Chapter 21

Maybe It Is Love

A/N: First of all, I want to apologize for updating late. I went to my aunt's house and I couldn't update! So, here's the next chappie.

Enjoy! it's total crap though.


Eunhyuk frowned as his pillow shifted a little. Weird, he thought. How could a lifeless object move? Maybe he was just dreaming. 


He inhaled deeply and smiled at the heavenly smell. It smelt like Donghae. Though he didn’t want to admit it, he had sniffed a good amount of Donghae’s scent secretly the first time they slept in the same bed. Donghae had been really sick and was sleeping peacefully when Eunhyuk had woken up in the morning and the redheaded male couldn’t help staring at the brunette’s sleeping form while admiring him quietly. That had been the first time Eunhyuk got a sniff of the younger boy’s natural scent. And Eunhyuk decided that he liked it very much.


He chuckled lowly at the memory and hugged his pillow tighter, breathing in the alluring smell. He shifted his head a little and tried to sleep again only to frown as his ears were being welcomed by a pleasant sound.


It sounded like a beating heart, calm and steady.


Eunhyuk slowly opened his eyes, blinking a couple of times to adjust to the light before he noticed his position. He was sleeping on something - or someone, his head was rested on someone’s chest as he was hugging the person while the person - a boy, he noticed - had an arm draped around Eunhyuk’s shoulder while his other arm rested on the bed.


It took a while for him to register that the boy was Donghae, sleeping under him as he breathed calmly. The redheaded male widened his eyes and tried to get up only to pause as he inspected Donghae’s face.


The brunette had stains of tears on his face.


Eunhyuk frowned, Did he cry? Why? He slowly brought his hand closer and caressed the younger boy’s cheek, Did I hurt him again?


He groaned as he felt a sudden pain surge through his head. It must be because of all the alcohol I drank. He tried to remember what he had done the previous day after getting drunk.


He remembered the party, the girl, meeting Choa, the little incident with Donghae, making out with the girl, getting drunk and then.....


Eunhyuk’s eyes widened, “! I brought that girl home.”


He rolled over on his back beside Donghae and rubbed his aching forehead. “Idiot,” he cursed himself. The redheaded male might become completely out of his mind when he got drunk. But he always remembered everything once he recovered from his drunken state. So, he remembered everything that happened after he came home.


He was angry at himself for not having control over himself after getting drunk. He might not be the most considerate person but he was not so insensitive. He knew that he had hurt Donghae.


What could he do? He was trying to understand himself better, trying to understand if he liked the brunette. But he had never been a person who enjoyed people trying to dump their own decisions and beliefs over him. So, even if he was trying, the fact that Heechul, Hyoyeon and others were trying to convince him of something they believed, made him irritated. He didn’t want people to tell him what he needed to do. He wanted to figure everything out by himself so that he could be sure of his decision.


Eunhyuk sat up on the bed facing Donghae. So, you love me?


He smiled as he watched Donghae shift in his sleep. God! He looks ao cute! Eunhyuk couldn’t deny it. The cuteness and childishness of the younger boy that he sometimes let out was the thing that made Eunhyuk’s heart beat faster everytime he saw it. Slowly, he hovered over the younger boy’s sleeping body.


He stared at the brunette’s face closely, taking in all of the features of his face. Slowly and hesitatingly, he brought his hand closer to the sleeping male’s face and touched his cheek. His skin is soft, he noted with amazement and allowed himself to caress the younger boy’s cheek.


Eunhyuk chuckled as the still asleep brunette leaned into his touch. The sound might have disturbed Donghae’s sleep because after a couple of seconds had passed, Donghae began to flutter his eyelids, pulling himself out of sleep. For a moment, the redheaded male panicked, debating if he should pretend he was asleep or not. He couldn’t come up with a decision before brown sleepy eyes were looking at him confusedly, “Hyukkie, what are you doing?”


“Erm.... I...,” Eunhyuk struggled to come up with an answer. But when he noticed Donghae’s adorable wide eyes staring at him, he almost cooed at the sight. He chuckled and hugged the brunette, closing his eyes at the warmth of the younger’s body.


“Hyukkie? W-What are-”


Eunhyuk shushed him, “Let’s stay like this for some time.”


Donghae’s voice was slightly muffled in Eunhyuk’s chest, “Wi hafe shkool, Hyukkie!”


Eunhyuk tightened his arms around the smaller boy, “I’ll give you a ride in my car today, don’t worry. Now stay still and let me cuddle you. You are comfortable and I’m in the mood to stay in bed for a cuddling session.”


