Chapter 10: Cuddles, Flowers, and everything Fluffy


The next day, Taemin woke up enveloped in Minho's arms. "I guess this is becoming sort of a tradition. I've got to tell Jongin all about this when I get back," he thought, gazing back at Minho. He dug himself deeper into Minho's chest, hoping the older boy wouldn't wake up, but he chose that exact moment to open his eyes. Taemin coughed nervously, embarrassed that he had been caught cuddling with a boy he met only a few days ago. "God, he's going to think I'm so creepy and weird," Taemin thought again. To his surprise, Minho grinned widely. Taemin was dazed by his brightness, and he smiled back awkwardly. Minho held him closer to his chest, petting his head. 

"Hi Taeminnie," Minho whispered.

"Hey Minho," Taemin replied, still feeling a bit embarrassed from earlier. Minho smiled again, and Taemin couldn't help but smile back sincerely.

"Do you want to pretend to be asleep so they'll make breakfast for us?" Minho asked quietly. Taemin nodded and smiled mysteriously, happy to share a secret with Minho. "Minho really brings out the sunshine in me," Taemin thought before Minho pulled him in close, placing Taemin's head on his strong chest. The two boys lay there, drifting in and out of sleep to the sound of each other's breathing.


"Oh my god you two are so adorable together!" Kibum said loudly, alarming Taemin and Minho. They quickly jumped away from each other, embarrassed that they were caught. They blushed and avoided each other's gaze. Kibum just laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I remember when Jonghyun and I were this nervous around each other." He laughed. "You guys will confess eventually," Kibum said, chuckling. At that moment, Jonghyun got up and rubbed his eyes.

"Hi there Jjong," Kibum said quietly, ruffling Jonghyun's hair. He smiled sleepily and giggled, looking up at Kibum.

"Hey Kibum, what's for breakfast?" Jonghyun asked. Jinki sat up at that moment, and everyone looked at Minho and Taemin.

"Must we?" Minho asked, sighing. They all nodded, so Taemin and Minho stood up to go get food. Once they were a little ways from the rest of the boys, Minho spoke.

"I guys we couldn't avoid it in the end," he said, sighing.

"It's okay," Taemin said, looking up at Minho and smiling sweetly. Minho blushed, looking at the ground. Suddenly, he grabbed Taemin's hand and started running.

"Where are we going," Taemin said frantically. Minho sat down suddenly, pulling Taemin next to him.

"Aren't these flowers pretty?" Minho said, pointing to a small bush covered with pale blue and white flowers. 

"You ran all the way here for some flowers?" Taemin asked, still panting. Minho smiled, dazzling Taemin for the second time that morning. Minho started picking the flowers.

"What are you doing?" Taemin asked. Minho just grinned at him.

After a few minutes, Minho looked up and placed the flowers on his head.

"I made you a flower crown," Minho said proudly. Taemin blushed and smiled, touching the flowers on his head and adjusting them so they wouldn't tickle the fur on his ears.

"How do you do that?" Taemin asked.

"I'll teach you!" Minho responded excitedly. He picked 15 of the flowers from the bush, and demonstrated how to stitch the flowers together. When Taemin finished his, he placed it gently on Minho's head. Minho smiled so wide Taemin thought his face might burst. 

"Let's go get some food now," Minho said happily. Taemin groaned.

"I'm so tired, do I have to get up?" Taemin said sadly. Minho just shrugged his shoulders and helped Taemin get on his feet. As soon as he was standing up, Minho grabbed his arms and wrapped them around his neck. He then picked up Taemin's legs and proceeded to give him a piggy back ride around the land. Taemin giggled and laughed the whole way.


Back with Jonghyun, Kibum, and Jinki, Jinki was sighing.

"The four of you are so terrible," he said, shaking his head. Jonghyun had his arms wrapped around Kibum's waist, and he was whispering in his ear. At Jinki's outburst, the two boys just giggled.

"You're just a lonely old fart," Jonghyun said jokingly, nuzzling in Kibum's neck. 

"I'm not a lonely old fart!" Jinki exclaimed, standing up and starting to walk toward Jonghyun, but he tripped in the process.

"An awkward lonely old fart!" Kibum added, and Jinki rolled his eyes and laughed along. After Jinki adjusted himself and sat back down, Kibum spoke.

"Speaking of couples, what's going on with Taemin and Minho?" he asked.

"Aren't they ing already?" Jonghyun said. Jinki rolled his eyes.

"They're so young, come on," Jinki responded.

"Well, we're the same age as them, and we're-" Kibum said.

"No, no, no, no I do not need to hear about your life," Jinki interrupted loudly. Jonghyun and Kibum laughed. Taemin and Minho soon arrived back, carrying food with them.

"Thank god you guys, I'm starving!" Jonghyun exclaimed.

"Why didn't you guys just make food yourselves then?" Minho asked. Jonghyun looked down at his lap, and Minho and Taemin laughed. They handed out the food to everyone.

"Wait, are those flower crowns? Did you guys make them for each other?" Kibum asked, pointing to Minho and Taemin's heads. Minho and Taemin blushed. Kibum laughed.

"You guys are seriously adorable. I can't even," Kibum said lovingly. Minho and Taemin blushed harder, looking at their laps awkwardly.

"Just already," Jonghyun muttered, and Minho and Taemin's eyes widened, their blush deepening further. JInki gave him a withering look, and Jonghyun looked down at his lap.

"So, we'll leave in a few, alright?" Kibum said loudly, trying to lighten the mood a little bit. Everyone nodded and smiled, excited for what their adventure may bring.


This is the author! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I haven't been busy, I've just been lazy :3. Please please PLEASE upvote, comment, and subscribe. These kitty cats need your love to keep up with their quest. Saranghaeyo subscribers/readers!

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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 15: This was cute. ^^ I vote for a Sequel, even if just a one shot.
AsiaFanPt24 #10
Chapter 15: It was an amazing and interesting story :) what about a sequel where they meet each other again??? Asking too much????