Hitomi's Dream

A Day With Miyawaki Family


Eunbi looked over her shoulder once she realized Hitomi, who was walking beside her, now nowhere to be found. She sighed in relieved when she saw Hitomi standing outside a cafe, filled with people. Eunbi hurriedly went to Hitomi side.

"Hii, come on."

But Hitomi didn't budge. Eunbi turned her head to see what makes her daughter couldn't take her eyes off. Eunbi thought Hitomi wants to eat the cake.

"Hii wants cake?"

Hitomi shake her head and finally tilted her head to her mommy.

"Mommy, why there's poster in that cafe?"

Eunbi raised her brow and look ahead. Now she realized the cafe was decorated with lots of picture of someone, but she coulnd't tell who was that. She look down at her daughter.

"Do you want to see?"

Hitomi nodded enthusiastically and dragged her mommy inside the cafe. The moment they stepped inside the cafe, they could hear a loud music blasted from the speakers. Eunbi thought it probably a member of an idol group. Hitomi look around and fascinated by everything. The photo of this idol was everywhere. Eunbi let Hitomi look around as she wait in queue to buy something. She keep her eyes on Hitomi while waiting, as the litle girl was now surrounded by people there, giving her whatever they had as Hitomi shows them her biggest smile. Eunbi smile when some of them bowed their head to her when they realized she was her mother. It was finally Eunbi's turn so she ordered Matcha Milkshake with Cheese Cake and Milk for Hitomi. She leaned forward to the cashier.

"Is this some kind of event?"

The cashier smile and nodded.

"This was to celebrate this Idol Group member's birthday. And here, because you purchased our cake and drink, you can take this ma'am."

The chasier gave Eunbi some of pictures and her change. Eunbi smile and thanked the cashier before went to Hitomi, who was sitting not far from her and looked at the freebies that she got. Hitomi look up at her and show off what she got to Eunbi.

"Mommy look! Hii got this from those kind unnies!"

Eunbi smile and look at the gifts that she gets.

"Did you say thank you to them?"

Hitomi gasped and climbed down from her seat before run to the older girls who gave her stuffs. Eunbi could hear squealed and smile to herself as she could imagine how cute Hitomi's smile was. She thanked the cashier who personally place her order on her table, probably because she brought Hitomi with her. Hitomi finally back, with more stuffs on her tiny hands.

"Hii got more!"

Eunbi smile and took the gifts before turn her head to the girls and bowed her head, showing her appreciation. She then watch Hitomi enjoy her cheese cake while looking at the freebies. As she sipped her her Milkshake, Hitomi turn her head to Eunbi, with a fiery eyes.

"Hii want to be idol!"


"She said that?"

Eunbi nodded while helped her wife took off her blazer. Sakura chuckled.

"Well, she was indeed incredibly cute. Should we ask Sasshi for help?"

Eunbi stare at her wife, as if she grows another head.

"Really? You're going to let her be an idol?"

Sakura shrugged and put a pants.

"Well, if she wants. Beside, there's nothing wrong if she wants to be an idol, right?"

Eunbi walk together with Sakura to the living room.

"She's stll you-- Oh my god!!"

Sakura and Eunbi hurriedly went to Hitomi, Yujin and Wonyoung who was trying to make a pyramid wth their bodies. Nako just watched them on the side.

"Yah! This is dangerous, you three! And Nako! Why didn't you stop them?!"

Nako shrugged her shoulders.

"Hiichan said she wants to be an idol so Yujin said she wants to be one too. And They dragged Wonyoung with them because I refused."

Sakura felt Eunbi's glare at her back. She then put Wonyoung down beside Hitomi and Yujin.

"This is dangerous, okay? You couldn't do that without me or mommy's permissions. And.. why pyramid..?"

Yujin pointed at the television.

"Ding want to do that!"

Hitomi nodded while Wonyoung just giggled happily. Eunbi shake her head when she saw what's on the television while Sakura already had a hard time holding her laugh.

"Honey, that's not idol group.. That's an act on a circus.. for monkeys."



So! This was inspired when I visits a cupsleeves event for Chaeyeon and Minju today, and I saw a kid with her dad came inside. The kids look fascinated while the dad was confused lol. Can't help but think about Hiichan tehee~

Since there's still no news about babydeuls, please do give me suggestions to write~

Tell me what your thoughs about this!

Thank you, and enjoy!

P.S Sorry for typos and grammars.

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1753 streak #1
Chapter 130: so... cute.. :)
reigngrey #2
Chapter 130: Nice chapter. Like the interactions between yujin and wonyoung
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 130: Cute! It’s good to see that the kids are growing up and learning more :)
xxdrakezz #4
Chapter 130: ahh ive members making a cameo
reigngrey #6
Chapter 129: Loving the new chapters. Its really bittersweet. Nako becomes more tsundere he he he
anonymebr #7
Chapter 129: they grow so fast
1753 streak #8
Chapter 129: so sweet! and time flies! the kiddos are growing up!
idkfaw #9
Chapter 129: The kids are growing up so well :')
akrr1997 #10
Chapter 129: Poor Saku! The kids are really growing up huh :(