The kiss ..

Being happy is not easy

Tiffany's thoughts:

Saturday morning. The sun was shining straigt in my eyes. I sat on my bed and heard Lay screaming from downstairs:

Lay: O yeaa .. it's time for breakfast.

I brushed my teeth and went there. Luhan's mother obviously wasn't there because the boys were in the kitchen TRYING to cook.

Taeyeon: I think that we'll die.

I laughed and went in the kitchen with Taeyeon.

Tiffany: Guys, what are you doing?!

Everybody looked at me. There was flour all over Luhan's face, Lay had poured all the milk on his shirt, and Kris was dirty with everytihing possible.

Luhan: Look .. um .. this is ..

I laughed and cleaned his face.

Tiffany: I think it's cute and adorable when boys are trying to cook.

Taeyeon: But better, leave this to us. /we laughed/


Luhan's thoughts:

I was flirting with Tiffany all the time. I leaned down to her and looked how she was stirring the eggs.

Luhan: If you want, i can help you.

She laughed and put her hair behid her ear.

Tiffany: No, thanks. I can do this.

Luhan: Do you know that, maybe this is the first time that i make you blush?

Tiffany: I am tottaly not blushed Luhan! /she laughed/

Luhan: What did you say, beautiful? /i winked her/

Tiffany: Why are you flirting with me? I thought that you hate me.

Luhan: Things are changing ..

She smiled and was already ready with the pancakes.


Tiffany's thoughts:

Taeyeon: Tiffany, guess what!

Tiffany: What??

Taeyeon: Kris, just kissed me.

Tiffany: REALLY?! I am so happy about you.

Than the door rang.

Tiffany: I'll open. / i runned to the door and opened it/ Can i help you?


At the door was sitting a really beautiful woman. She was thin and high and with brown hair.

??: Tiffany.

Tiffany: Umm .. yes. How did you know my name?

??: I'm your mother.

My eyes just jumped. I invited her and we sat in the living room. After 10 minutes Luhan's mother came, sat next to me and start talking with "my mother".


Luhan's mother: And how did you say was your name?

??: Stephanie. Stephanie Hwang.

Luhan: Why did you left Tiffany?! Do you know what she was dealing with?!

Tiffany: Luhan, shut up.

Stephanie: I know it was a mistake, leaving Tiffany and Jason, but i had a reason. I couldn't take care of them by myself. I hadn't money or job .. I wanted them to have the best which they deserved ..

Luhan: Well, this wasn't the best thing Tiffany deserved.

Luhan's mother: Luhan, one more word and you gotta go away!

Stephanie: Can you please tell me what happened?

Tiffany: Mum .. um .. Stephanie .. my foster parents died.

Stephanie: Oh my god .. Kim Sooyeong and Kim Junghyun .. your foster parents .. /i nudded/ but i can't understand why are you living here .. here is not your address ..  when i went to the right address the house was empty .. is your brother here??

Luhan: Oh, you don't know about .. --

I hit Luhan to shut his mouth up.

Luhan: Ouchh ..

Tiffany: Jason is in jail.

Stephanie: WHAT?! What can we do? Can we pay the warranty?

Luhan: This idio--- /i hit him again/

Tiffany: Stephanie, you can't pay his warranty ..

Stephanie: What he did?

Tiffany: He .. r- me .. /i start crying/

Stephanie: He? My son?! /i nodded/ I'm sorry for everything ..

She hugged me. I couldn't believe that my biological mother is here .. and hugging me.

Stephanie: I think, i have to visit Jason tomorrow. Do you mind it?

Tiffany: No, after all he is your son.

Stephanie: And you are my doughter .. I wonder if you want to live with me. I have an amazing house in Busan. We can start from the beginning. /she smiled/


Luhan's thoughts:


Luhan: WHAT?! You can't take her .. you ruined her life once and i won't let you do it again!

Tiffany: Luhan! STOP!

