Chapter 8

The stage Kiss : beauty and the beast




Before I could even think, I saw Hae speed off. I turned to Sulli,

"you did that on purpose!" 

"well I don't want you with him" 

I was beyond angry, and I walked passed her and 


"yes sweetie?" 

"can you please drive me to Hae's" I said panicking. 

"Pleas mom, I will explain on the way" 


And she picked up her car keys, and drove me to Hae. 

When we got there, he wasn't home. Worse part is he don't have a phone now, so couldn't call him either.

Hope he don't do anything stupid. I need to tell him its a misunderstanding. 

Hours passed by, and he still wasn't home, so mom and I ended up going home. I would try to talk to him tomorrow at school. 

 I was having a hard time falling asleep. What if I lose him? 


The next day I didn't bother to eat breakfast just rushed out, wanted to get to school as soon as possible. Was looking for Hae every where, couldn't find him. Couldn't focus on the classes. I was a mess. 

So had no choice to wait for rehearsals. When I got there, he wasn't here yet.  I was getting restless as time started to go by, he was 15 minuets late, when he suddenly came. I was on the other side of the room, he didn't even look at me, and he walked straight to Heechul. couldn't hear what he said but heard Heechul squeal:

"WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" and he just left. I walked up to Heechul

"what did he say, he is leaving again?" 

"he said he wasn't feeling well, and was afraid he would pass it on to you but promised to be better by tomorrow." 

Tears was swelling up, and I guess Heechul could guess, and he pulled me into his office. 

"so I guess something happened between you two?" 

"so I told him everything" He was quiet for a while when he suddenly said

"Hykjae, don't take this the wrong way, but are you both sure about your feelings? I mean its easy and common to be swept up in the emotions for the play, a lot of people get confused of their own feelings and the fake feelings. I know Donghae is a very good actor, and he does anything he needs to do to get it perfect."  

what is he trying to say, that all this was fake? no can't be, I know what I feel, and Hae loves me back, I just know it. 

"Hyukjae... I'm saying that I'm pretty sure tomorrow when the curtains goes up, Donghae will be in his role, even if you two don't make up, that's how good he is, can you do the same?" 

Tears was falling down my cheeks now, 

"so you're saying, he don't really love me, he is just caught up in the play?"

"I'm saying it might be a possibility even for you too" 

"No I'm pretty sure what I feel" 


"no Hyung," and I left. Still tears running down my cheeks. 

I got a text from Sungmin,

Hyuk, think Sulli is up to something, Sunny told me she saw her this morning talking to Donghae. It didn't look pretty.

I didn't bother to reply. My thoughts was all over the place. Was thinking about our moments together. 

Our first kiss, he did say it was a way for us to act better, maybe Heechul was right, maybe all he did was for the play. 

Maybe Hae really didn't love me back. 

When I got home, mom was already home, 

"Oh my god, are you okay sweetie?" 

And  I broke down again, and mom was holding me tight, and I told her what Heechul said. 

"sweetie, I have seen you two together, I really doubt Donghae is that good of an actor."


I was laying in bed just thinking, really wanted to pull out of the play, but wouldn't be fair to those others who really had worked hard for it too. 


Next day the school day went slow, didn't see Hae anywhere. Sungmin was by my side most of the time. 

Evening came, and time for the play, when i got there, Hae was already there, from the looks of it, he was already in his character, still didn't talk to me. I got ready for the play, had to mentally prepare myself. Put myself into the character.  At least in the play the our characters wouldn't talk much at first.

Must say Hae is really good at acting, no one would know anything happened between us. Everything went well, until the last scene. Which was Hae was hurt and unconscious , and I was suppose to shed few tears and then bring him back with a kiss. 

But when I started crying, tears wouldn't stop, all the feelings past few days came rushing down. The possibility of Hae not loving me back, the thought that I lost him, just made me a crying mess. I leaned down and kissed him, with still tears running down.

"I'm sorry, please come back to me, I can't be without you, I love you "

not exactly how the script was but it was close enough i guess. 

