Chapter Fifteen

Blue Neighborhood

Chapter Fifteen



Taehyung really does come to his class after the bell. He’s grinning wide and that creeps Seungcheol out. “A hug for a best friend?” he spreads his arms.




Taehyung takes the seat beside Seungcheol. “Allright,that’s fine” He shoves a velvet box to his desk. “I’m not ready for a commitment” Taehyung rolls his eyes. “Commitment your ,that’s your souvenir” Seungcheol grins.


The wristband is black, there’s a blue mini rabbit hitler complete with the uniform and the moustache on the lower side. “Where’s Taeyong?”

“He’s here just now, toilet maybe? Is this even legal?” Seungcheol puts on the wristband. “What? the bunny?The only illegal thing is your lack of gratitude for the help i sent you yesterday” He crosses his arms, expecting Seungcheol to feel guilty about it. “You mean taeyong?He barely there for two minutes! Good thing Jeonghan came”


“Well,Taeyong asked Jeonghan so basically you still owe me” Taehyung insists. “Fine,what do you want?” Seungcheol frowns as Taehyung grins wider. And it turns out to be the most ridiculous thing Taehyung had ever asked Seungcheol to do.


“I can’t do this” Seungcheol sighs through the phone. But Taehyung insists that he really needs Seungcheol’s help and he’s the only person Taehyung can trust – which is another bull taehyung always made up- . And he mercilessly shut the phone before Seungcheol can grunts another complaints.


For some reason Seungcheol has never been more aware of his large, awkward size as he is now. He is standing in front of a cafe, ‘Rainbow Hearts’ (Seungcheol cringes so hard) , the same name taehyung wrote on the paper he’s holding. Seungcheol thought it’s just an ordinary cafe and eventually said yes at the request of his said best friend to buy two boxes of love love macaroons deluxe set  (That’s it-Seungcheol gives up) that only available on Monday, not before he realised that the cafe is filled with girls (moreover it’s afterschool) . The shop keeper is staring at him expectantly, ready to open the door anytime he decides to go in. And it becomes more awkward because some people start to stare at him for standing too long in front of the door. He should’ve just turned his heels and leave, but he suddenly finds himself swimming in the sea of feminimity, earning himself a spot in the line. He looks down, holding the urge to look around and find the expressions of the girls that are staring at him. Seungcheol is the candy for the young girls eyes. His body is lean and firm, even under the layers of the autumn uniform, his muscles seem visible to them. His facial features are good lookingly sharp and refine masculinity, and that makes the girls wonder why would a manly boy like Seungcheol will be here.


“Next customer please” The girl in ponytail stares at Seungcheol for a moment, stunned, before clears and ask for his order. “Two boxes of-” Seungcheol trails his words of embarrassment . Then he decided to just shows the paper to the young girl. “This,please”


The girl turns to grab the boxes from the counter behind her and put them on a purple plastic bag with cat prints on it. Seungcheol doesn’t really hear when the cashier tells him the price he needs to pay, he just hands the card his brother gave him last Saturday and signs the receipt ,not bothering to count the coins Taehyung gave him that will cause him to stand longer in the shop.


He dashes out after muttering thank you to the shop keeper. He swears Taehyung gonna get the rage this time. Until he sees the familiar face he’s been avoiding for past few weeks sitting near the McD’s window across the cafe. She’s beautiful as he can remember. Her raven hair is tied into a ponytail. She looks...well. That’s good. Seungcheol says to himself despite knowing the reality behind her facade. She’s always been a cheerful kind girl. And yes, he’s the who hurt her. Seungcheol grips the boxes tighter and turns away. He promises, he’ll fix it.




“Here’s my handsome boy” Yifan laughs while Seungcheol is being squashed by his excited mother. “Mom,stop,i can’t breathe”


“Now i’m sad, two of my boys are hating my hugs” she playfully fakes a frown. “That thing you did just now is called choking,mom”Seungcheol rolls his eyes. Yifan glances at the fridge,and Seungcheol gives a thumbs up. “So,what do you want to eat?” Yifan sighs in relief when he saw his mother open the fridge that already full off stuffs. “Mom,you need rest,you just arrived” Yifan pulls his mother away from the kitchen. “That’s nonsense,i’m fine, i want to feed my boys”

“Brother’s right. We’re not yet hungry,and look what i bring” Seungcheol lifts the macaroons box Taehyung gave him. That’s your payment. He apparently said, of course Seungcheol gave some beatings to the before accepting the box. “What in the world happened to your hand?” she shrieks. Oh,.


