Chapter 12

Nico di Angelo visits Hogwarts


Harry blinked.

"Of course im the Chosen One. That's kinda like one of my titles." Nico raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

"You dont know what youre going to be dealing with. You cannot have Ron and Hermione by your side during the battle, every word you say may be your last, and your lifespan could shorten considerably once you accept your position in this quest. Many people wont want to do this. Are you still sure youre the Chosen One?" Harry nodded without hesitation. As a Gryffindor, bravery was in his blood, and it was something he was proud of. He did not understand, however, why Nico seemed so reluctant to let him join the quest. Sure, he was used to fighting with Ron and Hermione, but it wasnt exactly a necessity. It was more like a privilege to be able to fight with one's best friends.

Nico set his mouth in a grim line. As much as he did not want to drag Harry into this, he knew that Harry had been chosen and it would be wrong not to allow him to. He rested into a couch and put his elbows on his knees. He leaned forward and pursed his lips tightly. He needed a plan for the battle. So currently, the trio (Will, Nico and Harry) were already confirmed. Now, all they needed were some backup plans if anything went wrong. He needed an army, an artillery that could step up and fight with them in the final battle.

He dug his nails into his skin unknowingly. He could ask for some volunteers to aid them. But who would be the teachers? Perhaps the three of them? Nico nodded to himself. Yes, Nico would teach them muggle wandless duelling, Will teach them basic first aid, and Harry, magic. But how would he find volunteers? He guessed that people probably wont want to join them if he was the one promoting them and Will would not be the best either, seeing that he had only arrived the previous day. He rested his head on his fists. Harry would be the best candidate, but that would mean that there would not be any Slytherins on their team, and that, Nico required. Their cunningness and slyness was something vital when forming a battle plan. He decided to ask the Slytherins himself.

He noticed the two boys staring at him. Nico frowned and scowled.

"What?" Will cringed. That mustve come out harsher than expected. But still, Nico didnt exactly care.

"You zoned out. What were you thinking?" Harry stated dryly. Nico stood up and advanced towards the two boys. He grabbed their arms suddenly and got ready.

"We're going somewhere."

Harry shrieked in terror and his vision blurred. His face felt like it was peeling off and there was a weird tingling sensation all over his body. Nonetheless, it was thrilling. So this was how Nico felt whenever he travelled! Impressive…

"We're here." The sensation stopped and Harry stumbled and fell. He saw Will by the side hunched over a dustbin with his hands on his knees. Nico looked disgusted by the scene but said nothing. He was exhausted and his body was working overtime. He sighed and pulled Harry up onto his feet. He stole a quick glance at Will and manipulated the shadows nearby to straighten him up.

"We're outside the classroom for the next lesson. We should have some time before the students come. Okay here's the plan. Harry, i need you to ask around for volunteers to join our team. Hold the questions. I know i said that you cant fight beside your friends but your friends can still fight, just not as the main one, you know what i mean? They will be our backup plan should we need it. I figured that if you asked though, none of the Slytherins will join so im going to ask them myself. After that, i will send you a message to tell you what time we meet, which will be sometime today. I've decided that we will meet at the Forbidden Forest but it must be after all lessons. If the people are unwilling to join, dont force them, they may rebel and join the opposite team instead for all we know. Will will go with you, understand?" Harry's mind nearly exploded from the information but he acknowledged it with a curt nod. Will looked reluctant but he knew that going with Harry would be a better idea. He secretly wondered if Harry had found out about their relationship. Then he thought, no, its not possible, Nico would never tell anybody…

Will grabbed Nico's arms just as he was about to walk away and pulled him close. Nico sould feel the warmth of his breath and for a second, he felt the urge to pull Wil even closer to him, to tell him that everything would be alright, but no, he didnt. He relaxed and his eyes softened. He Will's jawline tentatively and wrapped his arms around his waist. A playful smile tugged at his lips. Then, he raised his leg between Will's leg and kicked him hard. Will yelped and pouted. Harry snorted at the side and Nico stifled a laugh.

