Q/A round

Maybe It Is Love

Hiiiii! How are you all doing? 

Okkayy, so this is the Question And Answer round that I said I'd do. A few of you guys had some questions. Most of them are about a sequel but I'll explain my reasons for my decision about that. 

You guys are so sweet, worrying for my health. Don't worry, I'm much better now. Just caught a little cold but it has lessened. Thanks for caring. Here's some kiss for you~~ (●´з`)♡ 


So, let's start! 


1. Will there be a sequel? With mpreg maybe? - sophiexjiwon

Ans: No, there will be no sequel. As some readers asked me this question before, I already informed them that I'm not going to write a sequel for this fic because it's already very angsty. If I write a sequel, I'll have to write more angst because my mind won't let me be in peace without writing angst. When I started this fic, I already decided that it'll be just a love story between two teenager boys and I kinda wanted it to be realistic. So, mpreg is a big no for MIIL. And I like the way it ended. I think the plot will become messy if I try to write a sequel so it's better this way.


2. I think you can make a sequel on how the past eunhae got separated when donghae (i think) moved and how mr. Lee found donghae again for the marriage in details.. so we (the readers) would understand the story better - Fathi_Ishak

Ans: So you want a prequel. I thought about it. But I think a prequel won't be really suitable because if I write it, the last chapter will be Mr. Lee finding Donghae? That's not a good end and don't think it's possible for me to write that. And I kinda don't want people to know everything by reading the prequel before they read the main story. It'll kill all the fun hehehe~ Sorry.


3. I dont have any questions coz i really content for the ending. But will be supper exited if you kindly make another story with eunhae ... same plot with another background... more strong hae character but off course hyuk will still be the dominant one. Anything is fine.. as long as its you who made it - Ichihanabi

Ans: Hehe thank you. /blushes/ To answer your question, I don't really understand what you mean by same plot with another background. If you're talking about another arranged marriage fic, I'm already writing one. It's name is Soon-to-be and it's full of fluff and cuteness instead of angsty like MIIL. But if I'm not wrong, you're already subscribed to it.

And if you're asking for an angsty fic like MIIL but not an arranged marriage fic, I already have one planned. But I don't know when I'll start writing it. It's super angsty and it fits your description of stronger Donghae but still dominant Eunhyuk. I named that story Tears Falling Like Today. You can check it out when I start writing it. :)


4. I have a request...I was wondering if you could do a HONEYMOON SEQUEL of this story. I’d love to read that - Khushill-2

Ans: I'm really sorry to have to disappoint you but I can't write a sequel only based on their honeymoon. I can't write a fic if there's not much plot development in it and if it's only honeymoon then there won't be any actual plot. Really sorry about that. But you can read my other arranged marriage fic Soon-to-be if you want to read Eunhae having a nice romantic honeymoon with lots of because trust me, that fic is going to have a lot of it.


5. This is not related to Eunhae but I would like to know how did you get the motivation to write? Every time I try to type something, I can't seem to finish it or give up halfway - Star-Lord

Ans: That's a good question. Actually the first time I started writing fanfics, it's because I read a lot, I wanted to write my own fic too. But writing MIIL wasn't planned at first. I just had the sudden urge to write and posted the description without thinking much. But then I thought why not think of a plot?

I kinda like writing since childhood. I used to write a lot of poems and some short stories for school magazines. And Eunhae just gives me tons of ideas and I can't resist writing. I have writers' block often but I know that I need to finish what I started. I can't abandon a fic which maybe someone has been waiting to be updated eagerly. So, I whenever I lose inspiration, I watch a lot of Eunhae videos, read stories, play around in photoshop, listen to songs that connect to the storyline. Simply, just try to get my inspiration back.

Here's an important advice. If you write anything, never delete it. Because if you don't delete it, you'll have something to come back to. But if you delete it, there'll be nothing you can return to. I'm sorry if I blabbered too much though. (๏_๏)


6. Can we get some extra bonus chapter?? Like how they married life after?? - NeMonkey

Ans: Honestly, I'm not so sure about that yet. I'm happy with the ending but there's still some things that I want to write and my mind won't shut up if I don't. I guess I'll write a bonus chapter if someday I have the time hehe but don't get your hopes up. I can't promise anything.


7. Will Donghae get to wear his wedding dress once again? :D - KimSunRi

Ans: To be honest, this question made me laugh. But I'm still glad that someone asked it. To answer your question, yes, Donghae will get to wear his wedding dress again someday. Maybe in a future anniversary when they're older and Eunhyuk is already  working in his father's company. Maybe Donghae will surprise Eunhyuk by making himself pretty wearing the dress and it'll end with a hot steamy anniversary .

I'm saying too much. I shouldn't because if I write a bonus chapter, this is what it'll be about. 


So that's all. I hope I answered all questions?



For you to understand better about their past, I'll explain it once more ---


Lee Hwan, Lee Dongjae were friends when they were in university. They became best friends actually. They met their girlfriends in university and the four became inseparable. They married their girlfriends when they were older and then Lee Hwan and his wife hd Hyukjae. After a few months, Lee Dongjae's wife became pregnant too. So, Hyukjae was born first and then Donghae. 

As their parents were such good friends, Donghae and Hyukjae were visiting each other almost all the time so they became inseparable too. They were very cute and so their parents promised to get them married to each other when they became older. 

Then Hyukjae's family had to move because of business issues and so they left abroad. Hyukjae missed his friend a lot and always cried for him. But eventually he tried not to think about Donghae as it only hurt him more. Then he made new friends and as he grew up, he completely forgot about Donghae. His mom died after a few years. 

Donghae was also miserable but he also eventually forgot as he grew up. His parents died after a few years when he was still young and so he used his parents' wealth to go to school and pay off bills. Because he was a child, he. couldn't work anywhere. Eventually his parents wealth ended and he had to sell the house and move to somewhere else, in a cheap rented place. That's why Lee Hwan didn't find him after coming back to Korea. 

But he still kept searching and finally found Donghae again. And you know the rest. He lied to Donghae that the marriage promise was taken when they were in university so he will easily believe it. 

They were only three years old when they parted and so it was impossible for them to remember each other. 


So, now my questions to you guys! 



Have you guys ever wondered why Donghae often fell asleep without eating dinner? I mean, it's not actually that he skipped his dinner so many nights but it's actually because I forgot most of the time that people eat dinner before going to sleep. I know that sounds absurd but really, has it occurred to you ever? XD

Okay that's all I wanted to ask. It's actually nothing serious. Just my attempt of being funny and trying to know if anyone noticed those absurd things hahaha~~


Everyone, please take care of yourself. Bye bye! 

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I'm THIS close to losing my . My head is exploding and anger issues are rising.


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Chapter 43: nice story indeed , i keep rereading this ;) ,thank you for writing
Chapter 43: Merci pour cette histoire. 💙
189 streak #3
Chapter 30: Forgot just how good a read this was.....enjoying the second time
Chapter 35: I love the omc reference
18 streak #5
Chapter 45: This story was great just the right amount of angst but I’m glad you got the plagiarized story taken down I really hope people can actually be creative & stop stealing someone else’s work
Shubha #6
Chapter 40: Just slap that bastered, who palagarised it, I am writer too, I know how hard to creat a story, but ppl are cunning,taking somebody work as theirs it's disgusting ppl
Congrats to u!!!! I'm getting good newz today!!! Something nice in 2020!!!
Chapter 45: Congrats, finally 💗
Chapter 45: Congrats dear ❤️ i feel really happy for you.
Chapter 45: I’m so glad it got resolved! 💙💙💙
What a relief it must be!
Good luck with your studies. 😊