Love You to Death
Chapter 1


It was noon when the sound of the phone woke her up.

Without opening her eyes she could feel already the headache growing inside her head and with a grunt she stretch her arm to take the phone above the small dressing table next to the bed.


"Yes?" her voice between sore and sleepy gave the impression that it was someone else speaking.


"Kim Taeyeon is after noon and you better be ready, in twenty minutes since I'll go pick you up!"


The Cries from the other line only worsened the result of the hangover headache.


"Yuri, don’t yell... I can hear you perfectly."


“Then lift your and take a shower. I’ll pick you up in thirty." without waiting for the response Yuri finished the call.



The cold water falling like rain over Taeyeon was not enough to calm down that headache. She stayed up again till late the night before, trying to write something, with a bottle of Jack Daniel’s next to her but at the end, as always the result was the same: a waste of time. Get drunk sometimes helped, but this time the only thing she got was a really bad hangover.

Sometimes she wondered if she actually was any good as a songwriter or if her first hits due to some of luck, that luck that people call “Beginner’s luck”.

But she knew it was no luck, it was only something that could bring her angel.
Was by her Angel that she could compose the most beautiful songs, was by her Angel that she found inspiration; and because of the same angel she couldn’t write a single song in two years.

Fortunately the successes achieved in the first years of his career managed to make her earn enough money to live comfortably for a while longer.

People said that she had lost her talent, her charm.

And perhaps it was true, Taeyeon lost everything that day she lost her angel, her sweet girl, her Tiffany.


The Park was a site that was fairly crowded in summer, but in winter was a quite lonely place, ideal for organizing a barbecue with friends with anyone around watching.

A group of about ten people were gathered near the grill, talking and drinking.

Taeyeon who was arriving with Yuri from a distance could appreciate the view of the people she loves the most all together in one place, spending a good time among them.

A small smile was forming on her face, but it faded immediately when she started thinking about that one person, the only missing person.




They approached and greeted everyone.
Many were surprised with the arrival of the only person they had not seen in those two years.

Taeyeon after what happened spend her time locked in her house, without wanting to go out at all, trapped in her self-imposed hermit lifestyle.



The cold of mid-winter was really strong and required everyone to keep well sheltered, more however did not prevent the group of friends to go picnic, they continue playing and chatting.


"Taengoo!" shouted a thin blond girl while she wrapped her in her arms.
"How you been? Yuri promised me that you’ll come and again as always, fulfilled her promise."

The tanned girl smiled as she hugged her girlfriend.

“Thanks Jessica, as you see your girlfriend indeed fulfilled her promise.” They were chatting for some minutes until Taeyeon decide go and say hi to everyone else. Jessica smile and place a peck on her cheek, Taeyeon smiled and went to give some hugs to everybody.

She missed this people; they were like her family, hers and Tiffany’s.

She approached the place where two of her best friends were playing and talking with everyone, Hyoyeon and Seohyun, they were together, like in “Together”. Three years ago they started a relationship and they looked as in love as ever.

That scene was like a stab to the heart for Taeyeon. Watch the two girls playing and laughing made her heart ache. Those two are like the “Yin” and “Yang” so different one of the other, but that was what they loved the most; they complement one another. They seem complete when the other is around. Hyoyeon always laughing, always making jokes and playing some pranks. Seohyun, she was the quite one, always with a book in her hand and laughing every time her girlfriend says something funny.

Watch the two of them kissing and hugging each other made her wonder if that would be her and her Fanny. Just if…



She couldn’t take it anymore, after watching those two for a while she start walking around the place, in the opposite direction from the group; she then, found herself walking a familiar path, every step brought one different memory, it was a rarely visited area of the park, Taeyeon always wonder why, cause that area was the most beautiful place

A little meadow was hiding behind some trees making it a difficult place to be found, and just in the center of it was a Tree, a really long, strong and beautiful one. Everything around was grass and everything was green, no matter where you look at. Peace was all you could feel in that place.

For the first time in a while, a smile was formed on Taeyeon’s face.

She stood just next to the big tree, smiling, trying to get some peace from the place she was standing on.

Her hand started to move all around the tree bark until she found what she was looking for. She found the carving on it.



-“Taeny?” but why? Isn’t better a “T+T” inside a heart or something?

-“T+T” inside a heart? Hahaha god, you can be real cheesy some times TaeTae.

The girl blushed but continued to watch how her girlfriend carved that word on the bark

-Ok then but, what does it means? Taeny.

-“Tae” for Taeyeon and “Ny” for Tiffany.



She smiled, all the memories came to her at once. Too many memories about that single place. All of them with just one person.

That was her favorite place on earth, how could she forgot about it? That’s the place where they met, that’s the place where she saw her for the very first time. They met under that same tree. That was the place for their first kiss and that tree was the witness of the love they shared.

A single tear rolled down her cheek. All memories gave her a bittersweet taste, feeling so lost right now, two years after her world crushed just in front of her eyes.

Flashbacks of her beautiful angel came to her in that moment. They met at winter too, Tiffany’s  favorite time of year.





That voice startled her, she look back and hey eyes met with a girl, she was hiding behind the tree Taeyeon was using to lay back.

She looked younger than her, but Taeyeon realized how gorgeous this girl was. Her eyes looked every part of this girl, realizing that she was using a school uniform.

