Chapter 15

Maybe It Is Love

Donghae checked his appearance in the mirror for the nth time. His clothes were simple but he didn’t look that bad.


His phone rang, suddenly. It was Heechul. Donghae answered the phone with a smile on his face.




“Baby Hae, where are you?” Donghae chuckled at the nickname given by the elder man.


“I was just getting ready, hyung.”


“Oh, did I disturb you? Should I end the call?” Heechul asked him sweetly.


“No, hyung. I’ve finished getting ready. I will just come there and meet you guys and then we can talk. Is that okay?”


“Aww.... no problem. Look at my little fishy talking so politely with hyung. I’ll hang up now. We’re waiting for you and Hyuk, so hurry up.”


“Okay, hyung,” the call ended.


Donghae quickly checked his outfit in the mirror for the last time and exited his room. He went to the refrigerator and drank some cold water.


He went in front of Eunhyuk’s room and knocked on it.


“Hyukkie, are you ready? Heechul hyung just called and said that they are waiting for us,” he said, voice loud enough for Eunhyuk to hear it from the other side of the door.


“I’m almost done,” Eunhyuk said from his bedroom.


“Okay, I’m going first. Come when you are ready,” Donghae said and went to wear his shoes. Then he started walking to the school.


After walking for a few minutes, Donghae reached their school gate and was immediately greeted by a sight of his friends arguing like little kids.

He shook his head in amusement and then punched Kyuhyun on the stomach.


“Ouch! What the hell?” Kyuhyun exclaimed furiously.


“What do you mean by what the hell? I should be asking you the question. Why are you annoying Minnie?” Donghae asked with a face full of innocence and a look that meant it’s-not-good-Kyu-you-are-being-a-bad-boy.


Kyuhyun snickered, “I’m not the one annoying him. He is the one who is being annoying.”


Sungmin pouted, “See? He doesn’t like me. What should I do, Hae-hae?”


“Aw....don’t be sad, Minnie, I’m here for you. You don’t need that brat,” Donghae said while hugging the cuter boy and patting his head.


“Stop this drama, you two,” Siwon said, chuckling as he draped an arm around Kyuhyun’s shoulder and then pointed towards a direction, “Look at those lovebirds. God, why do I feel jealous?”


“Because you are single and nobody likes you,” Kyuhyun answered with a sly grin.


“Yah! That’s not true. I am the most handsome man among all of us and girls go crazy about me,” Siwon demanded with a glare.


“Then why are you still single?” Donghae wiggled his eyebrows playfully.


“Because I don’t like them,” Siwon mumbled.


“Then stop whining about it and don’t get jealous. Look at them, aren’t they cute?” Sungmin said dreamily while watching the said lovebirds.


Yesung pecked Ryeowook’s lips softly, oblivious to the others watching them.


“Are you cold?” Yesung asked and pecked his boyfriend’s lips.


“No,” Ryeowook smiled.


“Did you eat breakfast?” he pecked the shy boy’s lips again.


“Yes,” Ryeowook replied.


“Do you want to drink anything?” another peck.


“I’m okay. Stop worrying, will you?” Ryeowook wrapped his arms around Yesung’s neck and stood on the tip of his fingers to kiss his boyfriend. Yesung smiled and kissed back, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy’s waist.


“I wish I had a sweet relationship like them,” Donghae sighed.


Right then, they heard the sound of a car arriving. It was Eunhyuk’s car. Eunhyuk got off his car and approached them. Before he could reach them, Heechul grabbed his arm and took him away from the others.


“Yah! Why did you take so much time to get here? And why did you and baby Hae come separately?” Heechul demanded.


“Hyung, please, I need to look good, right? Of course I will take time to get ready. And why do you expect me and Donghae to come together?” Eunhyuk said with an irritated voice.


“Because you are married, Hyuk, and today is valentine’s day. You should spend the whole day with your wife,” Heechul said, glaring at the redheaded boy.


