The Car Ride

Always Unsuspecting
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      It was a torrential downpour, the asphalt shimmered like it was covered with a thick layer of glass, the rain made the whole surface dangerously slick. It wouldn't be long before the street flooded, the water was quickly rising up from the over-filled gutters as the Jeon family hydroplaned down the highway.  Eight-year-old Jungkook sat in the backseat engrossed in mock battle as he fought the forces of evil with his action figures. He was oblivious to the state of the weather or the fact that it had been coming down more heavily since they hopped in the car for their road trip two hours prior. What should have been a sunny afternoon was instead a dreary gray; intermittent flashes of light popped off in the distance, followed by a juddering rumble that shook the windows. 

     His father's swears filled the car, cussing the storm that only seemed to worsen the further they drove. He felt the car swerve once or twice, but thought nothing of it since his father always drove pretty fast, swerving was just a bad habit he had.

     "This storm is ridiculous," His father adjusted his glasses, peering in his rear-view mirror.

     Jungkook glanced up at his Mom, she yelled something in Korean back at his father, he assumed about how she was going to beat his for driving so fast with her baby boy in the car, he always found it comical when his mother did this. She had no clue Jungkook had learned every Korean curse word when he was six, thanks to his best friend. 

     "," His father suddenly slammed on the brakes causing the car to veer sideways, he quickly turned the wheel to compensate, grinding to an abrupt halt. The seatbelt choked Jungkook slightly as his body jolted forward. 

     "What is it?"

     "I think they found us," His father shouted, wiping off the foggy window to stare out, his face turned a shade of pale that didn't seem humanly possible.

     "They couldn't have-" His mother started, but stopped as she focused on the side of the road, "Oh no..."

     In one swift motion, his father threw the car into reverse and backed up. His mother rummaged for something in the glove compartment, only to drop it again when the car swung around, causing them all to jerk sideways. Her audible gasp made Jungkook turn and plaster his forehead against the glass to try to focus on the outside, seeing nothing but darkness and rain.

     Something crashed into them, the car shook violently as the crunching of metal echoed in their ears. Jungkook dropped his toys and looked up at his parents, eyes wide. What was that?!

     "My tools are in the trunk, we're sitting ducks in here-"

     "There's too many of them," His mother shouted, throwing a glance Jungkook's way, her face filled with worry.

     Too many of what?! Jungkook was terrified now, he had never seen his parents react this way, his mind was running wild with as many theories as an overactive imagination could conjure up.

     "Back up, there was a dirt road back about a mile," His mother screamed, "Hurry."

      His father smashed his foot against the gas pedal, but only slid around as the tires failed to gain traction on the wet road...

     ...It was too late, a force struck the side of the car so hard that the sheer power sent them flying, the car rolled over several times causing the windows to burst and fling glass everywhere. Jungkook shielded his face instinctively as the shards pelted his body, leaving small scratches on his arms and hands.

     "Jungkoooook!" His mother's shrill voice echoed through his head.

     The car skidded on its roof several feet before sliding down into the shallow ditch with a thud. Water began to seep into the now glass-less windows as the top of the car disappeared into a murky wetness.

     Jungkook was in shock, he swore that he heard growling all around the car, his body stiffened as his eyes attempted to locate whatever thing was making these god-awful sounds. He looked up front to see both his parents unconscious, blood smeared their faces and clothing, their bodies limp and suspended in air, held in place only by their seat belts.

     "Mama?" he called out. Nothing. "Papa?" Still nothing.

     The car shook slightly and he focused his attention back outside to see that there were now several sets of enormous paws standing on the right side of the car. He closed his eyes, trying to blink out the sight. 

     A menacing growl pierced the tiptaps of the falling rain, forming wor

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Love when your writing and AFF decides to freeze, thus not displaying all of what you just wrote...


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Chapter 50: Yeah, I really enjoyed to read your story.

To me, it seems like the work of a professional writer and if you change the name of the characters, maybe you could be published for real ! Thanks again for your amazing work, I'm obviously going to read the bonus parts.
Chapter 34: You're a really great writter author-nim, I haven't finished reading your story yet but I have to say it, this is incredibly good. Wow ! Thank you for sharing your great work with us =)
irenii #3
Chapter 50: I have just finished reading your story. Well i still have to read the bonus chapters but still... i read it in 3 days. I seriously love it. I am a superfan of supernatural things (including the TV show with that name lol) so this was so fun for me. I really really want the story to continue!! I have seen there is a second part and i am sure i will like it as much as this one =)
Haaru1 #4
Chapter 64: That was great . I went through rollercoaster of emotions and to think that I just happen to share same story(Yoongi was the reason I got into bts and Jinkook are just my life) I feel glad. Thankyou for the story.💜
Trngmy #5
Chapter 5: Finally, a side of Jin that is more different than the rest of the fanfiction I have read so far....not vulnerable and shy, but mysterious and manly. So far I love it!
Chapter 64: I realized that I never showed how much I appreciate you and this story this brings a lot of beautiful memories.. On of the best jinkook fan fiction I have ever read..i was introduced to this masterpiece in tenth grade.. I was so obsessed I cried, felt happy, sad and every emotion you could describe.. I bendg reading this as if it was a tv series.. I love the way you write and how you give the story life as if we are living this amazing story.. You are the best and keep on going and continue your thing.. Stay happy ?
AuraC25 #7
Chapter 29: This chapter made me sad and cry like a river ?
AuraC25 #8
Chapter 27: TaeGi ?
AuraC25 #9
Chapter 7: This is so damn exciting ?
Chapter 1: niiiiice.