Chapter 24 : The Final Fight Part 1


Chaerin's POV

I'm dreaming that i'm in a hotel with my wife Dara, it's our honeymoon today, i see a lot of candles in our room, i smiled at the thought of Dara did all these for our special night, i look around and i see the bed with a boquet of flowers on top, i walk slowly to where our bed is, i pick up the boquet and read the card on top of it

To my One and Only Chaerin

   I Love You so much! Let's make this night unforgettable, are you aread? I am ready!


I laugh on what i've read then i hear the shower on the bathroom and her voice who is singing softly as the waters falls down on her, i smiled and make way to the bathroom, i reach fro the door knob and close my eyes but before i open the door someone is standing on my back and cover my mouth with hand, i struggle so i can be free from the grip but i failed

"Wake up.." i hear someone whispered

"Wake up!" another one but a little harder this time, i slowly open my eyes and saw Dara looking at me

"It's time to go.." she said

"Time to go? It's still dark out there.." i protested

"Okay you want to stay here? Then fine with me, i'll get back to you in 2 days.."

"We're already married remember and you want to leave your wife behind?!"

"I'm not leaving you behind that's why i woke you up, now move Chaerin.." i quickly put my vest and clothes so i can catch up with her, we both take a peek outside and i'm right it's too dark and we can't even see if there is someone watching this trailer

"Are you sure you want us to go now?" i asked her

"Yes, it's better to move than stay here, remember we don't have any weapons to fight back in case they caught us inside.." Dara anwered, i see her move and open the door, the only weapon we've got is her knife, she motion me to follow her

"Hold my hand and never let go.." she said, i nod at her and we walk quietly as possible

It's hard to walk in the dark specially if you know that some men are after you and they want us dead, i didn't let go of Dara's hand even though sometimes i stumble and fall, she stops when she saw a light a few feet from us

"Dong-jun's men.." she whispered to me, i look at them and saw 2 guys sleeping, there's a car behind one of the guys and some guns too

"There might be a road or bridge that connects this mini forest to the city.." Dara said

"So what's our plan?" i asked her, she look at me and smile, she kiss my lips and whispered

"You get the car and guns, i'll make them chase me.."



"We found Dara's car, Bom-Noona.." Daesung said to her, she and the 3 girls are on the resthouse waiting for news or call from them

"What about them?" Bom asked

"We haven't found them, we saw these two necklace on the car.."

"That's why it's stop blinking.." Minji said

"I know they are out there somewhere, continue searching.." Bom commanded

"Unnie i think we can help, we don't wantn to sit here and do nothing.." JB said, Bom nod her head and the 4 of them went in the car and drove off



Chaerin's eyes follows Dara's every movement though she doesn't like the idea of her being the decoy, this is the only way they can get out of this place and call for help

*Please don't let them catch her* she said, she saw Dara wave at her and she get ready, Dara told her that she will throw a rock on one of the guys and appear so that they can see her and within seconds Dara did what she told Chaerin

"Get Agent C.M!" one of the guy yelled, when Chaerin can't see them she run towards the car, she look inside thru the window and saw the key inserted on the hole, she grab some guns and some grenades and went inside the car. She waits for Dara to return, like what she told her earlier but 15 minutes later, she hasn't return

"Damn! Where is she?" she went out of the car but she immediately went back in after she heard gunshots

"Dara.. Please.. Dara.." she said, she turn the ignition on and was about to move the car when she saw her

"Dara!" she yelled, she was about to get out again when Dara yelled at her

"Drive Chaerin!" she step on the gas and stop to pick her up only to realize that she's with a young guy, the 3 went in and Chaerin look at him

"Who is he?" she asked Dara

"He's one of Oppa's men, he's searching for us too, they cornered him and i helped him escaped.." Dara answered, she's at the back while the guy is sitting beside Chaerin

"Keep on driving Chae, they are following us.." she heard Dara said, she look on the left side mirror and saw some light on the road

"!" she mumble

"Just keep on driving, i'll take care of them.." Dara commanded, she look at the guns and grab a M16 rifle

"These are poweful guns.." she whispered

"Yes Agent C.M and today when the morning comes they will export more than a thousand guns all over the world but i think you know that it's more than these powerful guns.." said the guy on the front, Chaerin look at her on the rear view mirror and she notice something

"Baby, are you okay?" she asked, she saw Dara frown her face when she tries to move

"Uhm y-yeah, i'm fine. Okay baby, i want you to drive steady as possible, remember what we did before i crash our car into the water?"

"Yes, i remember that.."

"Good, don't swerve okay.." Chaerin nodded her head and Dara open her window, she slid half of her body and aim the rifle she's holding at the cars chasing them and they fired back

"Why don't you help her?!" Chaerin said, they could hit Dara

"I,i d-don't know how to use a gun.." he said

"Damn it! Then you drive!" Chaerin said

"No!.." Dara protested

"You need help Dara!"

"Just focus on your driving, Ken you can help me by reloading those guns fast.." she answered, Ken hop into the back with Dara while Chaerin can't do nothing but to drive and look at her wife

"You got a cellphone there?" Dara asked Ken, the latter nod his head and gave his phone to her, Dara dialled her sister's number and told to meet them in Bucheon in 30 minutes to an hour

"Baby you know your Uncle's place right?" Dara asked Chaerin

"Yes, why?"

"I want you to drive faster as you can and bring us there.." she look at her on the mirror again, Dara looks so pale and she's having a hard time breathing

"Okay baby, Ken please hold her tight.." Chaerin said, Ken nod at her and look at Dara

"But you can't make it.." Ken whispered to Dara and look on her waist, she gave him a faint smile

"I don't want anything happen to Chaerin, Ken. So this is my final fight.." she answered, she grab the M16 again and do everything she can to stop those car chasing them   

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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 32: Oh I miss it so I re read it again I cant get enough pls hope you will update soon the bodyguard 2...pls
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 32: Well ill be waiting for the update of the body guard 2.0 hope you will finish the story tnx
che21lo15 #3
Chapter 32: Very funny and romantic story...hope the next story will also be more nice and most romantic and ended well....
Aigoo its my bday and this is a recomended one by my master so ill fully enjoy reading this...the beginning was so funny aigoo hahaha thanks in advance authornim :-)
bittersweetlover #5
Chapter 32: Nice story... I hope you'll update bodyguard 2.0 though... It's been ages!!!
This sounds a little insane but this is my 4th time reading bodyguard... but its just sitting there on the list of stories when im checking for updates so i cant help it
Chapter 32: Funny,lots of action. Its like Charlies 'Chaera' Angels. I love it. Thanx 4 sharing. N look forward for your another story. ^_^
Chapter 32: this the second time i'm reading this and it's really great story...
huskylover #9
Chapter 32: my fav fic right now hehe ^^
keep on your good work author-nim.
You worked hard ^^