Mother stayed for five days already, insisting to stay that long to take care of his wounded son. Seungcheol can tell she enjoys this way too much, Yifan said she just misses babying her kid. It was fun at the first two days,but then he wished that her mother’s vacation will soon over because she just never stops meddling his personal life with the questions.And he knows she has eventually arranged to spend her weekend with Yoona.

Seungcheol made up some bull about having a study night out at Taehyung’s place just to avoid being dragged along . He cannot face Yoona now, not after she knew. There’s fear that maybe Yoona will tell his mother, but then she texted that same time he made the excuse to his mother,


I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable,

I won’t say anything about this anymore

I hope we can still be friends like before


He trusts Yoona, strangely. She’s not that kind of person. And what she texted him is purely based on her guilt (which is actually not her fault) and desire to fix their relationship.

. He’s hating himself more.


“Your head’s smoking” taehyung states, glancing sarcastically between his read on the newest volume of Shounen Jump Seungcheol brought. “I’m just...thinking”


“Sure,so anything you don’t understand from looking at the cover?” Seungcheol coughs at Taehyung’s question. Bullseye. He flips his book quickly and opens random page. This is so embarassing. “Say,Tae..aren’t you disgusted of me?”

Taehyung doesn’t budge from his seat. “What?for what you did to Tzuyu?” It’s still kind of surprising when Taehyung emphasise it like that even though that’s the same content he’s asking.


Taehyung flips to the next page,eyes never leaving the manga. “I believe one cannot judge other’s decision”

 “But still, i betrayed her and did this to her when all she’s been doing is giving her whole heart to me” He shifts and lean his back to Taehyun’s bedside. “If hearing me say ‘ I’m disgusted of you’ makes you feel better, then there you go, I’m disgusted of you,cheater”

Seungcheol chuckles. Of course taehyung will answer it that way,but Seungcheol knows there’s no malice.


Taehyung closes the manga and put it on his lap “She will forgive you” Seungcheol knows

And that’s what makes him feeling worse. “I hope she won’t though”


Of course, Taehyung personally wants Seungcheol and Tzuyu’s relationship to be fine after this. After all, there’s no way for him to keep loving Tzuyu like this. And it does help when he pretends like he never have anything for the pretty girl. It’s just feels weird when he thinks about the awkward relationship between him and Tzuyu just because Seungcheol was(soon enough) her boyfriend. And about the other person..No, he won’t ask.


“So,you haven’t tell me why you you’re inviting yourself over my place”

Seungcheol grins, “You see, my mom is taking me out  with brother and Yoona, and i don’t feel like coming along since they’re going to talk and most definitely going to ask about you know, personal life”

Taehyung can relates, Seungcheol hates talking about personal life. He doesn’t even know why he’s so secretive when his act is practically an open book. “Like ?” Seungcheol almost knocks his head on Taehyung’s headboard.


“Do you think your brother and Yoona had ?” The question innocently(read: indecently) slips out Taehyung’s lips like nothing. “Can you stop talking so vulgar like this?This is..inappropriate” Taehyung raises his eyebrow “Why do you act so offensive when i talk about ? We’re sixteen and already know what healthy teenagers our age need to know”

That’s..true. None of the talk is wrong. Well, it’s not like Seungcheol despise this kind of talk, it’s one of the compulsory topics when boys hang out together and being in a club full of boys, the talk they have is 40% games and 60%girls so it’s just unavoidable topic. But the way Taehyung shamelessly brings out the topic is embarrassing (he wonders why he’s the one feeling embarrassed when he’s not even the one saying it).


“Unless....” taehyung drags the words, eyes staring suspiciously at the beet red faced Seungcheol. “What?”


