
In Constant Stars

In Constant Stars
13 -- i n t e r m e z z o


Kang Heeyoung started this conversation
Jung Daehyun was added to this conversation
Kim Himchan was added to this conversation
Moon Jongup was added to this conversation
Choi Nana was added to this conversation
Bang Yongguk was added to this conversation
Yoo Youngjae was added to this conversation

Kang Heeyoung changed this conversation’s subject to ‘YOLOZELO party!’

Heeyoung: okay guys. we need to get all of our done before seven.

Youngjae: Language, young lady

Heeyoung: /rolls eyes attractively.

Heeyoung: nanaaa?

Heeyoung: nana, where are you?

Youngjae: Did it ever cross your mind that some people actually pay attention to the teacher rather than their phone during class?

Heeyoung: paying attention is for losers. cool people wing their tests.

Himchan: *snorts*

Heeyoung: what?

Himchan: *snorts again*

Heeyoung: himchan, if you have something you want to say, just say it.

Himchan: I would just like to point out that not less than a week ago you were stressing out over maths. You were even muttering creepy things to yourself. Winging it, my .

Heeyoung: excuse me.

Heeyoung: i was doing a prayer circle. not the same as stressing out.

Heeyoung: ANYWAY.

Heeyoung: are we set for tonight? who else is pumped? i know i am pumped!

Daehyun: Right

Daehyun: Abuot the cake

Daehyun: They dropped it

Youngjae: What?

Heeyoung: NOOO

Daehyun: The bakery called me and told me they acidentally dropped it when they wanted to move it out of the cooler

Daehyun: It was already done actually

Youngjae: Crap

Heeyoung: nana is going to blow a fuse when she hears about this.

Heeyoung: fun.

Himchan: I’ll just console her.

Himchan: I’m good at that.

Youngjae: Himchan, could you please not

Youngjae: She’ll ignore you again if you don’t stop flirting with her every chance you get

Himchan: Can’t help that I can’t resist her.

Daehyun: ‘Again’?

Himchan: She didn’t talk to me for two months.

Himchan: Because I said ‘There’s a party in my pants and you’re invited’ when I first met her.

Himchan: We were twelve.

Heeyoung: you have to admit that that was really stupid.

Daehyun: … Oh

Daehyun: She ignores me too, but for diffferent reasons I guess

Heeyoung: ahahaha.

Youngjae: Christ

Youngjae: What did you do this time?

Youngjae: I thought you two were finally getting along?

Nana: Friendly reminder that I was added to this chat group too and that I can read this conversation just fine.

Nana: That means also the shade that y’all are trying to throw on me.

Himchan: ‘Y’all’?

Daehyun: Y’ALL

Daehyun: Yeeehaw, welcome to texas y’all! I’m cowgirl Nana!!

Nana: I will have people’s heads when the birthday cake issue isn’t fixed before six o’clock.

Nana: Meaning specifically Daehyun’s and Himchan’s heads.

Youngjae: You guys never learn tbh

Himchan: But I didn’t do anything wrong!

Daehyun: What?

Daehyun: But what do you want us to doa bout it?

Daehyun: Bake a cake ourselves?

Nana: As amusing as that sounds, no.

Nana: I’m going to make some calls when this period ends and then I’ll inform you what’ll happen next.

Himchan: OK.

Nana: Yongguk?

Nana: Do you know if everything for the music installation was delivered to the gym?

Yongguk: yes, don’t worry about that

Yongguk: they sent me a message half an hour ago to let me know that everything was delivered fine

Yongguk: they also left me a phone number we can call if we find trouble setting it up

Nana: Okay, thank you!

Yongguk: you’re welcome

Youngjae: Nana, you’re doing a great job and all, but aren’t you supposed to be in class right now?

Nana: What makes you think I’m not?

Youngjae: Well, I figured… You know, since you’re a straight A student… That you’d be paying attention to class right now?

Nana: That doesn’t mean I don’t follow the rules sometimes too.

Daehyun: Oh so rebellious, you

Daehyun: *snorts*

Heeyoung: okay, what is with you guys snorting the whole time?

Heeyoung: snorting like piggies, god.

Youngjae: Piggy Dae and piggy Himchan

Youngjae: Sounds about right

Yongguk: Youngjae…

Youngjae: Right, right, sorry about that

Youngjae: But seriously though, hyung

Youngjae: They’re pretty accurate nicknames

Nana: Anyyyyyywaaaaaaay…

Nana: Anyone seen Jongup today?

