At the court ..

Being happy is not easy

On the next day .. - Tiffany's thoughts:

I put my bag in the locker and closed it.

Donghae: Hey, Tiff. : )

Oh my gad! Donghae, the boy who i was in love with last year .. ..

Tiffany: Um .. Heyy :)

I smiled. I didn't even know that he knows my name.

Tiffany: How do you know me?

Donghae: I heard something about you.

Oh, great .. he knows.

Tiffany: Ohh ..

Donghae: But i don't wanna talk about this ..

Tiffany: Really? Then, what you wanna talk about?

Taeyeon was right behind him and was imitating him when i made her a sign to get away.

Donghae: I was thinking about .. umm .. if you wanna come with me on Friday for an ice cream ..

Tiffany: I like it.

Donghae: Great.


Luhan's thoughts:

I was walking through the hall when i saw Tiffany talking with Donghae .. What the hell .. What does he want from her?! I hid behind my locker and carefully watched them.

Donghae: Okay than, i will write you.

Tiffany: And i will answer  you. ;d

She laughed haha it's "so funny" ..

Donghae: Okay, bye.

Donghae bit his lip and looked her from the bottom to the top and then left ..

Luhan: Why were you talking with Donghae?

Tiffany: / rolled her eyes/ Didn't i told you that i don't wanna talk with you!

She went downstairs the hall and i followed her.

Luhan: You didn't meant that Tiffany.

Tiffany: No! I meant exactly that.

Luhan: Why do you hate me so much?! I allow you to insult me as much as you want.

Tiffany: Sorry, i'm not like you. I don't treat people like that without a reason .. / and she left again/

Luhan: Just, don't go out with Donghae! /i followed her/

Tiffany: Why?

Luhan: Just because i'm saying it.

Tiffany: Sorry, but your mother wants me to have a normal life and that includes dates with boys ..

I got angry .. i didn't know why i even didn't like her .. she went to the classroom and i followed her.

Taeyeon: Oh my gad! I wanna know everything!

I sat behind them and listened how they were laughing and talking about Donghae .. "Donghae is so y", "Donghae has a beautiful smile", "Donghae that, Donghae that .. "

Kris: Dude, stop staring at them.

Luhan: I'm not watching them, i'm just watching out of the window ..

Kris: Yea, i believe you. /he laughed/

Why does Tiffany wants to go out with Donghae at all .. He looks good, but i look twice better.


After the classes:

Luhan: But why?

Tiffany: Luhan, i have to go training. Leave me alone.

Luhan: Just tell me why you wanna go out with him. /i stood in front of her/

Tiffany: Because Luhan, i have a crush on him since last year .. I am in 11 class and i didn't had a boyfriend since 7 class .. so, if you know what i'm sayin.

Luhan: I can be your boyfriend.

Tiffany: Nice joke.

She pulled me away and entered the sport hall. But the strange thing was that i didn't know if i was joking or if i really meant it .. But noo .. it was a joke .. probably ..

I sighed and entered after her.

I should stay there and watch her training and after that take her and go home.

While she was training i took my phone and wrote on Twitter: "@Luhan123 is watching @TiffanyHwang while she is training .. she just killed them all <33" Some fans maybe wonder why i post the heart after Tiffany's name but .. Soon or late we will be together. I don't know but i think that i really like Tiffany ..


Tiffany's thoughts:

Trainer: Okay, arrange to column everybody!

I was first. I saw Luhan talking with some girl and rolled my eyes. The trainer blew the whistle and i ran. I ran the distance less than 20 seconds. 

Trainer: Good job, Tiffany.

Tiffany: Thanks. /and drank my water/

Trainer: Okay grils, you're free.

We took our bags and left the hall.

Sunny: God, i really hate competing with Eunjung .. she is always faster than me ..

Tiffany: She is not that fast. /i laughed/

Sunny: Easy to say. /she laughed/ So how is it going with Luhan?

Tiffany: Nothing special .. by the way i have a date with Donghae on Friday.


I laughed really hard and agreed. Than changed up and closed my locker.

Tiffany: He asked me if i wanna go with him for an ice cream.

Sunny: Ohh .. for ice cream .. ice cream. /she laughed/

We laughed and left the dressing room.

Luhan: Tiffany, i'm waiting you.

Tiffany: I'm coming .. bye Sun, see you tomorrow.

Sunny: Avcourse, and tell me if that Eunjung teases you again!!

I laughed and hugged her.

Tiffany: Okay, i love you. Bye.

I smiled and went to Luhan's car.

Luhan: You are late enough.

He opened me the door. WHAT?! Did he just opened me the door?!

Tiffany: Thanks ..

Luhan: No problem.

He closed the door after me and went to the other side of the car.

Luhan: So .. about that Donghae ..

Tiffany: Oh .. Luhan, not again ..

Luhan: Oh c'mon Tiff .. why would you go out with him?! I can call you Tiff, right?

Tiffany: Only Taeyeon and Sunny were calling me like that ..

Luhan: I know that you like calling you Tiff, so i'm gonna call you like that.

I smiled and he looked me surprised.

Luhan: WOW, was this a smile?!