“I know you never had , but you never tell me anything about your fantasies either” what? How does he suppose to tell taehyung about how he ? Is he out of his mind? Why would he tell that to Taehyung anyway?


“Not everyone is as vulgar as you!” Seungcheol had enough of this embarrassment. “So, is it because you’re ...infertile?” What the-


“I do things too okay,i am perfectly healthy! So, stop! Just stop” Taehyung laughs at Seungcheol’s face “Okay, i get it, healthy boy” Taehyung wipes his tears. God, this is hilarious.

“So,you fantasize things, but never really try to find out if.. i don’t know..”He shrugs his shoulders and leans back to the wall “.. maybe you can’t get it hard during ?” Taehyung countinues.


This is nonsense, Seungcheol thinks “For your information, I’m more than normal in that aspect, so thank you for your concern” it is too late to pull back the words he’s spilled. , Seungcheol curses. He carefully glances at Taehyung who smirks at him like a satan-ous person he is and then sneers “ you’ve done some experiments”


Seungcheol flaps around like looking for a hole to bury himself. “Tha- That’s none of your business”


Taehyung snorts,rolling his eyes and throws his hands in the air in defeat “Fine, don’t tell me” Seungcheol bits his lips. Taehyung has always been a manipulative but he’s a great bestfriend, and he knows perfectly that he’s good at this bestfriend game because Seungcheol looks baffled right now. He straightens his back and awkwardly clears his throat “Well,we..frenchkissed” Taehyung grins in his mind but he’s still sarcastically looking at his flustered poor bestfriend “Oh, come on, Taeyong even did that for a dare with the chinese boy”


Seungcheol  takes a deep breath and holds it for five seconds before speaks up “And i may have caused a mess in the lower region of the later person” He breathes it out.


Taehyung ing swears he wants to laugh, but he still wants to play this game a little bit longer. “So, you her?” Seungcheol gulps, he can’t say that it’s not like what taehyung imagined “Ehm, yeah,sort of”


He taps his finger on his chin, and the thinking taehyung is never a good Taehyung. Just like the next question he asks


 “Did she in return?” This is not good at all. He can’t just say that he backed off the moment Jeonghan looked down at his that time. He appreciated Jeonghan’s concern, really, but that was the first time Jeonghan had ever do that kind of thing and Seungcheol didn’t want to push things on if Jeonghan’s not yet ready. He can wait,really. But the truth is, that time, from the moment his finger touched Jeonghan’s skin, he vaguely had control over himself. And he’s ing swore that he saw rainbow mist oozing from Jeonghan’s pores. The colours that made Jeonghan more beautiful that he already is, that made him want to devour all of Jeonghan’s existences altogether. It wasn’t as sensual as the scene he watched on some movies, and definitely wasn’t as romantic as some stories. It was fast and sloppy, but he enjoyed Jeonghan’s existence, their existence, as something different. He touched Jeonghan and learned bit by bit, things about the mysterious Jeonghan. And for him, Jeonghan himself is a definition of sensual and romantic. That’s why, he didn’t let Jeonghan touched him. Because he’s hard and on the edge of insanity, and if that time he let Jeonghan to touch him, he would come right away. And that would be very....humiliating, for someone who claimed to be more experienced between the two.


“I’m sorry to interrupt your...thought, healthy boy,  but you got a ” Seungcheol snaps from his though and looks down. Holy shi-

He takes the book and cover himself up. Taehyung bangs his head laughing on the floor and Seungcheol has to awkwardly running to the bathroom.      




Seungcheol doesn’t text and call often during the exam. But he will wait for Jeonghan afterschool just to have lunch together before heading home. They don’t have time to eat outside because Seungcheol’s mother picks him an hour after the exam ends. I told my mom i finished at two so we have time together. It’s heart-warming and Jeonghan is grateful Seungcheol arranges time for them to meet and just chat even though it’s an hour. But today Seungcheol says that he can’t meet him because his mother is going back tomorrow morning and he needs to buy something for her with his brother today. That explains why he’s walking alone today. He doesn’t really have anything to do back at the apartment. He can study for tomorrow’s last subject, but it’s chemist,and not to brag,he’s good at it. Taehyung and some guys from his class and class next door had planned on spending the day to celebrate the last day,tomorrow. Jeonghan was invited, and still considering about it since Jihoon and Junhui will come to. Maybe he will come,just to shut Taehyung up.


