Down The Rabbit Hole

Black Hole Sun (On Hiatus)

Date Unknown

Location Unknown

Time Unknown



Ji Ae put her plan into action the minute she saw her chance. Apparently one of the boys, 'Hoya', was going to go walk around, and another boy named, 'Dongwoo' had decided to go with him. One of the two remaining males gave a catcall and yelled 'Yadong! Yadong!' before the door slammed shut, cutting him off mid sentence.


He chuckled before turning back to the remaining boy and speaking in hushed tones to him. Taking a second to open her eye a crack, Ji Ae took a quick glance around the room before shutting her lids quickly so neither of the boys would notice. There was a closed doorway on the far side of the room, and a window against the left wall, the wall her bed was leaning up against. It was close enough to her that she could throw her voice in its direction, and it was close enough to the boys that they'd hear it.


It was now or never-she took a deep breath and laid her tongue flat in before opening it a crack and calling out.


"Hey, I wonder what is in here?"


Opening her eye up a crack again, she noticed the boys looking around, confused.


"Was that from the hallway?" The feminine looking one whispered. He looked pretty and delicate, but she refused to let it fool her-apparently every Infinite was a shapeshifter, and they all became handsome young men, or in some cases, women when they were around humans to trick them into trusting them.


Feeling her determination steel up, Ji Ae called again, "Wait Minyoon, I think I heard something," she paused, breathing in from her nose, "Okay, nevermind, hurry up and get the stuff you want, I told you this place gave me the creeps."


"Thieves? Looters?" The man who had chuckled previously slowly stood up, narrowing his eyes at the door."How did they get down here with out Hoya or Dongwoo's spies seeing them?" He murmered quietly, before nudging Sungjong to his feet.


Taking another deep breath slowly so it wasn't noticable, Ji Ae finished laying the bait with one last call, "Wah, hurry up Minyoon, I just got a message from Kae Jo-apparently some one called the cops! They're on their way!" She took one last deep breath, before ing her chin ever so slightly forward and making a clipping noise with her tongue, imitated the sound of footsteps moving around in the hallway.


"The police? !" The man's eyes widened. "Come on, 'Jong, we have to get warn Hyung!"


They were out the door in a flash, and the last thing Ji Ae heard was the girlly boy replying, "I don't know hyung, something doesn't feel right."


Waiting a moment to make sure they were gone, Ji Ae rolled out of bed and was heading straight for the door when she heard a faint cough. Pausing, she turned around and let out a sigh-she knew her getaway wasn't going to be easy. There were two girls on two more of the beds, and they all laid parallel to her own.


She moved towards them, noticing the coughing girl sitting up, and rubbing . She looked around blearily, before her eyes widened at the sight of Ji Ae.


"Where? What?"


They looked at each other, a little wary, before Ji Ae replied, "I have no idea where we are, and I have no idea what happened. Though I wish I did." She cocked her head for a second, listening for the sound of footsteps. No one was returning...for now.


"Come on, get up, I need your help."


The girl sat there for a moment before the order registered in her head. Moving quickly and silently, the voice-thrower moved the girl into a sitting position at the edge of her bed. Grasping one of the unconscious girl's arms, she passed it to the quiet coughing girl, who then wrapped it around her neck. Doing the same with the other limb, they staggered for the doorway and out into the hallway.


"Wh-which way?" The girl cleared slightly.


Judging by the sound of their footsteps, she guessed Hoya and Dongwoo had gone to the left, while the other boy and Jong had gone to the right. She thought her chances were probably better if they fought against the pretty, girly boy and his friend, rather then the two patrolling the area in the opposite direction.




They stumbled off into the darkness of the hallway.





"So, whats your name?" Ji Ae asked, trying not to pant. As someone who was a skilled voice-thrower, aka a ventriloquist, she had taught herself to be able to have a better air capacity. But even now, while dragging around the girl, she felt like her lungs were going to explode.


"Sanghee. Shin Sanghee."


