Chapter 16

Nico di Angelo visits Hogwarts

Harry rested his elbows on the table in front of him and leaned forward.

"What do you mean join my side?" Harry pressed.

" means that you will be fighting for my side during the oncoming battle." Harry was outraged.

"I would never do that to my friends! Betrayal is an act of cowardice."

"Cant you tell? Your friends' side will lose. Their defeat is imminent. After all, nobody can surpass Father Sky himself."

"What do you mean by that!? I will always fight for my friends! Unlike some filthy piece of scum." Harry spat at the last word distastefully. How could the predominal god of the sky think that Harry would willingly side with him!? Outrageous.

"Getting a little angry there, hm? Of course of course...i dont expect you to join without any perks for you. Rest assured, if you fight for me, you will be appreciated greatly. I can help you raise your parents for eternity…"

"NO! Let them rest in peace! They have done enough for me and if they surface to this world, they would move on to their next phase of life in less than a month with people like you ruling the earth."

"Well...i could make you my second-in-command, a lieutenant if you must, although i already have someone more suited for the position, willing or not. In addition, i would ensure the safety of your friends, excluding the demigods, and make you immortal!"

Harry was disgusted. Why would anyone want immortality to serve this idiot for the rest of their never-ending life? Didnt Ouranus realise what a stupid offer he had made? Still, he wanted to know what the god meant by someone more suited for the position, willing or not? Perhaps...there was a really powerful army waiting for him? Harry feigned interest, and continued with the act.

"I want to ascertain that the choice i will be making is right. Show me some of your true abilities." Ouranus smirked and released control of his body, allowing the powers of himself show freely. Harry looked and gaped. In his cloak was a girl, no older than sixteen of seventeen, dressed in nothing more than a ragged looking orange t-shirt and torn-up jeans. Her hair was matted and a clay necklace hung on her neck. Her eyes were a stormy shade of grey, as if it had lost all vibrance and colour. Her parched lips were parted and soot covered her face.

Annabeth, the name rang in his mind. The girl was Annabeth and Ouranos, that moron, was keeping her to threaten someone else with her life. Percy, that someone else was Percy, but yet no voice had explained it to him. Harry just...understood, knew who and what was happening. It was almost as if there were someone telling him who the people were. Harry gasped involuntarily and Ouranos raised an eyebrow.

"Well well seems that despite my tiny display of my powers, you are already captivated. Do you want to join my team now?"

"Never. I will fight for my friends, no matter the cost. I dont have time to talk with you, seeing that i dont have as much time as you do. For example, this asshat in front of me has so much time that he can go around recruiting wizards and demigods."

" have found out my scheming plan, eh? How you did it, i do not know and do not care, but yes, i did recruit a few demigods, like Percy. As much as i hate to say it, Percy is an essential asset on my side, as he is the only demigod that your di Angelo friend has never beaten before. Just so you know, that day during his training with his fellow kind, he was using no more than a tiny fraction of his true powers. He is scared of unleashing his full potential, using his full power, afraid of becoming corrupted by his talents. He is more than you think, Harry, more powerful. This just serves to illustrate my point, this means that Percy is way more useful and powerful than him."

"You filthy scumbag, i will never work for you. How could you do such a thing!? Threatening one with the love of his life? That's just soo low-level, mind you."

"How dare you talk to me like that? I am more powerful and worthy of being the ruler than you. You will never be able to eclipse me! I will be king again, and you will be there to watch my victory with regret. If i were you, i would ask that di Angelo what to bring to the Underworld. I have this feeling you would be meeting your parents very Elysium." Ouranos cackled evilly.

"I am more worthy than you, though in terms of power i may not. I believe and have faith in the demigods, i know we will prevail. You are no more than a jerk, a little piece of . I wish you a good time in Tartarus." Harry countered, feeling smug on the inside.

"Shut up, lowly wizard. We shall meet again, though it will not be under such a...amiable situation." Ouranos huffed and disappeared with a swish of his cloak. Once gone, Harry slumped into his chair. He should tell Nico about this but…he didnt want to worry the troubled boy any more. Nico looked as if he would soon buckle under the pressure and give up on the whole quest. Harry most certainly did not need that. Still, Harry briefly wondered if any of the other demigods had met Ouranos during this short period of time. But no, he could not ask. What if they hadnt? He would just be giving himself away. Pretty stupid idea, huh, Harry thought to himself.

Harry trotted back slowly. Just lately, he had been rather lonely; he had to train J-O during his spare time and also punctually attend lessons. Life was definitely hectic at this point of time and right now, all Harry wanted was to get some rest. For the millionth time in the week, he wondered how Nico could go without sleep without feeling tired. Nico was simply put, an extremely odd person, but he had a nice personality, despite being slightly moody, and a good heart. Nico could be nice when he wanted to but could be equally inimical when he felt like it. He was an amazing fighter, a caring companion, a loyal friend. Harry knew he could trust Nico with his life. Harry thought to himself, was he being too trusting? Too gullible and naive? No, he could not waste his time thinking such negative thoughts; they almost always led to insanity.

