Chapter 4

Butterfly Traces

Chapter 4


Finally, D day. You got early in the morning. The event will be at 12pm and you have to get your hair and makeup done before going to the company for a debrief. Since it is your birthday everyone was wishing you happy birthday but there is one birthday wish that you have not heard from and keep on checking your phone.


You: “Its ok…. He is probably busy…”

Manager: “Ok…. We have to go now…”


The event is held at the national library. When you arrived, you were shock to see more fans came than what you had expected. You got up on the stage and the event started.


Mc: “Here she is everyone……., please say a few words to your fans….”

You: “First off I really want to thank the fans for coming and also to the staff for making this event possible and I really hope everyone will enjoy this new book that has been release…”

Mc: “Well today is a special day right? It’s your birthday. Happy birthday.”

You: “ Thank you. Yes today is my birthday and this year is really special because I get to spend it with my fans here.”

Mc: “I guess it will be very memorable for you. Coming back to your knew book, from what I know it is about relationship and trust and you actually based it on true story……”

You: “Yes it is a story about a lady who struggles with her life and through the relationships and the events that happen to her she gets to clearly understand what life is about...”

Mc: “Wow it really sounds interesting…. Perhaps the character that is in the story is you?”

You: “Ah….. No….. No….”

[Actually there are parts of the story that is based on things that had happen between you, Namjoon and Jin.]

 Mc: “Hahaha….ok I was just joking but looking at it your fans can’t wait to meet you so we will start with the signing event….”

You: “Yes…. I also can’t wait to meet them…”


It’s nice to meet your fans since it has been a long time. Some of them even brought you a birthday gift and you were really thankful. The event ended and you gave a final greeting with a small speech and leave. A staff usher you out and said that your manager is waiting in the car at the carpark. The staff sends you off and you head to the car. You open the car door and…..


: “How was the event?”

You: “Oh…… Omma…. What brings you here?”

Mom: “Why? Can’t I see my daughter…. It’s the day I gave birth to you…how can I not remember that….”

You: “Get out….. You never care for me, why so sudden? Get out of the car now…”

Mom: “Before that, sign this document…..”

You: “What is this document for?”

Mom: “This is to indicate that all your shares in the company will be given to your younger brother. Since you are not in the company and it looks like you are well off by yourself……”

You: (sign it) “Here take it… and get out of the car… I don’t want to see you..”

Mom: “Tsk…tsk…. What a daughter. I’ll get going. All the best living in you fairy tale world….”


Your mom left and you just sat in the car. You were angry and also hurt. How could you own family keep on doing this to you? You sat there and let out all your emotion. Your manager came in and was shock.


Manager: “Rossha ya….. Don’t cry…. I’m really sorry but your mom forced me to let her see you….”

You: (wiping your tears) “It’s ok… can you just send me home…I want to go home now….”

Manager: “Ok I’ll send you home….”


On the way home your phone rang. It’s namjoon. You it all up and answer.


Namjoon: “Happy Birthday! Are you still at the fan meeting venue?”

You: “Huh….. I …. I ….”

Namjoon: “Yah….. Why your voice…? Are you ok? Are you crying? What happen?”

You: “No… Just…um… where are you?”

Namjoon: “I’m here… waiting for you at the rooftop at my company… didn’t you read the card? I left it at your door step this morning.”

You: “Ah… yeah… Ok… Just give me some time… I will be there…”


Manager drop you at the front of the house and you thanked him. You walk in there it is. The card lying on the door step. You opened it and just like he said, I’m waiting at the rooftop. You quickly change and drove to the company. Worried about the security, you called him.


You: “Oppa… I’m on the way there but what about the security? How am I supposed to get in?”

Namjoon: “Don’t worry I told one of the staff to let you in. Are you still far from here?”

You: “I should reach there in about 10 minutes.”


You reach the company and the staff let you in. while walking to the rooftop, your mind was just empty. You still recall what had just happened earlier. Reach the rooftop, opened the door and there he was. Standing there holding a balloon.


Namjoon: “Happy birthday to you….” (Singing birthday song)

You: (couldn’t control your emotions, run towards him and hug him) “Oppa….!”

Namjoon: “Why? What’s wrong?”

You: “You are always there when I need you….”

Namjoon: (hugging you) “It’s ok….. It’s ok…. Don’t cry, it’s your birthday…” (Wipe your tears)

You: “Alright I won’t cry…. But I just can’t control myself….”

Namjoon: “Actually there is one more thing that I have prepared. Close your eyes…..”


He grabs your hand and leads you somewhere. Before that, he had asked the members to help him with a surprised party. They were waiting at the dance studio with a cake. Finally after making you walk all over the place, you reach the studio.


Members: “Happy birthday!”

You: “ Ah….. Omg…. Thank…. Thank you….”

Jimin: “Hurry… make a wish and blow the candle….:

You: (made a wish and blow the candle)

Members: “Yeah!”