Nana: He seems kind of MIA in this group?

Heeyoung: no, why?

Nana: He’s supposed to make sure all of their classmates know about the party tonight.

Yongguk: sorry haven’t seen him yet

Youngjae: Me neither

Youngjae: I usually have no clue where to find him either

Youngjae: Still undecided whether the kid is a genius or an idiot

Nana: Hm.

Nana: Oh, I’m going to make a phone call now. If any of you see Jongup in the hallways, can you tell him to check his phone please?

Himchan: Of course, my darling. <3

Daehyun: Ew

Youngjae: Ew

Heeyoung: ewwww.

Himchan: Guys wth

Nana: Ew.

Nana: Okay, well, brb.

Himchan: Okay, fine. No need to be rude about this.

Himchan: It’s fine to just openly admit that you guys are jealous you can’t pull off saying that without coming off horrendously cheesy.

Yongguk: i think they were ew-ing at you because you did come off cheesy

Yongguk: btw, ew

Himchan: Yongguk…

Himchan: Aren’t we supposed to be best friends?

Yongguk: im telling you earnestly as your best friend that youre ew

Daehyun: Niiiiiice, hyung

Heeyoung: GUYS LOOK

Heeyoung: ()_()

Heeyoung: ( o.o)

Youngjae: ???

Heeyoung: (“)_(“)

Heeyoung: NO.


Youngjae: …

Nana: Heeyoung, please, not again.

Heeyoung: ()_()

Nana: That bunny is the reason I avoid talking to you via chat.

Nana: Christ.

Nana: Okay. Anyway.

Heeyoung: ()_()

Nana: I just called a friend of my mother’s.

Heeyoung: ( o.o)

Nana: She has a bakery and says she could bake us a cake.

Nana: Heeyoung, stop it!

Nana: It’s supposed to be her day off but she’s willing to help because it’s for Zelo.

Youngjae: Alriiiight!

Nana: The cake’s going to be smaller than we had in mind originally of course, but she’ll do the same icing and decorations.

Daehyun: Of course it will be smaller

Daehyun: We’ll just haveto make do with that

Himchan: If we don’t say anything about it to Zelo he won’t be able to tell

Nana: Yup.

Nana: It’ll be done at around six o’clock. The bakery is located in Jungnang-gu.

Youngjae: What

Daehyun: Wat

Daehyun: But thats an hour away from here

Nana: It is.

Daehyun: And you still want me to go get it??

Nana: Yup.

Nana: With Himchan in his car. The two of you.

Nana: In the meanwhile, I’ll go on a hunt for Jongup.

Daehyun: Why two of us??

Daehyun: Cant Himchan just go

Daehyun: I dont want to spend two hours alone with him in a car

Nana: Someone has to make sure the cake doesn’t topple

Himchan: Meh, why not?

Himchan: Dae, meet up at the parking lot at 17:00 sharp.

Daehyun: Uh whatever

Himchan: SHARP.

Heeyoung: and me?

Heeyoung: what should i do to help? c:

Youngjae: Eh.

Nana: …

Nana: Heeyoung, just pay attention to class.

Nana: You’re failing History.

Heeyoung: what.

Heeyoung: who told you that?

Heeyoung: himchan, did you tell on me?

Nana: No, Mr. Lee told me.

Nana: Apparently all teachers are convinced that I’m your guardian now.

Nana: Just… pay attention and don’t fail, please.

Youngjae: Nana

Youngjae: Promise me you won’t stress out over this

Nana: ?

Youngjae: Just promise

Nana: Okay?

Youngjae: I just realised that we forgot to buy decorations

Youngjae: For the gym

Youngjae: Nana?

Youngjae: Say something

Nana: …


Nana: Okay.

Youngjae: Nana???

Youngjae: It’s been five minutes and you’re not saying anything?

Youngjae: You didn’t die from stress, did you?

Daehyun: Dont worry

Daehyun: Just saw her almost punching a sophomore after reading your message in the hallways

Daehyun: Shes alive all right

Himchan: Nana is so violent. :(

Himchan: It scares me.

Youngjae: Can someone please make sure Himchan stops using his phone

Youngjae: All he does is spam

Himchan: What about Heeyoung then?!

