Chapter 13: Cadell Dote


The next morning, Taemin and Minho were shaken awake by Kibum.

"Wake up you god damn sleepy heads! Why aren't you guys up, you're usually the first ones awake! Make us breakfast," Kibum said loudly. Minho and Taemin sat up slowly, yawning and stretching their arms. Since they had gone to sleep so late, they were both incredibly tired.

"Hey Taemin," Minho said quietly, smiling softly.

"Hey," Taemin responded, wrapping his arms around Minho's neck and pulling him close. Minho pecked Taemin on the lips, both of them smiling and rubbing their noses together.

Jonghyun, Kibum, and Jinki stared at them in shock their mouths hanging open. At that moment, Taemin and Minho noticed the other three boys. They pulled away, smiling and blushing. Suddenly, Kibum started cheering, and the other two boys followed. 

"Oh my god finally! You two are so cute together! My OTP!" Kibum said excitedly. Minho and Taemin chuckled, laughing at the fact that Kibum was probably more excited than they were. 

"Alright, alright, I'll make breakfast today," Jinki said, sighing. The other four boys cheered, resting against each other. Kibum quickly pulled Taemin away to learn all the details.

"So tell me exactly what happened," Kibum said insistently. Taemin shook his head.

"Do I have to?" Taemin whined. Kibum sighed.

"Of course," Kibum said. Taemin rolled his eyes, but proceeded to tell Kibum everything that happened. By the end, Kibum and Taemin were grinning.

"That's so cute oh my god!" Kibum said loudly. Taemin smiled and laughed quietly. 

Meanwhile, Minho and Taemin were talking quietly.

"You really like him?" Jonghyun asked. Minho nodded shyly, blushing slightly.

"You'd better not hurt him. He's too cute for that," Jonghyun said. Minho giggled.

"I could never hurt him," Minho spoke sincerely. Jonghyun smiled and wrapped his arm around Minho's shoulder.

"You'd better him good too," Jonghyun whispered into Minho's ear. Minho blushed, his eyes widening as he looked down at his lap. Kibum, overhearing Jonghyun's comment, slapped Jonghyun's shoulder.

"He's just a baby," Kibum mouthed as he gave his boyfriend a look. Jonghyun just grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. Kibum rolled his eyes and turned back toward Taemin, who was smiling obliviously. At that moment, Jinki returned with food, handing a bit to everyone. They all said thank you, quickly eating.

Once they were done, they all stood up and grabbed their things.

"Cadell Dote is not that far from here. We'll probably arrive by tonight," Jonghyun said. Minho tensed up, and Taemin went over to him to hold his hand.

"I know you'll be perfect," Taemin said quietly. Minho smiled, squeezing Taemin's hand. The five boys walked on.


After a few hours, Jonghyun and Kibum approached Minho.

"Do you want to talk about what you'll say when you arrive?" Jonghyun asked. Minho nodded, pecking Taemin on the lips before walking off with Jonghyun and Kibum. Suddenly, Jinki started walking next to Taemin.

"Hey," Jinki said softly.

 "Hey," Taemin responded and sighed.

"What's up?" Jinki asked.

"I don't ever want to leave," Taemin admitted. Jinki chuckled.

"Well I'm not leaving," Jinki said. Taemin looked questioningly.

"I'm graduating high school soon anyways, and it's not like anyone ack home would care. My parents don't even notice when I'm gone, and you guys are my only friends. Plus, I like being part cat!" Jinki said, smiling. Taemin giggled.

"The tail is really cute," Taemin said. After a few seconds, his smile faded.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. I mean, I have my mom and my best friend, but I honestly feel more comfortable here than I do there. I don't know where home is," Taemin said sadly.

"And what about Minho?" Jinki asked.

"Minho.....well, he's got a really good life in both places......I don;t know. I really don't know," Taemin answered. Jinki nodded, and they walked the rest of the way in silence.


At around dusk, they reached Cadell Dote. The front looked similar to Gatet Dote, except more shabby and dirty. 

