Chapter 32: The Two Bae

When The Flower Blooms

Irene lays in bed while staring happily at the ring on her finger. She smiles to herself remembering the proposal. It wasn’t sweet and romantic, she remembered when she proposed to Seulgi before, and she spend so many time to think of how to make it romantic. However, when Wendy proposed, it wasn’t like how she wanted to be proposed, but she likes it that way better. 

Wendy comes out from the bathroom, hair all wet and messy. She uses the towel to wrap around her head, then she sit in front of their mirror, drying her hair. Irene prop herself with her arm supporting her head so she could get a better view of her lover. She smiles when their eyes met through the mirror reflection. 

“What is it?” Wendy asked.

“You know, I never imagine myself to live life this way.” Irene replied with a smile.

“What do you mean?”

“I ever imagine living together with Seulgi, grow old with her but there is always something that is missing. But with you, everything seems to be perfect…”

“Because I am perfect!” Wendy joked and Irene laughed at her when she loses her balance after she tried to flip her short hair.

“You okay?” Irene asked as she gets up from the bed trying to help Wendy who has fallen on the floor.

“My hurt…” Wendy whined.

Irene got concern, she rushed to Wendy side and gently touch her but Wendy attacked her by pulling her to the ground with her. Irene yelps in surprise and she knocked her head on the floor with a loud thud.

“I’m sorry!!” Wendy apologized. She hold Irene’s head and gently it.

Irene put out her tongue and laugh at Wendy. Wendy pouted when she realized Irene was pranking her “Yah, don’t scare me like that.”

“You started it.”

Wendy gets up and pull Irene with her “Let’s go to bed~ I’m tired.” 

“En…” Irene nodded and she gets in bed. 

“Ah wait!!” Wendy made Irene jumped from the bed “What is it?” Irene asked in panicked tone.

“We need to start packing…” Wendy open their wardrobe and take out their luggage.

“For what?” Irene asked with a puzzle look.

“We’re going to Japan right? Find your cousin?”

“Aah…I totally forgot about that!” 

“I’ll pack our stuff, you go and remind Ryujin.”

Irene gets up from the bed and exited their room. She went to Ryujin’s room and softly knocked on the door. There was no answer so she open the door slowly, and saw that Ryujin is already asleep. She approached the sleeping pink hair girl and gently tuck her. She noticed a paper in Ryujin’s hand, she take it from her. She noticed that the paper she was holding is a photo. There was a man that look a lot like Sungjae and then there’s a woman wearing all black with tattoo all over her arms holding a baby and Irene knows that the baby is Ryujin. Her face hadn’t change a much.

“You missed your parents didn’t you?” Irene gently Ryujin’s hair. She knows how it felt being left behind. Irene decided not to wake Ryujin up and she take out Ryujin’s luggage and begin to help the girl packing. After she done packing, she goes to Yeri room. Yeri was about to go to bed when Irene knocked on her door. Irene asked if she wanted to go to Japan with them. Yeri eyes light up and she nodded ferociously. Irene told her to start packing her stuff and she did it within seconds.

Though Wendy only planning to tag Ryujin alone but Irene didn’t want to leave Yeri alone in that big house, she might get lonely. Wendy understands Irene’s concern and it wasn’t a big deal.


Kansai Airport, Japan

The girls had landed in Osaka Japan, Wendy didn’t want to attract attention so she didn’t request for her private jet. They flew in with commercial flight. They existed the airport and trying to hail for a taxi but Ryujin already went inside a black 7 seaters SUV.

 “Ryujin ah!” Irene called for the girl.

“I have arranged for our stay and transportation, so don’t worry about it.” Ryujin replied.

“Oh yes, I forgot that this is your turf…” Wendy said.

Yeri fidgeted now that she remembered she is in Ryujin’s turf, she might act differently around them but she had never seen her act around her Yakuza’s family.

“How did you know my grandfather’s turf is based in Osaka?” Ryujin asked raising her eyebrows.