Harry quickened his footsteps. He wanted to get to the dormitory as fast as he could to get away from these wretched thoughts.

"Sorry. I shouldnt have flared up earlier." Nico apologised to Jason.

Jason was unresponsive. He stared at Nico glassily as if he were transparent. Jason was exacerbated at Nico. After all, Jason had only been hurt that Nico could not care less about his mental state of health and he had reacted like any normal person would; berate him. But all he had gotten in return were insults and a temperamental moody teenager. What had he done to deserve such disrespect? Nico looked at Jason earnestly and put on his best innocent look. Jason sighed. He had never been able to withstand Nico's innocent looks for long. It had gotten so bad that giving in to Nico's innocuous expression could as well have been his fatal flaw. Jason cringed; that must be the most ignominious fatal flaw ever to have.

Nico pounced. He knew that now came the easy part; making Jason forgive him. Despite all this clamouring and reluctance to reveal, he needed to inform Jason of the weird cat he had received.

"So you agree to forgive me? I mean, after this redundant speech, i need to tell you something really weird. But first, you need to say, 'i accept your apology and i hereby forgive you.' Go on. Say it." Jason rolled his eyes and watched as Nico took out a voice recorder.

"I accept your apology and hereby forgive you." Jason said expressionlessly. Then, he slapped Nico's cheek lightly.

"Hey! What was that for!?" Nico yelled at Jason angrily, all the while Divine's fur. Nico drew his hand back from the cat quickly and calmed down. Jason was, by now, used to Nico's random outbursts.

"Sorry." Nico apologised meekly. "Actually, what i wanted to tell you was a matter that was related to this. I originally planned to talk to Harry about this but since you're already here and i cant find Harry, i chose to tell you instead. So well, the thing is, Divine can kinda transmit negative emotions to me if i touch her when she feels well, negatively. Go on, tell him Divine." Nico urged Divine, but all he got was a raised eyebrow from Jason and a pout from Diviine.

"Dude, i understand if you are still mad at me but you really need not go to such extent to annoy me you know." Jason stood up to leave.

"Nico speaks only the truth, rest assured." A voice spoke. Jason was surprised by the voice.

"It is i, Divine, the most divine cat ever to exist. Yes, i do indeed transmit to him any negative emotions so long as he touches me. Im really grateful to him, because by doing so, he takes away my sadness, hurt, anger, and everything negative. I can take it if you dont want to touch me anymore Nico. i only cause people harm." Divine suddenly stopped speaking and looked imploringly at Nico. Nico shrugged.

"I dont mind bearing your burden, Divine. Thats all i do anyway." Jason was about to rebut but Nico stopped him.

"Its true anyway. No need to try to prove me wrong. I just wanted you to know the reason for my past and future bursts of outrage. Done? Okay then, bye." Nico stepped back into the shadowed wall with Divine in his hands and vanished.

Jason took a while to process all this new information. Some random talking cat? That was weird. Whatever. Anyway, weird things always happened to him. He watched tentatively as Will approached him.

"Where's Nico?"

"Just left. Wait. dont go yet. I need to tell you something. You know Nico has this new cat right?"

Will nodded. "Yes? What about it?"

"Well, it transmits negative emotions to him so he may experience some really severe mood swigs whenever he touches her. Her name's Divine, by the way."

"WHAT!? Then just dispose of the cat then! I mean, its not that i dont like that cat. I actually healed it but if it causes Nico to suffer, i'd choose him over Divine."

"He said that he would keep the cat though...i mean, i'm fine with it if it makes him happy. Anything i can exchange for Nico's happiness, i would. Other than Piper, of course." Jason added quickly as he saw Piper walk in.

"Talking about Nico?" Will and Jason nodded in unison.

"Oh and Will, i saw some new cuts on Nico's wrist earlier. Not fresh but like new since he left. I thought he had recovered? What happened?"

"I...i dont know either. Lately he has been really snappy at me and like gets mad really easily, and no, he had not had Divine yet."

"Then what do you think's the problem?" Leo suddenly appeared and joined in the conversation.

"Im guessing its because of the change of environment." Hazel in and sat beside Piper. She was quickly joined by Frank and together, the demigods formed a circle.

"Hey! Its just like at camp half-blood!" Leo stated.

"Yea...i miss camp. The food there was so much healthier." Will added.

"Oh please. The beds at camp jupiter are way better." Hazel jeered.

"What do you mean?! Camp half-blood ha-" Leo was cut off by Frank.

"Dude. Hazel's just joking. Cant you tell?" Leo reddened and Hazel guffawed.

"Well whatever. Im tired. Im going to sleep now yea? Goodnight." Piper stood up and left. Slowly, one by one, the demigods each left to their own sleeping corner and rested down to sleep.

Nobody noticed the dark-haired italian that arrived a few moments later.

They were sound asleep.

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