
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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“Did you present your resignation letter already?” Kai asked his partner sternly.

Kyungsoo, who had been setting their lunch on the conference table, stopped on his tracks and looked up at his alpha. He had been practicing what to say in his mind, but as he looked into his mate’s eyes the words got stuck in his throat.


Kai arched his brows. “Well?”

“...Not yet,” Kyungsoo murmured, his eyes going back to the food container filled with rice he was opening.

“Do it today.”

The omega nodded at once and sat down in front of Kai to enjoy their meal. Baekhyun’s words resounded in his head.

For God's sake. Tell him! Just try.

He took a deep breath.

“Actually, Kai, I... I had something to ask you.”

The alpha looked up from his plate, interested. “What is it?”



“I said...”

“Kyungsoo, I can't hear you, please speak up.”

“I don’t want to quit,” Kyungsoo said firmly, locking eyes with his mate.

Kai was silent.

“Don’t make me," the omega kept saying almost desperately. "I’m more than happy to serve you, but I don’t want to spend all day at home. I feel lonely and I get bored and I’ll see you less.”

The alpha rose from the table and Kyungsoo bowed his head fearfully. This was it. Kai was going to hit him for being a brat, and he’d probably deserve it. What had he been thinking? Not that Kai had ever been violent, in fact he rarely even raised his voice at him, but he had never defied him like-

Kai interrupted his panicked thoughts by making him get to his feet and giving him a peck on the lips. He was grinning.

“See? You can say no to me.”

Kyungsoo blinked in confusion. “What?”

“Baby, I don’t want you to force yourself to like whatever I tell you to do. I never really wanted you to quit. I just wanted to see if you would stand up for yourself.”

Kyungsoo frowned, but he was feeling relieved. “Was it necessary to do it like this?”

Kai gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry if I made you worry... I just didn’t know how to make you believe me when I told you could tell me exactly what you think.”

“Alright, I’ll forgive you.” Kyungsoo sighed, and Kai squeezed him in his arms.

“There is still something I’d like you to do, though.”


“Don’t work so hard. You don’t relax enough and I don’t like seeing you so tired when we go home.”

Kyungsoo smiled brightly. “Okay.”




“Why do we always have to be baits in movies?” Baekhyun asked. He was lying with Chanyeol in one of the couches in the living room in front of the TV. He had his head and back against the alpha’s chest. Chanyeol had an arm around his waist, and he would occasionally caress his thigh.

“Because you’re tiny and adorable and defenseless and you being in danger moves us immediately into action and screenwriters are too lazy to come up with something different,” he replied, his eyes still on the TV.

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Chapter 23: 💜
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Chapter 19: Am really enjoying this story.!...would love to be binge reading but have more stressing priorities..🌹
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Chapter 13: 💜
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Chapter 8: 🥰
Ncoups #8
Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.