Bonus 9

Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Another little bonus, yay


Kai stopped the car and glanced towards the co-pilot seat worriedly, were Baekhyun was sitting with his eyes closed. He hadn’t moved at all since Kai had picked him up in the morning for a meeting with a new possible client. Chanyeol had glared daggers when Kai opened and closed the door of the car for Baekhyun. “Hey, are you alright?” he asked gently.

He couldn’t help it. Since his relationship with Baekhyun had improved, his instinct to look after the omega he was with was hard to resist. 

“Yes, I’m fine, are we there?” Baekhyun said, slowly straightening up and rubbing an eye. “I just have a little headache and... This guy’s been flirting with me even through emails.” He sighed.

“If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I’d say you make these stories up. Why does every alpha we encounter flirt with you?” Kai scoffed.  “You aren’t that cute.”

“Believe me, I agree, and I want them to leave me alone more than anyone,” Baekhyun said in a very tired tone.

“What if I pretend to be your mate?” Kai suggested before he could help himself. “He doesn’t know about Chanyeol.”

The omega’s eyes widened. He looked fully awake, finally. “I can’t... Chanyeol wouldn’t like that.”

“Would Chanyeol rather have some random alpha all over you?”

Baekhyun bit his lip. “I carry Chanyeol’s scent, though.”

“Not if you put on my jacket,” Kai said, already shrugging off the garment.

It felt transgressive, to go around the car, open the door and help a compliant Baekhyun put on his jacket. Kai didn’t think of his boss as an actual omega most of the time, but ever since he had announced his pregnancy, he looked frail and slimmer, often distracted and distant. Like he was in need of protection. And Kai was ashamed to admit it, but he had been glued to Baekhyun’s side, like his boss were a beloved family member.

“Are you sure your headache is ‘little’?” the alpha demanded in a skeptical tone as he saw his boss waver on his feet.

“I’ll be fine,” Baekhyun said. He fixed the jacket and they walked to the restaurant’s entrance. Baekhyun held Kai’s arm for support.

Kai wondered why and how Chanyeol had let Baekhyun even come out the apartment this morning. Forever a useless alpha, he guessed.

A middle aged alpha and two beta ladies were waiting for them at a table inside. The alpha’s eyes brightened upon seeing Baekhyun, but Kai was quick to introduce himself and the brunet as his mate. The client asked why Baekhyun hadn’t said his mate worked with him, visibly a little disappointed, and then brushed it off with a laugh, saying of course no alpha would let him work alone. They were able to agree on the terms of a contract and the meeting was a success.

Baekhyun, however, looked paler and like he was about to collapse by the end of it.

 “I’ll take you home,” Kai said, opening the door of the car.

“Don’t be silly, we have to go back to the office.”

Kai's brows furrowed. “Baekhyun...”

The brunet rolled his eyes. “I don’t pay you to question me all day, Kai.”

“Do I need to call Chanyeol?”

“Don’t treat me like a kid.”

“Then stop acting like one and take care of yourse- What’s that? Did you spill something on your pan

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Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
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Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.