Chapter 14

ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

I sat beside Minseok, twiddling my thumbs a bit anxiously. Only an hour ago was I given permission to enter his room. He was awake, the wires pumping some fluids into him—Yixing explained his injuries to me in detail but I was too worried to even absorb half of what he told me. 

‘’How long have you been living here Baek?” He asked me, his voice a bit raspy—rough from the tube that was being lodged in his throat only hours ago. 

‘’I..I don’t know—maybe a few weeks, or a month?” I didn’t know, the days went by in a blur, and in the begging I spent most of my days locked away in a room until I was needed by Chanyeol’s side. Which wasn’t often, he was even busier when I was first brought here. I had no idea what day it even was. “Why were you working with Yifan..?” I decide to ask, and for good reasons. I never imagined that Minseok would be on the enemies side—well he wasn’t an enemy anymore. The Minseok I grew up with couldn’t even stomp on an any let alone flush a spider. So how was it that this soft male was now killing innocent men on the daily? 

“A few years..he saved me many years ago. I ow him my life.” He spoke a bit softer now, his eyes glancing at me and then the dark figure behind me: Jongdae. He wouldn’t leave the room, Chanyeol’s orders. And I wasn’t complaining, even though Minseok was once my friend I didn’t trust him, this man in front of me was a stranger to me. 

‘’I don’t left years ago— what happened.” He cut me off with a short snip. 

‘’It’s none of your concern.” I inwardly tense, looking down at my lap my body going rigid at such a cold tone. 

“I see..forgive me.” I whispered weakly, it seemed to Minseok I was an enemy as well. I was no longer someone he old trust. I didn’t bother to try and look at his expression—didn’t check if he felt even an ounce of guilt for snapping. I just my heel and ran. That’s all I was good at these days. 

‘’Baekhyun! There you are..Luhan and I have been looking for you. Come, come.” Kyungsoo broke me out of my negative thoughts by placing his hand down onto my shoulder tugging me towards his bedroom. 

I gave Luhan a tiny smile, they wanted to play dress up— and so I agreed. Kyungsoo worked on my hair while Luhan played with my fingers rambling on and on about one of his weird dreams he had the night before. I giggle at his silly words, pushing into Kyungsoo’s soft hands, it felt nice to have friends. At least I hoped they also viewed me as such. We all freeze when the masters walked into the room, none paid any attention to us at first — far to busy in their own conversation. 

''Yah, Baekhyun why are you so pretty?" Luhan whines, clinging to me. Another tiny laugh left me, I hadn’t laughed like this in weeks, it felt nice. And I could tell the others weren’t expecting such a noise from me, as It has the whole room freezing. My face started to burn from the unwanted attention.I hated the attention, ever since I was a child my body would freeze up and I would run to Minseok crying into his chest for comfort. Only now I could only hide, not cry. And he was no longer there. 

''Well, you sure do have an adorable laugh." Jongin tells me, sitting next to Kyungsoo on the bed, tugging the small boy into his lap.

‘’Well, we’ll leave you boys to it. Luhan, come with Soo and I. Sehun has been looking for you.” Jongin tells us, scooping his lover into his arms while he stands up. 

Once the room was silent I look over at Chanyeol. I just fumbled with my shirt, peeking over at him every so often—I was waiting for his order, or his angry voice telling me to get out. Yet, I was met with silence. 

''What are you doing puppy?" He questions this time he caught my wandering eyes, I cursed myself silently at that. 

''You l-looked s-stressed," I answer, peeking up to see his reaction. Only there was none, he looked as calm as he did before. 

''I am, some er shot my group in another city." He replied, letting out an annoyed sigh leaning his head back letting his eyes fall shut. I could tell he was tired, he was busy these days—most times I didn’t see him until dinner. I couldn’t imagine living in this type of lifestyle. 

''I'm um..sorry." I whisper, not knowing what else to say in a situation like this. My eyes trace over his lips, they looked soft. I quickly shook my head, I should not be thinking about that. I glance back to his eyes, only this time he was looking right at me. I squeak in surprise, blinking while my tongue pops out, and I across my bottom lip. Suddenly his he stands, stalking towards me until his hands move down, cupping my cheeks quite firmly, his lips capture my own in a sudden and rough kiss. Teeth clash, my shocked gasp being swallowed by his own plump lips. I knew his lips would be as soft as a feather—it suddenly had me worrying if mine were soft enough for this beast. Our lips move together slowly, his hand glides up to clasp the back of my neck.

'','' he breathes out once we pulled apart. I knew something in the air had changed once we kissed, once we connected our lips the whole world felt like it shifted—and I wasn’t sure if I liked that or not. Without a warning I was lifted, dropped onto the soft cushions on the bed. And like an animal hunting for its prey he pounced. 

The beast caught me.

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basic_exol #1
Chapter 23: UPDATE
basic_exol #2
Chapter 1: UPDATE
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
samaki #4
Chapter 23: Please update. This is so good!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 23: Baek did it - I know it's wrong to cheer for him but he managed to survive and help the others - but will Chan acknowledge and appreciate him??
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 21: I'm so worried for Baek, can he pull himself together to live through the next attack??
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Chapter 20: Who is the swan? Did they capture Chan??
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Chapter 19: Who is attacking?? Does Baek care about his monster now??
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Chapter 18: Sweet kiss 👄 but is Chan really different??
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Chapter 16: Is Chan softening up?