Stephanie: I see that you have powerful feels for my daugher and took care of her when i couldn't.

Luhan: Yes, i care about her and i don't think that she should leave. You just jumped from nowhere. /i took Tiffany's hand and pulled her closer to me/

Stephanie: I know that this is strange, but i have an apartment in the end of the street and i want to spend some time with Tiffany. I will stay in Seoul and will find a job just because of you two.

Luhan's mother: This is a good decision.

Stephanie: Luhan.

Luhan: Please, don't hurt her.

Stephanie: Luhan, i know that i messed up everything but Tiffany knows that i love her. I just want to start everything from the beginning .. I promise not to move out from this town.

I nodded and looked toward Tiffany.

I hope everything will be alright.

I don't wanna watch her suffer again ..


On the next day.

Tiffany's thoughts:

Tiffany: Yes, i'm in the team.

Me and mum were walking.

We just finished with lunch i could say that the food in this restaurant was so tasty. But however, we start knowing each other better.

Stephanie: This is great.

When is your fist match?

Tiffany: This Wednesday .. i will surprise if you wanna come.

Stephanie: To see my daughter playing basketball .. I couldn't miss it for the world.

Tiffany: Stephanie, can you tell me something about my father?

Stephanie: Your father .. the love of my life .. /she smiled/

Tiffany: What was his personality?

Stephanie: Just like you .. smart, handsome and really brave .. he could make me laugh anytime.

Tiffany: Where did you met him?

Stephanie: In English class .. your father was really nice ..

Tiffany: Can i see his picture?

She opened her bag and took a picture ..

Stephanie: This is your father.

/she gave me the picture/

Tiffany: His smile is exactly like mine ..

Stephanie: I know. /he smiled/

I hated that i will never get the chance to see or hug him .. tears star falling ..

Tiffany: I miss him ..

Stephanie: I miss him too .. i'm sorry for everything.

Tiffany: It's okay mum i know that you were just trying to protect us ..

Stephanie: You called me mum.

She smiled and hugged me. I went to Luhan's house and entered my room. The phone rang and i opened it.

Taeyeon: How was everything? Will you live with her?

Tiffany: Not yet .. we think that it's earlier for something like this. / i put some cream to my body/


Luhan's thoughts:

I was secretly watching Tiffany's room. She was with shorts and a really y shirt. She will kill me if she notice me.

Tiffany: Okay, Taeng. See you tomorrow.

She smiled closed the phone and put it on the desk.

Luhan: Tiffany. /i opened the door/

Tiffany: Yes.

I entered the room and stood next to her.

Luhan: How was the day with your mother?

Tiffany: Great, i found out many things ..

Luhan: That's great.

Tiffany: What is going on?

Luhan: Listen, Tiffany .. from a very long time i'm trying to say you that---

My mum: Kids, turn off the lights.

I got angry. Everythime someone was interrupting us.

My mum: Luhan, don't forget that you have a fan meeting tomorrow! /she screamed from downstairs/

Wow .. i had completely forgot about that ..

Tiffany: What were trying to say?

Luhan: This should clear everything.

I caught her trough her waist and pulled her closer to me. I looked at her eyes and softly kissed her. It was so amazing.


Tiffany's thoughts:

Wow .. i felt so amazing, that i quickly put my hands on his neck and returned the kiss.

Luhan's mother: OH MY GOD.



                                                                                        To be continued ..























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fvrdue #1
Chapter 22: OMG pls update asap i wanna read the next chapters !! awh
Chapter 2: Poor tiffany ...
U so bad josan ...
I hate u doing this to tiffany
Chapter 21: Omg!!! This is just my favorite lufany fanfic!!
Update soon author-nim
redvelvetxbap #4
Chapter 21: Please update soon~ ^^
Chapter 20: Luha n u r a jerk. Hiw can u say such that terrible statement
Chapter 20: Hah! Take that Luhan! B|
lee-chan #7
nice i love it