Part Two

Caramel Macchiato and Snowflakes

“Jagi?” Yoongi touches my shoulder. I jump slightly.

“Sorry. What?” I ask, my cheeks pink.

“What were you thinking about?”

“oh, just about when we first met.” I say. He laughs.

“that was a good day. You scared poor Jung kook. He wouldn’t smile or laugh for three weeks around you two.” Suga grins. I pout.

“Shusssh. You’re so mean Suga.” I whine. He wraps his arms around me and sways back and forth.

“sorry Noona.  You’re just so cute when you’re embarrassed.” I wiggle out of his hug and cross my arms.

“Ahh! No!” I hear Meghan yell. We turn and see her run past, holding Jimin’s jacket. We glance at each other and turn away from the window. Suga pulls me back over to him.

“Noona? Are you upset?” he asks, trying to look into my eyes. I turn my head and smirk but quickly regain my poker face. He touches my jaw gently and moves my head back to meet his eyes. He looks very concerned.

“Molly?” he mumbles. I look over at him and I feel my lips curving up and laughter rising in my throat. He watches me curiously and I finally burst into laughter. He realized what happened.

“Noona!” he whines. I laugh and push him slightly. He pouts. I wrap my arms around his waist.

“Mian Yoongi-ah. I just wanted to tease you.” I coax, hugging him. He doesn’t respond. I lean up and kiss him gently. He immediately kisses back and wraps his arms around me. I lean back and smile at him charmingly. He gives me a gummy smile in return.

“Oh hey you two! The usual? And are Jimin and Meghan coming in?” our favorite barista asks. Yoongi grins.

“they wanted to play in the snow some more.” She nods.                          

“Alright. One Americano and a caramel macchiato coming right up.” She violently punches some buttons on the cash register. It dings open and she grins. Suga pulls out his wallet but she waves him off. “No need. I’ll pay for you today.” She closes the register and smiles at us.

“Kamsamnida!” we chorus. She waves her hand.

“yeah, yeah.” We sit down next to the window. Yoongi reaches over and takes my hand in his. He rubs his thumb over my knuckles lightly. The barista places our drinks onto the table.

“thank you Luce!” I say happily in English. “Kat off today?” she nods.

“yep, she went on a date with Kyu today. It’s just me here.”

“Oh well, tell her we said hi.” Yoongi says. She nods.

“Enjoy your coffee.” She steps back and goes back behind the counter. I sip my beautifully crafted caramel macchiato. Suga stares and I smile at him, sipping my coffee again. I set my cup down. I look back up and Yoongi presses his lips to mine, leaning across the table. My eyes widen, then flutter shut. Lucy catcalls.

“Yeah! Get it Suga!” Suga pulls back, his face red slightly. I blush and glare at Lucy. She shrugs.

“I need some form of entertainment.” I scoff and roll my eyes.

“Yoongi-ah why’d you kiss me?” I ask.

“you had that foam stuff on your lips.” He comments nonchalantly, taking a gulp of his Americano. I raise my eyebrows.

“and you couldn’t tell me I had the foam on my lips?” I retaliate.

“I just want an excuse to kiss you.” I blush again and his hand squeezes mine.


“yes?” I inquire carefully.

“I need to tell you something but I’ll wait until later.” He seems to have quickly changed his mind. I blink.

“oookaaay?” I say slowly and sip my coffee again.

We sit for an hour in comfortable silence, drinking coffee, holding hands and Suga stealing a kiss every once in a while. I smile in bliss.

‘THUMP!’ we jump and look at the window. On it is a white circle of snow. Meghan laughs at our reactions while Jimin shakes his head.

“Did she just throw a snowball at the window?” I ask bewildered. He nods. Lucy growls and stomps over to the door. She yanks it open.

“Ya!” she screams. Meghan and Jimin scream back and run away. We laugh and finish our coffee.

“So we’re gonna get going so we don’t cause anymore trouble.” I tease. She rolls her eyes.


“Bye unnie!”

“Yeah, bye noona.” We walk out of the shop.

“Jimin and Meghan ran that way.” I point. We turn the opposite way and walk.

We lie in the snow and hold hands for I don’t know how long. Not speaking. Just lying there. As we lay there, it starts to snow. I stick my tongue out and a snowflake lands on it. It was ice cold, but melted in an instant. I smile happily.

“Noona.” I move my head to the side.

“Hmm?” Suga turns onto his side and lays an arm on me. I turn to face him. His hand comes up and brushes my hair out of my face.

“What is it Yoongi?” I ask softly. He leans in and presses the lightest of kisses on my lips.

“I just wanted to let you know…. I love you.” He whispers. My eyes widen.

“What?” I ask. He takes a deep breath and meets my eyes.

“I love you. Everything about you. Your, smile, your laugh. Your English. Just…I lo-“ I lunge forward and kiss him deeply. He freezes for a moment, then kisses me back. We kiss until we almost pass out. I pull back and pant, my breath turning into fog in the cold air.

“I love you too.” I say. He smiles happily and hugs me.

