Love You to Death





'So you're writing again?'Yuri asked me, she looks excited and i'm a little shy about this.
'Yeah, something like that.'

To be honest, going into that room, not only gave me the dreams about her every night, but gave me ideas about new lyrics. This new lyrics are diferent from what i used to write, but i am no the same person either so, i belive is good.

'So, can i see some of the new stuff?' she asked and tried to make those puppy eyes that Jessica loves. But it only made me laugh.
'No.' i said
'Oh man! Why not?'
'Because it's not ready yet.'
'Not even one?' she asked.
'Nope. But you are going to be the first person i show it as soon as is ready.'
'Yeah i better be.' she said laughing, she looked me a little longer and with a serious face she asked me. 'Would you want to sell those songs too?'
'No Yuri.' i said, 'This songs no one can sing them but me.' i smiled to her, lately i've being doing it more often. 
'Then, would you be interest in make an album? You know everyone always said that with you're voice it should be you the singer.' I laugh, even Tiffany used to said that.
'I dont know Yul, but what ever i'll do. I'll let my manager know first.'
'And your manager is going to be here to support you and help you with anything. You know that right?'
I smile and nod.
'Okay, i gotta go buddy. Jessica is being really busy lately and i need to go pick Yoona from Pre-K'
'I'll go visit you guys one of this days. If is okay with you of course.'
'Of course buddy, Jessica is going to be happy to see you. And Yonna, she loves her auntie.'

We hugged and i follow her to the door. Said goodbye again. 

I don't know what i would do without them. They are my family. Just as Tiffany were.
I walked back to my sanctuary. I was working in one of the songs when Yuri came this morning, and the ideas still are in my head.

Winter is coming. And it's bringing a lot of memories with it.






"What are you doing here?" I asked her, she was standing right in front of me and i started sweating.

If Tiffany see her here, she'll murder me. Im not joking.

I'm not sure what's going on between Tiffany and me, the only thing im sure of, is that i dont see her as a friend anymore.
Latelly some things has changed between us, i can feel it, like she holding my hand and don't let go anymore. I catched her staring at me at times, and everytime we played, somehow we finish laughing laying on the groung, one on top of the other one, really closed from each other, and in those moments is when the voice in my heas yell at me to kiss her. I almost do it the other day, but then i started thinking, "I don't want to lose her" "What if she get's scared?" and i stoped.
Maybe everything is in my head, the only thing i'm possitive right now is. If Tiffany sees Hyomin here, she'll freakout. She will get Furious.

"I needed to speak with you, and you won't answer the phone." she said. hands on her hips. So that's how she found me, she followed me.
"Maybe because i don't have any interest in talking with you?'i said, Damn it is passing two in the afternoon, she will be here in any minute.
"Taeyeon don't be like that, we need to speak."
She came close to me. Is Winter and is snowing so i tried to cover my self under the tree.
Is cold as hell, wait hell is not suppose to be cold, anyway, i still don't get why Tiffany wants to be here with this cold. We are on Vacations and she wants us to come to the park everyday! 
I said it before and i'm saying it again, that woman is Crazy! But i want to see her everyday so i comply.
I made her promise she will come to my apartment too. I thought she was going to say No, but she didn't.


"I dont want to speak with you Hyomin, and i need you to leave, Now."
"Why?" she came closer and i started walking back, till my back hit the tree. "Do i make you nervous Tae?"
"No, i just want to be alone, please leave!"
'What if i dont want to?" Damn it!.
'Hyomin, what can i do to make you leave me alone?"
"I just wanted to talk to you Tae. I think we should after the way things end." And then i got mad.
"You cheated on me, thats what happenden."
"And that was a Mistake!" she said coming even closer. "And if you let me prove it to you i can make you happy."
She stoped right in front of me. "Come on Taeyeon, we were okay before. We were happy. And we were happy because we understand eachother."

She said that and took my hand.

"We were the best couple at the faculty. The two lonely girls who dissapoint their welthy families, because we dared to studied what we wanted instead of following our parents steps."

My eyes were on the floor by that moment, she is right, we were eachother support, but she ruined it.
"Remember that everyone used to say how good we looked? How good we would look once we finish our carreers and then get married? I remember they used to say that the Hottes Songwriter and singer was going to be married with the Hottest actress. When is that everything came down Tae?"
"I dont know." i answered.
"Tae, we were so perfect for eachother, don't you miss that?" 

I didn't answer.

"Tae, I'm just asking you for another chance. Can you give me another chance to be with you and prove to you how perfect we are for eachother?"

She took my both hands and was about to kiss me, i saw her getting closer and closer to me but somehow this felt wrong, for some reason the feelings i used to have for her, weren't there anymore. I acept the fact that when i found out about her cheating on me it was dificult.

I cried a lot that day that i found out she slept with him, the same guy i saw her kiss onces, and she convinced me that was part of a scene the had to do, stupid me. After that all i wanted was to be alone and far from everyone, i went to a park near my apartment that i used to visit once in a while, i found this awesome place and apparently no one knew about it because it's always empty, that day i stayed there for more hours that i expected to; drowning my self in homework and lyrics; that day that i met her.