“Hyung, I told you that I don’t acknowledge him as my wife. So, why should I spend the day with him when I don’t even like him?”


“Whatever, Hyuk. Just don’t hurt him.”


“Hey, Hyuk. What took you so long? Yesung is dying to go on the date with his boyfriend. Be more considerate, man,” Siwon said when he saw them and came to them.


“Okay, let’s go now. You and I are going to find some chick to have some fun today,” Eunhyuk said, ignoring Heechul and wrapped his left arm around Siwon’s shoulder.


The nine boys decided that they would take three cars. Yesung and Ryeowook would go together and Yesung absolutely forbade anyone else to step in his car. He declared that He needed some alone time with his lovely boyfriend. Siwon took the passenger’s seat in Eunhyuk’s car while Eunhyuk obviously took the driver’s seat. Kyuhyun sat beside the right window in the back seat while Sungmin sat on the left side and Donghae sat between them.


“I’ll go with Hangeng-ssi then,” Heechul said as he saw that Eunhyuk’s car was full.


They both got in Hangeng’s car. As Heechul proceeded to tie his seatbelt, Hangeng offered his help, “Let me do that for you.”


“No, I can-” Heechul tried to deny his offer but Hangeng already took the seatbelt from Heechul and started tying it. “Let me serve you today, Heechul,” Hangeng’s voice was gentle.


Heechul blushed at the closeness of their faces and muttered a Thank you, Hangeng-ssi and the handsome man chuckled, “Why are you so formal with me, Heechul? We are friends, right?”


“Yes, we are.”







“Yesungie, can I ask you a question?” Ryeowook asked as he played with his fingers.


“Yes, anything, baby,” Yesung smiled.


“Why do you like me?”


Yesung grinned at the question. He took Ryeowook’s hand in his left hand while holding the steering wheel with his right one. After entwining their fingers, he started with a shy smile, “The first time I thought you were cute was when we were fifteen. I still remember. You were humming a song while trying to draw a bird. You tried to make the drawing perfect but it turned out as a huge failure. You were so frustrated that you couldn’t stop pouting. You looked so cute that I just wanted to go to you and crush you in my arms.”


Ryeowook blushed. “Thanks for reminding me that I am a horrible artist,” he said sarcastically and pouted.


Yesung chuckled, “See? You are still pouting.”


Ryeowook stopped pouting but started to blush furiously. Yesung squeezed his hand that was in his own.


“When we were sixteen, I first realized that I have feelings for you. I started watching you secretly when you weren’t looking, I couldn’t stop smiling at every single thing you did. And then these feelings just kept growing.”


Ryeowook blushed a deeper shade of red. Yesung chuckled, “You’re so cute! Gosh, I love you!”


The smaller boy smiled shyly. “Me too,” he muttered in a low voice.


“What? I didn’t catch that,” Yesung said while looking straight at the road and driving with one hand.


“I said, I love you too,” Ryeowook said clearly and looked outside through the window. He couldn’t stop smiling.


Yesung grinned at that.







Sungmin folded his arms on his chest with a hmph and looked outside the window. He was mad. He just wanted to talk to Kyuhyun but the brunette totally ignored him.


Who does he think he is, huh? He thinks only he has the right to ignore people as if they’re trash, doesn’t he? Huh! I don’t need him to talk to me anyway. I’m all good with myself. And I have plenty of friends to talk to, he thought with narrowed eyes and pouted lips, his irritation obvious to everyone in the car except for the boy who was the cause of it himself.


Donghae sighed at his two friends’ childishness. He could sense that his decision of sitting between them was very wrong. He felt so bored that he thought he could fall asleep.


“Min, can you stop pouting? It’s creepy,” Siwon complained as the angry aura surrounding the said male kept increasing.


Sungmin just continued sulking at the lack of attention he was getting from Kyuhyun. The said boy being oblivious to the elder boy’s state of mind, continued playing games on his phone.







