Chapter 3

Butterfly Traces

Chapter 3


(Few weeks later)


Beep. Beep. Beep. Your alarm went off. You check it and its 4am. Than your phone starts to ring. Manager was shown on the screen.


Manager: “Rossha ya….. Wake up….. Wake up…. You have a flight to catch this morning….”

You: “I know…. I know…. Your voice… gosh…..”


You wake up, washed up and get dressed. The car reached your house and you got in. Since Incheon airport is far from your house, you continue sleeping in the car.


Manager: “You’re going to New York today… you know that right….you have to attend the convention…”

You: “I know…. You brief me about it yesterday…”

Manager: “Good that you know….. You still look like you’re asleep…..             Ok let’s go, we have to check in the luggage…”

You: “Oppa…I need to buy some food I’m really hungry…”

Manager: “Ok… just be back fast and don’t get caught in crowd….”


It was a really long plane ride but at least you get to catch back on sleep. By the time you reach New York, the jet leg starts to kick in. You were brought straight to the hotel and had a day off. Since it will just be a waste to just rest at the hotel, you brought along your manager to explore New York. Like always, you just have to spend your money. Shopping, food and by night time you were exhausted. You head back to the hotel, wash up and got ready for bed. Than a text came.

[Namjoon: why didn’t you tell me you’re going to New York?]

[You: Omg…. Oppa I’m really sorry. I forgot to tell you that I will be in New York. I have to attend something so I will be here for a week. I’m going to miss you so much. I promise, the second I get back I will call you. Well its night time here and I’m really tired. Good night….]

[Namjoon: Alright…… take care of yourself. Have fun. Good ninght.]


 After a week in New York, you return back to Seoul. Just like you promised, the moment you land you called him but since he was busy, he didn’t answer. You felt a little disappointed but what can you do. You just left him a message saying that you are back. Ever since you came back, everyone was busy. BTS was preparing for their new album and you were busy finishing up your new book. Due to that you and Namjoon couldn’t meet often and the only way was through calls and messages.  A few months passed and finally you have finish the book and passed it to the company. After a few weeks the company called and said that they are ready to publish your book. They set up a date for a meeting to discuss further.  During the meeting, everything had been decided but you requested that the day the book will be on sale would be on the 3rd December.


CEO: “Ok. We agree on that but why 3rd December when we can have it earlier?”

You: “I want it to be on my birthday so I can celebrate two things at once and it will be nice to celebrate it together with the fans.”

CEO: “Oh… Ok than I’ll get more details on it with your manager. Since everything is settle here I’ll get going. Thank you for coming everyone and let’s hope that this book will also big a huge success.”


(CEO and all the staff left)


Manager: “Ok you’re done for the day. Do you want me to send you home straight or is there somewhere you want to go?”

You: “Hm….. Wait let me check my phone. Ah today BTS is having a small open concert. Why don’t I go home, take something and change first than you send me to the place? It’s been a long time since I see him…”

Manager: “Ok…..”


There were so many fans and you didn’t want anything to speculate so you called over a staff and luckily she recognises you.


Staff: “Oh…. You are…..”

You: “Yes I am… later on can you pass this to BTS…. Thank you…”


You left the place feeling disappointed but what can you do.


(Went back to the car)


Manager: “What’s with that face…?”

You: “Oppa…can’t you see. I’m here not there….”

Manager: “Ok. Come let’s go I’ll park first….”

You: “What? Go where?”

Manager: “Go and see BTS…. Well one of their staff members is my friend…I can ask her to help out….”

You: “Really?”

Manager: “Yeah… I’ll give her a call…”


In the end you did manage to sneak in. You stood at a corner near the door and the manager block your front so no one can see. At one point Namjoon was looking at your area and you were hopping that he notice you but he just turned away. The event was ending soon and your manager said that you have to leave now.


(In the car)


Manager: “So how was it..?”

You: “I was hoping for him to notice me but its ok, at least I got to see him today. Thanks oppa.”

Manager: “Welcome… I’ll send you back home now.”


The next morning you woke up not feeling so good. You feel like a cold coming so you prepared hot tea. While reading a book and sipping on the tea, the doorbell rang.


You: “Oh it’s a delivery man?”

Delivery man: “A delivery for Miss Rossha. Here.”

You: “Ok… Thank you.”


A bouquet of flower, a box and a card. You took out the card and read.

[My love Rossha,

I know it’s been a long time since we meet. Both of us are busy and I really miss you. I bought you a box of your favourite tart. Hope you enjoy it and always remember, I LOVE YOU <3

PS: I saw you yesterday at the fan meeting. You look so cute hiding behind your manager.]

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