"Oh. My name is Lim Ji Ae."


They continued to make their way down yet another hallway, both wishing they could just find the freakin' exit already. They had come across numerous rooms, and it was plain to see by the furnishings, that whoever opened the hide-out they were in, was filthy rich.


A slight moan interrupted her train of thought, and Sanghee and her made eye contact before glancing down. The girl hanging between them twitched, before raising her head and looking around.


"Whu-where am I? What the hell?"


"Are you alright?"


The girl rolled her shoulders before standing up straight as Sanghee and Ji Ae release her arms. They started to walk in the same direction while the girl replied.


"Yeah, but I have one hell of a headache."


Sanghee grinned slightly, "Yeah, well, that makes two of us."


"Make that three," Ji Ae added, before smiling as the other two chuckled and grinned in response. "What's your name? I mean, if we're going to be stuck together trying to find the damn exit, we might as well get to know each other."


"Jinri. But you can call me Jinjin, I'm 18."


"I'm Ji Ae, I'm 19. Let's try not to bite off each others head's like last time." Jinri gave her a withering look before nodding and letting out a dry chuckle.


"Fine. But you started it." Chosing to ignore her, Ji Ae gestured to Sanghee to introduce herself.


"Okay, then you can call me Sanghee, or 'Eyes'. I'm 20."


The two girls just looked at each other before glancing back at the girl.


"Eyes?" Ji Ae questioned, at the same time Jinri asked, "20?"


Sanghee shrugged, "It's a...childhood nickname, I guess you could say. And yes, I'm 20. Which means I'm older then both of you. Which means you should call me unnie," she gave them an evil smile.


They looked at each other again before Jinri shrugged. "Okay. So where do we go, ajumma."




They laughed, and for a moment, they forgot they were in a creepy dark hallway with apparently no way out.


The moment was ruined though when there was the sound of distant barking in the opposite direction they were heading. Sanghee was still walking when Ji Ae grasped her arm and Jinri paused.


"Did you hear that?" The two younger girls looked at each other while Sanghee quickly replied with a 'yes'.


"A dog? With how far we've been walking, there is no way we could be hearing the outside world from all the way in here." Ji Ae muttered.


"Um, guys," They both looked at Jinri, who suddenly look a little queasy. "I don't think thats a pound or an animal store we're hearing."


"Obviously," Ji Ae replied, while Sanghee continued to look a little out of it. The barking continued to get louder as they paused in their steps.


"Guys," Jinri swallowed, hard. "I think we're being chased. By dogs. And they don't sound friendly."


They all looked at each other before Ji Ae shouted the one thought they all shared. "Run!"





I like this chapter better then the last one-sorry if the last one seemed a little off-I think I was a little frustrated and annoyed with how derpy my laptop was being, so I didn't really try to feel any attachment to that chapter, and typed it out weird :/

Ho hum~ 'Hodong' makes me giggle, I had to put that in there~ I wonder where the other members are~ I wonder who 'Jong' and the guy he was with are? I wonder who the 'Hyung' is? I mean, if the guy with the lisp is referring to him as 'hyung' then he couldn't possibly part of Infinite...right? But then again, who is the guy with the lisp? Hohoho~

Ah, poor Ji Ae, Jinri and Sanghee, all getting lost in the hallways~

Then getting hounded by dogs~ (Ahhh I crack myself up sometimes XD hahahaha)

I wonder where they aaaare~ Muhahahaha

-<3-Comment Replies-<3-


fatieynmanmanhani : Hahaha weeeell I can't say who it is, though I'll point it out eventually~
Aaaand noooo, it wasn't the girl who screamed that, silly, the girl who said that was Ji Ae-she can throw her voice, and she did it to distract Jinri from annoying her~
Yesss, Infinite is scary~ They are all mutants that want to eat small children and kittens and puppies, and burn random cities during fits of their superiority complexes ~ XD Hahaha Bad Infinite, Bad!