Eunhyuk was busy managing the steering wheel, his gaze shifting to the rearview mirror from time to time, stopping to take in the sight of Donghae’s closed eyes, admiring their beauty before looking at the road again. Their conversation from the previous night was still fresh in his mind, the memory of the younger boy confessing to him invading his thoughts again and again, resulting in his lips to form a small smile without himself knowing about it.


A part of him was getting anxious of his body reacting so differently around the younger guy.


As the redheaded boy was about to avert his eyes to the road again, the brunette suddenly opened his eyes and their eyes met. They gazed into each other’s eyes through the rearview mirror, only for a second before the elder boy looked away as if the short eye-contact had just been a mere coincidence, as if he hadn’t been stealing glances at the younger boy secretly through the whole car ride.


Their little moment was short but intense enough to make Donghae blush. He took another glance at the elder boy before looking down, fiddling with his fingers nervously. He felt shy all of a sudden. The rest of the car ride was silent, if you don’t count the sound of the passering-by cars.







When they reached their destination, they noticed a lot of people - couples, actually - roaming around. The fair started from the streets, the place was crowded, so they couldn’t take their cars any further. They parked their cars and decided to walk from there.


“So, guys, I’m going with Wookie. Don’t dare you follow us. We are going to the right direction, you guys go to the left,” Yesung said with a threatening voice and then smiled at Ryeowook. “Let’s go, love.”


Ryeowook smiled shyly and they started their date, holding each other’s hands.


Heechul stunned. “When did that kid become so scary?” he asked himself.


“I don’t know,” Eunhyuk replied, still watching the couple walk away.


They started walking in the left direction as Yesung had told them to. All the while, Sungmin kept clinging onto Donghae. The two of them were the most excited ones among all of them. Kyuhyun was getting jealous of the attention the shorter brunette was getting from Sungmin.


After twenty minutes of their group walking, Sungmin suddenly started whining.


“Hae-hae, I want to go to that store,” he said pointing at a plushie store, “Please, Hae-hae. Let’s go there, please,” he started doing cute acts.


Kyuhyun had reached his limit of being jealous. Without thinking more, he just grabbed the cute boy’s wrist and started dragging him to the plushie store.


“Yah! What are you doing?” Sungmin started shouting while trying to free himself from the taller boy.


“I will take you there,” Kyuhyun replied and continued to drag Sungmin who just kept shouting that he didn’t want to go with Kyuhyun. After the two boys were out of sight, Donghae chuckled and then started laughing loudly. Then Hangeng also started laughing, they couldn’t stop laughing.


“Did you....(laugh)..... see...(laugh)....that? That funny!” Donghae asked an equally laughing Hangeng.


“Did you see Kyu’s face? Hahaha,” Hangeng said.


The other three boys were watching them, they were confused at the sudden outburst of Hangeng and Donghae.


“I never thought that even Kyu could act that possessive,” Donghae said, both of them calming down from their laughing high.


“So you were laughing so much because Kyuhyun got jealous?” Heechul asked them after he grasped the situation.


“Totally. We’re gonna tease our little Kyu later about this,” Hangeng said.


“Definitely,” Donghae replied, both of them grinning evilly.







Heechul could sense Eunhyuk secretly glancing at Donghae from time to time. He talked to Hyoyeon on the phone at morning. Hyoyeon suggested that Heechul should do something to make the newlyweds spend the valentine’s day together. In this way, they could become closer. Heechul also told Hyoyeon about his realization of Eunhyuk starting to fall for the brunette. The problem was that the redheaded boy himself couldn’t realize his feelings for his wife. Now that Heechul remembered about his plan, he was determined to bring some sense into Eunhyuk’s ty head. There were now five of them left because Kyuhyun took Sungmin with him. If Heechul could take Hangeng and Siwon away, the married couple would be all alone.