“Awww, you two are so cute, I’m gonna throw up.” Meghan comments. We look up. She towers over us, holding a very large ball of snow. We hear another sound and she looks over to the left.

“Crap.” Then we see a Jimin-sized blur pick her up. She looses her grip on the snowball.

‘Plunk.’ Suddenly we have a blanket of snow covering our heads. I start to try to dig us out by pawing through the snow. Suga sits up, pulling me with him. Jimin is kissing Meghan in the snow, her hands pinned up above her head. She tries to wiggle out of his grip halfheartedly. It doesn’t work. Suga kicks some snow at them. Jimin looks up.

“Ne, hyung?” Jimin asks. He tenses and I grab his hand.

“You little punks. We were having a moment.” Suga growls. Meghan smiles sheepishly.

“Sorry, Yoongi oppa.” Just then Jin walks up.

“There you guys are!” he exclaims.

Jimin clambers to his feet and helps Meghan up.

“What’s going on?” I ask him.

“Oh, it’s just Namjoon wants you guys back home. You’ve been gone all day.” We nod and start the short trek to the dorm.

“It must be like when those two went on their first date.” Suga says, nodding towards the two lovebirds, talking and laughing, in their own world.

“Yeah. Must be.”

"Unnnnnnnnnnieeees! I'm so nervouuuuus!" Meghan whines, sitting at the cafe counter. Lucy rolls her eyes. Kat gives a sympathetic smile. i take her hand.

"hey. Don't be. you'll be fine. he asked you out so he like you for how you are." i console her. she lays her head on my shoulder and whines again. the door opens and Jimin walks in. she gasps.

"oh my god unnie! ottokaji?!" she whispers. Luce hits the back of her head.

"Get over it! Be strong! Geez, it's like you've never been on..." she stops. Meghan nods.


"well there's only one thing to do." i say and turn around.

"jimin-ah!" I call. "Over here!" He smiles.

"Unnie!" Meghan cries indignantly.

"Hey." Jimin says, walking up to Meghan.

"h-hey." she stammers and grimaces. Jimin smiles.

"nervous?" he asks. she nods. he leans over and whispers in her ear. she looks at him, suprised. he grins and holds out his elbow like a gentleman.

"shall we go?" she bites her lip and hooks her arm in his. they walk out and down the street. i sigh and stand up.

"okay. i gotta go and find out what he told her to make her go so easily." i walk out of the door.

"fighting!" Kat yells after me. i look around and see their back and jog after them.

They walk into a park. i follow them and hide a tree. they sit down on a bench and talk. an ice cream man comes near by and Jimin jumps up.

"stay here." i hear him say. he jogs over and and buys two ice creams. he walks back and hands Meghan a chocolate cone. she takes it and he sits back down next to her. i feel a hand on my shoulder. i spin around.

"hey" Yoongi say.

"hi Suga-sshi." i answer quietly. he looks around me.

"oh, so you're spying on them too, huh?" he says thoughtfully. i stare at him. he looks back at me and turns red. "not that i'm doing that."

i laugh. "yeah, i am. would you like to join me?" he grins and nods.

Jimin walks  Meghan to our door.

"i had a great time." Meghan says. " i don't know why i was so nervous."

"well didn't you say this was your first date ever?" Jimin comments. "that's probably why."

"Any ways, Thank you Jimin." she smiles and hugs him. she lets go and steps towards the door. he turns to leave as she unlocks the door. she turns back around.

"wait." he looks back at her. she bites her lip and steps over. she kisses his cheek, then quickly ran into the house.

"bye Jimin oppa!" she slams the door.

"bye." he turns around and walks down the steps. his foot hits the sidewalk.

"YEAH!! WOO! YES!" he cheers to himself. he takes off running down the street, still jumping and cheering.

Suga and i walk out into the open. he leds me up to the gate.

"they were cute." i comment.

"they really were." he agrees.

"well, see ya."  I say and turn around. Yoongi grips my wrist. i turn back around.

"why don't we do this again sometime? but without following Jimin and Meghan around. Maybe go to the movies?" i blush and nod.

"that sounds great."

We walk back into the house and Namjoon pokes his head out of the living room.

"hayyy! c'mon we're gonna watch a movie."

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surprise unnie!!!!!


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Chapter 3: HAHA wow this caught me by surprise!!! <3
I loved it and yes that is EXACTLY my reaction with horror movies HAHA =D But that's so mean to scare you!!! <3<3<3
Thank you so much, this just made me so happy <3
Chapter 2: YAAAAAHHH I love it!!!! How the fist date for you+Jimin was mine and Yoongi's first 'date' too LOL
And the snowball moment... You ruined out moment!!! *sticks out tongue*

I seriously loved this it was so sweet of you to write it for me!!! Just PERFECT and put a BIG smile on my face *hugs*
Chapter 1: I love it!!! The meeting is so like me hahaha =D And the waking up part is so perfect!!! <3 <3 This is wonderful!!!
*sits on edge of seat waiting for the next chappie* <3
You're such a wonderful dongsaeng *tuggles*
So awesome!!! I am super excited <3