chapter 2

ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

The summer air was humid, sweat trickling down the boys forehead while he ran. 

''Byun Baekhyun!" His feet kept running, heart hammering at Sehun's angry voice. ''Either you get back here, or I shoot." He didn't know why he chose to run even after that, panic rising all throughout his chest as he heard the first gunshot. The bullet speeding across his left cheek, leaving a small scrape. The second however, hit his lower leg. Blood spurted from his wound leaving him up for grabs to the predator. 

''N-No!" He screamed, throat raw with agony. His body screamed out in pain once it collided with the pebbles. Head whipping backwards eyes staring right up at Sehun. 

''I told you to stop running, didn’t I?" He hissed. His hand reached out and grabbed the boy by his neck, lifting him up off the ground easily. He ignored each and every one of his choked pleas, carrying him back to the car. Baekhyun could feel his heart rattle inside his chest, eyes coating with black dots every few seconds. He knew he was close to passing if Sehun didn't remove his hand, pushing him forward. However; he didn't struggle this time, he didn’t think he could move again after this. The pain was too strong for him to handle. 

''P-Please..let me go." He rasped, eyes filling with tears. 

''I can't. Baekhyun, you just need to relax, and understand that the boss won't hurt you if you just listen." He spoke, wrapping his harmed leg in soft bandages. He didn’t need his blood getting everywhere, Sehun was always clean when it came to things like this. 

''I-I-" His eyes rolled to the back of his head, he tried so hard to stay awake, but the pain was blinding. 



‘’Byun Baekhyun!" He jolted awake, his chest heaving trying to find air. His eyes searched around the bright room, looking for the voice that woke him up. Chanyeol sat across from him, one leg stretched over his knee, eyes completely focused on the crippled boy in bed. 

''Hello puppy,'' He spoke, voice sending another set of chills across his body. He didn’t reply at that, what could he even say to him? He was just shot, he knew this man wasn’t someone he should even try to be on good terms with. There was no telling when he’d get shot again.

''Are you hungry?" Baekhyun groaned quietly, his stomach making a loud growling sound. His eyes widened at the tray that was suddenly shoved his way, it was filled with different fruits, various breads and some warm milk. 

''T-Thank you,'' he whispered, feeling grateful that he had food. He couldn’t help but state his gratitude, he was raised to use his manners even if the person didn’t deserve such kindness. Thankfully, his leg was numb, and from what he felt when he brushed his hand down below the blankets it was wrapped in new bandage. 

''I heard you escaped." Mr.Park teased, crossing his arms over his chest. 

''I-I...I was just s-scared Mr. Park " At hearing Baekhyun's words- the giant laughed. He found his stutters hilarious, he enjoyed the weaklings they were just so easy to break. 

''Please, just call me Chanyeol, love." He tells him, clearing his throat moving to stand up towering over the bed. ''However, you are to be punished. I don’t enjoy my pets breaking such simple rules. You will listen to me from now on, I have no problem adding another bullet to those weak little legs of yours. '' He spoke in such so much authority Baekhyun could no longer move. He felt completely frozen, scared. 

''Am I understood?" Chanyeol hissed, fingers gripping his chin, making the young boy wince. 

''Y-Yes C-Chanyeol."

''What a good boy. Tomorrow we will go over my rules. For now, you stay.'' He was treating the boy as if he were a dog. Not even a human, to Chanyeol he was no better than a mutt. And Baekhyun, Baekhyun hated him.

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basic_exol #1
Chapter 23: UPDATE
basic_exol #2
Chapter 1: UPDATE
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
samaki #4
Chapter 23: Please update. This is so good!
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 23: Baek did it - I know it's wrong to cheer for him but he managed to survive and help the others - but will Chan acknowledge and appreciate him??
Beau1996 1372 streak #6
Chapter 21: I'm so worried for Baek, can he pull himself together to live through the next attack??
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Chapter 20: Who is the swan? Did they capture Chan??
Beau1996 1372 streak #8
Chapter 19: Who is attacking?? Does Baek care about his monster now??
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Chapter 18: Sweet kiss 👄 but is Chan really different??
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 16: Is Chan softening up?