Who Are They?

Captured By Exo Stalker Fans

When Ji Min finally arrived at her small, one bed room apartment, Aerin flopped down on the white couch in front of the mini television. Ji Min was still quite awkward around Aerin because she looked so different. But luckily, she warmed up a little to Aerin in the long ride home from the airport. Aerin may look different from the outside, but she was the same on the inside.

“So, how was Africa?” Aerin asked, turning the television on with the remote.

“It was fun, but it got quite hot at times.” Ji Min answered.

“I can see that, you have an awful tan.” Aerin chuckled.

Ji Min frowned. “I think it’s a y tan.”

Aerin turned to look at Ji Min. “The trend nowadays is snow white skin, Ji Min.”

“Well, I don’t want to look like a sick snowman” Ji Min retorted, quite offended.

“Whatever, your natural skin tone will come back” Aerin shrugged.

Ji Min made a mental note to always stay in the sun from now on, so her tan would never go away.

“So, did the plastic surgery hurt?” Ji Min asked out of curiosity.

“Yes it did, after the procedure. Especially in the healing time, but It was all worth it.”

“In what places did you get it done?”

“Hmm,” Aerin started pointing to different places on her body.”I had Botox injections in my cheeks, a forehead implant, double eyelids, nose job, jaw shaving, implants, calf reduction...”

“Wow, must be hard to live.”

Aerin shrugged, “I’ve gotten used to it, and anyway, now I can date whoever I want.”

Ji Min leaned sat on the armrest of the couch. “I’m guessing you’ve dated around?”

Aerin nodded. “Yeah, and I get whatever I want. Which reminds me, have you dated yet?”

Ji Min looked around, “No.”

“Wow,” Aerin laughed out loud. “It’s been 25 years; nobody is going to want you soon.”

“One day, somebody will love me for who I am.” Ji Min shrugged.

Aerin raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.”

Ji Min scowled at Aerin, and Aerin just chuckled, focusing her attention back at the television.

Na eureureong eureureong eureureong dae
Na eureureong eureureong eureureong dae

“What the heck is that?” Ji Min wrinkled her forehead.

Aerin gasped with wide eyes, “You don’t know Exo?”


“Ohmigosh” Aerin rolled her eyes. “You are impossible.”

“Dude, I’ve been in Africa for two years, do you think I care about what’s hot and what’s not?”

And now we will play Exo’s debut song, Mama!” The overly enthusiastic lady in the television exclaimed.

Aerin clasped her hands together, and looked at the television dreamily. “Aren’t they just perfect?” She asked no-one in particular.

Ji Min blew a raspberry, “What? Them bunch of teenagers? Anyway, who names their song Mama? The song doesn’t even make any sense for crying out loud.”

Aerin ignored Ji Min’s rants and continued watching the music channel.


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Chapter 5: Wahhh i wonder how Ji Min is going to continue her live!! Update soon Author-nim~
Chapter 5: Cooolio story~~
abbe_28 #3
Chapter 3: Update soon~ hwaiting! :)