Jongkook took a photo of you and with Namjoon. Everyone sat down, you cut the cake and the all had some.


Suga: “How was it today? I heard your book released today and you had a fan meeting…”

You: “Ah… yes… It was really fun and my book was sold out today…”

Jimin: “Wah…. Sold out… Than…..”

You:  “Um…. Wait a second….(go to your bag and took out the books you keep for them) Here…. Everyone take one. I have sign and written your names individually on each book…”

Members: “Wah…”

Jhope: “Off course… Namjoon’s girlfriend….”

You: “Let’s take a picture… I’ll get my phone” (stood up)



You started walking a few steps and your head suddenly your head starts to really hurt. You stumbled and drop down on the floor semi-conscious. The members and Namjoon quickly ran to you. He grab you and put your head on his lap.


Namjoon: “Rossha! What happen!?!??!?”

You: “…..ah…..m….my….”

Jin: “Namjoon ah, where is here bag?!?! Where is it! Faster tell me!”

Namjoon: (pointed to your bag)


Jin ran to your bag and quickly takes out your pills (medicine).


Jin: “Ya…faster sit her up… Rossha ya faster, here eat this…” (feeds you the pills)

You: (takes the pills) “I….I’m… ok…”

Namjoon: “No…you need to go home…. Jin hyung can you drive her home?”

Jin: “OK. Just give me her car key.”


Jin took your car key and your stuff and quickly went down to the carpark. Namjoon piggyback you. Got on the car and drove off. Namjoon was so worried.


You: “Oppa… I’m fine….”

Namjoon: “It’s ok we are almost there……”


Reach your house, Namjoon carried you and you told him your house pin code. He places you on the bed, covers you with a blanket and told you to rest. You told him to tell your manager and he left the room so you can rest. At the living room Jin was holding on to your things.



Namjoon: “I have to call her manager and her mom.”

Jin: “You don’t need to call her mom…. Didn’t you know that she does not have a good relationship with her family? You don’t right!”

Namjoon: “No….. But how do you know about her pills…?”

Jin: “Argh!! Namjoon seriously…. What do you know about her? (Frustrated)….. (He finally cools down and explain to him) Actually she got this condition ever since she became a writer. She cannot be too tired or stressed out. If not she will blank out… and her mom. She moved out of her family because she can’t take that all the care of is money. She never really felt loved by them. I knew all this Namjoon… I knew all this…”

Namjoon: “Hyung…. I really don’t know all this… I…. I’m….. It’s just…..”

Jin: “Just go and check on her…. I’ll ask the manager to pick me up….”


He walk into your room and was you trying to sit up.


Namjoon: “Ya….ya… Rossha ya…. Don’t move just lie down…”

You: “Oppa… I’m sorry…..”

Namjoon: “It’s ok…. Just rest… I will be here… don’t worry…”


He pulls the blankets closer to you and holds your hand.


Jin: “Namjoon… I’ll go first….”

Namjoon: “Ok … I will stay here for a little longer. I’ll call the manager to pick me up later…”



Namjoon closed the door and walk around the house. He look at all the photos that you framed up.


Namjoon: “Wow ever since she was young she is really cute. Oh…. Is this Jin hyung? (Laugh) Ah they must be really close… but why is there so many photos of them together….” (Disappointed)


(Walk into your office room)


Namjoon: “She is really a neat person… everything is so neat…”


He felt proud looking at the bookshelf filled with your books and the awards that you received. He left the room and head to the kitchen downstairs.


Namjoon: “I should cook something… I bet she will be hungry when she wakes up…. But what do I cook? I can’t cook…ah… hand phone…”


Taking out his phone, he search for a recipe, took out things from the fridge and start cooking. It’s already night time and you finally gain the energy to get up. Namjoon was not there so you went down to find him. You saw him in the kitchen and you went over.


You: “Oppa…. What are you doing?”

Namjoon: “Oh… Rossha ya…why are you here?”

You: “I’m fine…. I feel better now….”

Namjoon: “I cook something. Do you want to try it?”

You sat on the table. He brought over the porridge and a spoon. You took a spoon of the porridge.


Namjoon: “So…. How is it?”

You: “Um… You know I’m straight forward right… it does not taste that good... but its ok I can still eat it”

Namjoon: “Really? (Took a spoon and try it) Oh…. This… no wonder the members don’t let me cook…. Ya don’t eat it…” (Trying to take it away)

You: “Ah… no…. I’m eating it… ah…(Pulling back the bowl) I said I’m eating it…”

Namjoon: “You are really cute…. Rossha… look I really want to stay but I have to go… just now my manager called and he is picking me up….”