He stops by a supermarket, since tomorrow he might not be able to prepare himself for Wednesday’s club outing, he decides to buy the necessity today. He had prepared a list in his phone. They’ll have club meeting on Wednesday’s night,and outdoor activities and barbeque on Thursday before going home on Friday morning. They rented a small inn up the mountain, four hours by car, almost as far as from here to his hometown. Since science club is pretty popular (among the science major), the club president,Namjoon wants to make the event not less extravagant than last year and definitely than Arts club’s event (He doesn’t know what happened between him and the president of the arts club’s president, they seem to have an unspoken rivalry) . That’s why they need to bring their own stuffs because the president said the stuffs there are much more expensive in a tourist destination (and because mostly their budget goes to rent the inn).  Namjoon seems to take a lot of liking at him after the competition, that he appointed Jeonghan to be his unofficial representation of the first year members . Which caused this long list of groceries he needs to buy. Luckily he doesn’t need to buy the meat or the fish since the inn will provide them. He looks down to his cart and double checks the list, that’s almost everything. He only needs butter.


“Jeonghan?” She is as beautiful as the last time Jeonghan saw her. “Uhm,Hello” Jeonghan bows.


“So,they made you buy all those things alone?” Yoona sips her iced lemon tea. They’re sitting on the cafe near the supermarket. He was about to decline the offer when she said that she needs to speak with him about something.  “Ah, i was supposed buy them tomorrow with other members,but everybody seems to have things to do tomorrow,so i thought...” Yoona smiles. Jeonghan can feel his heart skips, not that kind of skips where you fall in love, more like an admiration of the beauty. “You are very kind”


Jeonghan lowers his head “Not really,i was just happened to be free and i also have something to do tomorrow”


“You said you want to talk about something” Jeonghan tries to avert the topic. The lady leans back, sighing. “I messed up my relationship with Seungcheol”

Jeonghan kinds of expected the topic. Seungcheol avoided the topic of Yoona and everything related to her,even his brother,for this past week. He had suspected them having somekind of argument, Taehyung asked about it to him last monday when he gave a bunny pattern scarf from his visit to German.  Did Seungcheol tell you anything about Yoona,yesterday? . Jeonghan recalls the question.


“I kind of pushed my opinion on him and said something that made him avoid me” She looks out the window. “I know i should not say something so selfish like that without considering his feeling”


Jeonghan doesn’t really know what to respond because the story itself is full of puzzles, but that’s Yoona and Seungcheol’s business. “He’s probably feeling worse for avoiding you rather than feeling mad. He takes criticism and other’s opinion well,but sometimes when it’s against his belief, he can be pretty stubborn. If he is mad at you, he would’ve puched you that same moment” Yoona chuckles. “He adores you” Jeonghan continues

Yoona’s eyes lit up then grow dim softly. “Seungcheol is lucky to have someone that knows him better than himself”


Her words and smile are warm and soothing, or maybe it’s the temperature today. Jeonghan fans himself mentally, hoping his face will not be that burning red. They talk for thirty more minutes, she orders herself another drink while Jeonghan barely finish his own. She insists on taking Jeonghan home especially because of the groceries even though he says that he already had the budget for taxi prepared. She says it’s fine since she has another hour, so Jeonghan hops on her car. He offers for a tea but she has to reject it because she needs to drop by somewhere else.