Youngjae: At least her spam doesn’t give me the chills

Nana: Okay, guys, I’ve got a plan

Nana: Daehyun and Himchan will go pick up the cake.

Nana: Youngjae and Yongguk, can the two of you  set everything up at the sports hall after school?

Nana: And Heeyoung, you and I will go decorations shopping first thing after class. You bring the stuff to Youngjae and Yongguk while I keep Zelo entertained at dinner with my mum.

Youngjae: No problem

Yongguk: yes ma’am

Heeyoung: (Y)


One hour later

Heeyoung: haha. mr. lee has a bald spot on the back of his head.

Youngjae: Just pay attention to class please

Nana: Thank you, Youngjae.

Heeyoung: :c


One hour later

Nana: I still haven’t found Jongup.

Nana: Does anyone know where he is?

Daehyun: Knowing him hes probably hiding in a tree or smth

Nana: Very helpful.

Daehyun: I was just saying


Two hours later

Heeyoung: i haaaaaaaaaate maths.

Heeyoung: three minutes left of class.

Heeyoung: two now.

Heeyoung: one.

Daehyun: Good lord were not in high school musical

Daehyun: Were not doing that countdown til the bell thing

Heeyoung: 20

Heeyoung: 19

Heeyoung: 18

Heeyoung: 17

Youngjae: I find it a miracle that my phone batteries survived this spam fest

Heeyoung: 16

Heeyoung: 15

Heeyoung: 14

Heeyoung: 13

Heeyoung: 12

Heeyoung: 11

Himchan: I think Heeyoung wants your batteries to die.

Heeyoung: 10

Heeyoung: 9

Himchan: You jinxed it.

Heeyoung: 8

Heeyoung: 7

Heeyoung: 6

Heeyoung: 5

Nana: Why are we still friends?

Heeyoung: 4

Heeyoung: 3

Heeyoung: noooo, nana don’t say that!

Heeyoung: i missed the bell. for you.

Himchan: Yesssss.

Himchan: Let’s get operation A.S.S.T.A.P. started!

Youngjae: Asstap?

Youngjae: Asstap, as in, I tap your , asstap?

Yongguk: ...

Himchan: Operation All Souls Save This Awesome Party.

Youngjae: …


Himchan: I'M INNOCENT.

Daehyun: ...

Nana: Eh.

Heeyoung: ()_()

Heeyoung: ( o.o)

Heeyoung: (“)_(“)

Heeyoung: ^ bunny.

Yongguk: why am i still in this group


Half an hour later

Daehyun: I am never going on a trip with Himchan again

Daehyun: N e v e r

Youngjae: Lol

Nana: Why?

Daehyun: Hes been replaying and singing to Girls Generation for half an hour now

Daehyun: I swear if I hear the word Gee again I will hurl something


Bang Yongguk left this conversation

Bang Yongguk was added to this conversation

Bang Yongguk left this conversation

Bang Yongguk was added to this conversation

Heeyoung: stay, or else.


Half an hour later

Himchan: OK guys, we’ve got the cake!

Youngjae: Nice!

Himchan: We’re coming back.

Himchan: Wait.

Himchan: Daehyun?



Youngjae: ???


Nana: Why did he lock you in?

Heeyoung: off-topic but i find it wonderful how you keep using proper punctuation even when you’re supposedly angry.

Youngjae: Oh God

Youngjae: He’s buying food, isn’t he?



Nana: Oh God…

Daehyun: Anyone want a pastry?

Youngjae: Actually

Youngjae: Do they have croissants?


Yongguk: himchan i swear if you keep using all caps

Himchan: BUT

Heeyoung: nana dear, you have to admit that sending daehyun of all people to get the cake wasn’t your most brilliant idea ever.

Heeyoung: actually, dae, while you’re at it anyway, do they have macaroons?

Heeyoung: hahaha. himchan is so whipped whenever yongguk speaks up.

Heeyoung: love you, gukkie. <3

Heeyoung: youngjae and yongguk, i'm at the sports hall to deliver the decorations.

Heeyoung: where are you?

Heeyoung: helloooooo?

Heeyoung: why is no one talking?

Heeyoung: fine.

Heeyoung: i'll just sit in the middle of the gym and wait until someone walks by.


An hour later

Nana: Zelo keeps looking at me suspiciously.

Nana: He knows.

Nana: I’m positive he knows.