You: “It’s ok…. I understand… just go… I will be fine… I can take care of myself…”

Namjoon: “You sure… Ok than…I’ll leave first… take care of yourself alright… anything just called me…”


You finish up the porridge and went back to sleep. The next morning you wake up felling energized back. After lunch and since you had nothing to do, you took out your new book and continue reading it. Ding dong.


You: “Oh… who could it be?” (Open the door)

Members: “Anyeonnngggg……!”

Jhope: “We came to visit you. We heard from Namjoon that you are feeling better now.”

You: “Yes I am… come in…. make yourself at home…”

Suga: “Wah….. Big house you have… Do you live here by yourself?”

You: “Ah…. Yes I live here by myself… it’s only me in the house… You can look around if you want…”

Jimin: “Really? If so…. Can I go and look at your work room… I want to see your books and stuff…”

You: “Sure… it’s at the second floor on the left… I’ll go get drinks for everyone…”

Jin: “Rossha… it’s ok… I’ll get them….”


As everyone was touring around the house, the doorbell rang again. This time you check the door answering machine before opening it. It shocked you. It was your mom on the door. You didn’t know what to do so you brought Jin over.


You: “Oppa…. What do I do…?” (scared)

Jin: “Um…. Listen to me…’s ok….Namjoon ah… can you bring the others to the backyard… There is something me and Rossha have to settle… Her mom is here….. but don’t tell them about it…”


Namjoon brought them to the backyard and you finally open the door with Jin.


You: “Mom…. What more do you want? You meet me yesterday… I gave up my shares and now what?”

Mom: “Oh… Jin Why are you here? Why is there so many shoes in your house? What are you dating him?”

Rossha: “Ah… mom! It does not concern you … now what do you want?”

Mom: “can’t you let me in first? There is something I need to sit and talk to you about.(went into the house) Huh…What is this? Why are you still here?” (to Jin)

You: “No, stay here…”

Mom: “Ah… It must be it…. How long have you been dating?”

You: “Mom, I am or I’m not dating him does not concern you….”

Mom: “How does it not concerns me…. You’re my daughter…”

You: “Huh…..your daughter? It’s been years since you celebrated my birthday… you didn’t even call to ask if I’m fine of anything…”

Mom: “Well that’s just your fault…. You don’t come home often…”

You: “Even if I did come home, you are not there and when you are home you don’t even acknowledge like I’m there…. Now tell me whose fault is it?”

Mom: “Alright… listen here. I came here to just pass you this form…”

You: (took it and read) “Approval form of joint bank account between family. What is this?”

Mom: “Like it’s stated, all our bank accounts will be joined…. I think that’s the safest way for our family…”

You: “Safer? You think I’m that stupid? By joining it means it will be easier for you to take my money…and family… I’m telling you… to me there is no such word as FAMILY!!! Now… leave my house!!!” (You shouted)

Mom: “Fine….. but don’t come home crying asking for me to help you…” (Leaves the house)


You just stood there and cried. Jin came over and hugs you.


You: “Oppa… I really don’t know what will happen…. How can my own mother do this to me…..”

Jin: “Shhhh….” ( your head)


Meanwhile the members outside actually heard you shouted.


Jhope: “Oh… what was that?”

Jongkook: “I heard that too…”

Suga: “Namjoon ah… I think you better check what happened.”


Namjoon was about to enter but through the glass door he saw you hugging Jin. He was shock and felt himself burning with anger. He turned and walks away.


Namjoon: (walks pass the members) “I’ll get going…”

Suga: “Ya….Namjoon… why do you look so angry?”

Namjoon: “It’s nothing!”


(In the house)


You: “Ah….Jin oppa… we can’t be like this. I’m already someone else’s.” (let go of him)

Jin: “I was just trying to comfort you…”

You: “I know… Thanks for that but… Um I’ll just go and find him…”





You: “Sorry everyone. Oh… where’s Namjoon?”

Suga: “Well he went up and then came down back and just left. He seemed a little angry. What happened?”

Jhope: “And the shouting…..”

You: “Huh… what…. I….. I can’t explain now. I have to find him…”


Run back into the house, took the car key and drove off.


You: (Hitting the steering wheel) “Why! Why! Why! Why are you so dumb…. He must have seen you and Jin….. (Stop at the side lane) Namjoon oppa…. Where are you…? (Crying) Oh… Han River…. I have to try and find him there.”


You reach the place where he usually goes when in Han River. The bench was near the carpark and from your car, you saw him sitting there. Park the car, unbuckled, wipe your tears and walk towards him.


You: “Oppa….”


Meanwhile the members at your house went back in to find Jin.


Jhope: “Hyung… what happened?”

Jin: “I think its best if all of us leave now... it’s complicated.”


(Han River)


You: “Oppa… I…I’m….”

Namjoon: “Rossha…. I really need time to myself…. Please…”

You: “I’m really sorry but I just hope that you can understand me….”


You left him with the heaviest step you had to take. The whole time you drove home you were bothered by the thought of you losing him.

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