Sequel: Chapter 2: Iris Son

When The Flower Blooms

Irene ended up following Wendy to the nursery to pick up Iris. Irene waited in the car while Wendy goes to the nursery to get Iris. When Irene saw Wendy walks back with a little girl in her arms, her heart melted. Iris is so small and she cling to Wendy’s like a little koala. Irene jump out of the car and help Wendy to open the car door.

“Thanks.” Said Wendy as she places Iris on the baby seat. Iris looked at Irene with her large doe eyes, she looks so much like Wendy.

“How old is she?” asked Irene.

“She’s 3 years old.” Replied Wendy.

“Mama…” little Iris called for Wendy.

“Iris~ we will go pick up your big sis now.”

Iris continues to look at Irene with her big black orb eyes, Irene can feel there’s a connection between them.

“I think she likes you.” said Wendy as she grins at Irene “Iris ah this is Irene, she’s is mama’s friend.”

“Iwene…” Iris called out to Irene and Irene couldn’t help but to melt.

Wendy takes out a lollipop from Iris’s back and unwrap it for her “Here, we will go pick your big sister now, so be a good girl okay?”

“Giving a baby candy is not good Wendy-ah.”

“She will cry if I don’t distract her with something.” Said Wendy.

Irene thinks for a while then she looks at baby Iris then she looks back to Wendy “I will sit with her at the backseat to keep her distracted.”

“Oh? She can be very fussy.” Said Wendy.

“It’s okay, I can manage.” 

Wendy smiles at Irene and she goes to her seat at the driver's seat and started the car, Irene join Iris at the backseat and play with Iris. Iris couldn’t take her eyes of Irene, and Irene keeps smiling at her, but then when she remembered that Wendy told her that Iris is her biological daughter, she slowly turns to Wendy.



“You said Iris is your biological daughter…does that mean you are married?” Irene’s voice cracked a little when she asked Wendy.

Wendy glances over her rear mirror to look at Irene “Are you jealous?” she teases her and she saw that Irene blushes, so she chuckles.

“I’m just curious…” said Irene.

“When Joy and I broke up 4 years ago, I got depressed and life was meaningless for me, then I started to go on multiple dates and I got pregnant on my last relationship with a guy, and Iris came into my life.” Said Wendy.

The fact that Wendy got into a lot of relationship hurt Irene, she preferred the Wendy in her dream where Wendy stay loyal to Joy until both of them met and Wendy fall in love with her. Now, Wendy is right in front of her but she clearly doesn’t know who Irene is, the two of them started off as strangers again.

“So do…umm, sorry if this sounds personal but do you know her father?”

“Yep…actually, I didn’t want Iris when she was born, her father didn’t want her too, I was young, and I was about to give her up for adoption because I don’t think I’m in my stable state of mind to take care of Iris…”

Irene was silent for a moment, her heartache when she heard Wendy’s story, this Wendy is so different from Wendy in her dream. This Wendy is more mature and sober compared to Wendy that she dreamt.

“So what make you change your mind?” asked Irene while she plays peekaboo with Iris, Iris laughed at her. 


“Wendy you sure about this? Do you want to think this through?” Henry asked in concern, he didn’t want Wendy to make the biggest mistake in her life.

“Her father didn’t want her, I don’t want her too, so it’s better if she be with the people who want her.” said Wendy melancholy while staring down at baby Iris who is sleeping silently in her arms.

“But what if the one that adopt her isn’t good parents? What if she was sold to be a slave? Did you ever think about her future? You’re rich Wendy, raising her alone isn’t a problem for you.”

“How can I raised a child with my mental state Henry? You know after Joy left, not even once that I did not think about taking my own life. I wanted to be dead. Why do you think I go out and breaking people’s hearts? Because I wanted to distract myself from thinking about dying!”

“Then use Iris to distract your suicidal thoughts!” fired Henry back at Wendy angrily. He noticed there were tears in her eyes, so he stopped his car by the road side. He looked at her and the baby in her arms “Give her a chance to be loved by her mother. Her father is a jerk, but I don’t want you to be the same like that jerk.”