“I learnt about your background Ryujin, since my dad want me to be careful with the Yakuza, mafia and Yakuza don’t get along…” Wendy told Ryujin while she is getting on the car.

“I know…so you need to keep yourself low unnie…”

“Are…we going to stay at your place?” Yeri gulped.

“Ah no worry, we’re not, we’re staying at one of my hotel though.” Ryujin replied.

“Miss Ryujin…” an elder man greeted Ryujin, he was seated next to the driver.

“Shinagawa-san…” Ryujin nodded her head “Glad to see you again.”

“Even though your grandfather forbidden you to come back and yet you go against his order.” Mr. Shinagawa speaks up in perfect Korean.

“I came back for my friends, I’m not going to be a nuisance to him.”

“The moment you step inside this country your grandfather’s enemies knows that you’ve return. As the sole heir of the Aizukotetsu-Kai group, the others Yakuza group are aiming for your head Miss Ryujin.”

“Mr. Shinagawa, please, I am not in the mood to talk about that, I am here simply just to help my friends find their friend and have a little fun. I won’t be here for long.” Ryujin tried to stop Mr. Shinagawa from continued talking about the Yakuza wanting her dead.

Mr. Shinagawa keep quiet and instruct the driver to drive them to the hotel that Ryujin will be staying.

“Ryujin…are you on the run? What does he meant by the Yakuza wanted you to be dead?” Wendy asked.

Ryujin brushed her off and continue to scroll through her phone. Irene grabbed her phone and made Ryujin to look at her. “Ryujin…”

“I don’t want whatever happened back in Toronto to ever happen on our trip this time.” Wendy warned Ryujin, she is scared of the Yakuza, Mafia is not as ruthless as the Yakuza and now is not the time for Ryujin to keep silence when she just heard that the other Yakuza is after Ryujin’s head.

“My parents died because they are trying to rebel against the other Yakuza group. The biggest group tried to gather all of the Yakuza group in all regions but my parents didn’t want to continue the negotiation. They killed them but spare me, because my grandfather told them that he will never let me step in Japan anymore, so I was sent over to my father side of the family to keep me safe and alive.”

Wendy was speechless, she couldn’t believe that Ryujin had a really tragic childhood. What does a child at her age understand at that time? Irene immediately shielded Ryujin and told Wendy to back off and don’t ask anything anymore. Wendy understand so she just sit there silently, scrolling through her phone.

“We will keep you safe…don’t worry.” Irene assure Ryujin that she will keeps her safe no matter what. Ryujin only smiles at Irene and then she continue to focus on her phone.

“Ryujin-sama…” Mr. Shinagawa called for the heiress “Do you plan on meeting with your grandfather?” 

“No, I don’t want to trouble him, but I want to visit the family graveyard”

“That’s the most dangerous place for you to visit Ryujin-sama…”

“A child cannot visit her parents?” Ryujin chided.

Mr. Shinagawa went silent he knows he doesn’t have the right to stop Ryujin from visiting her parents’ graves but he wanted her to be safe. Ryujin isn’t the type that show her emotion often, because she didn’t want people to think that she is weak. So she put on a tough cold look so that people will be scare of her. The only person who is not scare of her was Yeji.



“Yah!! Stop!!” a group of three boys running after Ryujin. Ryujin stopped and engaged in a combat with the girls. They were a lot bigger than her, she received a few punches from the boys but she didn’t give up that easily. She continued to fight them until one of the boy took out a fold knife and aim it at the 14 year old Ryujin.

“Now you will regret for ever trespass our turf without paying any protection fee!” one of the boy taunted Ryujin. 

“Clearly I don’t need any protection, because you guys are weakling, you can’t even fight me without threatening me with such a puny knife!” Ryujin mocked them and it got the boys blood boiled. 