Donghae blushed at his husband’s words. It felt like they were a newlywed lovey-dovey couple who stayed in bed after a long night of lovemaking.


Donghae’s cheeks reddened at the not-so-innocent thought. Will he ever make love to me? How does it feel to be loved by Hyukkie?


“I’m sorry for yesterday,” Donghae snapped his head up to look at the redheaded male. “Huh?”


“I said, I’m sorry for bringing that girl home. I was drunk and had a lot in my mind. I’m sorry,” he could see the sincerity in the elder’s eyes.


“Why are you apologizing?” Donghae asked with a low voice, staring at the other boy’s eyes.


“For hurting you,” Eunhyuk replied.


Donghae squeaked when the redheaded boy suddenly pecked his forehead, feeling his cheeks flush at the elder’s sudden action.


“You were hurt, right?” Eunhyuk brushed some brown strands of hair out of the brunette’s forehead only to pause for a moment before placing a second kiss on his forehead. “Give me some time, Donghae. Please, give me some time to figure things out.”


“Figure out what?” Donghae asked confusedly.


Eunhyuk didn’t answer and Donghae didn’t ask more.







“Donghae, tie your seatbelt.”


The said boy was startled and quickly did what he was told to do. He smiled sheepishly at the other male who snickered, “Now I have an idiot to remind about tying the seatbelt every time.”


Donghae pouted, “I’m not an idiot!”


“Then you are stupid,” Eunhyuk commented as he inserted the key in the ignition.


“I’m not stupid either. And aren’t they the same thing?” the younger retorted, still pouting.


“Well, you are definitely dumb.”


“I’m not!” Donghae crossed his arms over his chest.


Eunhyuk was enjoying the younger boy’s attempt to be angry. He was chuckling inwardly and he could see a hint of smile at the brunette’s lips. He then slowly drove out of their apartment complex and when his car entered the road, Eunhyuk suddenly increased the speed.


Donghae shrieked and clutched his seat tightly. “Hyukkie! Slow down a bit!”


The redheaded boy showed no sign of decreasing the speed and laughed at the younger boy’s reaction.


“You’re the one who is dumb, stupid and...... and every synonym of idiot,” Donghae had his eyes half-closed in fear as he accused the elder.


“If you haven’t noticed, dear Donghae, I am incredibly handsome. No, how can you not notice my hotness? You must have just forgotten.”


“Who said you are handsome? You look like a stick with the face of a monkey as a bonus,” Donghae argued.


“Tsk, don’t let me start about you, fatty,” Eunhyuk was slightly offended at the brunette’s comment.


“I’m not fat!”


“Well, you definitely are,” Eunhyuk was facing the road and so he failed to notice the sudden change in the younger’s behavior. He was expecting another attempt of protest from the other boy but after a few seconds had passed, all that greeted him was a soft sigh and then silence.


He glanced at the brunette who was playing with his fingers with an unreadable look on his face.


“What? You won’t deny? Are you finally admitting that you are fat?” he asked to get the other to talk. He didn’t like the blank expression Donghae was wearing.




And that was all the younger boy said for the rest of the ride.







“Baby Hae, what are you thinking?” a worried Heechul shook the dazed brunette, pulling him out of his thoughts.


“Just...... things.” Donghae sighed.


Heechul frowned at the answer. “Tell me.”


“Huh?” Donghae was surprised at the elder male’s demanding tone.


“Whatever is in your mind, tell me,” Heechul said, looking at Donghae’s eyes warmly.


Donghae sighed, “Heechul hyung, am I not cute?” It was Donghae’s attempt to change the subject which worked.


“Of course, you are. You are the cutest baby I have known,” the elder male replied, pinching Donghae’s cheeks affectionately.


The brunette giggled, laughing along with Heechul, relieved to have diverted the elder male’s attention from their previous conversation.


“Why isn’t the teacher coming yet?” the brunette checked the doorway to see if Mr. Lim had arrived.


“Maybe something happened with the new student,” Heechul replied disinterestedly.


“New student?” Donghae perked up in interest.


“Yeah, there’s a new student. You know, how our school doesn’t accept new students at such short notice but this guy only transferred here in a notice of one day. So, I think there are a few meetings being held about it in the teachers’ room,” Heechul shrugged, “I heard he is a rich kid.”