"Ive forgiven you Will, but that doesnt mean that you can go around revealing secrets about..." Nico coughed loudly. "" Will smiled and agreed wholeheartedly. Harry was puzzled but nudged Will and jerked his head in the direction of the oncoming students. Will plastered a fake beam on his face and walked over to the students and asked them a few questions.

Nico grinned slightly. Will was such a loving and caring boyfriend. No, he could not afford to be nostalgic at a time like this. He hardened his expression quickly. He had his own mission to complete.

With a flash of darkness, he was gone.

"Do you want to join the army or not?" Nico asked haughtily. The Slytherins looked equally arrogant. Nico had been here negotiating with them for the past few minutes and his patience was wearing thin.

"Why should we? You have no control over us." The boys sniffed. Nico saw red. He hated those who didnt respect him.

"If you want to have a decent afterlife, you better shut the f*** up and listen. I would not speak to a prince like that." Nico glowered.

"Oh yeah? Where's your crown and riches, nerd?" Nico was indifferent. He snapped his fingers and the ground cracked open. Mountains of gold drachmas, galleons, knuts, diamonds and riches appeared. He lazily picked up a crown from one of the heaps and rested it on his head. He took a cursed stygian iron dagger from the ground and stuck it into his pocket.

"I think its pretty obvious, morons." The boys were slightly miffed but otherwise, were astonished. Harry and Will then took the cue to run into the room. Together with Ron and Hernione, about ten other people who had agreed to join the clan were there, not to mention the growing crowd of spectators.

"Just who are you, Nico di Angelo?" A new voice was heard. Professor Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Dolores Umbridge, Binns, Hagrid, and a few other members of ,what Nico later learned, the Phoenix were present.

Nico was displeased by the number of people at the scene but decided that it would be useless to hide it from the school anymore. Either way, the school would learn about his true identity by the time the battle came. He took out his stygian iron sword and plunged it into the ground. Darkness swirled around him and his hair was bouffant. A sudden explosion of darkness escaped his body and he smirked.

"Nico di Angelo, Son of Hades, Lord of the Underworld, the dead and riches, Prince of Shadows, Ghost King, Lieutenant of the Lord, Ambassador of Hades, One of the most powerful or most powerful demigod as of now (said by Hazel), Head councilor of the Hades cabin, offspring of the late Maria di Angelo, half-brother of Hazel Lavesque and brother of the late Bianca di Angelo, at your service." Will was shocked at the confession but Nico went up to him and shoved him to the middle of the stunned crowd.

"This is William Solace, Son of Apollo, God of of the sun, light, healing, disease, plagues, music, art, poetry, archery, reason, knowledge, truth and prophecy, twin of Lady Artemis, Head councilor of the Apollo cabin, a prominent healer, offspring of Naomi Solace, at your service." The crowd was silent and the professor looked on doubtfully. Nico sighed. It seemed that he had to display his powers to the crowd to make them actually believe him.

"Okay, i guess youre doubtful so here's some proof." Nico willed the temperature to drop twenty degrees and he summoned hellfire in his hand. Then he raised a few undead warriors from the ground and he dimmed the lights. He then carried on to summon the shadows to bring him to behind Draco. "I can also kill one by turning him to a ghost and im guessing this boy over here is a good person to use as a demonstration?"

Draco paled and shook his head vigorously. Nico shrugged and continued.

"I can heal minor injuries using darkness and i can solidify shadows as such." he turned his own shadow into a spear and held it in his hand.

"I can also control my dreams, luckily for me," he noticed Will's affirming nod by the side. "You see, i dream of terrible things, like the future…" he smirked at Will, he had already 'stolen' two of Apollo's powers, in the sense that he could see the future and heal minor injuries.

"And if i am really impatient, nervous, sad, or angry, like right now, all plants and small living creatures will wilt and die." The small weeds in a distance turned brown and grew limp. He proceeded.