They lunged at her, trying to pin her to the ground, Ryujin managed to kick one of the boy and then she punched the second boy and he fell hard on the ground. The one with the knife tried to stab Ryujin with the knife but Ryujin’s quick reflexed save her. She back kick the boy and he fall stumbling on the ground. Ryujin panted hard, she saw that the boy were in pain and groaning on the ground, she took the chance and run away.

She managed to find a hiding sport inside of a culvert nearby a construction site. She felt a slight sting on her left arm. She checked her arm and saw that there’s a huge gash on her arm. “!” She cursed. She tore her shirt sleeve and use it to wrap the cut, hoping that it will stop the bleeding. 

She was panting hard, the pain slowly coming and her whole body shake at the pain. She wanted to crawl out and go to nearby clinic but she is afraid that the boys will be waiting for her, and with her current situation, she know she is no match to the boys.

The pain was getting unbearable, so she said to the boys and crawl out from the culvert, and she was right the boys were waiting for her. She tried to run but her legs give up on her and she fall stumbling on the ground. She tried to crawl faster but her short legs given up on her. 

Ryujin bare herself for the incoming attack but it took so long so she opened her eyes to check if the boys are going to attack her or not. She saw that they are lying on the ground with bleeding head. She saw a girl holding a bloody bat looking at her.

“You okay?” she asked.


“Shin Ryujin right?” the girl in the pony tail asked.

“You know me?” Ryujin asked with a frown.

“Yeah, you’re famous one around this area.” The girl held out her hand, tried to help Ryujin to get up.

“Your injury look nasty, we should get you to the clinic ASAP or it will get infected. I’m Hwang Yeji by the way.”

“Oh…hi…” Ryujin felt awkward for a moment she just wondering why this girl is helping her “Why, are you helping me?” Ryujin asked.

“Actually…I just wanted to be friend.” Yeji replied awkwardly “I always wanted to approach you but it looks like you wanted to be alone all the times…then today I saw that you were corner by those boys, so I thought I should help you out.”

Ryujin only frowned at her, she gather her stuff that spilled out from her school bag and shove it in. “Thank you for your help Yeji. I’m good, I’ll go to the clinic to take care of this wound, and you should go home too.”

“Can we be friend?!” Yeji asked.

Ryujin stopped, she never wanted any friends, most of those whom she thought were her friends only there for her money and not because they wanted to be with her. 

“Sure…” Ryujin replied with a fake smile, she turned away from Yeji and walked away. She thought to herself if Yeji wanted to be friend with her just because of her money, she will just deal with it later.

“Ryujin-ah! I really meant it!” Yeji shouted loudly as Ryujin had walked far away from her. 

“Everyone wanted to be my friend because I’m rich, and what make you any different from them? Some even scared of me because I’m a bad influence.”

“So what? I don’t care about your money or your reputation. Eating lunch alone during lunch break and everyone avoiding you is hard isn’t it? 

“Okay fine, I will be your friend. But if you’re only after my money, I will not have mercy on you.” Ryujin threatened, but the threat seems like it didn’t affect Yeji at all. Yeji grinned form ear to ear when she heard that Ryujin agreed to be her friend.

Ryujin had never seen anyone as pure and smiley as Yeji. Ryujin nodded at her before walk away again. She noticed that Yeji wear the same uniform as hers, so she knows that she will see that kid around.

That’s how their friendship started, and later Ryujin’s group grew bigger and bigger, she and Yeji were well known delinquents. Ryujin were surprise that Yeji is older than her. They lead a huge group of people, it was only after Yeji’s arrest that Ryujin decided to retire from the underground scene and lay low. She was offered to be in YG high school when she passed her middle school test, YG was a prestigious school for an ace like Ryujin, but she decided to stay in JYP High, because Yeji got accepted into JYP high. She met Lia, Chaeryoung and Yuna in JYP high and she is grateful to have people that she can call as friends.

She was rotten to the core because she is rich and she can have whatever that she wants, she treated everyone like they are her slaves. But when she met the itzy, she slowly changing. Yeji was proud of the changes she saw in Ryujin.

