A Quiet Birthday

A Day With Miyawaki Family

“So, no funny business on my birthday?”

Eunbi took a seat beside her wife, who’s been watching her family from the inner side of the backyard. Sakura was holding a bottle of beer while Eunbi is more of a wine woman, since she couldn’t take her alcohol very well.

“Finally got my wife for myself?”

Ask Sakura as she pulled Eunbi into her laps, embracing the birthday woman.

Whenever one of them is celebrating their birthday, their kids would take turns to whisper their wishes and don’t forget the presents and the kisses. It warmed the parent’s hearts, of course, but they also couldn’t wait to be in the arms of their loved ones.

“Yeah, it’s getting shorter each year. Now Nako is in her pre-teen act, she refused to give me a kiss on my cheek. Can you imagine that?!”

Sakura couldn’t help but burst out laughing, resulting in her getting pinched on the rib.

“It’s not funny! And Yujin actually gave me a proper present! Oh Kkura, I don’t want them to grow up..”

Eunbi resting her head on Sakura’s shoulder as both of them watch their kids having fun on their own. Nako, who’s in her own world with her phone, Hitomi who was chasing Yujin, probably got pranked by the little prankster, and Wonyoung, who was crouching down staring at the hole in the ground.

“Well, that means we’re not getting any younger either. As long as they are growing up healthy.”

Eunbi turned her head and stared at her wife, as if she grew another head.

“Who are you, and what did you do to my wife?”

Sakura rolled her eyes as she took another gulp of her beer. 

“You’re seriously not preparing anything for my birthday?”

Sakura grinned as she saw her wife pouting. She put her beer down, and took Eunbi’s glass of wine from her hand. Sakura smirked secretly when she saw Eunbi bit her lips, a sign of her anticipating something. Sakura took her wife’s hand, and stared straight at her.

“Honestly,”ㅡ Sakura heaved a long, deep sigh before she look at her wife againㅡ“I didn’t know what to get you for this birthday. I feel like I gave you literally everything.”

There’s a sadness in Eunbi’s eyes. And that’s actually very adorable. 


“So you didn’t get me anything.”

Eunbi smiled at her wife, but Sakura knew it was forced. Sakura tried so hard to stay in her character, but Eunbi is too adorable for her.

“I get it, baby. Like you said, you gave me everything I could ask for. It’s actually understandable that you’re having a hard time choosing a present for me.”

Sakura nodded her head and hid her face in the crook of Eunbi’s neck. She gave her wife feathery kisses.

“I don’t want to see my wife sad, though.”

Sakura felt Eunbi patted her head.

“Just you being with me, here, is enough.”

Now Sakura didn’t know if she was the one having a birthday or the later. She feels bad to make her wife sad. Sakura then looked up, and found her carbon-copy daughter.


Yujin, who was now on the ground beneath Hitomi, lifted her head when she heard her name being called.

“Mama help!!”

Sakura grinned at Hitomi, who was rolling her eyes before she let Yujin go. While Hitomi was making her way to Wonyoung, Yujin ran to her parents. She stopped right in front of them and gave them a salute.

“Private Yujin, at your service!”

Sakura gave her daughter a salute, looking serious at her daughter. Eunbi found it very amusing how these two, not only looking exactly the same, but also acting the same way. 

As if they are in one frequency. And Eunbi is kinda jealous of that.

“Remember your mission?”

Yujin grinned and nodded her head.

“Yes, Captain Mama!”

Sakura nodded her head satisfyingly. 

“Now, my bravest soldier, help me retrieve the package!”

“Aye, aye captain Mama!”

Yujin immediately ran inside the house, leaving her mom confused and her mama satisfied. Eunbi turns her head and stares suspiciously at her wife.

“No funny business, Miyawaki.”

Sakura held both of her arms up before she leaned forward to her wife.

“But you’re Miyawaki too.”

As Sakura was about to kiss her wife, she was shocked by Yujin who slammed the door open. She was wearing a very huge grin as she held a quite big box that was probably half of her body.

“Birthday present from captain Mama for our beautiful mommy!”

Due to Yujin’s loud voice, her siblings immediately ran to the parents, curious on what’s the present.

“Happy birthday, princess. By the way, it’s heavy for Yujin.”

Sakura whispers as she urges her wife to take the box from Yujin. Eunbi smiled unsurely, because the box was quite heavy.

“Seriously, no funn-“


“Is that a bark?”

Asked Nako curiously. Hitomi and Wonyoung jumped on their spot, feeling excited.

“Open it mommy! Open it!!”

With an excited heart, Eunbi opened the box slowly. There stood a brown and rather small puppy, staring back at Eunbi with her wide eyes.

“You’ve been saying how lonely you were when the kids were not around and you’ve been wanting a puppy since forever. And this little bundle of joy barking at me on the backstreet of my office, so I took her back home.”

Sakura grinned when she saw Eunbi couldn’t take her eyes off the dog.

“She’s a girl, by the way. You can named her whatev-”


Sakura blinked her eyes, before she finally realized how familiar that name was. She then grinned and turned her head to Nako.

“Fun fact, you were almost named Geumbi. I have a great sense in naming you guys, right?”


Happy birthday to our precious captain bunny, Kwon Eunbi

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1753 streak #1
Chapter 130: so... cute.. :)
reigngrey #2
Chapter 130: Nice chapter. Like the interactions between yujin and wonyoung
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 130: Cute! It’s good to see that the kids are growing up and learning more :)
xxdrakezz #4
Chapter 130: ahh ive members making a cameo
reigngrey #6
Chapter 129: Loving the new chapters. Its really bittersweet. Nako becomes more tsundere he he he
anonymebr #7
Chapter 129: they grow so fast
1753 streak #8
Chapter 129: so sweet! and time flies! the kiddos are growing up!
idkfaw #9
Chapter 129: The kids are growing up so well :')
akrr1997 #10
Chapter 129: Poor Saku! The kids are really growing up huh :(