Can i believe you? - 2

Being happy is not easy

Tiffany's thoughts:

That morning i felt so tired. Everything of my body hurted. I went downstairts in the kitchen and i saw Jason.

Tiffany: Jason, i have to stay at home today.

Jason: Whyy?

Tiffany: I'm too tired. I can't go to school like this. It will be too painful for me.

Jason: You mean not school .. to stay with me all day .. at this house ..  are you sure?

I lowered my head because i knew what was that meaning ..

Jason: I knew it. Now go to school.

I sighted and went upstairs to get ready.


Luhan's thoughts:

Luhan: You should come to my house sometime ; )) - he smiled and winked to some girl.

Taeyeon: Luhan, do you know, where is Tiffany?

Luhan: Yesterday, she was at my house, we were practising our lines and suddenly she noticed that she was late for home.

Taeyeon: Ohh ..

Tiffany was late again. What was happeing with her .. ?

I sat on my place and looked to Mr. Turner who was speaking somethings, for which i wasn't giving a .

Suddenly, the door opened and Tiffany came in.

Tiffany: I'm sorry, i'm late.

She apologised and sat on her place.

Mr. Turner: Okay, it's not a problem. Everybody, go to your partners and have some practis for the lines!


Tiffany's thoughts:

Oh, great. Now, the stupid lines.

Luhan came and sat on my place.

Luhan: What's up, sweetie? ;)

Tiffany: Don't call me like that!

Luhan: Wow .. somebody is angry. Why are you so late again?

Tiffany: I overslept .. that was the reason that yesterday i had to be at home at 8:00. I always get in bed early, because i need more sleep. - this was sort of true.

Luhan: I got you. C'mon, we have to practise the lines.

Tiffany: I don't want to.

Luhan: Why?

Tiffany: I just don't want to. - Luhan grabbed my hand. - Let me go!

I screamed and everybody looked at me.

Luhan: Oh god .. just calm down okay? I was just joking.

I took a breath and went to the corner in the room.

Luhan: What is happening with you today?

Tiffany: Why are you questioning me??

Luhan: Do you want to practise the kiss?

Tiffany: NO!

Finally, the school alarm rang and i grabbed my bag, but it was opened so all the papers fell on the ground.

Tiffany: Thanks.

Luhan: Hey, what happend to your neck? - surprised.

Tiffany: Nothing. - I grabbed my bag.

Taeyeon: C'mon Tiffany.

We left the room and went to our lockers.

Taeyeon: Hey .. what is happening? Do you have some secret boyfriend or ..

Tiffany: NO! - i put my jacket on the locker.

Taeyeon: Then what is this?

Tiffany: Nothing, okey?

Luhan: It looks like a hickey. - he laughed and went to his locker.

Tiffany: Luhan, just shut up okay? I'm tired of your bulls. There are so many girls out there, why don't you pick one of them?! Why me?? My life is already a nightmare and you make it worse. Just stop, okay?? - i locked my locked and runned to the bathroom crying.


Luhan's thoughts:

I was just staying there. I wasn't able to say anything. I didn't know what happend, but i felt really awful.

Kris: Dude, she is crying. You have to apologise.

Lay: That's right.

Luhan: I know .. i'm going to go in her house after school.

I felt really awful. I had never thought that Tiffany's life is so bad. She was looking so perfect.


Tiffany's thoughts:

I missed the Geography class. Taeyeon and Sunny wrote me so many messages, but i ignored them. I went to home. I really wanted to go home, after all that that happened. I got in front of the door and opened it. I entered and closed the door after me.

Jason: Who is it?

Tiffany: M-me.

Jason was staying at the living room. I left my bag on the floor and went to him.

Jason: What are you doing here? - he drank from his bear.

Tiffany: I didn't want to stay at school anymore.

Jason: And you escape from school? - one more sip.

Tiffany: Yes.

He left the bear on the table and stood up. He stood in front ot me and slapped me on my face with all of his strenght. I touched my cheek and started to cry.

Jason: You are so stupid.

Tiffany: I-i'm sorry.