End of Flashback

They reach the hotel and it was a Ryokan style hotel (Japanese Traditional House). Yeri was mesmerized by the building, and she took out her phone to take photo. The Ryokan keeper came out to greet them.

“Welcome to Yoshida Sanso Ryokan…” the lady greets them “Please leave your belonging there, our people will carry it for you. Come with me I will show you your rooms.” The lady gestured to them.

Ryujin asked them to follow the lady while she stay behind to talk to Mr. Shinagawa “I want this place to be secure Shinagawa-san. I don’t want my friends to get hurt because of me. I know my decision to come back is not a good decision.”

“I understand Ryujin-sama. You don’t have to worry about the safety protocol, your grandfather had arrange the tightest security for you.”

“Thank you Shinagawa-san…please tell my Ojisan I missed him.”

“I will Ryujin-sama…” Shinagawa bowed and then left. Ryujin goes to her designated room, she make sure that they all stay in a same room but different bedroom because she wanted to keep them close to her as possible to avoid any unnecessary ambush when they are alone by themselves.

“This place is amazing Ryujin ah!!”

“Glad you like it…” Ryujin smiles. She throws herself on the fluffy bed and took a deep breath “It feels so good to be home.” She mutters softly.

The housekeeper lady slide open their shoji door, she kneels on the floor and asked them if they wanted to have lunch at the Ryokan or going out for lunch. Wendy wanted to try the traditional Japanese meal, so she suggested to have the diner at the Ryokan, but Yeri wanted to eat some crepe and other Japanese sweets.

Ryujin said they can have lunch at the Ryokan and she can bring Yeri go out to the street to try Japanese street food. Yeri agrees, since Wendy is so eager to try the Japanese meal. The Ryokan lady asked if they wanted to take a dip at the the Ryokan open air onsen (hot spring). Wendy was shy to be openly around the girls though Irene had seen all. She is more self conscious of her body. Yeri wanted to try it for once, and Ryujin agreed with her, she had never been to onsen before. Irene just follow the flow and Wendy couldn’t stop them so she reluctantly agree. The girls said she doesn’t need to follow them if she feels uncomfortable, Wendy just agree to go to the onsen because she couldn’t trust Ryujin around Irene after all.

They rested for a while, while waiting for their lunch to be serve. Ryujin bring Yeri around on a tour at the Ryokan, they took a lot of memorable photos around the Ryokan. Wendy and Irene just rested in their room. Wendy was doing a little research on Suzy. She found out that Suzy was a graduate from Kyodai (Kyoto University) and she is currently is taking her Master program with the university too.

“Hey Hyun ah…check this out.” Wendy had gotten used to call Irene by her Korean name, because it sounds cute and she likes the sound of it.

“What is it?”

“You’re cousin is a genius, she graduated high school when she was 16, enrolled into Kyodai and majoring in archeology and Korean culture…had her degree at 18, now she is continuing her master study. We’re in luck because we’re in Kyoto. It should be easy to find her.”

“That’s great! I have her address though.” Irene said.

“Yah, you should tell me earlier! Then I won’t have to do all this research…” Wendy pouted.

“You just look so good when you are serious.” Irene said before give Wendy a quick peck on the lips.

Ryujin and Yeri return after they finish exploring the Ryokan. Irene and Wendy greeted them. Yeri happily show Irene the photos that she took.

“Wow, this photos are good!”

“Ryujin helped me took it, she’s a good photographer isn’t she?” Yeri praised Ryujin and she herself couldn’t believe that she just praised the girl.

“Oh unnie~ are you praising me?” Ryujin reacted dramatically.

“Why you never help us take before?” Wendy asked Ryujin when she realized that she and Irene never take photo together.

“Oh unnie! Let’s all take one now, together!” Yeri suggested and they all agreed. Ryujin took out her phone and begins snapping.