wynthe: Weeeell technically its not some sort of Power, a Power being an ability that the normal human body is not physically capable of doing or using-its more of a skill-you can train your body to do it, but its extremely difficult (I spent like half an hour researching it online so I didn't sound too fake while I was describing it haha). Yep, three girls down, only 3 more plus a boy, to go~ (Ooh that rhymed!) It's going to be fuuun introducing the guy and the other girl characters~

Yeah, I just figured out who has what power, but I'm interested in what you guys think could be Powers Infinite has~Maybe I'll change them too if I get any interesting suggestions hehe The guy who hushed her to sleep iiiisn't really doing that because she's special, he's more so doing that because its a habit he does to people before he makes them sleep. Making people fall asleep in one of his Powers~ To prevent myself from having to explain again in the story, I'll just stop there-Buuut hopefully, I'll be able to explain within the next chapter or two or three ;)

What's more terrifying-the known, or the unknown? Which do you depend more on, your own eyesight and your other 4 senses, or stories that have been fed to you since you were young, all the while during a war that changed everything for the human race? I wonder... ;)

Why thank you~I'm very flattered XD Actually, I was planning on doing that right now-I'll be posting them below in the 'P.s.' comment section thingie-just for anyone who is curious as to what the girlies look like (though I'm only showing the 3 girls so far). I forgot to describe Jinri and Sanghee, so yeah, the photos are again for anyone that wants a better idea of the characters in their heads. Oh thank you very much X) haha

Yeaaaahh...I've been noticing them too-I swear I'm not this stupid in real life! I know the differences between your and you're, and there, their, they're, and to, too, two and all the other little grammar things-and my spelling isn't usually this bad-I feel like I'm getting dumber the more time I spend away from school  (I start it again this friday, urgh...) XD haha Really, I'm not this dumb, I'm just lazy, I promise haha But if it'd help you and the other readers get more into the story, then alright~ Would you like me to send you a draft of each of my chapters after I finish writing them? I think it'd be easier if I just put them up and then you came online and edited them-I can give you my password if you want so you can access my account :)

No problem with the chapter thing-you guys are such awesome readers and commenters, so if there is a special occasion where one of you has something important going on or starting, I wouldn't mind adding another chapter ahead of time so you can enjoy something else on that day~

Heck, I WAS frustrated XD I wanted to falcon punch my laptop, or at least do a fail imitation of a karate kick through it. But I thought the chapter could have been better, so I ended up just shrugging it off and trying it again-the version I gave you guys of Chapter 5 was a looot better then the finished product before, but it was just plain annoying that i had to do the entire thing again from scratch. :/ Oh well, thats what you get when you work with a laptop that has a gimpy wire in it.


IHeartHelloKitty : I'm glad things have cleared up a bit for you XD It's no fun reading a story you're confused with all the time~Who do you think said it-Private Message me, Private Message me, I wanna know your guess~ :) 
Oh good, so I'm not going too slow? Whew, okay, well just to let you know there are several more people that have yet to be introduced :) I'll try not to rush or be too slow with adding them in the story~
Yeah, the Legends and stories about Infinite are freaky haha Those little weird mutants
Well right now I'm doing like 2 or so updates a day, and I guess you could say its both from excitement and me wanting to get as much out before school begins again for me-I don't know if I'll be distracted from this or be even more inspired from the stress I'll be dealing with-I really have no idea what's going to happen to my creativity flow with BHS once it begins on Friday :/ I'll try to update everyday or so, though!
Well, I dunno, I just retyped the beginning to the part where she gets put to sleep again-the rest was orginally the beginning of this chapter. It wasn't hard to retype, as I basically just had to reword the Chapter 1 but into her POV, but it was frustrating to say the least, and a little boring for me haha XD

