Chapter 5

You're Always in My Heart (항상 내 마음에 있는 그대)
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“Hello!” The first boy at the table cried as I approached him on the other side to him. I remembered his name to be Bobby. “How’re you?”

“I-I err. Hi?” I stuttered a little, noticing Jihye talking animatedly to the next member, a smile on her face.

“No need to be nervous.” Bobby said with a smile chuckle. “I don’t bite, much.”

“That’s not worrying at all.” I retorted.

“Oh. Are you foreign?” He asked, eyebrows raised. I started back at him, eyes wide, embarrassment clear on my face. “Sorry, that was rude of me. It’s just you have a bit of an accent, kinda like what mine was like when I first came back to Korea.” He admitted. “Are you Korean-American?”

“Oh I’m half British, half Korean.” I explained. “Are you Korean-American?”

“Actually I just spent a lot of my childhood in America is all. Most fans know that though.” He said curiously.

I blushed a little, “I err, technically I’m only here with best friend Jihye, I signalled to my left. She needed someone to come with her. But I think after your amazing performances I’m officially a fan now!” I explained carefully, trying not to offend him.

“Awesome, well thank you for supporting us anyway! It’s nice to speak to someone in English.” Bobby said in English. “I’ve not had much English practice since I’ve been back in Korea, I’m worried I’m losing my ability!”

“It sounds good to me.”

“You even come with the cute British accent!” He noted.

“Some would call it a nuisance rather than cute.”

“It sounds good to me.” He replied, mimicking me jokingly. After looking at him for a moment, I couldn’t help but recognise him from somewhere.

I thought carefully about how I was going to ask. “Have you been on TV somewhere else?” I asked.

“Well I did compete in a rap survival called ‘Show Me The Money’ a few months ago on Mnet.” And then it clicked. He was that Bobby, the one that won the program overall.

“No way?!” I almost spat out. “You’re that Bobby? You won and you were amazing!”

“Haha thank you very much.” He said modestly. “Me and B.I over there both competed in it. I take it you watched the program.”

“Well I’m a fan of Dok2 so I thought I’d give it go.” I smiled honestly. “It was great!”

“I’m glad you liked it. Would you like a signature?” Bobby offered. “As a new fan, I’ll write you an extra special one!”

“That would be great thanks.”

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Song Sumin but can you address it to Hazel?” I asked cautiously. “I’m not a big fan of my Korean name.”

“Fair dos.” Bobby nodded and next to me I saw Jihye move on to the next member. He finished off writing his message on the back of the poster with his face on it. “Well it was lovely to meet you, new fan Hazel!”

“Thank you” I bowed politely before moving on to the next member who was Junhoe.

One by one I went through the next 4 members. Junhoe was sweet and thankful when I complimented his beautiful voice. Chanwoo, who I found out was the new addition to the group was a little shy but excited to have a new fan from his era. Yunhyung happily discussed his favourite song that they had worked on so far, as well as expressing his delight in being able to meet fans before they had debuted. Donghyuk excitedly told me how happy he was that I enjoyed his dancing and how much he had been working to improve his performance. After I had bowed to Donghyuk, I moved to stand in front of the next member, Hanbin. The members who I had already spoken to had begun to chat amongst themselves as I had been the last fan in the queue.

“You’re the last one.” The boy – Hanbin – noted as if he was reading mind. He seemed to be staring at me intensely.

“Y-yes.” I said nervously. Up close, there was something oddly familiar about his person, how he was sitting and his voice but I brushed it off without thinking about it anymore. “There was a bit of pushing so we decided to stay out of it.”

“A sensible idea. Thank you for waiting so patiently.” He stated, twirling a black pen around is fingers subconsciously.

“Thank you for sitting here for so long.” I replied with a smile. “You’re performances were really amazing tonight. Your rap in the last song, I err forgot the name, sorry.”

“Oh in ?” Hanbin replied in confusion.

“Yes, sorry.” I felt a tinge of red wash over my cheeks. “In honesty, I wasn’t actually a fan before tonight. I was just here to make sure my best friend got to see her favourite group.” I explained as I gestured to Jihye, who I could see was definitely blushing in front of Jinhwan, who she’d finally managed to meet.

“Wow that’s committed.” He replied.

“But d-don’t worry. You’re great performances have made me a fan!” I continued quickly. “You’re Hanbin Ssi right? The leader?”

“Indeed. I am him.” Hanbin replied cheekily. “I’m glad you at least know my name.”

“You’re welcome I guess?” I said awkwardly, not knowing how to respond to a celebrity complimenting me for knowing their name at their fan meeting. “You’re a great performer.”

“I’m glad to hear it!” He paused for a moment and seemed to take a long and deep breath.  “So you didn’t recognise me before today then?” He asked car

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Chapter 5: Am I crying? I'm crying.
Chapter 14: This is an extremely interesting story, very well written. Lookong forward to further chapters. I am really enjoying the characters development.
Chapter 5: OH MY.
SoThisIsKPOP #4
Chapter 14: I just found your story and is sooo good no lie i really really love it!!
Im excited for the next update^^
Love and support
un_known99 #5
waaaa!!!! i really loves this story!!!! its too good to be ignored........ i love the character of sumin and hanbin that you put it in because i do really think they blended well.......anyway update soonnn!!!
Chapter 14: I am really enjoying this story! It's been very interesting so far :)
I hope you'll continue writing it!
much love xx
sweetie_oppa28 #7
Chapter 9: Your fic is so good authornim :) not to be rude or something but , are you korean or something ? Btw , update soon ~ fighting !
ellahlee #8
Chapter 13: update soon pleeaaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeee.......... loving it so much
keep up the good work authornim.......