Ryujin volunteer to take a picture for Irene and Wendy. Ryujin asked them to pose sweetly, so Irene wrapped her arm around Wendy’s arm and they look at each other sweetly. Yeri show her disgusted face to tease Irene. Irene got flustered so she take off her slipper and throw it at Yeri, but Yeri hid behind Ryujin and the slipper landed on Ryujin’s head. Ryujin fakes a cry, Irene quickly went to her side and apologized. She hugs Ryujin tightly which causes the girl to suffocated.

“Unnie I can’t breath!” Ryujin muffled as she tapped on Irene to beg her to let her go. Irene let her go and she pinch the girl’s puffy cheek. Wendy goes to ruffle Ryujin’s pink hair. Irene look at the picture that Ryujin took, and she loves it. She asked Ryujin to send it to her and she change her home screen photo to the one Ryujin took for her. She smiles at it, thinking that this moment is a bliss for her.

The inn keeper comes knocked on their door and presented them their lunch. Wendy was amazed by the food that they serve them. They said thanks for their food, and begin eating.


Somewhere in Kyoto (Kojima Household)

“I’m home!”

“Aah, welcome home! I’m at the kitchen.”

“Ohh!! Neechan it smell so good! What are you cooking?” Suzy Bae approached her older sister at the kitchen.

“Kimchi omurice…” Kojima Haruna, Suzy’s older sister replied.


“Go get change, lunch will be serve shortly.” her step sister asked her to. Suzy skips to her room and quickly get change so she could help her sister set up the dining table. Their house was small, 2 bedroom and one bathroom but they are content everyday.

Suzy was adopted by the Kojima household, but her adoptive parents died during the earthquake that happened in their hometown, so she only had her older step sister. She was close with her because Suzy was only 12 when both her step parents died, and Haruna was the one that had been raising Suzy by herself. They struggle a lot, Haruna had to auction of their old house because she needed money to send Suzy to a good school. The two sister sat down on the dining table, said their thanks for the meal and start to eat. Suzy expressed how good the food and Haruna told her to eat slowly.

“How was your research?” Haruna asked.

“It’s going well, I’m glad that I am able to finish off my father’s research…it was a great relief.”

“I am proud of you, you know that right?”

“Yes Neechan.”

“And Suzy-chan…”


“About the men that came a few days ago…” Haruna tried to speak up but Suzy stop her from finishing her sentence.

“Neechan, I told you I an not going to leave you…” Suzy retaliates.

“Suzy-chan…you’ve always wanted to know more about your real father and your real family, this is the chance. I will be okay.”

“Neechan, you’re the only family that I have now, so I am not going to leave you okay? Let’s end this conversation.”

“...Okay…” Haruna gave up in persuading Suzy, that girl could be stubborn sometimes, but she loves her little sister so much.

Suzy on the other hand, she was thrilled when a few men came to them and told them that they were sent by Suzy’s real family and they wanted her to meet with her real family when they come to visit Japan. Suzy saw the sad look upon Haruna’s eyes though she tried to cover it with a smile. Haruna used to be a kindergarten school teacher but she quit after she was diagnose with cancer and Suzy didn’t have the heart to leave her alone. So she declined those guys and told them to never come and look for her anymore.

Suzy finished her food and then left the dining table to go to her room. She locked the door and sat on her bad silently crying. She didn’t want her sister to die, but all of their money were spent on her studies and researches. She found out about Haruna’s illness when she found her unconscious one evening, she questioned Haruna why she didn’t tell her the truth. Haruna’s answer was simple, she didn’t want to become the burden to Suzy.

Suzy’s phone rings and it was unknown number, she picked it up.

“Hello, is this Bae Suzy?”

“Yes speaking…Who is this?”

“I’m Wendy Son…”

“Who are you?”

“I’m calling on behalf of your family. We’re actually here in Kyoto…do you mind if we meet? Your cousin is here with me.”