Donghae and the other boys were teasing Kyuhyun and Sungmin, They were having the moment of their life. Each one of them would say something and the others were laughing so much that their stomach was aching because of it.


Donghae was making funny noises and when they asked him what he was doing, he simply declared that he was imitating Sungmin’s voice. Kyuhyun was glaring at him because his newly turned lover was as red as a tomato because of embarrassment and was angry at the taller boy for it. The poor boy’s backside hurt so much that he could not even stand straightly. He was wincing from time to time because of his aching bum rubbing against the hard surface of the chair he was sitting on.


“Baby Hae was….. so shocked….. he had his jaw dropped for….. the entire lunchtime,” Heechul was struggling to talk between his laughing fit, “What were you two doing? Geez, I can’t believe it!”


“My innocent ears, I really didn’t need to hear-” Donghae tensed suddenly as a pair of arms hugged him from behind and a kiss on his head followed.


Everyone at the table quieted down.


“What is so funny, Donghae-ah?”


The brunette’s eyes widened at the voice. “Yunho?”


“Hmm?” the male who was hugging him hummed in answer.


Donghaes eyes traveled to the boy sitting at a table in a corner of the cafeteria, “Stop hugging me. Jaejoong hyung is looking at us.”


“I am doing it to show him,” Yunho answered, grabbing Donghae’s chin and turning the brunette’s face towards himself and stared into Donghae’s eyes lovingly.


Everyone at the table was looking at them with their mouth agape in shock and eyes narrowed in confusion.


Donghae huffed in annoyance, “You are an idiot.” He then turned to look at the rest of the people smiled apologetically, “Excuse me. I’ll meet you in class.”


He then got up and dragged Yunho out of the cafeteria.


“What just happened?” Yesung asked, staring at the way the duo disappeared.


“I didn’t know that Hae-hae had a boyfriend,” Sungmin said and turned to Kyuhyun for an answer.


“What are you talking about? That’s just Yunho,” Kyuhyun said nonchalantly and started playing games in his phone.


“Yunho is his almost best friend,” Hangeng told them to clear the confusion.


“Almost?” Siwon lifted an eyebrow questioningly.


“I’m still his bestie,” Kyuhyun smirked proudly.


“He didn’t look like just a friend though,” Eunhyuk pointed out. He looked irritated and Heechul smirked because, Ooh! So, our Eunhyuk got jealous!


Siwon, who also noticed his best friend’s annoyed expression smirked knowingly. People often say that when you know that someone likes you, you’ll also develop some kind of attraction towards them. If that saying was really true, then, Siwon thought, maybe there’s a chance for Donghae.







“What the hell were you doing there?” Donghae exclaimed angrily. They were now at the rooftop of the school building.


“Why are you shouting?” Yunho blocked his ears to save his hearing ability. He didn’t want to become deaf at such a young age.


“And what are you even doing here? Don’t you have school?” Donghae thought that Yunho was skipping school and so he decided to give him a lecture about how he should become serious. Just because he was rich didn’t mean he could just play around and harm his studies.


“Well, I transferred to this school,” Yunho replied while drinking his banana milk that he bought earlier.


“What?” It took a moment for the brunette to process the words. “What?” Donghae was dumbfounded.


“Didn’t you say Jae was here? So, I also transferred here.” Yunho said proudly.


“I didn’t tell you that.”


“Well, I guessed. Now you are going to help me make him jealous so that I can have him back,” Yunho smiled at Donghae innocently.


Donghae narrowed his eyes, “And why will I help you with that?”


“Reason one, you are so cute that Jae will easily get jealous,” He pinched the brunette boy’s cheeks who slapped his hands away, “And reason two, you are my sweet best friend. So, of course you will help me.”


“I’m not your best friend! But whatever, I’m doing it for Jaejoong hyung,” Donghae pouted.


“So, what’s the plan?” Donghae asked.


Yunho smirked mischieviously.







“Hi, Jaejoong hyung,” the raven headed boy jumped in fear.


“D-Donghae? Geez, you scared me,” Jaejoong complaimed with his palm over his chest where his heart resided. “Did you want something?”


Donghae smiled shyly, “Well, you know how my friends are not helpful and always tease me, right? You are really kind and…… so, I was hoping if you could help me.”


“How can I help you?” Jaejoong smiled sweetly at the brunette.


Donghae took the seat beside the raven headed boy and scratched his neck awkwardly, “Well, it’s about someone I….. I-I like,” the brunette boy stuttered and blushed in embarrassment.