Tiffany: NO, /i smiled agai and bit my lips/

Luhan: You have a beautiful smile. You should smile often.


We entered the house.

His mother: Tiffany, are you ready?

Tiffany: Yes, i'm coming after a second.

I went upstairs and changed myself. Am i nervous? Yes avcourse .. after all i will see Jason .. I looked in the mirror and went downstairs.

His mother: You look great.

Tiffany: Thanks.


Luhan's thoughts:

This is the first time i'm seeing Tiffany with a dress .. And .. she looks so y ..

We left the house and went up in my mother's car.

My mum: By the way Luhan, your father is coming.


My mum: Yes.

Luhan: COOL.


We travelled about 1 hour to the court .. and Tiffany was sleeping on my shoulder ..

My mum: Ohh ,, you two look so cute together. ^^

Luhan: Muum .. Really?

Mum: I'm just sayin. /and she laughed/

Luhan: Tiff, wake up. We arrived.

Tiffany: Oh, so fast.


Tiffany's thoughts:

We went out of the car and entered the building.

I am so nervours that i'm gonna see Jason again. We went to the courtroom and sat.

Judge: Hwang Mi-young.

Tiffany: What?

Judge: Do you want to ..

Tiffany: What?!

Judge: Just come, and sit here.

I went in front and sat.

Judge: Put your hand on the Bible. /i did it/ Do you swear, to tell only the truth?

Tiffany: Yes.

Judge: Bring him here.

I saw Jason coming with handcuffs on his hands. He was looking at me and whispered me "i love you". I looked down and felt the tears falling .. Jason's lawyer - Kim Jonghyun came toward me:

Jonghyun: So, Tiffany you told those people here, that Jason was you for 4 years.

Tiffany: That's right.

Jonghyun: Through those 4 years have you ever wanted to tell somebody or just run away?

Tiffany: Yes, so many times.

Jonghyun: But you never did this.

Tiffany: Because i knew that they will send me to an orpahanage and will seperate me from my brother.

Jonghyun: But didn't you wanted to be separated from him? To be far away from the person who was you every day.

Tiffany: That's right. But orphanage is not a good solution. They just take children for money .. i'm not stupid.

Jonghyun: But why would you want to be in a same house with a person who you every day? It seems like you wanted to be like that.

Luhan: This are bulls!

Judge: Watch out Luhan. I also want an autograph after that.

Tiffany: Why a girl would want to be from her own brother every day?!

Jonghyun: You tell me.

Tiffany: I had never wanted him to do this to me. /tears start falling/ You weren't there when i was screaming and crying and asking him to stop. He is my only relative and even when he did all of this things to me i still love him. He is my brother. I just want somebody to help him.

Jonghyun: So, you are saying that you still love him after all these things that he did to you, right?

Tiffany: /i looked toward Jason/ We grew up together, don't you have a brother or sister?

Jonghyun: Yes, i have a sister.

Tiffany: Okay, than even if your sister did something really awful or wrong would you stop loving her?

Jonghyun: We aren't talking about me. We are talking about you. I don't have any other questions.

I stand up and sat to my place. After 5 minutes, the judge stand up.

Judge: I blame the defendant for . You are taking 10 years punishment. The meeting is over. Everybody can go out.

They caught Jason and took him into the jail. But he suddenly stoped and looked at me.

Jason: I'm really sorry. I will always love you, shortie. /he looked toward Luhan and his mother/ Please take care of her. She deserves a family.

Luhan's mother: We will do this.

And they start pulling Jason again.

Tiffany: WAIT. / i runned and hugged Jason/ I forgive you.

Jason: I prayed for that. I hope someday we'll meet again.

I agreed and cleaned my tears when they took him to jail.

We arrived at home and i went to my room. After 5 minutes Luhan came and sat next to me.

Luhan: Tiff, are you okay?

Tiffany: I don't know .. part of me wants him to take his deserts but at the same time i will miss him. He wasn't drunk all the time and wasn't me all the time. Sometimes we were going at a cinema, or we were walking at the park. Most of the time he was a good brother. Without him i feel lonely.

Luhan: You are wrong. You have me, my mum, your friends and avcourse Kris and Lay. And even if you think of me like an i will be always here if you need something.

I smiled and looked at his eyes. He is cute and sweet and god i had never noticed how beautiful eyes he has.

He bent toward me when the door opened.

His mother: Kids, come to dinner. /we jumped/

Tiffany: Umm .. i think that we should go to have a dinner.

Luhan: Yes .. probably.


Luhan's thoughts:

She stood up and left the room. Thank you mum .. i was so close to kiss her .. so close ..



                                                                                         To be continued ..














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fvrdue #1
Chapter 22: OMG pls update asap i wanna read the next chapters !! awh
Chapter 2: Poor tiffany ...
U so bad josan ...
I hate u doing this to tiffany
Chapter 21: Omg!!! This is just my favorite lufany fanfic!!
Update soon author-nim
redvelvetxbap #4
Chapter 21: Please update soon~ ^^
Chapter 20: Luha n u r a jerk. Hiw can u say such that terrible statement
Chapter 20: Hah! Take that Luhan! B|
lee-chan #7
nice i love it