"Excuse me?" Jonghyun shouted, the five boys looking around. Suddenly, a smiley boy with big dog ears popped his head out of a window from a tower.

"Hi!" he said loudly.

"Um, could we get in?" Kibum asked.

"Sure!" the boy said, and opened the giant door. As Kibum, Jonghyun, Jinki, Minho, and Taemin began to walk in, the tower boy approached them.

"My names is Hoseok," he said, shaking everyone's hand. "Ooh, Gatet people," he muttered, still grinning. "So, what brings you here?" he asked.

"We'd like to speak to the king," Jonghyun said.

"Alrighty then, I'll take you there," Hoseok said happily, leading them into the town.

It was extremely loud and dirty, everyone seeming to be talking at once. All the Cadellians seemed to be impossibly cheerful, smiling and waving at the group. Hoseok waved back, but the rest of the boys were a little bit frightened. Finally, they arrived at the castle.

"Who's going to see king Namjoon?" Hoseok asked. Minho raised his hand, and Hoseok linked their arms, starting to walk into the castle. When Taemin glared at Hoseok, he let go, and the two boys disappeared into the building. 


After about an hour, Minho emerged from the castle, followed by Hoseok and a dog hybrid dressed in fancy clothes.

"I have decided to accept what you have said," the fancy clothes man said. Suddenly, he grinned and held out his hand. 

"I'm king Namjoon," he said, and shook everyone's hand. "Go tell your king that our armies will not go on your land anymore, and we respect the fact that we are separate countries. We will be giving you boys transportation and food for the journey back. If you'd like, you can stay here for the night. We'll provide some rooms," the king said. The five boys all looked around at each other, then back at the king.

"It would be really nice to be able to stay here," Jonghyun said. King Namjoon grinned.

"Hoseok will show you to your room," he said. Hoseok smiled as the king waved and walked away.

"Let's go!" Hoseok said. They all followed him into a small but cozy building down an alleyway. On the first floor was a cafe serving what looked like tea and pastries. Hoseok led the boys up a set of stairs into a hallway with a few doorways. He pulled a large key ring out of his pocket and opened the door, handing the key to Jonghyun.

"Enjoy your stay!" Hoseok said, and smiled as he shut the door. The room had five medium sized beds, two small desks, and a bathroom. It was a very small room, but the beds looked cozy and the room was warm. Jinki immediately threw himself onto one of the beds.

"Real beds," he moaned, rolling around in the covers. Jonghyun and Kibum chose a bed and quickly crawled into it, cuddling and getting warm.

"Do you want to share a bed?" Minho asked Taemin.

"Don't we sleep together already?" Taemin responded. 

"Well, I wasn't sure because we're in an actual bed this time," Minho said. Taemin nodded, pulling Minho into the bed closest to them. Suddenly, they heard rustling and kissing noises coming from Jonghyun and Kibum's bed.

"No, you two. Some of us actually want to sleep," Jinki said firmly. The noises stopped, and Minho and Taemin giggled. Minho wrapped his arms around Taemin's waist. 

"You know, we'll have to leave once we get back to Gatet Dote," Minho said sadly.

"Jinki's staying here, you know," Taemin spoke.

"Really?" Minho asked. Taemin nodded. 

"And you? What are you doing?" Minho asked. 

"I don't know," Taemin said sadly.

"I'll go wherever you go," Minho said, smiling. Taemin pulled himself closer, burying his head in the older boy's chest.

"I don't want to leave my mom and Jongin, but I don't want to leave here," Taemin said.

"We do both have responsibilities back home," Minho replied.

"Let's go back then. I'll miss this place more than anything, but if you're there with me it will be okay," Taemin said. Minho nodded, kissing the top of Taemin's head.

"Home is where you are," Minho said, and they fell asleep.

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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 15: This was cute. ^^ I vote for a Sequel, even if just a one shot.
AsiaFanPt24 #10
Chapter 15: It was an amazing and interesting story :) what about a sequel where they meet each other again??? Asking too much????