“I’m determine about leaving this baby behind Henry! Please don’t stop me!” Wendy retaliated back.

Henry sighed, he knows how stubborn Wendy can be, so he gave up in trying to persuade her. He just pray that Iris will be adopted by the right people. He continued to drive to the orphanage house. Once they reached the orphanage house, Henry step down from the car and he takes out the umbrella to shield Wendy and the baby.

The two of them walked to the front door of the orphanage and knock on the door. An old grumpy lady opened the door and greet them with a sinister smile. Henry was uncomfortable around that old lady.

“Another accident I see…” said the old lady as she glared at the baby in Wendy’s arms.

“You youngster only know how to create but once the baby pop out, you don’t want the baby.” Snarled the old lady.

“Excuse me ma’am, but we’re not a couple…we..”

“Just take the baby.” Wendy cut Henry who tried to explain to the old lady that he is not the baby’s father.

The old lady take the baby from Wendy’s arms and the baby starts to cry. Wendy winced at her baby’s crying sound. The baby cries even louder when Wendy and Henry walked away from the orphanage house. Wendy tried to not look back at her baby because she is afraid that she will have a second thought.

“Wendy… you might regret this. Please reconsider your options.” Said Henry.

The baby was bawling, and the cries turn to shrieking, Wendy stopped at her track and she dashed back to the orphanage house and stopped the door before the old lady close it.

“What is it young lady?” the old lady asked.

“Give her back to me.” Said Wendy, but the old lady refused to “Give her back!!” Wendy demanded, and the old lady got scared of Wendy so she gave the crying baby back to Wendy.

The baby stopped crying once she is back at her mother’s embrace, she looks at her mother with that big round eyes of her. The baby smiled at Wendy and her hands reach out for Wendy’s face. Wendy cried when the baby touched her face.

“I’m sorry…” she cried “I’m sorry…I won’t try to abandon you anymore…” Wendy kissed her baby all over the face “I love you…”

Henry watched from afar, he smiled softly when he saw the scene. He rushed to her side and he shield them with the umbrella “Let’s go home…”

End of Flashback

“If I really left her at the orphanage at that time, I think I will regret it my whole life. Iris had then been my motivation and strength to continue on surviving in this cold empty world.” 

Irene look at Iris who slowly falling asleep, she looks at her softly and caress her cute chubby cheek. She is greatly thankful for Iris presence in Wendy’s life.

“Your break up with Joy must hit you real hard.”

“I’m surprised that you can forget about Seulgi after you tried to kill yourself.” Said Wendy to Irene.

“That is because you show me how to love again.” Thought Irene silently in her mind. “You know, there is something that I didn’t tell you about my dream.” Said Wendy “In my dream, I did not just met you and become your friend, we…”

“Oh we’re here…” Wendy cut off Irene when they reached Ryujin’s school.

JYP High

It seems like some part of her dream were true after all and some weren’t. She keeps quiet after Wendy cut her off “I’m sorry Irene-ssi, I didn’t hear what you said earlier, you were saying?” asked Wendy to Irene.

“Oh, it’s nothing…” Irene lied when she saw Ryujin is approaching the car “Unnie! Can…” Ryujin greeted Irene.

Irene nods at Ryujin, then Ryujin’s eyes diverted from Irene’s gaze to Irene’s hand that’s holding Iris’ little hand “Oh wow...never knew Iris will hold other people’s hand aside from mine, Wendy unnie and her teacher Miss Jihyo…” said Ryujin in amused note.

“Ryujin do you want to sit here with your little sister? I can move to the front.” Irene offered.

“Ah no, it’s okay, I will sit in front with unnie.” said Ryujin and she slowly close the back seat door and open the front door.

“I’m sorry that I asked this last minute Irene-ssi, but do you want to come over to our house to have dinner?” Wendy invites the jet black haired girl.