zenlovers: But you made the character D: I should have remembered that as the author, but for some reason I forgot! I'm so sorry!! I'll try not to mess anything else up on her profile!!
Yeah, I thought she seemed like the type who was sarcastic, short tempered and hot headed haha Again, if there is anything you'd like me to change, just say so~
Maybe Sunggyu was with someone else, instead of Woohyun or Hoya ;) Even though we all know he'd rather be with the GreasyWoo then with the other guy haha
Nah, Sanghee's more...unique, whereas Ji Ae's ability is just a physical skill-anyone can learn how to throw their voice in real life, its just extremely difficult apparently, and you need to be really patient. Though, if you do want to change something about Jinri, just send me a Private Message on my profile and I'll see what I can do :)I hope I can get rid of that confusion eventually-unfortunately this chapter is probably just going to confuse you more, but don't worry-I promise everything will clear up within the next two to three chapters-if you're still confused after those, just let me know and I'll answer all your questions that I can :)

Whoo~ I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~

Again to Jaimee and anyone else who has just started school or will be soon:




P.S. Do you guys have any suggestions on what abilities each Infinite member should have? Some of their abilities have already been exposed (4 Infinite members, actually, some much more oviously then others) But if your suggestion is interesting and unique and I think it fits the member well, I'll switch out one of the remaining 3 members Powers with that said suggestion~

P.S.S. If you guys would like to know what Jinri, Ji Ae and Sanghee look like, here you go~:

Jinri (Aka. Model Choi Handeul)

Ji Ae (Aka. Model Lee Nu Ri)


Sanghee (Aka. Model Do Hwae Ji)

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BHS Chapter 33 Up!


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wynthe #1
Chapter 33: Short it may have been but it definitely was still entertaining. :D Ooo, I'm so curious to see where Sanghee's Power has developed in the end there, because I don't recall anything about it at all! XD So awesome.

On that note, I love how you identify Hoya's 'Hero Complex' because it is so true. Even when temporarily deaf (at the moment I'm guessing it's just temporary because of the explosions) he still finds time to run off and help with the battle, though you'd think he'd follow them to protect them just to make sure if they were ambushed.

2NE1 is quite intimidating and creepy in this chapter. Don't worry, I could tell who was who. And I wonder where Hyunseung went. I don't trust him. He's tagged again or something isn't he? And I liked Sungjong's stubborness on helping out in the battle. Small addition, but good for the character. :) And I've recently developed a slightly bigger liking for TVXQ, so am interested in seeing them more too. *gasp * And JYJ? O.O Scawy.

Looking forward to the next chapter. :D
Chapter 33: four in all….
2NE1. THIS HAS TO BE 2NE1! *spazzes like crazy* 2NE11111111111 <3 yah CL don't be so ____y -.- and whoa minzy with attitude! :D omg hahhaa *is having fun here* omg bom is creeping me out. majorly. but it's so cool to see 2NE1 in these bad girl positions >:D makes me like them more!

Hahahaha annyeong unnie! i missed you heaps :( but i know how you feel, my school is gettings seriously busy too *singapore education system*.... T^T but the story was awesome! i though the different points of view melded perfectly together and the scene itself is confusing to your splitting the different povs actually made it somewhat clearer in my opinion ^^ one person in such a scene would have been really confused... anyway i missed reading your stuff! i'm glad you haven't forgotten this though (or imma fly over and shove a laptop in your hands ;) and stare at you until you write SOMEthing xD)

hahahaha how have you been apart from school though? ^^v
Chapter 33: ahh poor Hoya, he cant hear anything because those bomb :/ hope he's jelly with Sungjong ;p
Max & Yunho is really helpful xDD
im waiting for Woohyun/Jinri moment y'know -___-v
wynthe #4
Chapter 32: (cont...)

I didn't expect BoA to have the cure, but I should have. She's evil! T^T And for some reason I am suspicious of Hyunseung. And Sunggyu! T^T Ever since he released his solo album I've been paying more attention to this man. Hope he comes back to the light!