“No, I’ve made up my mind I am not going to leave Japan and my adoptive family.” Suzy decline and hang up the call.


Yoshida Sanso

“Wow rude…” Wendy scoffed in disbelieve when Suzy hang up on her call.

“Maybe you should just go visit her…” Ryujin suggested.

“I think we should, but your ‘mother’ here decided to be better if we call first…” Wendy pointed at Irene.

“I don’t want her to be shocked upon seeing us…plus you never told me that you asked your men to find her and approached her!” Irene fires at Wendy.

“I was trying to surprise you, but I guess it didn’t work.” Wendy shrugged.

“I can arrange transportation for you.” Ryujin said again and she took out her phone and made a call.

“Done.” Ryujin said.

“Thanks Ryu…” Wendy thanked her.

“But as safety precaution, I am sending you two with escorts.” Ryujin stare at Wendy with a dead serious eyes. Wendy understands that Ryujin just want them to be safe, so she just go along with the plan.

“Unnie can I come with you?” Yeri begged but Irene shake her head.

“It is better if it’s just Wendy and I go…” Irene said “This is my family matters.”

“But I’m your family too! Wendy unnie isn’t your family but she can go” Yeri pouted.

“Yes Yerimie…but not this time, please understand.”

Yeri pouted even harder, she was hurt that Irene rejected her, but allowed Wendy to go with her. Irene felt bad about leaving Yeri alone, but she didn’t want Yeri to get into the mess that they already in. She just want Yeri to be safe, bringing her with them was a bad idea but she can’t leave her alone either. Ryujin saw the dilemma in Irene’s eyes, she turn to look at Wendy, Wendy just shrugged at her. Then Ryujin thought of something, since Yeri said she never had been to Kyoto before so she decided to distract Yeri by showing her around the town.

 Ryujin tapped Yeri on her shoulder, Yeri turns to face Ryujin “Unnie, I’ll bring you around the city okay?”

“Thank you Ryujin.” Irene thanked Ryujin for offering bringing Yeri enjoying the city.

Yeri’s eyes lightened up and she jumped up and down happily. She hugged Ryujin to thanked the girl, Ryujin smiles at the girl, but her eyes were full with concern and fear. Wendy notice that, she pulled Ryujin to the side and asked if it’s okay for them to go out with just the two of them. Ryujin convinced Wendy that everything is under control, she wants them to find Irene’s cousin, and it’s not her right to mingle in the private matters. She told Wendy, the main reason she wanted to follow is because she wanted to pay her parents a visit and that’s all. She promised she won’t do anything that will attract the Yakuza’a attention. Wendy the girl’s hair, Wendy looks at her softly. She would never forgive herself if anything happen to Ryujin.

“Don’t worry about me unnie, I’ve live this far.” Ryujin smiles bitterly toward Wendy and Wendy didn’t like it. She can’t never read the girl’s emotion, but she tried to shake it off. Wendy knows Ryujin is a smart girl, and she won’t do anything stupid that could hurt herself, though she is not sure about Ryujin’s temper though.

“Oh your ride is here unnie!” Ryujin exclaims when she saw Mr. Shinagawa is approaching from the garden view of their room.

“We’ll get going. Yeri take care of Ryujin for me…” Irene cupped Yeri’s face and kiss the girl on the forehead before heading out.

“I think it would be the other way round.” Wendy joked.

“Oi!” Yeri shouted, she wanted to attack Wendy but Ryujin hold her by the collar, which make it look like she is hanging in the air.

Wendy and Irene laugh as they leave the kids alone. Ryujin and Yeri sadly wave at them and then Ryujin turns to Yeri “You’re ready to explore the city unnie?!”




Joy had just finished her recording of her new solo for her drama. She was tired so she decided to take a rest at the dance studio where RV usually have their practice. When she moved out from the dorm Seulgi wasn’t there, she figured out that Seulgi didn’t really love her the way Sunmi described.