“Thank you for today, and i hope we can hang out again sometimes” Jeonghan smiles and replies that it will be his pleasure. Jin Ah’s shoes are on the front when he opens the door. She had a two night trip yesterday and just got back. She must have got herself drunk because her clothes are on the floor from the doorway to her room. He peeks in to see her curls on the bed, face pressed onto the pillow. The agency must have dealt with a new project if they drink till pass out like that. It’s just when he’s about to change his clothes when his phone beeps. It’s Jisoo. They’ve been contacting each other pretty often. Jisoo got himself a pretty girlfriend named Joy, they met in the church. And Jeonghan likes to hear their story. Sometimes Jisoo will ask Jeonghan about his, and he has to turn Jisoo down by saying ‘The only relationship i have is with science’. This time he texts to tell Jeonghan that he might be home for Christmas. It’s just two weeks away and Jisoo can’t wait to meet Jeonghan. Winter break starts next week and then Jeonghan remembers, Seungcheol had asked for a day before his winter competition starts that same week. He wants to spend it with Seungcheol too,really, really, want to. But he needs to set his mind right before taking any decision of what kind of relationship he wants to progress with Seungcheol. Seungcheol has made himself clear of the way he wishes they can be, and Jeonghan knows he can’t be the one dragging this on an on, he needs to decide if his feeling will stay unconveyed or take the risk,like what Seungcheol did. Just there are so much unspoken things between them, and one of them is the fact that Seungcheol never say those three words. He made himself clear that he wants Jeonghan,but Jeonghan himself never too sure if Seungcheol is wanting him the way he wants Seungcheol. And he can’t be the one saying those three words, Jeonghan doesn’t want to think about the possibility his confession will be left hanging, unanswered. Those three words might push seungcheol away. He can not yet convince himself, if what Seungcheol has for him is not a puberty thing.



I spent my money for four bars of Green Tea Kit Kat, six packages of Green Tea Latte, Three boxes of Matcha Pocky and Two Matcha Oreo Mcflurry in a week

This Green Tea obsession is ruining  my wallet and i’m crying because i can’t live without Green Tea , i need help T_T


Did you vote for your bias for MAMA today? I mainly vote for SM Family and also Blackpink (Lalisa is so gorgeous~)

Did you watch The K2?I hope it continue to fifty episodes or maybe season 2. It’s so good i’m loving the actors and actresses

Jeonghan wants to hear the three words as much as i want Taeyong to marry Winwin (my inner spirit is suddenly calling,they are so adorable) T_T

And, the rated chapter is coming *cough* , i tell you guys before hand so you can prepare yourself to beat me up later (i can’t tell you which chapter though) , so don’t have too much expectation because this is the first time i ever write something so....indecent *sweat nervously*



With Love


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jeonghae #1
Chapter 18: no way im hurtㅠㅠ
dububaby #2
Chapter 18: i'm hurt </3
its so hurting my heart </3
why so many struggles for them to be together ;----;
larasatinita #3
Chapter 18: okay i throw my phone after reading this chapter. seungcheol whyyyy???? stop hurting my angel jeonghan. and idk why but tzuyu's act just pissed me. there's no way cheol would choose her right huhu sorry ;;
ohh dear im sorry to hear that. please get well soon and stay healthy <3
Chapter 18: I dont like people who did infidelity, thats why i hope jeonghan is tired to wait for seungcheol, to clean the mess. And tzuyu to move on too. But well, just please dont hurt tzuyu or jeonghan again, seungcheol ah...
dububaby #5
Chapter 17: Well.. honestly i would like jeonghan to confess.... if seungcheol drift away at least he knows jeonghan loves him :( then jeonghan can decide to leave seungcheol as friend - which i know you arent that mean :) -
its better than nameless relationship :(

But i only can hope for no heartbreaking progress from you kk~

i vote for shinee, svt, and jyp family kkk~~
Chapter 17: But waiting is not trying, not in jeonghan circumstances right now so dont wait baby boooy...
I watched the k2, its too short right? Need moooore
Chapter 17: I'm getting speechless on every chapter of this fic. Thanks for the update author-nim. I wasn't expecting to be mute everytime I read the chapters of this story ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Looking forward for the *coughs* Ya know *winkue* i'll just be here supporting you ♡☆
larasatinita #8
Chapter 17: jeonghan just say those three words. cheol loves you more than anyting. damnit your fic getting intense bb!! love love this too much!!!
ohohoho looking forward to the rated chapter *sweats nervously*

I love green tea too and you!! Take care <3
dububaby #9
Chapter 16: y'know... i love your story so much <3