
Love Doesn't Require A Sound

The wind blew fiercely, cold air hitting his face in a brutal gust. Baekhyun’s eyes began to water again as he trudged through the snow making his way back to his warm apartment and bed. Hopefully Jongdae and Yixing had saved him some dinner, as his stomach was growling like a dying whale.

The day had taken an unpleasant turn over the last two hours of classes. Snow piled up nearly past his ankles and still wasn’t letting up anytime soon. Luckily Yixing chose to close the café that night in fear of the impending doom, aka another snow storm. Baekhyun didn’t want to go anyways. It had been a rough day. His professors kept yelling at him for not paying attention in class and even during vocal practices his voice just wouldn’t do what he wanted it to.

Focusing on anything other than the conversation he overheard that morning (eavesdropped on) was near impossible. Baekhyun was having trouble comprehending what was going on. More than anything he was just frustrated and angry with himself for not realizing earlier. He had taken sign language classes for three years in high school. How in the world did he not realize that Minseok and Luhan were actually using it? It came as a big surprise that Minseok could speak though, which could be why Baekhyun never made the connection. If only he had realized sooner. He would’ve been able to have plenty of conversations with the older boy already.

It was aggravating to say the least. The singer knew why Minseok didn’t let on being deaf, but he couldn’t help but be frustrated that the older boy never told him. Sure, he didn’t owe him any explanations. He didn’t even know why he was upset with the older boy. Minseok barely even knew who he was. To him he was just Baekhyun, the guy who sings at the café. Well now thanks to Luhan he knows that the young boy watches him too.

Baekhyun became lost in his thoughts, alternating between pitying himself for his extremely slim chances with the senior, being angry at himself for being an idiot who couldn’t pay attention to the guy he likes enough to know he is deaf, and wanting talking himself out of thinking dirty thoughts about the smaller boy. Yeah he was for lack of a better term, an idiot. In the storm blasting around his slim body and not paying any attention to anything but his thoughts of cute red lips, the young boy soon found himself slipping on a slick sheet of ice. He collapsed in a heap, knocking his head off the ground as he fell.

The boy could feel his consciousness start to fade as his eyes glossed over and became blurry.

“Great,” he groaned to himself. “I’m going to die here, aren’t I? I never even got to see his cute face one last time.” The colors in front of him faded as the snow covered his curled boys. As his eyes drifted closer together a figure dropped in front of him shaking his numb arms. And then it was dark. And warm.

Warmth encompassed his body welcomingly, spreading from the tips of his toes to his long fingers, and up to his red nose. It warm and comfortable, and yet it was the in the middle of the winter? Baekhyun had thought he was lying in the snow. Wait am I dead? This must be heaven then, Baekhyun sighed internally. It might be hell though. It’s really freaking hot. I didn’t realize I was that sassy though.


Baekhyun awoke from his slumber at the sound, groaning at the pounding resonating in his head from the fall. He rolled over cursing at the noise.

“Jongdae cut it out!” Baekhyun shouted pulling his pillow out the cover his throbbing head. It felt like he was being hit repeatedly by that brat Kyungsoo over and over again. And it was hot. He allowed his eyes to slowly open, attempting to remove the blankets that were currently working as an oven. Looking around at his surroundings he came to a shocking realization.

Byun Baekhyun was not in his room. This was someone else’s apartment entirely. Jongdae didn’t rescue him, nor was he making a racket outside the small bedroom’s door. The room was similar to his though. The apartment complex beside the college’s campus had identical two bedroom apartments and lined up down the entire stretch before the road towards the city began. This particular room appeared larger than his own, most likely due to how neat and clean it was. The walls were bare white, a door on the far side leading to the living room, and the bed he was currently sitting on was a full sized piece of heaven.

A knock on the door interrupted his investigation on the room. The door opened to a small man standing with a tray in his hands, wearing a stark white sweater, jeans, and a huge lopsided smile. Baekhyun’s jaw dropped taking in the view presented before him.

Kim Minseok. He was in Kim Minseok’s room.


Decided on making a short chapter before heading to bed tonight.This story is a lot more popular than I thought it would be. remember I'm still starting out and am not a pro at all. Another update should be up within the next few days. And of course there will be more progress between the two.

For now here is my dad.


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evelynmtika #1
Chapter 8: What if Xingxing and Jongdae were like secretly making from that?... lol. I really need to go to church. :3
bananaicecream #2
Chapter 8: asfgjjdgjdgjfdsykl so hot!!! >.<
spray me holy water.. but at the end!!! xingdae omg! I agree with xing.. who want to miss minseok.. I wont. hehe
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: there was a of iuhan back then?? OMFG!!!

and they xiubaek finally said it.. <3
bananaicecream #4
Chapter 7: wutt what? why you leave me there hanging of whats going to happen >.<
luhun are very sweet friends I love them!!! and and and.. wutt with the talking?? you arent supposed talking about how you had a with your bestfriends in your first date, are you?? (//ω//) but well.. imagining min being sandwiched omg////w////
you been on hospital??? I hope you are okay now ;o;
dont worry about long not updating.. please take care of your health..
bananaicecream #5
Chapter 6: daaawwwww so sweet it filling my take of sugar for a month... XD
shy xiu is too cute.. I can understand baek's 'damn I love you' at minseok >.<
Chapter 6: OMG!! the way baek backhugged minseok and telling him he loves him is so cute! <3
Chapter 5: aaahh.. it's finally the start of their friendship and then into...... ㅋㅋ
minmin17 #8
Chapter 5: baek was so sweet to min >< and the kiss...
bananaicecream #9
Chapter 5: sweet update altho felt so short. but but.. the finally MET!!! OMG
And baek kisses seok kyaaaaa XD
Chapter 4: How did I just find this story?!?! /cries in a corner
XiuBaek is my ultimate OTP, how did I not know this amazing piece of work existed?
I am absolutely in love with this plot, this story, the characters, EVERYTHING.