I looked at him with my tearing eyes but he suddenly grabbed my hair and dragged me upstairs.

Tiffany: Oh .. please stop. It hurts!!

I was crying and he ingored me. He took me to his room and pushed me on the bed.

Jason: It's time for fun. ;))

I looked at him and he started to remove his belt.

Tiffany: Jason, NO!!

Jason: What did you said?! No?! You will see what "no" means.!

I started to cry loudly when he suddenly hit me whit his belt. It hurt so much that i screamed.

Tiffany: Jason, please stop!

After a while, he stopped but suddenly climbed on the bed and started touching my body. What was he doing?

Jason: It's time for a new things.


Luhan's thoughts:

Tiffany missed all the classes .. i had to go to her house to apologise. I left the school and crossed the street. I went to her house and knocked on the door. I didn't get an answer. I pushed the door really lightly and it suddenly opened. I entered and saw her bag on the floor .. but where was she? I heard some noise .. Maybe it was going from her room.

Luhan: Tiffany!!

I went upstairs. I went to the room where the noise was coming from. The door was slightly opened and i looked inside. But when i looked i saw Tiffany lying on the floor screaming from pain. And then i saw her brother hitting her with his belt. Oh My God!


On the next day, Tiffany's thoughts:

Finnaly, Friday. I sightend and opened my locker.

Luhan: Tiffany!

Great. Just great. I rolled my eyes and looked at him but he was looking worried.

Tiffany: What, Luhan?

Luhan: Is there something, that you might want to tell me?

Tiffany: No, why?

Luhan: Because .. - looked around and grabbed my hand.

Tiffany: What are you doing??

He took me to the end of the hall.

Tiffany: What the hell are you doing?

Luhan: Yesterday, i came to your house to apologise ..

Tiffany: WHAT?! :O

Luhan: Who was that boy?

Tiffany: What boy?

Luhan: Don't pretend like you don't know .. i heard a noice and went upstairs to see what was going on and i saw you lying on the floor and ..

Tiffany: Luhan.

Luhan: Who was that?

Tiffany: Look, i want you to pretend like you didn't see anything yesterday .. just forget it, okay?

I turned back and went ahead but Luhan followed me.

Luhan: Did he did that hickey on you? Tell me who was that?

I ignored him and continued walking towards the classroom. I entered the room and sat on my desk. Luhan sat right next to me where usually was sitting a boy named Tom.

Tom: Hey, this is my place!

Luhan: Go, find somewhere else.

Tom sat behind us and Luhan put his hand around my chair.

Luhan: Tiffany, talk with me.

His voice sounded sincerely. I looked him in the eyes. I felt like .. i could believe him .. i don't know why.

Tiffany: After school, in your house.

Luhan: Okay. - and he went on his place.

Taeyeon: Hey, Tiffany. - and looked at Luhan's hand.

Tiffany: Heyy, Taeyeon. : ))


After school:

Tiffany: I'm going in Luhan's house.

Jason: Why now?

Tiffany: Because we have to work on our project.

Jason: Be at home at 7:00!

Tiffany: Okay.

I went out of the door and went to Luhan's car.

Luhan: Is everything alright?

Tiffany: Yes, yes. - i put my seat belt.

We were at his house for  5 minutes.

Luhan: Do you want me to carry your bag?

Tiffany: No, thank you.

Why was he trying to be nice? We entered in the living room and Luhan left his bag on the floor.

Luhan: Mom, i'm home. - hi didn't get an answer. - She is probably at work .. you can leave your bag on the floor like me, if you want ..

I left it on the floor and we went in his room. He suddenly changed his t-shirt with another one.

Luhan: Sorry, but this one was tingling. - he laughed.

Tiffany: Oh, nothing. : )

I sat on his bed and he sightned and sat next to me.

Luhan: C'mon tell me.

Tiffany: Luhan, can i believe you? - i looked at him.

Luhan: Avcourse .. probably i have never given you a real reason to think like that, but yes avcourse, you can believe me.

Tiffany: Do you promise?

Luhan: I promise.

