Chapter 3

The stage Kiss : beauty and the beast

Ahh, cant sleep so here another update :) a small chapter



When I opened my eyes, Donghae and Heechul was standing above me. 

"Hyuk! your awake" Donghae said with a worried voice. 

"What happened?" I asked 

"You just suddenly fainted, are you okay?" And he helped me sit up, which made me feel dizzy and I fell back down on the couch. 

"yeah I'm fine, just remembered I haven't eating anything today" All this stress made me forget to eat, how stupid. 

"How  the do you forget to eat.? Hyung will you ask mom to make something for Hyuk" 


"No don't bother, its fine " And I tried to get up. But He pushed me down

"your not getting up yet" he said with a stern voice.  And I looked at him and noticed he was still just in his pants.  We both got quiet for a while. 

"so school and the play is stressing you out`?"  I nodded. 

"If you have to much on your plate, you don't have to help me" he said while looking down. Before I could say anything Mrs. Lee came with a sandwich for me

"I'm sorry sweetie dinner is not ready yet, but eat this while  your waiting"  I sat up, and

"its more then enough Mrs. Lee, thank you very much"  When she left it got quiet again, while I was eating. 

"Hyuk I think you should get some rest, we can do this tomorrow or something" 

"but we don't have much time to memories it" 

"well to be honest, I kinda already have memorized it. I just wanted to get to know you better and needed an excuse. I don't have to many friends here yet, and you seemed nice."

"wait you already have it memorized?"

He wants to get to know me. I was fighting a blush, so had to look down. 

"well,  studies isn't to hard for me, my test scores would always be within top 3 in my class on my last school. "  

What? he's smart, good looking, good at dancing, and good at acting. Wow. 

"so your like a genius then"  He chuckled, 

"not really but something close to it"  I was thinking, I wanted to spend more time with him. 

"then you can help me with the script, and I will let you get to know me better too." 

He smiled, 


After I finish eating, we went over to his place. The room was big. He had a bed, desk, and couch and a Tv in there. He put on a T-shirt.

We sat down on the couch and started reading the script. 

"this is your first time acting right?" I nodded. 

"Well you have to relax and just have fun. When you go over the script, try and get yourself into the feelings. Even when your alone act with feelings."

I nodded, I should try that.  After going over the script few times, we toke a break. And we talked about anything and everything.  I found myself smiling a lot, which he did too. So I asked him,

"so was that your girlfriend earlier?"

"nah, we're just friends"

"what about the one at school?" he smirked,

"she 's just a friend too " I nodded, and was a bit confused. Just friends? I got a text, 

"I  decided that I forgive you for calling me a .  you where probably just stressed. So just buy me flowers and we are good again."  I texted her back

"I think we need a break to think about our feelings" and she texted back


no? she wont let me? what?  I didn't bother to text her back. 

"Hyuk are you ok?"

and Donghae snapped me back

"yeah I'm fine, think I should go though, still have some homework left" 

"okay you want me to take you home?" 

"no its fine" and I smiled.

Honestly I'm terrified of riding a motorcycle. Since dad is a surgeon he has a lot of horror stories about people and bikes. 

When I got home, dad wasn't home yet, so I went straight up to my bedroom. I was doing homework when I heard loud voices downstairs. I opened my door and I hear mom and dad arguing. Which is weird because the never do, at least not when I' m home. I heard my mom say, 

"why are you doing this, you know how this feels and yet your doing it to him" 

"that's exactly why I am  against it, because I know how its going to end, and I don't want him to go through that too"  

What are they talking about. And they just got quiet, and I could hear footsteps towards me and I hurried and shut my door. 

Then I heard my mom yell, 

"your sleeping on the couch tonight" 

What is going on. Was it because of me? what if they got a divorce because of me. Tears started to swell up. Nothing going as I thought after I started the play. Maybe I should just give it up and tears started to run down my cheeks.  Then my phone rang.


"hey Hyuk, still up" 

"yeah" and my voice broke

"hey what's wrong, are you crying?"  I got quiet


"Hyuk I'm coming over"

huh what its already 10 pm, before I could say anything he hung up.  Oh my god is he really coming over.  Around 15 minuets later I could hear his harley outside. And I ran out before he could ring the bell. 

"Donghae you didn't have to come" 

"hey you okay, ?" he looked at me , it was like he was trying to read my soul. 

"yeah I' m fine" 

"but you where crying, I can see it"  I really felt happy that he came. So told him we could take a small walk. 

"so what happened?" 

" Heard my parents fighting, and I think its because of me" 


"no one is really supportive of me doing the play, mom says its okay as long as it doesn't affect my grades and such. Dad hasn't said anything. My befriends and girlfriend is all against it. so been thinking maybe this was a bad idea." 

"but you glow when your on stage, when your acting and specially when you dance, I don't want you to give that up because of others" 

We sat down on the grass close to the house and somehow he had my hands in his hands. And I thought why couldn't my best friends be this supportive. And how warm his hands was. 

"I got scared you know, I thought you had gotten hurt or something bad had happened to you"

 My heart kinda skipped a beat when he said that.  I didn't say anything and was just looking down. And I heard him chuckle. 

"Think I have to go Hyuk, its getting late."

I nodded and we walked back to the house. And he left.  I waited till he was out of sight before I went in. What I didn't know was that someone was watching us the whole time. 

Before I fell asleep, I got a texted

"sweet dreams Hyukkie"

again my heart skipped a beat because of the nickname, i figured i needed one for him too.  And I texted him back.

"sweet dreams Hae" 

I fell asleep with a smile. 


Again thanks for the love and comments, subs and upvotes. see you soon♥♥

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ReadRealize #1
Reading this in 2022. I am way too late
Chapter 8: Ya i love hyuk and hae parents 🤣
969 streak #3
Chapter 8: Thanks for this story! This is such a feel good story for Eunhae day!
Chapter 8: It was so emotional during the play.. Im glad it ended well for both of them.. And their parents are so supportive XD
Chapter 8: so good and cute story but I still want to kill sulli
5ever15 #6
Chapter 8: Awww this is a cute story ^^ i hope you write more haehyuk soon
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh, this story was amazing!!!~~!!!~~ Thankyu author-nim!
tihhs98 #8
Hello, I'm Ti, I live in VietNam.
I have read your story and i like it ^^ So i want to translate it in Vietnamese. I'm going to Cre link your post. I would like to share your story with others. Because it is a good story ! Hope you agree ^^
Lexaaa #9
Chapter 8: It's a very cute story, thanks for writing and sharing :)
Chapter 8: Awww... sweet story~~