Who are you?

Captured By Exo Stalker Fans

“Ahh~!” Ji min let out a relaxed sigh when she finally set foot in the Korean airport. She had been a volunteer teacher in South Africa for two years now, and had caught quite a stunning tan.

People weaved in and out of the Airport, reuniting with family and friends. Ji min looked around the waiting area. She glanced down at her blue watch on her right arm and frowned. Shouldn’t she be here by now? Ji Min thought, looking around again. She stood next to her luggage and waited for another five minutes, occasionally looking up for her friend.

Suddenly, a very beautiful woman with a very, low cut top waved in her direction. Ji min looked around behind her, but no one was there. Who is she waving to? She tried to pretend to not notice the woman waving in her direction. But the woman started making her way to her. Ji Min stood like a frozen sculpture, not knowing what to do. The pretty woman stood in front of Ji Min, and with a big smile on her face she said, “Hey Ji min! Long time no see!”

Ji Min awkwardly smiled back at the woman. She did not know who the hell the woman was. Growing up, Ji Min didn’t have many friends. She was also very anti-social. Maybe if I pretend to know her, she’ll go away and never talk to me again.

“H-Hello.” She squeaked, distracted by the pretty woman’s chest.

“I missed you so much Ji Min! It’s been such a long time!”

“Yeah, I missed you too...”

“Ok, let’s go! I’ll drive you home.” The pretty woman said with a happy tone, grabbing Ji Min by the arm and pulling her towards the exit.

“Wait!” Ji Min exclaimed, unsure of what to do.

The pretty woman turned around to face her, raising her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

“Uhhh, who exactly are you?” Ji Min mentally face palmed herself, next time she would have to ask from the beginning.

But to her surprise, the pretty lady cracked a smile, and started laughing at Ji Min. “Wow, I knew you wouldn’t recognise me.”

“And..? Who are you.”

“I am Aerin. Remember me? Your best friend since forever.”

Ji Min almost chocked on her spit. Aerin?! It can’t be.

Aerin and Ji Min had been the best of friends since they first met in childcare. They would sing together, laugh together, fart together...and do everything together.

“But Aerin was ugly” Ji Min blurted out, and quickly covered .

The pretty woman who was now apparently Aerin smiled at her again. “I know, that’s why I had plastic surgery.”

“Woooooow” Ji Min said, her eyes growing wide.

Aerin shrugged. “It’s no big deal. Everyone does it these days. But, let’s go home and we can talk more.” She started dragging Ji Min and her luggage once again.




Woot Woot! First chapter complete :D -taps self on back-

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Chapter 5: Wahhh i wonder how Ji Min is going to continue her live!! Update soon Author-nim~
Chapter 5: Cooolio story~~
abbe_28 #3
Chapter 3: Update soon~ hwaiting! :)