“Won, I heard there’s a famous coffee shop nearby. Do you want to go there?” Heechul asked Siwon, knowing very well that the man had a hobby of tasting coffees. And just as he thought, Siwon became excited at the mention of it.


“Is there, really? Then I must go there. Where is it?”


“I’ll take you there. Uh...Hangeng-ssi, do you want to go with us?” Heechul asked Hangeng with a very sweet smile while blinking his eyes and tilting his head to the side and it did the trick.


“Okay, I’ll go with you,” he replied with a handsome smile and joined them.


“Guys, what about us?” Eunhyuk asked in a confused voice as they started walking away.


“You two should go together and look around the fair,” Heechul said quickly.


“What the hell?” they heard the redheaded boy yelling as they walked away.


“Will they be alright?” Hangeng asked Heechul in a worried tone.


“Don’t worry, they’ll be fine.”


“But they don’t get along very well.”


“Let them bond their friendship a little. That’s what this day is for.” Heechul said with a proud smile.


“Uh..... Isn’t valentine’s day for lovers?” Siwon asked innocently.


“Whatever, just leave them to be,” Heechul said, clearly irritated and started walking faster.







Donghae was walking behind Eunhyuk, he was happy that he could spend some alone time with the elder. It was like a date. A date on valentine’s day. He smiled at the thought.


Both of them knew that it was Heechul’s plan to leave them together and Donghae thanked Heechul inwardly. But Eunhyuk was angry, his face showed irritation at the fact that he had to be there with Donghae of all people. The redheaded male was walking so fast that the brunette was struggling to keep up with the elder boy’s pace. He almost had to run so that he won’t lose sight of the elder boy. And the place being so crowded because of the fair didn’t help much.




“What?” Eunhyuk growled.


“C-Can you walk slower?”


“Are you a kid? Leave me alone!”


“But I don’t know this place well. I never came here before,” he said nervously. Eunhyuk stopped walking and turned to look at the younger.


“You didn’t?” he asked in a gentle tone, “Why?”


“Actually, I’m not good with crowds. I tend to get lost easily. So, I was afraid to come alone,” the brunette replied, shifting from foot to foot under the elder’s gaze.


“Oh,” that was all Eunhyuk could say. After a few seconds of silence, Eunhyuk muttered a whatever and started walking again. Donghae didn’t fail to notice that Eunhyuk was walking in a not-so-fast pace and it made him smile.


They walked around side by side and stopped once in a while to enter a shop or simply to buy something that interested the elder boy. Actually, Eunhyuk was doing all the buying while the younger just accompanied him, being happy with just having Eunhyuk with him.


And then suddenly, they ended up meeting Eunhyuk’s childhood friend, Junsu. Junsu had come with his own date. But the problem was, his girlfriend had an over-protective best friend who insisted on coming with the couple so that they wouldn’t end up doing something ual.


Junsu was pissed because he couldn’t have a proper date without being interrupted by the stupid third-wheel-girl.


“Hyuk, please, help me. You can charm any girl. Please handle that so that I can spend time with my girl,” Junsu pleaded in a desperate voice.


“Fine. But not for long, okay?”


“Just for an hour, please.”




Eunhyuk ended up flirting with the poor girl, turning her into a blushing mess with his cheesy pick-up lines.


Junsu sighed in relief and started enjoying his girlfriend’s company. They walked hand in hand while Eunhyuk walked beside the other girl, laughing and occasionally tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, making her giggle and blush at the same time. None of them seemed to have any concern for the brunette boy who was left alone.


Donghae, who was smiling until now, had a disappointed expression on his face. He felt a wave of jealousy and sadness hit him at the same time. Jealous because Eunhyuk didn’t look as happy when he was walking with Donghae as he looked with the girl and sad because the elder completely forgot about him or ignored him. Though he preferred thinking it was the former reason, he knew very well that it was the latter. Of course, Eunhyuk would ignore him. He wasn’t that fun to be with. He was just a boring and ugly boy who had a crush on the elder. No, who actually loved the elder but Eunhyuk didn’t have to know about it.