I coudn't believe that i was talking with him for this.

Tiffany: That boy yesterday wasn't my boyfriend .. he was my brother.

Luhan: What the ?! - he was shocked - Your brother was hitting you so .. hardly .. - i agreed - basically that means that he is bullying you? - i agreed again - what an ing idiot.

He suddenly stood and grabbed his phone but i stopped him.

Tiffany: No, you promised me Luhan.

Luhan: Yes i know but you shoudn't stay there!!

Tiffany: There's no where else i can go.

Luhan: Where are your parents?

Tiffany: My biological father died years ago, but my mum left us in orphanage because she didn't want to take care of us anymore .. after 4 years when i became 11 my foster parents died in a car accident and i was left with Jason who was already in his 18 ..

Luhan: And every school year i was making fun of you .. i really ..

Tiffany: It's okay .. you didn't know that ..

Luhan: Tiffany, please let me help you.

Tiffany: No, Luhan i can't .. you don't understand .. - my eyes got teary.

Luhan: Noo .. please don't cry. - he grabbed my hand. - C'mon let's just do our practise.

I sat on the floor and started to read my lines.

After 2 hours i looked at my watch and i saw that it was already 6:45.

Tiffany: I have to go.

Luhan: Do you want to drive you?

Tiffany: It will be good. Thanks.

I went downstairs, picked my bag and went to his car. He got his keys and we headed of.

When i was with him i was feeling safe. I don't know why but .. i was feeling really good around him.

We got in front of my house and Luhan stopped the car.

Tiffany: Thanks for the drive. : )

Luhan: Hey, call me back later, i wanna know that you are okey.

Tiffany: Okay, i will do that. And please, don't tell anybody. Please.

Luhan: Okay i wouldn't.

I smiled and went inside my house.

Jason: Right in time. - he shouted from the kitchen. - Come here.

I went to the kitchen and i saw him drinking bear .. he was drunk - perfect.

Tiffany: Yes.

Jason: Are you ready for Friday night .. there's no school tomorrow .. - he smiled and pushed me on the table.

Tiffany: Jason, please leave me alone.!

Jason: I can't .. - he bite his lips - how could our parents made such a beautiful sister to me. - and he started to touch my body.

Tiffany: Jason, we can help you. Just stop drinking and hurting me. Everything will be alright and we could start again. Pleasee ..

Jason: I think, that i like it more that way ..

He smiled and picked me up. He took me to his bedroom .. always the same .. and started hitting me.

I was screaming, shouting, but he was just so captive that he didn't even noticed my screamings. After 5 minutes i couldn't handle it anymore and punched him in his stomach.

Jason: Ah, you little . Come here. NOW!

I tried to escape the room but he grabbed my leg and i fell on the floor.

Jason: That way, it will be more easy.

He punched me with all of his strengh that i lost my consciousness.


Luhan's thoughts:

Tiffany hadn't phone me .. and it was already 11:25 .. I wanted to tell my mum but i promised her not tell anybody ..


Tiffany's thoughts:

My eyes opened slowly. I saw Jason over me and he was continuing. I looked the clock. I was in unconsciousness for about 3 hours. Suddenly Jason stopped and stood up.

Jason: Now, you can go to your room.

I slowly went to my room and brought my phone. I phoned Luhan.

Luhan: Tiffany, are you alright? - i was crying. - Tiffany ..

Tiffany: I-I'm okay .. we will talk tomorrow. Bye ..

I closed my phone and left it on my nightstand.

                                                           To be continued ..


















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fvrdue #1
Chapter 22: OMG pls update asap i wanna read the next chapters !! awh
Chapter 2: Poor tiffany ...
U so bad josan ...
I hate u doing this to tiffany
Chapter 21: Omg!!! This is just my favorite lufany fanfic!!
Update soon author-nim
redvelvetxbap #4
Chapter 21: Please update soon~ ^^
Chapter 20: Luha n u r a jerk. Hiw can u say such that terrible statement
Chapter 20: Hah! Take that Luhan! B|
lee-chan #7
nice i love it