She appeared no more than sixteen years old, brown hair, big and expressive chocolate eyes, beautiful eyes she thought, full lips, and beautiful cheekbones.

Taeyeon keep eyeing her for a while, astonish because of the girl’s beauty.

The little girl smiled and raised an eyebrow, like she was expecting something. Right away Taeyeon got herself together and she recalled that the girl greeted her.

“Hello…” she said. The smile on the face of the girl got bigger and her eyes took a middle moon shape.

Taeyeon could feel how she stops breathing when the other girl showed her eye smile. And again just one word was inside her mind: Beautiful.

“What are you writing?” the girl asked and sits just next to her and trying to look at the screen of Taeyeon’s laptop.

“Nothing” was the answer she got; at the time Taeyeon closed the computer trying to hide her work. “Just a song”

“A song?” the girl smiled again. “Can I listen to it?”

“Ah, is not done yet…” Taeyeon started to feel nervous, not only because the girl wanting to see her song, but because the girl sat really close to her. She could smell the sweet fragrance of the girl, a combination between flowers and strawberries making her dizzy. “oh come on” she thought “like there are no more pretty girls in the world”… But Taeyeon knew this time was different.

“That ! You know, i always wanted to meet someone who would write and ask that person how they manage to compose something as beautiful as a song or a poem.” She looked Taeyeon “What’s yours? Your inspiration I mean.”

The question took her by surprise; no one ever asked her something like that. Her family asked her about the money, how was possible that she wanted to be a writer, when her family was one of the richest families in Korea?

“ah, I’m not really sure how to answer your question.”

“Okay then” she smiled again and Taeyeon was wondering if there was some time when this girl stop smiling. “Whenever you find out, could you please answer the question?”

They stared each other eyes, and the time stopped for both of them. The silence was all around the place and there was nothing to break the bubble they create.

The girl reached out her hand.

“Tiffany Hwang, nice to meet you.”

“Kim Taeyeon” she said. Taeyeon felt how soft Tiffany’s hand was, and she hoped she could hold that hand more often.

 “You know, I’ve seen you come here really often. At first I was sad, because this is my secret place you know? And I thought now I have to share it with you, but then, I saw you so concentrate in whatever you’re doing in your laptop that you didn’t even realized that I was here too. It made me curious. I only wanted to speak with you and discover what’s that so interesting you’re working on it…” she chuckled

Taeyeon only stared at her, she wanted to laugh but restrain.

“I know I speak a lot right? So feel free to tell me to shut up whenever you want. I can go if you want. Anyway how old are you?”

Taeyeon started laughing, not a big laugh anyway, she only chuckled a little bit. This girl in front of her was the sweetest thing ever.

With someone else she would ask to be alone, so she can keep working, but there was something different in the girl in front of her, she wanted to know more about this girl.

“I’m eighteen. How about you, how old are you?”

“Great, you must be attending college right? I’m fifteen. Tough age I know…”

Taeyeon only laugh at the girl’s words, indeed Taeyeon thought, it was a tough age.

“Do you come too often to this place? I’m asking cause normally the days I see you are when I skip some classes, they’re really boring you know?”

“No…” that was the only word Taeyeon said.

“You don’t really speak to much do you? Oh well, maybe I should skip more classes and that way I’ll get to see you more often.”

Taeyeon stopped anything she was doing only to observe this girl; she never met anyone like her before, and never felt comfortable with someone that fast either.

“I like your eyes” she unconsciously mutters when the girl in front of her showed her Eye smile.

“Thanks” she said smiling even more. “And I like yours, and you smile. Anyway Taeyeon, I can drop the honorifics right? I have to go now if I don’t want my mom to kill me as soon as I get home. It was really nice to finally meet you. I hope I can see you more often, maybe tomorrow ill skip some more classes and be here before you leave.”

The girl stood up and began to walk toward the exit of the place. Taeyeon watched how she turns around again only to show another beautiful eye smile. After that she left.

“Beautiful Eye smile” Taeyeon said, smiling the whole time. She opened the laptop once again, for some reason that encounter with the young girl gave her new and fresh ideas. She started tapping as fast as she could.


As soon as she finished the song she looked up, the way the girl took to leave.

“Tiffany Hwang… I definitely want to see you again!”



WOW... it took me a while right?
Any way ill not tell the list of excuses i have (Cuz i have a lot)
Ill just say i'll try my best to update faster...



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Chapter 11: Great and sad story..thank you authorshi
Chapter 11: I cried a lot ╥﹏╥
Chapter 11: Thank you for sharing with us author shi. That way we can relate more to the story. Have a blessed weekend
Chapter 10: This story is so sad :'( One true love . Thank you for the hardwork author shi
1120 streak #5
Chapter 10: It's a sad but inspiring story authourssi... authourssi did you chop and smear onions all over again? Hehehe well thnx for this story ^_^
OOOH, now that it ended, i'll read and give a proper feedback when i finish
Chapter 10: Tq for a great story author
Chapter 9: :'( why this is so sad .... my heart hurts while reading . Thank you for the hard work author shi
Chapter 9: Huhuhuhuhu
Chapter 8: :'( This is so sad . Thankfully they get to meet each other before its too late.