Irene was about to decline when she remembered that she lived in the same block with Wendy, but she decided to just join Wendy and her family, she missed them, though whatever happened in her dream never happened. “Sure.”

“Nice! Ryujin-ah, it’s been forever since we had any guest coming over! Help me cook okay?”

“But unnie, I got a lot of homework that I need to do...and…”

“I’ll help you do it, don’t worry.” Wendy cuts Ryujin off and Ryujin just sigh as she nods.

Irene chuckles when she saw the interaction between Wendy and Ryujin are the same as their interaction in her dream. She was caught off guard when Ryujin questioned why she laughed.

“Oh...I just find it’s cute that you call her unnie instead of mom…” Irene explained herself.

“You told her?!” Ryujin was shocked and she smacked Wendy on the forearm.

“Ouch! That’s painful Ryujin! Yes, I told her, there’s nothing to hide anyway, and it’s the truth, you are my adoptive daughter.” said Wendy. 

“But I don’t want everyone to know that I have a 26 years old as a mother.” huffed Ryujin and she crossed her arms in a sulking manners.

“Yah! If it wasn’t for me, you’ll be eating trash off the street! You should be grateful to me you brat!” fired Wendy at Ryujin.

“I live just well with all my gangs!”

“Shin Ryujin!”

Irene laughed at the bickering duo and she was amazed that Iris is able to sleep through the two of them bickering so loudly. She stares lovingly at Iris’s peaceful face and she once again caress the baby’s face. “Iris-ah...I don’t know why you have the same name as my daughter in my dream, but I want to say thank you for keeping Wendy accompany…” whispered Irene softly near Iris’s ear.

“Ah, I don’t want to talk to you anymore!” Ryujin huffed loudly and looked away from Wendy.

Wendy sighs and she peeks at Irene through the rear mirror and she smiles at what she saw, Irene was looking at Iris longingly, and there’s something about that mysterious Irene that make her heart feels weird but in a good way. “Irene-ssi…” she called for Irene.

Irene looks up and their eyes meet “Yes?”

“What do you want to eat? Let’s consider today as our 1st formally introduce to each other.” said Wendy.

“Oh, I’ll eat anything, as long as it’s not chicken…” said Irene.

“You don’t like chicken?”

“It’s not that I don’t like chicken, I had an episode when I was young, where I ate the chicken and I fall sick miserably, so since then my body rejected chicken.”

“I see…I’ll take note on that.”

Irene notices that Wendy and Ryujin are not talking, so she tried to start a conversation with Ryujin “Ryujin ah…”


“Were you one of the top students in the school?” asked Irene.

“How did you know?” Ryujin almost snapped her neck when she turned abruptly to face Irene.

“You look like a smart student.” said Irene with a smile.

“Well yeah, she’s smart, she’s a genius but she’s just lazy! Just recently that she started studying hard because Lia told her to.” argued Wendy.

“Yah! Unnie!”

Irene saw the blush in Ryujin’s face so she decided to again “So Ryujin, this Lia girl, do you like her?”

“What?! Nnno!” stammered Ryujin nervously.

Ryujin smiled and she teased Ryujin again “Ah young love, it’s very refreshing, isn't it? However Ryujinie, if you really like Lia, tell her before it’s too late.” 

Ryujin was thinking hard after Irene’s advice then she said “It’s hard’s complicated.” 

“Wait?! You really like Lia?!!” Wendy was surprised at the fact that she didn’t know that her adoptive daughter is having a crush on someone.

“You’re too busy with your café to even care about my personal life unnie.” said Ryujin disheartened.

“We need a serious talk later!”

“Yep...they are the same.” Irene thought to herself.

The ride to Wendy house were full of bickering and teasing, Irene enjoyed it so much because this is the moment that she missed especially from Wendy and Ryujin. The love of her life and her daughter.

To be continued.

A/N: Next chap, Irene trying hard to get Wendy’s attention. Seulgi and Irene are going to team up to get Joy and Wendy’s attention and love.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense