Bonus 10

Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Bonus 10


Chanyeol faked an excited smile when a cookie brand promoter handed Hojun a floating balloon and the little boy turned around to show him like Christmas had come early. Handing out balloons to children for free should’ve been punishable by law, he thought bitterly as they stepped into the supermarket while Hojun began playing at letting go of the string and jumping to catch it before it floated too high, giggling. He was bound to lose the balloon and cry. Or it would pop, and he would cry. Balloon stories always ended in tears.

Baekhyun, by his side, laughed as he observed him. “He’s too cute,” he said fondly. “And he looks exactly like you in that jacket,” he commented. Hojun’s white winter coat was the same design as Chanyeol’s, except about ten times smaller.

“I know, we have to take a picture later,” Chanyeol replied. “Stay close to me, alright? I’m still not sure about this, it’s a lot of walking.”

Baekhyun huffed. “I’ll be fine, the doctor said I could walk for a while.”

He did look better since he had been on bedrest. He had put on a good amount of weight, and he was alert and talkative when he was awake, as opposed to dizzy and barely paying attention to anything like before.

“Can I help you with anything?” Baekhyun asked when they reached the aisles.

“No,” Chanyeol replied, and Baekhyun pouted. He had to know he wouldn’t be of much help, though.

“Daddy, my balloon!!” Hojun yelled, as the balloon floated out of his reach.

Chanyeol caught it swiftly. “Hold it tight, Junnie.”

Hojun ignored his suggestion and continued to play happily. It was like going out with two children to take care of, instead of one, when he only wanted to get things done. Chanyeol felt guilty as soon as he had the thought.

“Oh, my God, I want ice cream,” said Baekhyun, and immediately wandered away.

“Baek-” Chanyeol began to say, but Hojun was now running in the opposite direction, trying to catch the  loose balloon once again. The alpha hurried to his aid, but this time he wasn’t fast enough, and the little boy watched, heartbroken, as his precious toy wandered away. Chanyeol had about a second to prepare.

“Noooo! WAAAAHHH!!” Hojun screamed, pointing at it in the distance. An omega woman passing by gave him a look off disaproval and rolled her cart faster.

Chanyeol scooped the boy up in his arms. “Jun, it’s okay, we’ll get another when we’re finished.”

In the time it took him to calm their son down and put him in the cart, he lost Baekhyun. It was another half an hour of panic, wondering if the omega had needed to go to the bathroom, or be sick, or if he had collapsed somewhere.

He found him in the snacks aisle, perfectly okay. He dismissed Chanyeol’s worries with a flick of his wrist and proceeded to load the cart with at le

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Chapter 19: Am really enjoying this story.!...would love to be binge reading but have more stressing priorities..🌹
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Ncoups #8
Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.