Leave it or take it.

Captured By Exo Stalker Fans

A week and a half later~

Ji Min sighed, lazily lying down on her bed. Living in an apartment by herself was defiantly expensive, and she hadn’t gained any money from volunteer work. I need to find a job. She thought to herself.

Ji Min rolled off her bed and slipped into her fuzzy blue slippers. She made her way to the kitchen counter and opened the daily newspaper to the jobs section.

Hmmm She scanned through the paper, but couldn’t find anything suitable for her. Finally, she came across a small rectangle with the words Night time job! Small convenience stall. 7:00Pm to 11:00P. Good Pay.

Ji Min smiled and roughly ripped out the rectangle from the newspaper. She changed into a pair of skinny jeans and an oversized jacket. When she was done, she switched off the lights and made her way to the convenience store.


When she arrived at the convenience store, she opened the door and made her way to the cashier. The person standing there was an old man who appeared to be in his late forties.

“Hello, may I speak to the manager?” She asked.

“I am the manager.” The man grumbled.

“Oh.” Ji Min cleared . “Well, I want to apply for a job.”

“Sure, you start tomorrow, 7:00pm” The man answered.

Ji Min scratched her head. “But don’t I have to do an interview? Don’t I need to fill out forms or something?”

“Did I say you had to?” The man retorted.


“Ok, so you start tomorrow, take it or leave it.”

Ji Min let out a light chuckle. “s-sure, sir.”


The next morning, Ji Min woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. Groaning, she answered her phone.

“Good morning Ji Min!” A cheerful voice sounded through the phone.

“Good morning Aerin.” Ji Min sighed.

“I’m going to meet you at the coffee shop at the end of your street in 20 minutes ok? Bye!”

“Wait I-“

Aerin hung up before Ji min could tell her that she wanted to sleep in today.

Sighing for the second time this morning, Ji Min changed and hurriedly got ready to go.


When she went to the coffee shop, she saw Aerin sitting at one of the small round tables. Aerin smiled and waved to her. Ji Min gave her a closed mouth smile and pulled out the chair in front of Aerin to sit down.

“So,” Aering crossed her arms on top of the table. “How’s life?”

“Well, I got a new job.”



“But how annoying must it be, having to work.”

Ji Min frowned. “You don’t have a job?”

“Nope.” Aerin said, popping the ‘P’

“Then how do you afford everything?” Aerin had a nice apartment and many designer clothes. Not to mention the thousand dollar plastic surgery jobs.

“Well, my boyfriends pay for everything.” She shrugged, sipping her iced latte.


“If one runs out of money, I move on to the next.”

“Wow, Aerin, you have turned into one shallow girl.”

“That’s life.”

“Here’s your cake and coffee.” The waiter interrupted, holding out a small coffee and strawberry cake.

“Thanks.” Ji Min gave him a big smile.

“I really pity you, Ji Min.” Aerin whispered.

“Pity me? Why?”

“You’ve never dated, even once. All the people you liked never liked you back.”

Ji Min scoffed, “my time will come, Aerin. I just have to be patient.”

“Patient? For how long? Another 20 years?” Aerin leaned forward. “You’re a pretty girl. Just wear some makeup, do your hair and wear pretty dresses.”

“Why? There’s nothing wrong with me.”

“Gee, Ji Min. You look like you time travelled from the 80s. Everything you wear is so out of fashion.”

“Whatever, Aerin.”




Gahh! these few chapters were so boring. But don't worry! I just wanted to get that all out of the way and get to the fun part!

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Chapter 5: Wahhh i wonder how Ji Min is going to continue her live!! Update soon Author-nim~
Chapter 5: Cooolio story~~
abbe_28 #3
Chapter 3: Update soon~ hwaiting! :)