Love You to Death




A week after the fight i went to that park again.

As always, i got off clases early, too early if you asked me, I walk all the path to our tree and after sitting down i opened my computer. For nothing of course.
For some reason i could not write a single word the whole week.


After a while trying write something i started to get sleepy. Put the laptop next to me and closed my eyes.


"Wake up!" i heard on the distance.

"Kim Taeyeon your neck is gonna hurt if you stay in that position. Wake up!"

I Opened my eyes and saw her. The most beautiful girl i've ever seen. Okay! I Admit it. I may have a little crush on her, but she is my friend and i don't want to scare her away.


She was looking at me with those beautiful eyes, but something was wrong. her eyes were sad, she had eyebags and looked tired, but more than anything, her eyes looked cold. Is she mad at me?

'Hello" i said fixing my self so i can lay my back on the tree.

"Where the hell have you been?" okay, she was mad.

"What do you mean?"

"Why you did not come for a Whole week?"

And here we go, i was expecting something like this. But i'm the one who should be mad, not her!

"I've been Busy, besides i figured you will be really busy with your new boyfriend!"

"Nick is not my Boyfriend!"


She didn't say anything else. Closed her eyes and took a deep breathing.

"And i guees you've been busy with Hyomin."

I wanted to say yes, i wanted to lied to her and tell her that Hyomin and me had a great time together.

But i saw the look in her eyes, Those eyes that i used to love everytime they stared at me. today they looked sad and teary.


"I though what you said." i told her " And you were right."

"What are you talking about?" she looked at me again.

"I never met Hyomin. i couldn't." i said. "You were right. I deserve better."

I saw a small smile on her lips and that took a heavy weight off my shoulders.

"Well, if you haven't noticed. I'm always right." 

"Yes of course miss Humility. You are ALWAYS right."

And that was it. That made her laugh, that made her eyes get that beautiful light back

And that laugh and those eyes Made my heart beat faster than ever.


We spend the day Playing and joking around. We Forgot About "Big eyebrows" and Hyomin and anyone around.
When we were together, nothing else matters.





The Sunlight hit me right on the face and in that moment. I opened my eyes. And i lost her again



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Chapter 11: Great and sad story..thank you authorshi
Chapter 11: I cried a lot ╥﹏╥
Chapter 11: Thank you for sharing with us author shi. That way we can relate more to the story. Have a blessed weekend
Chapter 10: This story is so sad :'( One true love . Thank you for the hardwork author shi
1130 streak #5
Chapter 10: It's a sad but inspiring story authourssi... authourssi did you chop and smear onions all over again? Hehehe well thnx for this story ^_^
OOOH, now that it ended, i'll read and give a proper feedback when i finish
Chapter 10: Tq for a great story author
Chapter 9: :'( why this is so sad .... my heart hurts while reading . Thank you for the hard work author shi
Chapter 9: Huhuhuhuhu
Chapter 8: :'( This is so sad . Thankfully they get to meet each other before its too late.