He woke up, and looked at me, and I was still a crying mess. He sat up and toke my face in his hands, wiping my tears. We stared into each others eyes for couple of minuets. The script was Hae would give me a quick kiss then hug me then the curtains would fall. But I guess he got caught up too so instead he said,

"I love you too"

and then kissed me, passionately with tongue and everything and I responded the same way, right there n there I knew, he really loved me too. 

I guess Heechul got tired of waiting for us to stop kissing since it didn't seem like we where going to stop anytime soon, so he got them to lower the curtains. 

The audience started clapping and cheering. 

"Yah! stop kissing and get up and bow to the audience when the curtains goes back up" 

which we did, and we where holding hands both not able to stop smiling.

After the play, the rest of the team came to us, 

"wow that was intense! good job"

While people was congratulating each other, Hae toke my hand and walked us to an empty classroom. 

We both where quiet at first, then Hae broke the silent. 

"Hyuk... I really thought you went back to her, I mean your not really gay, and then the next day she told me, you where just playing along just for the sake of the play. got me thinking, maybe i did pressure you to feel something you didn't feel. But then your friend Sungmin talked to me right before the play and told me what she did to come between us and such"  

Sungmin did? He was really back as my bestfriend.

I toke his hand,

"Hae, yeah I don't think I'm gay since I'm only attracted to you, but I do know I'm in love with you, and thinking that I had lost you hurt so bad, and then Heechul said, since your such a good actor, you might be caught up in the feelings, and that you might not even really be in love with me. 

"what? , Hyuk, I had a crush on you before the play.." 

I blushed, 


"yeah I saw you at a cafe a week before school started, you where eating ice cream and reading a book. I had no idea how to approach you, since later I saw you with your friends and your girlfriend. You have no idea how happy I was when I saw you where in the play with me."

My heart skipped a beat, and was blushing even more now. Then he pulled me close, and we started kissing, started as a sweet one which turned heated fast. 

Suddenly we heard someone giggling, and we looked up, and there was our moms, taking pictures, giggling.

"aww you guys are so cute together"  Hae's mom said,

"looking at their pose and such, I think, my Hyukjae is going to bottom" my mom said. 

"you think so? I think Hae might in the beginning since Hyuk might be to scared, he seem so innocent" Hae's mom said

"Nah He will be gentle with my Hyuk, lets make a bet" 

Both me and Hae was blushing now.

Oh dear god, I swear our moms are not normal just shoot us now really. 


Our family decided that we should go out for dinner, and celebrate me and Hae getting together. 

I don't know how again they ended up talking about us getting engaged. I mean we just got together. 

Crazy part is Hae is  planning it with them, I mean I'm happy he thinks we're going to be together forever and such but still, way to early.

But what really made me almost think this must be a dream and that he is just as crazy as them was, that Hae, suddenly pulled out couple rings for us in front of our parents, putting more into their dreams. 

When he put the ring on my finger, really made me blush and melt at the same time. 

And of course my mom had to come up with a plan again, 

"I think we need to let them have the house for themselves tonight, to seal the deal. "  

she said squealing, and the rest of our parents nodded in agreement, leaving me and Hae blushing again. 


When night came, you could say, we did seal the deal, with love and passion. 


So sorry for taking so long to finish this, but being in pain makes it hard to write fluff and such. Anyways thanks for the love, subs, comments and the upvotes :) you guys are awesome! ciao for now♥♥










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ReadRealize #1
Reading this in 2022. I am way too late
Chapter 8: Ya i love hyuk and hae parents 🤣
970 streak #3
Chapter 8: Thanks for this story! This is such a feel good story for Eunhae day!
Chapter 8: It was so emotional during the play.. Im glad it ended well for both of them.. And their parents are so supportive XD
Chapter 8: so good and cute story but I still want to kill sulli
5ever15 #6
Chapter 8: Awww this is a cute story ^^ i hope you write more haehyuk soon
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh, this story was amazing!!!~~!!!~~ Thankyu author-nim!
tihhs98 #8
Hello, I'm Ti, I live in VietNam.
I have read your story and i like it ^^ So i want to translate it in Vietnamese. I'm going to Cre link your post. I would like to share your story with others. Because it is a good story ! Hope you agree ^^
Lexaaa #9
Chapter 8: It's a very cute story, thanks for writing and sharing :)
Chapter 8: Awww... sweet story~~