I really am, overall, looking forward to seeing where everything is going. Final confrontations, how it will all end, if anyone actually gets maimed or dies or something. I wonder when the others will learn about Sanghee (I don't recall the rest knowing) and I'm curious to see her use her powers more, if she will at all. But I'm also very excited for some more Taejoong and... someone... else. *shifty eyes* If you're going to do anything with him still. :3

Will be subbing for Eve of Destruction now too. I'll try to give some better review depth in the next chapter. ^^; Keep up the good work! Thank you! XD
wynthe #5
Chapter 32: Heeellloooo! Long time, huh? :D To start off, I am still in love with this story. A few things are a bit confusing at the moment because I haven't read the earlier chapters in a while and so have forgotten some things, but when I read Eve of Destruction I think everything will make more sense. :D

But this version is almost done?! O.O Woo! I'm excited to see how you finish it all off! With the romances and everything, too. I like how you've been developing the relationships between these characters, to be honest. It's a steady and realistic pace, so I hope the romances, when it comes to the end, aren't hurriedly wrapped with a bow, if you know what I mean?

We've seen some Super Junior! XD Do you still have the link to the Suju-teaser I made for you? Could totally post that, even if they don't feature much at all.

:3 The scenes with Hoya and Sanghee, admittedly, made me grin. ;) And Taejoong! XD I love his interactions with Soojung and such on the jet. Hehehe. I have to remember who the other OC's are because it's been a while, but it's good to see everyone again. I loved the scene where Franny is trying to persuade Daesung - and then Seungri appears and it looks like they'regoingtobattle! T^T Poor Daesungie!

kpopluv7 #6
Chapter 22: Hi, new reader here! This story is awesoooooome!
I'm already soooo addicted to this and I have exams, not so good, but I don't care, this is too good :)
I'm still at chapter 22, but I'm getting there, hehe.
But I'm confused with something. Ji Ae is a human but then what's with the sounds she can make? And at first I thought Mei had powers too because she learned how to use those weapons so fast, haha, guess not.
It's actually weird that the girlls want to get rid of their powers, I mean I do understand them but I would feel awesome if I had powers, HAHA.
Aaaand I hope I will find out more about Sanghee's powers (and I also secretly hope they will all just keep their awesome powers and Sungyeol will regain his).
Great story, you gained yourself a new subbie ;) <3
wondering if Sunggyu still alive or not…
hope so, gahhh U-Kiss will pay a visit to hospital someday Dx
wish Tablo in there and help them :/
Chapter 32: Oh hyell nawww you did Not just leave that cliffhanger at the end of the chapter DX
Myungsoo and the girl is going to be ...DDD= ...Have a very very bad experience...

Kyuhyun! omergeee yippie some more boys that I know XD Towards the end of the battle scene... I thought Max was still with Sofia? or was that supposed to be Sungmin? the beast... who called it? ohh~ more mysteryyy...

OMG I really want to see the battle with homin, sofia, the bits of infinite and hyungseung... 8D

so, none of the research team decided to relay info to people not of AHA association? Well, BoA must either be too good (aka they are like dead) or they are too scared (aka kept under lock and key)
btw I want to know... Does Sungyeol have to know where to go to get there or could he just think of something(one)? e.g. Could he just say want to teleport to the place beside Sunggyu or does he have to say want to teleport to a place like the building over there (or something)?

Also, about your a/n... Singapore IS a country (island country to be exact). A city-state but is still a country. It was occupied by the British but then declared independance from it together with Malaysia and then decided to become a republic (seperating from Malaysia) in 1965.
Chapter 31: The Switch? ohhhh got a clue in which how they brainwashed the s4s16s XD

...why did sofia suddenly wanted to help them? like just from their outbursts that it's been and still is a war (that the s4s16s are losing badly) and she's their last hope? haaaa~~~~ she's really mysterious huh?
Chapter 31: The new hunter, is he Sunggyu? Oh wow, the story develops so far, now I can't imagine what will happen to the infinites if they see sunggyu has become a hunter

Nice story :D