
Love Doesn't Require A Sound


Minseok couldn’t take his eyes off of Baekhyun’s mouth, trying desperately to read the words his sang with such passion. It was both intoxicating to watch, and heart breaking not to hear. He almost didn’t even notice the tap on his shoulder. Luhan turned him away from the stage with worried eyes, as if he could read Minseok’s mind. They left immediately, Minseok clinging onto Luhan as he carried him towards Luhan’s car. Sehun tagged along and sat silently in the backseat as they rode back to the shared apartment.

Minseok cried himself to sleep that night.

Minseok didn’t come out of his room the next two days. It was too hard to face Luhan. He hadn’t really cared that he lost his hearing, just thankful they were both still alive. Luhan on the other hand constantly blamed himself foolishly. He thought it was his fault that Minseok was deaf since he had refused to drive that night. Minseok didn’t want Luhan to see him like this.

Monday came along and so did class. Grudgingly he forced himself out of bed and to the shower. Around 10 came Luhan with the usual Americano for Minseok and iced latte for himself.

“Ah you know me so well,” Minseok signed before reaching for his drink.

“Monday, Americano,” the younger gathered the needed materials for their afternoon class. Sehun had already left for the dance studio with his best friend Kai a few hours earlier, so it was only the two left in the quiet apartment. “So, that Baekhyun guy was at the café this morning...”

Minseok turned a pale shade of pink remembering the embarrassing night clearly. There was no doubt in his mind Luhan knew he was crying. Luhan could hear it clear as day through the thin walls. “What about him?” Minseok feigned innocence with the other, trying to avoid the topic of him crying.

“He actually is working there now. Can’t make coffee worth a crap,” Luhan paused to make a gagging motion towards a laughing Minseok. “But I guess he is smart enough to work a cash register. Yixing said it’s nice to have a pretty face manning the counter.”

“He definitely is much prettier than that Chanyeol kid. Kid looks like Dumbo.”  They walked out of their apartment, locking the door behind them. It was still pretty cold, making the older boy shiver, burying his face into the scarf around his neck. His Americano was doing little to warm him that morning.

“Yixing was wondering if you wanted to come back to work,” Luhan turned himself towards Minseok to sign towards him. Minseok had worked at the café himself for the past three years, but decided to take a break so he could have more time to study. After all, this school did not kid around with exams. It was like stepping into a hell full of zombies. Not pretty. (Note: Author is in college and hates exams.) He really did miss working behind the bar though. The older boy had gotten his barista license, but was currently also studying business. He and Luhan had plans to open their own café after graduation.

“Hey, Minseokie…” Luhan waved his hands in front of the older boy’s face, breaking his train of thought. “I was trying to ask you if you wanted to work at the café again. It would only be Fridays. Yixing has been really busy and after Baekhyun started singing there, and Chen is still trying to get used to the crowd.”

“It’s been two months since he started working there though.” Minseok whined.  Jongdae, or Chen as Luhan called him, had been dating Yixing for about a month and had started working at the café as an attempt to make the other fall in love with him. Needless to say, Yixing was weak for the kitten mouth boy.

“I know, but Yixing is having a lot of problems. And you’re the best around.” The doe eyed boy was never above begging, clinging tightly onto the older boy as they managed to walk down the road. Minseok shook his head, letting his hair fall into his face as he remembered the last Friday.

“If it’s because of Baekhyun you don’t have to even watch him.” The younger boy said, practically reading Minseok’s mind.

The elder shook his head quickly. “It’s not that.”

“Minseok,” Luhan stopped grabbing the smaller boy to turn him towards himself. “I know that look. You don’t like him do you? You don’t even have to talk to him. But unless you’ve forgot within the past month, you love working there. I don’t know what Baekhyun did, but don’t let it stop you.”

The smaller boy stared wide-eyed at his best friend. The younger was rarely this serious about anything and it honestly shocked him to where he was speechless. Regaining his composure after a moment of staring between the two, Minseok sighed in reply.

“It’s nothing like that. I don’t dislike him. I don’t even know him.” He shuffled his feet, looking to the ground in embarrassment. “I was jealous I guess. He really looked like he loved being up there, and everyone looked so happy listening to him sing. I was jealous I couldn’t hear him like everyone else.”

This time is was Luhan’s turn to be shocked. It was the first time the older said anything about wishing he could still hear. He knew the older boy suffered a lot on his own, and he blamed himself every day for not even being strong enough for Minseok to confide in him. Minseok always kept it hidden for Luhan’s sake, but it broke the younger.

“And here I thought something happened between you two,” Luhan sighed in relief. “Baekhyun asked how you were feeling since you ran out of there so soon. Said he was worried since even  though you usually stay until close, you left after taking one look at him and looked like you were about to be sick.”

“Wait, what?” Minseok stopped dead in his tracks yet again. It wasn’t like they weren’t already late. What was yet another stop, Luhan groaned.

“Apparently he’s been watching you. Doesn’t seem to know you’re deaf though. But he seemed pretty worried about you. It was kinda cute.” Luhan teased poking his best friend in the side.



Author-nim hates college and loves coffee if you haven't figured it out yet. :)

I'm posting two chapters tonight since this one was pretty short. I'm still not positive where this one is going just yet. Please continue to have faith in me and continue reading. I'm not a professionalat alland get pretty lazy with wrinting so I often forget to reread it. In case anyone is wondering why I decided to stray from this time and write one about Minseok being deaf, I wanted to write something a bit more personal to me. My bestfriend and I went through a similar situation. Write what you know.

I hope you all continue to keep and open mind. Thank you for reading.

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evelynmtika #1
Chapter 8: What if Xingxing and Jongdae were like secretly making from that?... lol. I really need to go to church. :3
bananaicecream #2
Chapter 8: asfgjjdgjdgjfdsykl so hot!!! >.<
spray me holy water.. but at the end!!! xingdae omg! I agree with xing.. who want to miss minseok.. I wont. hehe
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: there was a of iuhan back then?? OMFG!!!

and they xiubaek finally said it.. <3
bananaicecream #4
Chapter 7: wutt what? why you leave me there hanging of whats going to happen >.<
luhun are very sweet friends I love them!!! and and and.. wutt with the talking?? you arent supposed talking about how you had a with your bestfriends in your first date, are you?? (//ω//) but well.. imagining min being sandwiched omg////w////
you been on hospital??? I hope you are okay now ;o;
dont worry about long not updating.. please take care of your health..
bananaicecream #5
Chapter 6: daaawwwww so sweet it filling my take of sugar for a month... XD
shy xiu is too cute.. I can understand baek's 'damn I love you' at minseok >.<
Chapter 6: OMG!! the way baek backhugged minseok and telling him he loves him is so cute! <3
Chapter 5: aaahh.. it's finally the start of their friendship and then into...... ㅋㅋ
minmin17 #8
Chapter 5: baek was so sweet to min >< and the kiss...
bananaicecream #9
Chapter 5: sweet update altho felt so short. but but.. the finally MET!!! OMG
And baek kisses seok kyaaaaa XD
Chapter 4: How did I just find this story?!?! /cries in a corner
XiuBaek is my ultimate OTP, how did I not know this amazing piece of work existed?
I am absolutely in love with this plot, this story, the characters, EVERYTHING.