“Someone you like,” Jaejoong repeated with an interested expression.


“Yeah, I-I have a friend. We are really close and we have known each other from a very long time.” Donghae took a deep breath and blushed, “Recently I’ve realized that I…. like him. I tried to, you know, confess but….. I’m so shy and I’m not sure if he likes me like that. Can you please help me? I-I want someone to be with me when I confess to him. I’ll be really glad if you could be there to give me some courage,” the younger boy bit his lower lip shyly.


Jaejoong laughed in amusement at Donghae’s shyness and ruffled his hair, “It’s okay. I’ll help.”


“Really?” the brunette asked with sparkling eyes, “Thank you so much, hyung. You are so kind!”


“I just have to accompany you, right? It’s no big deal. Who is he anyway?” Jaejoong asked.


“Oh! His name is Yunho!” Donghae said excitedly.


Hearing the name, Jaejoong’s heart skipped a beat. Maybe he heard it wrong. That must be it. “Y-Yunho?”


“Oh! I almost forgot. Your ex-boyfriend’s name is also Yunho, right?” Donghae stated and smacked his own forehead, “How could I forget! Oh! I have to go now, Jaejoong hyung. Thanks again. I’ll tell you when I confess, okay? Bye!” Donghae skipped happily to his own class, turning back once to wave at Jaejoong again.


The raven headed boy lifted his hand for a slight, hesitating wave, forcing a smile on his lips.


Yunho. Jaejoong’s heart clenched in his chest.


Maybe it was not his Yunho. Maybe it was another Yunho.


Another Yunho that Donghae liked. Not the Yunho that Jaejoong loved.


Maybe their Yunhos were completely different people.


A memory of his Yunho hugging Donghae in the cafeteria flashed before his eyes. He felt like a knife was being twisted into his heart in a tantalizingly and painfully slow pace, tormenting and hurting him.


False hope could only fool him at this point because he knew.


His Yunho was the same as Donghae’s.







“Why are you in this class?” Donghae whisper-shouted at his friend.


“Well, both you and Jae are in this class. So, I thought it would be good for our plan,” Yunho whispered, “Did you talk to him yet?”


“Yeah, I talked to him at the previous period. He seemed quite shocked when I said your name.”


“Well, that’s a good sign. Now let’s proceed with our plan. Donghae-ah, start becoming your usual clingy self.”







Eunhyuk didn’t know why he wanted to punch Yunho. He didn’t even know why he didn’t. Because it was clear, wasn’t it?


Because Yunho was acting like he was in love with Donghae.


Because Yunho was so annoying and that bastard even had the guts to say that he wanted a boyfriend like Donghae.


And the redheaded male wanted to punch Yunho because Donghae looked so comfortable in Yunho’s arms, pouting and looking at him lovingly as if nothing other than that guy mattered.


Didn’t he say he was in love with me yesterday? And now he seems to be in love with that Yunho guy. Eunhyuk snickered, it didn’t even take more than a few hours for him to run to another guy’s arms. Just as I thought. He is just a gold digging .


“What was I even thinking? Falling for that gold-digger?” Eunhyuk rolled his eyes, “No way in hell.” The next moment, Eunhyuk was walking out of the class and a few minutes later, out of the school.


He needed a good to clear his mind. And ignore the betrayal he felt as he realized that his heart had been played.


Wohooooo! So, did any of you expect Eunhyuk to kiss Donghae's forehead or did you think Eunhyuk will be angry?

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I'm THIS close to losing my . My head is exploding and anger issues are rising.


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Chapter 43: nice story indeed , i keep rereading this ;) ,thank you for writing
Chapter 43: Merci pour cette histoire. 💙
189 streak #3
Chapter 30: Forgot just how good a read this was.....enjoying the second time
Chapter 35: I love the omc reference
18 streak #5
Chapter 45: This story was great just the right amount of angst but I’m glad you got the plagiarized story taken down I really hope people can actually be creative & stop stealing someone else’s work
Shubha #6
Chapter 40: Just slap that bastered, who palagarised it, I am writer too, I know how hard to creat a story, but ppl are cunning,taking somebody work as theirs it's disgusting ppl
Congrats to u!!!! I'm getting good newz today!!! Something nice in 2020!!!
Chapter 45: Congrats, finally 💗
Chapter 45: Congrats dear ❤️ i feel really happy for you.
Chapter 45: I’m so glad it got resolved! 💙💙💙
What a relief it must be!
Good luck with your studies. 😊