Chapter 13

ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

''Wake up puppy," My eyes flicker open to the soft touches being placed along my cheekbones. My eyes move down till they were focusing on the monster’s blurry silhouette, still trying to rub the sleepiness from my eyes with a closed fist.

''What-'' I'm cut off by knock against the bedroom door. 

''Come in." Chanyeol announced, resting his head against the headrest just as Jongin pokes his head in, a tiny smirk on his tan face. 

''He's arrived and awaiting your arrival.'' He tells his cousin, glancing over at me next ''Good morning puppy.'' I smile back in a silent reply, biting my chapped lips. 

''If that's all, then get out." Chanyeol stands, dropping his shirt down behind him stretching his arms above his head with a deep groan. I gulp at his bare chest. I hadn’t gotten a good look at his body, he was well sculpted, muscles firm making him look even more threatening than before. I noticed a few scars covering his lower back and the back of his wrists—something I knew all too well. But could a strong man like Chanyeol really suffer like that? 

''A-Am I going with you, s-sir?" I whisper, breaking my silence— scared to make my voice even a bit too loud for his liking.

''Of course. Get up, I put some new clothes on the table for you. Do your best to look well, I don’t need a messy puppy by my side.” He tells me, heading to the shared bathroom. 

''Y-Yes sir.’’

I stand, doing my best to fix my messy hair once I slipped on the new clothes. Thankfully they were covering more of my skin than last nights outfit. I felt comfortable for once in the cotton fabric. I had to stand on the tip of my toes to even get a good look at my reflection, and I wish I hadn’t. I didn’t look like myself, my skin was deadly pale. My eyes, they looked empty. I felt like a ghost. An empty shell of a person. 

''Hurry up, pet." I pushed myself out of the bathroom at that. He grabs my hand, it wasn’t a gentle grip—it was tight, a controlling hold. 

''Stay close to me, you are not to talk to this man. Understand?" I nod quickly, squeezing his hand while another round of fear coursed through my body. I didn’t want to meet this man, I didn’t want to be apart of Chanyeol’s world. He gives my hand a soft squeeze in return, that wasn’t normal of him but I didn’t question it. 

Chanyeol kept his strong grip around my hand leading us down the long winding hallways. With each step I seemed to gravitate towards him, until my chest was practically up against his back. I was terrified of meeting this man.My anxiety was only growing by then, I was already nearing my breaking point for this week. I was thinking the worst—what if we were attacked again, or if he were to sell me off? Before I knew it I was crying. My shoulders shaking with each sob that wracked through my brittled bones. I must’ve been spaced out because soon enough I bumped into Chanyeol's broad back as he stopped abruptly. He turned around to face me and I just knew he was going to hit me, because that was something he always did. I braced myself for the pain, for the blood. But it never came. Instead he sighed deeply, leaning down to wipe away my tears. His touch was far from gentle, it was a bit calloused and rushed—but he didn’t hit me. 

''Why are you crying?" Another hiccup comes from my lips as my fisted hand rubs against my eyes.

''I-I.." I take a deep breath, too nervous to speak in front of him. His eyebrow lifts, I could tell his patience was running thin. ''I'm scared." I finally whisper, my fingers moving down to grip onto the bottom of my shirt, twisting the fabric. 

''You don't have to be. I’ll be there beside you, right? And so will Jongin." He tells me, rubbing his thumb against my dampening cheeks. I nod at his words, sniffling back my snot and tears. He sighs deeply, moving down to my height and carefully he fixes my wrinkling shirt. I watched him with cautious eyes. I had never felt such a gentle touch from him before— I couldn’t understand why he was being so kind suddenly, but I wouldn’t complain. Anything was better than his fist. 

''I see the Park Chanyeol has gone soft, hm?" I peak around his tall figure at the new voice, it was deep—it didn’t give me a good feeling. I had never seen this stranger before, and I assumed this was the guest for the day, beside him stood Jongin and behind him was Sehun guarding the doors. Slowly, I wrap my pointer finger around Chanyeol's larger one. I hold it close and shuffle to hide behind his back. I really didn’t enjoy the strangers eyes on me. 

''Sehun, bring the gift." Chanyeol ordered, I hear a string of weak shouting coming from the room beside us. What was going on? Who was this man, why did I even have to be here?

The doors push open and in Sehun's hold was a small boy—his eyes were red and puffy from the amount of tears falling down his cheeks. Dark bruises covered his small frame.

''Z-Zitao!" I hear the stranger gasp, taking a small step forward though he paused. Chanyeol had aimed his gun right for the victim the moment man moved. 

''You see Yifan, we found your precious doll isn't that right? So why don't we sit down have a drink and if I like your proposition you'll get your little lover all in one shape. If not..well I think we both know my men are hungry for a new boy to drill into." I bite back a whimper at his crude words—how could he even say that? It was so easy for him to kill a man, to allow his men to assault them. It was evil. And this poor—he reminded me of myself. Only he had a man who loved him while I did not. 

''Deal." The man named Yifan growled out. 


''We need triple the amount of men to even be close to winning this war. We will navigate the location of the nest, take care of the Swan. And both of our problems will be resolved'' I sit on the ground beside Chanyeol. I could almost taste the tension in the meeting room. The boy who I now knew was named Zitao was being held by a guardsmen, he was whimpering behind the cloth gag. And every few minutes I would catch Yifan glancing at his lover. It made me jealous, I felt disgusted for even feeling such a way. I wanted to be loved, and needed. I shuffle in my spot, Sniffling as another round of unwanted emotions hit me. I missed my friends, I missed my father most of all. I missed the unconditional love he gave me each day. I missed being held in his comforting arms. I rub my eyes to get rid of the burning tears. My shoulders went cold, body going completely rigid when I felt fingers run through my hair ever so slowly. I nearly purr at the sensations. I lean into the hand, closing my eyes. I drown out the conversation myy mind was calming down, my heart rate was going back to normal and my tears were drying. 

''Alright Chanyeol, we have a deal. Now give him to me!" Yifan shouts, slamming his fist down onto the table. Chanyeol had him wait another few minutes, clearly enjoying his pain before he let Zitao go. I watched their tearful reunion with an odd emotion spreading in my chest. 

''Jongin, take Baekhyun to his room. I have work to finish." Chanyeol tells his cousin who nods at me to stand. I do just that, glancing over at my master my mouth opening and closing and finally before I leave, I whisper a soft thank you before fleeing from the room. I didn't want to be hurt from the hatred brewing in his dark eyes. 

I wanted to be oblivious to the hatred he felt for me.

I didn’t want to see it.


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basic_exol #1
Chapter 23: UPDATE
basic_exol #2
Chapter 1: UPDATE
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
samaki #4
Chapter 23: Please update. This is so good!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 23: Baek did it - I know it's wrong to cheer for him but he managed to survive and help the others - but will Chan acknowledge and appreciate him??
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Chapter 21: I'm so worried for Baek, can he pull himself together to live through the next attack??
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Chapter 20: Who is the swan? Did they capture Chan??
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Chapter 19: Who is attacking?? Does Baek care about his monster now??
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Chapter 18: Sweet kiss 👄 but is Chan really different??
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Chapter 16: Is Chan softening up?