"Tiffany" i whispered, and turned my face when she was about to kiss me. She looked at me for a couple seconds.
"Tiffany?" she said "and who the hell is Tiffany? Is she your new girlfriend?" i didn't answer. Not because i care what she thinks but because i didn't want to say no.
"Is she the idiot who is stealing you from me? Answer me Taeyeon." she started yelling. "Dont think i didn't notice, you look diferent! Every time i pass next to you, you dont even look at me, When you hear my name you don't make any expresion, not saddness, nor even hate! So tell me, Who the hell is Tiffany?"

:Okay! you want me to tell you?" i yelled back, that was it, i am the most patient person in the world, but this woman knows how to change that. "Yes, Tiffany is the person i am in love with! You thought i was gonna be crying over you my whole life? Tiffany is the person who brought light to my life, and i realized Hyomin. With you, i've never felt like this, the way i feel with Tiffany. I feel Complete."

"You are an Idiot Taeyeon! You think someone is going to care about you more than i do? I know you! i Understand where you come from! Does she knows everything i do about you? "Does she knows you at all?"

"I do" we turn in the direction that voice came from. And i saw her, standing there, watching us. That's when i realized how close Hyomin and me were and i pushed her away.

"Tiff-ffany" i hardly said, my mouth was dry and i started sweating. "I, can explain this." Explain? Does she even want an explanation? 
"Shut up Taeyeon." she said and came closer to us, to Hyomin to be more accurate.
"So, you are Hyomin... Interesting.." she said with a mocking tone in her voice. 
"And you are?"
"Tiffany Hwang, but i don't lie so i can't tell is a pleasure." Oh man, she is mad. I went close to them trying to stop their staring fight.
"Yeah but actually is late so i belive Hyomin is leaving right now..."
"Shut up Taeyeon." Hyomin said this time. "So, you are the new girlfriend right? Don't get to used to it. Taeyeon is going to be mine really soon."
Tiffany raised an eyebrow but never stopped looking at her. Ohhh man, she is Furious. I had to stop this.
"I never told you that Tiffany was actually my..."
"SHUT UP TAEYEON!" both of them yelled at me. And that was scary enough. I didnt say a word after that. Neither them.
After a couple minutes Tiffany started laughing. Yeah, scary...
"Are you seriously think Taeyeon can go back to you? I dont know what stupid thing you did to scare her away from you, but i wont make the same mistake and you know why? Because i Love her!" She said... Wait what? "More than anything, and more than you can ever love her!"

And i didn't have enough time to think about what she said. She turned to look at me, hold my neck and crush her lips on mine.
I felt like i was in heaven, i was floating. Is this how it feels when you kiss the person you love? because i feel a lot of things at once.
I feel this electroshock that is running all over my body, it took me a couple seconds but i started kissing her back.
She tasted like strawberry, and i think i just found my favorite flavor in the world.
We stayed there, kissing eachother for a couple minutes, when i let go, i looked everywhere around but Hyomin was not there anymore.
"She left a couple minutes ago." Tiffany told me. "I think she said something about how stupid you were for choosing a child over a Woman, but i'm not a child anymore, i am seventeen years old." I laugh
"That's right, you are not a child anymore."
"I know!" she said smiling, Gosh i love her smile. "We've been best friends for almost two years now, i think is time to..." i kissed not letting her talk anymore.
She is always like this, she is so impulsive, but this moment is mine, and i want to be the one asking.

"Shut up and listen for a second please..." She nod smiling. "Tiffany Hwang, we know each other for almost two years now, only two years and i belive you know me better than anyone alse. You are the person who actually took the time to get to know me better and i've being trying to do the same with you, so if you allow me, i would love to keep on dsicovering every single detail about you, but now on, as your girlfriend." i smiled and hug her from the waist once i saw her smile.

"Tiffany Hwang, would you be my girlfriend?".




She said Yes of course, 

She loved winter, with everything that implies. That's why Winter was the oerfect moment to asker to be mine. and that way i learned to love winter too.


I looked through the window. At this moment if you really pay attention you can notice how the last days of Autum are passing.

You can see, if you really pay attention how everything outside tells you that is almost time.

Winter is coming.

And she Would have love this.





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Chapter 11: Great and sad story..thank you authorshi
Chapter 11: I cried a lot ╥﹏╥
Chapter 11: Thank you for sharing with us author shi. That way we can relate more to the story. Have a blessed weekend
Chapter 10: This story is so sad :'( One true love . Thank you for the hardwork author shi
1131 streak #5
Chapter 10: It's a sad but inspiring story authourssi... authourssi did you chop and smear onions all over again? Hehehe well thnx for this story ^_^
OOOH, now that it ended, i'll read and give a proper feedback when i finish
Chapter 10: Tq for a great story author
Chapter 9: :'( why this is so sad .... my heart hurts while reading . Thank you for the hard work author shi
Chapter 9: Huhuhuhuhu
Chapter 8: :'( This is so sad . Thankfully they get to meet each other before its too late.