Hello? Chaerin-Unnie?" she asked

"Ryo! Ryo please call an ambulance now!" she heard Chaerin screaming

"Huh? Why?" she asked, looking at JB and Minji

"Just do it now please!"

"Uhm, okay, okay, i will.." she said, she hang up and dial 119

"What's wrong Unnie?" Minji asked Bom who's now sitting on one of the containers

"Dara... Dara's been s-shot thrice.." she said, the 3 look at each other

"I should have been there for her, what kind of sister i am?!" Bom said again, JB kneel in front of her

"Dara-Unnie is a fighter, i know she'll make it. She won't lose this fight Unnie.." she said to her, Bom gave her a faint smile, Ryo felt the phone vibrate on her hands, she opens the message and read it

Sender : Unknown
       Told JB and Minji to prepare the motorcycles and my car, i won't let Dong-jun get away this time!



15 minutes after they received a call from Chaerin, their car arrived at the house, Seungri and Daesung carries Dara who's still unconcious and brought her to the ambulance

"She lost a lot of blood and she might won't make it.." one of the paramedics said to them, Chaerin clench her fist while Minji and JB took this oppsurtunity to let Bom come with her

"Go with her Unnie, she needs you now.." Minji said to her

"What about you guys?" she asked, tears falling freely from her eyes

"We're good! Besides your agents are scattered aroun the house so nothing can happen to us.." JB answered, Bom nod her head and look at Chaerin

"Aren't you coming?" she asked her, Chaerin shook her head

"Please make sure she'll be okay, Unnie.." Chaerin said, she run towards Dara and planted a kiss on her lips

"I'll make him pay.." she whispered to her ear

"We need to go now Miss.." the paramedic said, Bom quickly hop in and the ambulance drove away

"So what now huh?" Ryo asked Chaerin, she look at her cousins and the two Agents Seungri and Daesung

"It's payback time!!" she said





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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 32: Oh I miss it so I re read it again I cant get enough pls hope you will update soon the bodyguard 2...pls
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 32: Well ill be waiting for the update of the body guard 2.0 hope you will finish the story tnx
che21lo15 #3
Chapter 32: Very funny and romantic story...hope the next story will also be more nice and most romantic and ended well....
Aigoo its my bday and this is a recomended one by my master so ill fully enjoy reading this...the beginning was so funny aigoo hahaha thanks in advance authornim :-)
bittersweetlover #5
Chapter 32: Nice story... I hope you'll update bodyguard 2.0 though... It's been ages!!!
This sounds a little insane but this is my 4th time reading bodyguard... but its just sitting there on the list of stories when im checking for updates so i cant help it
Chapter 32: Funny,lots of action. Its like Charlies 'Chaera' Angels. I love it. Thanx 4 sharing. N look forward for your another story. ^_^
Chapter 32: this the second time i'm reading this and it's really great story...
huskylover #9
Chapter 32: my fav fic right now hehe ^^
keep on your good work author-nim.
You worked hard ^^