Nana: S.O.S.

Heeyoung: probably because your lying .

Nana: I’m not a bad liar!

Daehyun: Yes you are

Daehyun: Remember when we were having dinner at Heeyoungs and you told me that you were fine with me insulting your apearance

Daehyun: You were gritting your teeth

Daehyun: You totally wanted to slap me

Himchan: Yup.

Himchan: And remember that time you told me you didn’t think I was attractive?

Himchan: Everyone could tell you were lying.

Youngjae: What

Heeyoung: hahahaha.

Yongguk: good heavens himchan please

Nana: Zelo asked me why I’m using my phone so much!

Nana: He said all of you have been acting sketchy with your phones too!

Daehyun: Then stop using your phone?

Daehyun: You at keeping this a secret

Nana: He just went to the toilet, you pighead.

Nana: I’m not stupid.

Daehyun: Beats me

Nana: Youngjae, please punch him for me.

Youngjae: With pleasure

Nana: Thank you.

Daehyun: Wth?

Daehyun: Howd you know I was with youngjae to begin with??

Nana: Youngjae and I can at least behave pleasantly enough around each other to have our own private conversations, of course.

Heeyoung: ???????????????

Heeyoung: why is this the first time i've heard of this?

Daehyun: Youngjae you dirty little traitor

Yongguk: shrug

Nana: My mum lied for us and told Zelo that all phone companies are doing a free text messaging day.

Nana: We’re safe.

Youngjae: Oh

Youngjae: That’s why he’s suddenly started sending me so many texts

Youngjae: Lol @ his phone bill


An hour later

Nana: Okay.

Nana: We’ve finished eating.

Nana: I told Zelo that I forgot my present at school, so we’re on our way now

Nana: Are you guys done eating too?

Himchan: *snorts*

Himchan: I’d hardly call McDonald’s ‘food’.

Heeyoung: honestly though, i find it fascinating how commoners like this fast food.

Nana: …

Daehyun: Can you imagine the hell I went through eating fast food with these two

Daehyun: Himchan was contemplating diseccting his hamburger with a fork and knife

Youngjae: Honestly though, the first time I had McDonald’s I was intrigued too

Daehyun: Good god

Daehyun: I hate rich people


Fifteen minutes later

Jongup: Oh

Jongup: hi guys!!

Jongup: guys???






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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 27: Heeyoung, I just adore her. She can read Nana so well, and in the case of her father and Daehyun, I’m glad that she’s around. I wonder what their dad will say, or even do w/ the money he took, will he give it back, apologize or just act like nothing happened. But her & Daehyun.... she needs to get Jinae out of her head, she’s keeping it from owning up to her feelings. But in regards to Heeyoung, I have this feeling that her 1 love was Himchan. They’ve got a dynamic that I can’t shake, and I always thought there was something, even I’m the earlier chapters. I could be wrong though.... either way, loved the chapter p, thank you for updating!
frenetic #2
Chapter 3: wow! thanks for the new chapter. i've largely forgotten the story so now i'm having a fun time re-reading it. this brings back good memories of high school BAP fics back when there were still many BAP fanfics around.
purplecupcakes #3
Chapter 26: I love the story!! I hope u update!!
Chapter 26: Update juseyo ? loving it
ShinSeoRae #5
Chapter 26: This is such a beautiful and very eventful fic <3
Looking forward to next chappies ^^
KPopnGranny #6
Chapter 13: Ch 13 Intermezzo
funniest chapter I've ever read. ???
I really liked this fic, but after such a long time without an update I ended up forgeting the story, I was going to read it all over again, but I don't have time, and I'm kind of against being a ghost follower :/

Keep writing, I do think your writing is great!
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 26: I was so happy for an update, I truthfully started back from the beginning to remember all that had gone on. Of course Heeyoung & her superwoman complex couldn’t let her go on being this way w/Zelo....thankfully! But seeing Zelo be so grownup with how he handled Nana, just mad me smile, he’s more aware than she thinks. But Daehyun, he takes the cake, I’m still trying to figure out what he’s doing or feeling. Just a single comment about Jinae can evoke a strong emotion, but that’s natural to an extent. I didn’t see him calling her out about avoiding him the way he did! Loved this chapter, look forward for more! Thank you for updating.
Chapter 26: This story has got me so hooked up. I really hope you'll update this even if it takes time.