Part One

Caramel Macchiato and Snowflakes
i drift into consciousness and wrinkle my nose. it's cold. really really cold. i pull the blanket over my face. i cup my hands over my poor frozen nose and exhale. it warms up quickly and i sigh. My door opens just as I'm drifting back into dreamland.
"Jagi?" Suga calls quietly. "you asleep?"
"Ne." i answer. he chuckles and starts pulling on the blanket. i cling tighter to my warm blanket.
"nooooooo." I whine. "it's cold."
"noona!" he laughs. i pop my head out.
"what?" He hold out his arms.
"It's warmer out of this room." he coaxes. i take a deep breath and climb out of bed. i immediately started shivering. he pulls me over to him and hugs me close. we waddle out of the room into the hallway. as soon as the door closed, it gets really warm and i sigh.
"better?" Yoongi asks.
"Ne, Yoongi. my nose is still cold though." i say he grins and presses his lips to my nose. we sit there happily.
our bubble of happiness is broken when the bathroom door opened.
"omo, Molly-unnie and Yoongi-oppa! Mian!" Meghan bubbles and bows towards us. she stands up with a mischievous smirk.
"Don't mind me." she says as she brushes past us, pushing me firmly. i place my hands on Suga's shoulders to keep from falling. she skips off to the kitchen.
"Mischievous dongsaeng." I mumble. Suga tightens his arms around my waist.
"yeah." he whispers. i turn my head back around. Yoongi is watching me intently. i smile softly at him. he smiles back and leans in to peck my lips quickly. J-Hope walks past and gags.
"YAH!" Suga calls after him. Hoseok giggles and runs into the kitchen.
"Hopi-oppa!" Meghan yells. "about time! hurry up and help me!" We look at each other and run into the kitchen.
"Back up! don't crowd around her!" J-Hope orders. Namjoon and Taehyung pouts. Jin steps behind them and taps on their shoulders. they step apart and i gasp.
"waffles!" I exclaim. she smiles and nods vigorously.
"Made 'em mahself!" she says proudly in English. Namjoon steals one and runs away.
"Yah! Namjoon! Get back here!" she yells and starts to run after him. "eh, too much work." Jungkook walks in and rolls his eyes.
"noona you're so lazy." he teases. Jimin walks past and punches his arm. Jungkook whimpers.
"hyung!" he cries holding his arm. Jimin just hugs Meghan and shrugs.
"That's for petting my head AND for calling my Jagi lazy."
"to be fair, she is." i state. Jin raises his arm as he walks past and we high five.
"nice one noona." Jimin rolls his eyes. Meghan steps back and jumps up and down excitedly.
"oppa! can we go out today? It snowed last night and i love to play in the snow! pleeeeease??" she begs. Jimin just smiles at her.
"of course. Whatever makes you happy, jagi." he answers. she hugs him and kisses him quickly.
"great! I'll go get dressed!" she lets go and runs off. Jimin chuckles and goes to wait by the door.
"that sounds like fun." i say. Suga smiles.
"then let's go."
"Jimin-ah!" i call. he pops his head in.
"ne, noona?"
"can we join you?" he nods.
"yeah absolutely."

"ya! Meghan get back here!" Jimin yells, head covered in snow, chasing after her.

"never!" she yells back. i laugh and shake my head at those two.
"Those two." Yoongi nods.
"they just love to hang out and do stuff like this." he lays his cheek on mine but immediately moves it.
"ooh jagi your freezing." i raised my gloved hand and do a little pinch.
"little bit." he laughs.
"yah you two! want to go get something to warm us up?" they freeze, Jimin holding Meghan by her waist and tossing handfuls of snow on her.
"nah. you guys go ahead. we'll meet up later." Jimin answers and continues with what he started. she squeals, wriggles out of his arm, and runs away. he laughs and follows her out of the park and down the street. We shrug and go across the street at the corner to a little cafe. i smile and think back.
"c'mon unnie! it just opened!" Meghan demands, dragging me to a cafe that as a brand new 'Grand Opening' banner above it. I let her pull me in and we wait in line, Meghan bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement. people are taking a while to order and we sigh. the door opens again, blowing in the steamy July heat. the people entering sigh in bliss. I look at Meghan.
"wait, why are we getting coffee? it's super hot out!" she gives me a 'are you serious' look.
"hello? iced coffee?" she spells it out for me. i 'ah' in understanding and we finally reached the counter.
"yes!" Meghan cheers. i hear a giggle behind me. i turn.
"ya. did you laugh at my dongsaeng?" i growl. a tall boy with a pretty face and black hair looks startled and hides behind a shorter, more muscular boy.
"hyung." he whimpers. hmmm, they look familiar. oh, well.
"why did you laugh at my dongsaeng?" i feel Meghan tug my arm. i turn and her hand clamps on my mouth. i give out a muffled "hey!" and she gives me a stern look.
"Don't be rude. especially not to them. now, you want an iced mocha or what?"
"caramel macchiato." i answer but it sounds like 'Cara Mel Maki Otto.'
"oh ok. um, ne one iced mocha and an iced caramel macchiato, please?"
"coming right up. move to the right please."
"Ne!" she smiles. "Kamsamnida!" we move and she finally removes her hand. i glare at her.
"really?" i scold her in English. she rolls her eyes.
"did you not recognize them or something?" she asks. i shake my head.
"no. they look familiar but i don't remember." she face-palms.
"you were talking about them this morning!"
"oh, you talked about us?" a blond haired boy asks in a Daegu satoori.
"No." i snap.
"yes." she corrects me. i shake my head at her and she nods her head back at me. she pulls her phone out of her pocket and presses a button.
"everybody say NO!" her phone sings and she stops the song. My eyes widen.
A tall boy with a pretty face and black hair......hides behind a shorter, more muscular boy. "hyung.".... A blond haired boy..... a Daegu satoori.. B.T.S...
"Oh. My." i turn around and bow.
"I'm sorry!" i exclaim. i bow towards the little maknae.
"I'm sorry Jungkook-sshi. and you V-sshi."
"I'm sorry for my unnie's behavior. she's very protective." Meghan bows at my side.
"it's alright." Rap Mon says in English.
"are you sure?" i ask. he nods.
"yeah you just startled him that's all."
"but... it's not fair that you know our names and we don't know yours." J-Hope states. We bow.
"hi, I'm Meghan. this is my unnie, Molly."

heyyyyy unnie! the first part is up! i hope you like it. xD

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surprise unnie!!!!!


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Chapter 3: HAHA wow this caught me by surprise!!! <3
I loved it and yes that is EXACTLY my reaction with horror movies HAHA =D But that's so mean to scare you!!! <3<3<3
Thank you so much, this just made me so happy <3
Chapter 2: YAAAAAHHH I love it!!!! How the fist date for you+Jimin was mine and Yoongi's first 'date' too LOL
And the snowball moment... You ruined out moment!!! *sticks out tongue*

I seriously loved this it was so sweet of you to write it for me!!! Just PERFECT and put a BIG smile on my face *hugs*
Chapter 1: I love it!!! The meeting is so like me hahaha =D And the waking up part is so perfect!!! <3 <3 This is wonderful!!!
*sits on edge of seat waiting for the next chappie* <3
You're such a wonderful dongsaeng *tuggles*
So awesome!!! I am super excited <3