Delivery Food

A Day With Miyawaki Family



Sakura turn her chair to face Hitomi, who was standing at the door.

"Yeah, Hii?"

Hitomi walked inside and climbed into Sakura's laps. Sakura hold her daughter securely.

"What is it baby?"

Hitomi hold up the phone in her hand.

"Mommy is on the line."

Sakura took the phone and let Hitomi play with her computer.

"Hey, hun."

"You're that busy to check up your phone huh?"

Sakura grimaced and reached her phone. 15 misscalls, wow.


Sakura could hear Eunbi sighed from the other line.

"Listen, baby. I don't think I could be home for dinner. We're still waiting for Wonyoung's turn for flu shoot and we need to go to the dentist for Yujin. Can you fix up a dinner for three of you?"

Sakura nodded her head.

"Is it ok if I feed them delivery foods?"

"Fine by me. Ask their preference and don't buy Sannakji. They can't eat that."

Sakura pouted.

"Okay babe. You three be careful."

Hitomi leaned back to get close with the phone.

"Bye mommy! Bye Yuding! Bye Wonnie!"

Sakura let Hitomi held the phone when she put her down from her laps. She turned off her computer before walking out from her work room, following Hitomi who was still on the phone with her sisters. She saw Nako watching the TV on the sofa and joined her.

"Mom still out?"

Sakura nodded her head.

"What do you want for dinner?"

Hitomi, who just finished with her call, clapped her hands excitedly.


Nako nodded her head excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah! Can we get that ma?"

Sakura took the phone from Hitomi's hand.

"First, it's Jjajangmyeon Hii. Of course we can, do you want to order?"

Sakura gave Nako the phone. She immediately dialed the phone number, knowing that by heart because it was owned by her friend's family, Rina.

"Oh, Jjamppong for me okay? And you can order fried dumplings."

Sakura let Nako to take care for the food. She turn her head to see Hitomi staring at Nako expectantly.

"You're that eager to eat Jjajangmyeon?"

Hitomi nodded her head and hug Sakura's neck.

"Yes! It's been soooo long!"

Sakura took Hitomi to her laps.

"Yeah, mama missed delivery foods too sometimes. But mommy was working hard to prepare our dinner so we shouldn't ordered everyday, right?"

Hitomi nodded her head and snuggles into her mama's neck. Nako put away the phone before coming back to Sakura's side.

"They'll be here in 30 minutes."

Sakura smile and patted Nako's head.

"My baby is grown up now, ordered dinner by herself."

If Eunbi was here, Nako would have swatted Sakura's hand. She enjoys the affection her mama gave to her while Sakura grinned at her. She knows how Nako always loved her attention whenever Eunbi is not around, and she's gonna abused that privilage by showing her affection to her kids before it was taken away from her again.

"How's your day, kid?"

Nako snuggle closer to Sakura, resting her head to her mama's arm.

"It was okay. Miss Hwang praise me today."

Sakura brushed Nako's hair softly, keeping Hitomi safe in her arms.

"Yeah? Isn't that cool? What did she said?"

Nako show off her grin at her mama.

"I help out a lot at class, and she's really happy! The other day, I help Miss Hwang with the chalkboard!"

Sakura mirrored a grin from Nako's face.

"That's my girl! You don't have someone bothering you from school anymore right?"

Nako shake her head.

"Daehwi has become my friend! He said he was just jealous with my grades, that's why he's bothering me."

Sakura grinned and bumped her shoulder with Nako.

"You sure not because he likes you?"

Nako pretends to puke.

"Ewh, mama! No way!"

Sakura laugh out loud and pulled Nako closer to her.

"Hey it's not something bad! But do tell us if you have someone you like okay? I-"

The sound of doorbells make the three of them turn their head like a meerkat. Sakura put Hitomi to the sofa to get her purse while Nako ran to the front door.


Rina, Nako's friend, smile brightly at the sight of Nako.

"Hi Nako-chan! Here's your order!"

Nako took the plastic bags from Rina's hand before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hi there Rina-chan. Here you go."

Rina smile at the sight of Sakura before she turn her head to her dad.

"Daddy, I need the change!"

Before Rina's dad could open his bag, Sakura stop him.

"Please, keep the change. A tip for our delivery girl."

Sakura said while showing her infamous failed wink, making Rina and her dad laugh.

"Thank you, Miyawaki-san. Enjoy your dinner. You too, Nako-chan."

Rina's dad bowed his head. Rina waved her hand to Nako before ran to her father. Sakura closed the door while Nako jogged to the family room.

"Can we eat here, mama?"

Sakura put her purse at the coffee table before shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure, why not."

She took a seat on the floor with her back to the sofa. Nako distributed their orders while Hitomi clapped her hands excitedly.

"Mama, mama! Shake it for me please!"

Sakura took the covered jjajangmyeon plate from Hitomi's hand before she shake it, making the noodles covered with the sauce perfectly. She gave it back to Hitomi before looking at Nako.

"Do you want me to do that too?"

Nako smile sheepishly and gave Sakura her plate. After making sure her kids had their meal served, Sakura peeled the wrap around her bowl. When she was about to take a first bite, she could feel a stare from her right side. It was Hitomi.

"Mama can I take a bite please?"

Sakura's infamous lopsided smile appears before she blow the noodles in her chopstick and give it to Hitomi.

"Careful. It might still hot."

Hitomi blow the noodles again before she took a bite from her mama. They feed each other while talking about their daily life (mostly Sakura asking her kids about the school and days) before they finished everything. Right when they finished the meal, they heard a sound from the front door.


It was Yujin, copying her mama whenever she's back from work. Hitomi already ran to the front door while Nako help Sakura cleaned their meal.

"Ahh! Jjangmyeon!"

Yujin ran to Nako.

"Ding want too!!"

Eunbi arrived last after she locked the door and help Sakura to pick up the remaining dish.

"Sorry I'm late. You guys just finished dinner?"

Sakura kissed Eunbi's cheek.

"Yeah. How's Wonnie and Yuding?"

Eunbi put the plates to the garbage and put her bag at the dining table.

"Wonnie probably gonna be knocked out soon. Yujin too. Both are super tired for waiting too long."

Sakura hummed and wrapped her arms around her wife's waist.

"Hmm.. I'm glad you cut your hair."

Eunbi leaned back to her wife, enjoying the warmth of her wife.

"Yeah? Why is that?"

She could feel Sakura kissed her exposed neck.

"I can kiss you here-"

"Mama! No kissing mommy! Wonnie need mommy to sleep!"

Sakura grunted at the image of Wonyoung, standing near the dining table with her hands on her hips, glaring at her mama.

"Sometime I wish she still a baby, so she can't scold me like th- Oww!"



This was inspired by Hii's mail! Said that whenever they ordered Jjajangmyeon, Kkura always order Jjampong and she will take a bite from her. ISN'T THAT CUTE?!


P.S Sorry for typos and grammars!

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1753 streak #1
Chapter 130: so... cute.. :)
reigngrey #2
Chapter 130: Nice chapter. Like the interactions between yujin and wonyoung
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 130: Cute! It’s good to see that the kids are growing up and learning more :)
xxdrakezz #4
Chapter 130: ahh ive members making a cameo
reigngrey #6
Chapter 129: Loving the new chapters. Its really bittersweet. Nako becomes more tsundere he he he
anonymebr #7
Chapter 129: they grow so fast
1753 streak #8
Chapter 129: so sweet! and time flies! the kiddos are growing up!
idkfaw #9
Chapter 129: The kids are growing up so well :')
akrr1997 #10
Chapter 129: Poor Saku! The kids are really growing up huh :(