Chapter 7

The stage Kiss : beauty and the beast


This is a part of a double update, make sure to read chapter 6 first :)

"Hyuk, I'm going to tell you something, so please don't freak out" 


I just nodded. 


"You know my crush that I was falling for?" I felt a tug in my chest, didn't want to hear about her, but just nodded anyway.


"Well its you"  what did he just says, I don't think I heard it right. 


"what did you just say?" 

"I'm falling for you Hyuk, and I don't know what to do. You have a girlfriend and what I know your not even gay."


I got quiet, what he likes me too, really? And I looked up and he was starting to panic, so I gave him a quick kiss. 




"I like you too Hae.." I said while blushing. 



I nodded and gave him a smile, and he smiled too. And he pulled me closer holding me tight. 


I couldn't stop smiling and I was thinking, this is it, this is how it suppose to be when your with someone. Then I remembered I guess we're not officially yet. I had to end things with Sulli. 

We where about to kiss again, when we heard a knock on my door. And we let go and sat up, right before mom walked in. 

"Hey sweeties, I made you some snacks, and Donghae its to late for you to go home, so just stay here tonight."

I looked at the time, 

"Mom its not even 10 pm" 


"yeah well , its dark outside, and I have already called his dad and let him know" 

I can't believe my mom, I know what she is up too, but her ways is just so extreme. Hae was just smiling. And she was almost skipping out the door. 



"I'm sorry Hae, but my parents..."


"really want us to be together, I know I got the same from mines."  

And he just smiled. 


The next day, waking up with Hae holding me, was an amazing feeling. He borrowed some clothes from me, and we ate breakfast with my parents. Which was teasing us the whole time. 

At school we just acted the way we used to, couldn't really come out as a couple yet, I'm not sure we are a couple until I settle things with Sulli. 

But I couldn't help smiling all the time.And the new attention I got because of my hair was a bit overwhelming too but thinking about Hae made me forget it . 


I was walking down the hall, when suddenly someone grabbed me and dragged me into an empty class room. Of course it was Hae, and he kissed me the second we where alone. 

We kissed for a while, and non of us didn't really want to stop, but lack of oxygen and time for rehearsals made us.

"Hey, missed you Hyuk"  I smiled, 

"Missed you too Hae"  and we walked together to rehearsals. 


When we got there, Heechul had a surprise for us. He had invited mangers from 3 big actor agencies, to the play. Which was a big deal for those who dreamed about being an actor. Like Donghae. If he did well, it would be a big possibility for being scouted. Everyone was exited, until Heechul revealed the downside. 

We had to move up the play a week, instead of next Friday, it would be this Friday, and since it was already Tuesday, we started panicking. So today and Tomorrow we would have to stay longer after school to rehears and finish the stage and outfits.


Later the evening, I got a call from Sulli asking if she could come over tomorrow and talk. Which I agreed on so I could end it with her. 

Same evening Hae, came over, told me his phone was broken, and was in repairs, so wouldn't be able to get a hold of him on his phone  for a week. 

Told Hae that I was meeting with Sulli tomorrow to end it with her, and he asked if I was sure, and I said yeah, I want to be with him.  We where sitting on the couch watching a movie cuddling, when mom came. 

And of course she was squealing when she saw us, 

"sweeties I got a gift for you" 

and she gave me a small plastic bag.  I was exited, its always fun to get a gift. But when I saw what it was think my face turned tomato red.  I didn't say anything, and Hae got curious, 

"what is it?"  

And I still was quiet, shocked at what my mom had gotten me, well us I guess. 

When Hae looked into the bag, he got red too. 

"well I figured you two needed it. "

Mom said so innocently.  I snapped out of my trans

" Mom I can't believe you got us condoms and lube!"

"why not, your to shy to get it, and I know you need it" 

well what do you really say to that?  I just shook my head and dragged Hae to my bedroom. And we heard mom yelling after us,

"remember to put on music so I don't need to hear you guys doing it" 


Ugh she can be to much sometimes. Heard Hae chuckle behind me. 

We where just kissing and cuddling the rest of the evening. 


The next day, during lunch Sungmin and Sunny caught up to me. They apologized for the way they where acting, and said they would come to the play and support me. I said it was ok, although I was hurt but I forgave them. Sungmin wanted to have a minuet with me alone, so Sunny left. 

"Your in love with him aren't you?"

 I must say the question caught me off guard, didn't know what to say. 

"I can tell Hyuk, we've been friends for so long I can read you well" 

I just nodded. 

"you need to end it with Sulli then, but you know it wont be easy, you know how she can be" 

"yeah I know" 

"well you got me and Sunny anyways, and we will support you no matter what now" 

I was happy to hear that, really missed talking to him, opened up to someone about my worries. So  I hugged him, 

"thank you, missed talking to you" 

"I missed you to Hyuk, and I'm really sorry, I guess I was afraid of losing you which made me act stupid." 

After classes Hae and I was on our way to rehearsals, Heechul came to us before rehearsals, and told us he was pretty impressed by our acting and dancing. And to just keep up the good work.

Everything was ready for the play, and tomorrow last rehearsal would have to be perfect, since it was the last one before the show. 


Sullie was suppose to come before dinner, since I told Hae he could come after dinner. But she was running late. 

When she came, we sat in my bedroom, and she said,

"I'm not giving you up" 

"You have to, I'm not in love with you and you know it" 

"but you can fall for me later" 

"Sulli, I'm in love with someone els" 

"No I refuse to think that you turned gay, no way"


"No, its impossible and disgusting" 

"Its over Sulli, and I think you should leave"  

She didn't say anything more and I walked ahead so she would follow me, and when we stepped outside. 


I turned around and was facing her, she looked like she was thinking about something. And when she looked up, her attitude changed. And suddenly she walked close to me, and yelled, 

"I love you too Hyuk!"

and suddenly kissed me.

What just happened, I was totally taken back. And she stepped back and was just smirking at me,

"Sulli, what..."

before I could finish, I heard a door slammed shut, and a car starting, I turned around and saw Hae's dads car, speeding off. 


Here it is, thanks again for all the love guys ♥♥

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ReadRealize #1
Reading this in 2022. I am way too late
Chapter 8: Ya i love hyuk and hae parents 🤣
961 streak #3
Chapter 8: Thanks for this story! This is such a feel good story for Eunhae day!
Chapter 8: It was so emotional during the play.. Im glad it ended well for both of them.. And their parents are so supportive XD
Chapter 8: so good and cute story but I still want to kill sulli
5ever15 #6
Chapter 8: Awww this is a cute story ^^ i hope you write more haehyuk soon
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh, this story was amazing!!!~~!!!~~ Thankyu author-nim!
tihhs98 #8
Hello, I'm Ti, I live in VietNam.
I have read your story and i like it ^^ So i want to translate it in Vietnamese. I'm going to Cre link your post. I would like to share your story with others. Because it is a good story ! Hope you agree ^^
Lexaaa #9
Chapter 8: It's a very cute story, thanks for writing and sharing :)
Chapter 8: Awww... sweet story~~