"I can also become invisible at will…" he commanded the shadows to envelop him and he was invisible. "I can also sense one's life aura and can tell when one is dead. I also emit a death aura and can send tremors of fear and death throughout crowds…" Nico briefly demonstrated that.

"I can also enter a death trance where i do not require oxygen to live, also kinda like hibernation. And i can live without eating or sleeping for a few days, though that is not a demigod ability. My skin is also permanently ice cold." Nico stepped back into the shadows and sighed when he reached the familiar surroundings of darkness.

Will stepped forward. "Ok so i can emit blindingly bright light and can heal major injuries." He snorted at Nico, who pouted. He prepared for the Sun to take over him and the spectators covered their eyes. Nico himself blended into the shadows and shut his eyes. When Will returned to his normal brightness, he walked over to Nico and pulled him to the centre. Will pushed the sleeves of his jacket back and held his hand up. On his hands were several new scars, courtesy of the time he had spent in the Underworld moping around. Will looked outraged but put two fingers on Nico's wrist. In a flash, the open scars looked days old. Nico was about to return to his previous space when Will stopped him. Will frowned angrily.

"Why'd you do that? I thought you had healed already?" Will whisper-yelled. Nico narrowed his eyes and grabbed Will's collar.

"Because i like to do it. It relieves my stress and anger that i cant naturally get rid off because you say it strains me. Say it makes me fade and some bull. And i dont think its any of your business." Nico silenced him and released his collar. He dug his nails into Will's skin and stomped away. The grass withered and the temperature dropped to zero. He sent a death glare at everyone and folded his arms nonchalantly. He jerkily gestured for Will to continue. When Will didnt, he raised both middle fingers at him and threatened him to continue.

Will gulped but did just that. "I can play just about any musical instrument, can sort of sing, write ty poetry, am a decent archer..." Will took out his bow and arrow and shot it at an unfortunate apple about a hundred miles away. "And i can tell when one is lying, like Nico just did…" Nico swore under his breath and cursed in italian.

"I can also see a bit of the future though not as much as the spirit of Delphi…" Will tilted his head at the weird looks his classmates gave him. "Its a spirit that tells prophecies." a few people nodded their heads slowly and others just looked more confused.

"I can also make deafening high-pitched whistles that can temporarily stun the enemy and…"

Nico stepped up and cut through his explanation. "There is a new enemy arising and we're looking for some people who are willing to join our side for the fight against the enemy. Those who are willing, please step forward." a few stepped forward but majority looked away. Nico sighed; that wasnt exactly the best way to ask people, he guessed. He looked at the few people who volunteered. There was Neville, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ginny, Padma, Pavarti, and of course, Harry. He nodded at them.

"By the way, if you all assume that we are too young, i can assure you we are not. This is already our third war we are fighting, so definitely no lack of experience. Our first war was against the titan, Kronos, and the second, the Earth Goddess herself, Mother Gaia. Those who would like to join at a later time, ask Harry, not me. You are always welcome." He turned to the volunteers and pursed his lips. There were less people than he expected, but that would have to do for now. Professor Dumbledore had a slight twinkle in his eye as he took in the new information.

Nico sent the group a message through their heads for privacy from the spectators. He formulated a slightly fuzzy message and sent it to the few volunteers.

"10 o'clock sharp at the Forbidden Forest." the group responded with a curt nod and the crowd dispersed. Only Professor Dumbledore stayed behind and eyed the italian boy.

He walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder. Nico spun around and prepared for a fight but turned red when he realised that it was just the Headmaster. Nico raised an inquisitive eyebrow. He knew the Headmaster had something important to tell him. Professor Dumbledore motioned for Nico to follow him with a twinkle in his eye. Nico recognised that look; it was the look that one had when one had vital information that could assist him in the quest. The Headmaster turned to Nico, a kind smile on his face

"I have an idea who this new enemy might be."

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