The Speed [속도]

Black Pearl [Original Ver.]
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Hanseul woke up when she felt heavy arms around her waist. She turned away from the source of heat and closed her eyes again. "Leo, turn off the heat." She mumbled against her pillow. 

When she didn't hear a reply, her eyes flashed open to find... Chanyeol's sleeping face. His arms were wrapped tightly around her, as if he was afraid to let her go. Hanseul frowned as she tapped her head in deep thought. How did Chanyeol end up here? She tried to sneak away from his grasp when she heard a yawn. Drat. She felt his arm encircle themselves around her waist as he pulled her back to bed. "Babe... let's sleep longer." He muttered in that irresistable charming deep voice of his. 

Hanseul smiled as she snuggled against his chest. "Oppa..." she trailed off. 

"Hmm?" Chanyeol replied groggily, trying to go back to slumber. 

"How the heck did you get in here? The door was locked." Hanseul said with a playful accusing gaze. 

Chanyeol's reply was cut off by the sound of the door opening and a very not entertained werecat.

"BAEK HANSEUL!" Leo screeched as he came into the room. He stopped mid-step and immediately covered his eyes. "Oh god! Hanseul? Why?!" He whined. 

Hanseul rolled her eyes. "What?" 

Leo squirmed. "Uh, you didn't consummate the bond, did you?" he muttered. 

Hanseul looked offended. "No, Leo," she said with a sharp sigh. "I actually have no idea how Chanyeol oppa got in here." 

Chanyeol was actually up now. "Consummate? Is there something else you have to do to complete the bond? For us, we just feel that sharp pain in the gut when we bond, and then our eyes flash a gold-ish yellow." he stated. 

Hanseul nodded. "Uhm, yeah... about that. Our eyes flash, and then the bond is considered stable... But it can be broken, although we don't choose our mates as well, we have the ability to break the bond and wait until we bond with another werecat." 

Chanyeol raised a brow. "So you can break your bond with me?" 

Hanseul nodded, but quickly shook her head when she saw his expression sour. "But, of course I wouldn't think about it." 

Chanyeol kissed her on the forehead. "But what's the consummation stuff about?" 

Hanseul cheeks flushed a florid pink as she looked elsewhere.

Leo sighed and stepped in. His eyes did not shake as he gave him the cold hard truth. "You gotta have with her if you want the bond to be permanent and ever lasting." 

Chanyeol nodded in understanding. "Oh." he said quietly. Hanseul started coughing.

Hanseul blushed even more. "Leo!" she hissed. 

Leo shrugged. "He would need to know someday, Hanseul. But I suggest holding that off at least until Hankyul hyung approves and the rest of our nation, especially considering Hanseul is supposed to go through a suitor system." 

Chanyeol stiffened at the word 'suitors' and hugged her waist posessively as he snuggled into her shoulder. "Psh, suitors my ." he muttered darkly. 

After lunch time, Hanseul followed Kris down to the boys' training grounds. She glanced around the vincinity the boys used to train. <

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somehow_sunflowers #1
This original version was really nice, but the revised version also is REALLY nice.
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 29: Well the original lovely i think ^3^♥
Chapter 15: Confrontation! Wohooooooo!
Chapter 12: 2 down, 10 to go! Go Hanseul! :)))))
koreankimchibaby #5
Chapter 29: Chapter 27: awww s overrr...*pouts*
I rlly liked the fluff here...i already read the new version but it was still on the second chap so i went here and HOLY THIS WAS CUTE AS ....i rlly like reading ur A/ me weurd buy i rlly like ur humor (even if ur trying not to) but da pics r mah LIFEEE!!!! ≧﹏≦Dammit its cute
koreankimchibaby #6
Chapter 10: Ugh its so annoying that i cant see the pics...DAMN WIFI Y U DO DIS TO ME?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I still love your story! Keep up the good work author-nim! Hwaiting!
coolestgirl #8
Chapter 27: I don't understand how people have not commented yet. Even when it's summer I try to get a decent amount of sleep but hey I find your fic and suddenly its 3 in the morning! Good job author nim (I'm Korean and I think it's weird to romanise words in fics cuz most sound weird but whatever) and update soon!