They were in a shop. Junsu and his girlfriend were choosing gifts for each other while the girl who was with Eunhyuk was trying to find something nice for herself. Donghae was just looking around when something caught his eye. It was a bracelet made of a thin chain with a bow in the middle of it. It was simple but beautiful and Donghae wanted it. He asked the shop owner it’s price and proceeded to take out his wallet from his pocket. When he didn’t find it, he realized that he had forgotten to bring it in the first place. He pouted thinking that he couldn’t buy the bracelet he liked so much. Then suddenly, he got an idea.


“Eh....Hyukkie,” the redheaded boy was typing something in his phone when Donghae called him cutely. Eunhyuk looked up and Donghae held up the bracelet to show him, “I want to buy this.”


Eunhyuk kept looking at the bracelet for a few seconds before saying, “So?”


“I forgot to bring my wallet. Can you lend me some money? I’ll return it once we reach home. Pwease.....,” the younger said so cutely that Eunhyuk’s heart suddenly started beating faster than its usual pace. What the hell is happening to me? Eunhyuk though but didn’t show on his face how affected he was because of the brunette’s cuteness.


“Why should I? It’s your fault for not bringing your wallet. Don’t bother me,” he said in a cold voice and walked away, making Donghae sad once again at the different way Eunhyuk behaved with him and the completely unknown girl. His heart ached, somewhere in his head a voice said, Because she is better than you.


It hurt more when his own husband walked to the girl and asked in a sweet voice, checking out a pair of earrings, “You like them?” As the girl nodded, Eunhyuk said, “Let me buy them for you.”


Donghae felt so sad seeing the girl giving Eunhyuk a hug with the gift in her hand as the redheaded boy smiled at her that he felt tears trying to come out of his eyes. And as they exited the shop, the four persons in front of him walking hand in hand like two couples while himself followed them, the tears that he tried to suppess just flowed out, wetting his chicks. He was alone, all by himself. As he looked at Eunhyuk talking with the girl while walking before him, he felt like he was the third wheel. He was the third person coming between them. His tears flowed more at the thought and he looked at the ground because it hurt, to see the one he loved with someone else. So, he walked while looking down.


A couple of minutes passed. And Donghae dared to look up again. But as he looked up, he found the redheaded boy nowhere in sight. He panicked and ran from here to there in the crowd, trying to find sight of red hair. He was afraid. He just wanted to find the elder and run into his arms. But even though he searched so desperately, he couldn’t find him. And then it clicked in his head.


He was lost. Alone in the huge crowd. And he didn’t know where to go. He didn’t know where he was. Alone.The word made him gulp.


Hyukkie....Where are you......



A/N: It is the biggest chapter I've updated until now. I want comments..... Please give it to me......... (pleading)

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I'm THIS close to losing my . My head is exploding and anger issues are rising.


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Chapter 43: nice story indeed , i keep rereading this ;) ,thank you for writing
Chapter 43: Merci pour cette histoire. 💙
189 streak #3
Chapter 30: Forgot just how good a read this was.....enjoying the second time
Chapter 35: I love the omc reference
18 streak #5
Chapter 45: This story was great just the right amount of angst but I’m glad you got the plagiarized story taken down I really hope people can actually be creative & stop stealing someone else’s work
Shubha #6
Chapter 40: Just slap that bastered, who palagarised it, I am writer too, I know how hard to creat a story, but ppl are cunning,taking somebody work as theirs it's disgusting ppl
Congrats to u!!!! I'm getting good newz today!!! Something nice in 2020!!!
Chapter 45: Congrats, finally 💗
Chapter 45: Congrats dear ❤️ i feel really happy for you.
Chapter 45: I’m so glad it got resolved! 💙💙💙
What a relief it must be!
Good luck with your studies. 😊