She opened the door and she was surprise to see Seulgi there with flowers and a box of chocolate in her hand.

“What is all this?” Joy asked.

“Since I am no longer SM artist or RV member, I’ve moved out from the dorm too. You and Sungjae had broken up, so do you think we have a chance now?” Seulgi said with a smile.

“I don’t understand Seul…” Joy raised her eyebrows.

“Sooyoung ah…what you heard is true.” Seulgi sighed.


“That I fell in love with you! I ran away from my wedding because I can’t marry a woman that I don’t love and lie to her for the rest of my life. But I can’t confess my feeling to you because you were with Sungjae…”

“I know, Sunmi unnie had told me everything…” Joy tried to push Seulgi aside so she could get to the couch.

“Then…will you be my date?” Seulgi asked hopefully.

“No…” Joy answered coldly.

“Why?” Seulgi asked sadly.

“Just because I am single now, doesn’t mean that I wanted to date someone else, you gotta work it up if you want me to be your girlfriend. And with you moving out from the dorm doesn’t mean I can date you too.”

“So you want to be my girlfriend or not?” Seulgi asked confusingly.

“No! You are so thick sometimes!” Joy was dissapointed at Seulgi that she couldn’t understand her hints. All Joy wanted is for Seulgi to shows her true feeling to her. She wanted Seulgi to work it out and not just expecting Joy to accept her into her life. She wanted Seulgi to show effort that she wanted to be with her.

“Sunmi unnie told me to follow my dream and you are my dream!” Seulgi tried her best to get Joy’s attention.

Joy is trying her best to hold in her laughter at Seulgi’s cute way of flirting. She put on her poker face to distract herself from reacting to Seulgi.

“Joy ah…please give me a chance to date you.”

“If you want me, you gotta work for it.” Joy said before she left the room. Her heart was racing fast when she pass by Seulgi. Maybe she had fallen for Seulgi too, but she doesn’t know it yet.

Seulgi was left defeated at the practice room. She shakes her head and look at herself in the mirror “Kang Seulgi! You can do this…you have to win Joy’s heart no matter what!”


Kojima House, Japan

Haruna was vacuuming the house when someone ring on the door. Suzy who was sitting on the living room trying to get her report done, offer to open the door.

“I’ll get it Neechan!” Suzy shouted from the living room and she runs to the door. Suzy opens the door and she was stunned by the sight that she saw.

Two beautiful women standing outside her door. The one with the short hair caught her breath, it was like she saw an angel.

 They smiled at her “Are you? Bae Suzy? I’m Bae Joohyun…” Irene introduces herself.

Suzy looked puzzle, she recognized Irene’s face but she forgot where she had seen her before, then it hit her, her name is Bae Joohyun.

“Hyun…unnie?” Suzy asked softly, her memories from her childhood came back to her.

“You remember?” Irene gasped.


To be continue…


Ah sorry the story got a little rushed at this part. Anyway, I’m going to explain why I choose Ryujin to be WenRene’s ‘daughter’. First, because Ryujin gives me Wendy/Irene vibe whenever she is with Itzy. She is competitive as hell, just like her omma Irene, and she is smart as hell just like Wendy, and both her and Irene are Aries. Despite that Yejisu is the superior ship in Itzy, same as Seulrene in RV, but if you watch Lia x Ryujin moment, you will notice the way Ryujin looks at Lia is the exact same way Irene always look at Wendy. Agh my heart. Initially I was planing to put Lia as Wenrene’s daughter but Lia is more of Jisoo x Rosé daughter vibe, but a lot of fans saying she looks like a mixture of Irene and Jisoo which I find kinda true. Yeji is more of SeulRene love child, or Jenlisa love child, she looked like Seulgi mix Irene mix Jennie. So I did a lot of research on Itzy to finally decided to choose Ryujin as Wenrene’s daughter~ I’m whipped for Ryujin and WenRene, these three would be the death of me.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense