Chapter 41: Ryujin, Lia, Yeji

When The Flower Blooms

JYP High






The Itzy girls call for the pink haired girl but Ryujin didn’t even stop in her tracks, she keeps on marching forward aggressively.




“I’m sorry girls, I gotta get home, bye.” Ryujin brushes off her friends and exited the school. Yeji watches her friend watch farther away from her. She turns to the other Itzy, they all shrug their shoulder. Yeji is getting worried over Ryujin’s erratic attitude lately. It seems like Ryujin is being her old self again. The cold and distant Ryujin, and Yeji hates that.



Outside of JYP High


Ryujin spotted Wendy’s car from afar, she waited until Wendy get near her. Wendy stops in front of Ryujin, and Ryujin gets in the car looking all angry. She slams the car door hard and it shocked Wendy.


“Woah there! This car is brand new, please be careful with the door.” warned Wendy, but when she notices the tears in Ryujin’s eyes she stops from making anymore remark, and slowly drives away.


“So did...anything happen in school?” asked Wendy as she tries to break the ice between them.


“Nothing…” replied the girl coldly.




“I don't want you to die unnie, I don’t want to lose you! You and Irene unnie are the only family that I have now, I don’t want to lose my parents again…” Ryujin cries and she uses her sleeves to wipe her tears and runny nose.


Wendy stops her car at a nearby park and pull up the hand brake, she turns to Ryujin. She wipes away Ryujin’s tear. “I’m not going to die, I promised Irene that I will survive the operation and come back for you girls. Ryujin I promised you I will take care of you as your parent, and I will keep that promise.”


“I know you promised me is very unexpected...I...I’m scared...I’m scared I’m going to lose you…”


“Ryujin…” Wendy lifted the younger girl’s chin so she can look straight into the girl’s eyes. This may be the first time she ever sees Ryujin cries like this. She wipes away the tears with her thumb “Ryujin, nothing is going to happen to you. Either if I’m alive or dead, you will still be my daughter and all of my assets will be yours.”


“I don’t care about money unnie! I just want you to be okay! I couldn’t sleep last night when I think about what you have to go through, I feel so useless that I can’t be there to help you...I’m a bad daughter.” cried Ryujin loudly.


“You look ugly when you cry! Stop crying!” demand Wendy.


“You’re supposed to be comforting me not scolding me!” argued Ryujin back.


“Because you never listen to me!” scoffed Wendy loudly.


“Are you going to argue with me now? Seriously? In this serious moment?!” Ryujin fires back in anger.


“I can’t believe a 26 years old would want to argue with 16 years old kid!” Wendy rolls her eyes at Ryujin.


“I’m just going to keep silent.”


The two went silent and they only look at the park in front of them, watching children and parents playing at the playground. 


“I’ve always wish...that I can have a normal family…” said Ryujin softly “When you show me the adoption paper, I was beyond happy, there’s this undescribe feeling that I felt. I am thankful that you adopted me unnie…”


“I’m glad that I have a beautiful and intelligent girl as a daughter.” Wendy smiles softly at Ryujin when she said that. “The only problem with you now is your bad temper. You need to fix it!”


Ryujin didn’t say anything when Wendy told her that, she was so focused on watching the children playing at the playground. Wendy smiles, she unlocked the car and steps out “Come on Ryujin, let’s have a talk at the playground. We can sit on the swing if you want.” 


Ryujin steps down from the vehicle too, and she joins Wendy at swing set. She sits on the swing and starts to swing around. 


“You know, one day I wanted to become a parent too, but like you, I don’t have a memorable childhood mom and sister loved me, but they were so busy with their careers that I felt neglected sometimes, and my biggest fear is, I can’t be a good mother to my child…”


“You will be a good mother someday unnie, I believe you will!” replied Ryujin.


“Thanks Ryu...:”


The two become silent again, both stare at the sky that slowly turn yellow, the sun is going to set soon. Wendy gets up from the swing and asked Ryujin to join her for dinner, since Irene and Yeri probably going to be home late.


“Unnie...there’s one more thing that I need to tell you…”



JYP High


“I know Lia, I saw it.” Yeji hissed after she heard Lia’s explanation.


“I didn’t mean to kiss her me.”


“She attacked you...I understand.”


“You’re not angry at me?” asked Lia.


“I...I know about you and Ryujin before we got together Lia.” Yeji sighed.


“You knew?”


“Yes...I know Ryujin likes you too, I know that you like her too. When you choose me, I was surprised because I was so sure that you will choose Ryujin over me. I’ve seen the way she looks at you and care for you before we got together. Ryujin never knows how to love but during that time I saw love in her eyes. I wanted to be selfish and have you all for myself, and who knows you chose me. I saw the sadness in her eyes when the two of us got together and I also saw the sadness in your eyes when you see her.” Yeji paused for awhile, to catch her breath then she continues “Who do you really love Lia? Why did you choose me at that time and not her?”


Lia was silent, then she took a deep breath and explain to Yeji about her decision to choose Yeji and not Ryujin “You are right Yeji, I love both you and Ryujin...the reason why I choose you and not her is because, you fight for me Yeji, you show your effort, while Ryujin did nothing...I did tell her that I like her before I told you I like you...we did went for a few dates together, we’ve kissed and I did ask her if we were together. Her answer is always the same, we are more than friends but less than lovers...I’m so fed up with her commitment problem, I’ve decided since there’s no string attached, I can just choose you.”


Yeji scoffed “So I was you second choice?”


“You might be my second choice, but you are my right choice…” replied Lia.




“Because you’re not afraid to show your feeling Yeji, Ryujin is afraid of showing her own feelings. How can I be with someone who is unable to love me openly? That’s why I chose you and I didn’t regret it even for one bit, because I’ve fallen deeper for you now…” Lia rubs her thumb on the back of Yeji’s hand.


Yeji leans forward to kiss Lia and Lia return the kiss “I love you…” utters Yeji as se pants for air.


Lia cups Yeji’s face and she gives her a peck before pulls her into a hug “Whatever happened between me and Ryujin is all in the past. Will you trust me?”


Yeji nods and she hugs Lia tightly. She is glad that Lia does love her just as much as she loves Lia, but she pity Ryujin, who have to give up her love for their friendship.



On The Way to Wenrene’s Condo


Wendy and Ryujin were driving back home, after they had dinner at a sushi restaurant nearby.

“You did the right thing Ryujin…don’t feel bad about yourself, and what you did to her was out of your control. I know you think you just betray your best friend but, it was accidental, you two used to be an item way before she got together with Yeji. It’s normal if you still have feelings for her...please don’t think too much.” Wendy tried to advise her daughter.


“Do you think I should apologize to Yeji?”


“If you think you’ve wronged her then you should…”


“I think I have…Lia is her girlfriend now and not mine… I guess…”


“Ryujin… I don’t understand one thing…if you love Lia why didn’t you just tell her? Why did you only tell her after she chose Yeji?” asked Wendy, with perplexed expressions.


“Unnie...I wasn’t a good person back then, if I let Lia comes in to my life, she’ll get hurt…”


“That is why you didn’t want to commit to your relationship even though you two acted like couple before?”


“Yes.” affirmed Ryujin while looking outside the window, and she can see that they almost reach their condominium.


“Not because you wanted your best friend to get the love of her life?”


“That too…”


“It’s okay Ryujin, maybe one day you will find your own true love…”


Wendy pull off at her normal parking space, they both exited the car and Ryujin help Wendy to take out the grocery stuff from the backseat. Once they got in the lift, Wendy told Ryujin about her plan to go back to Canada to visit her father.


“You’re going alone?” asked Ryujin, Canada gave her a bad memories, she remembered the dark history that happened there.


“Yes...It will only be for a few days, he is dying and I want to be there for him. I couldn’t be there for my mother, and I couldn’t be there for my least I can be there for my father.”


“Did you tell Irene unnie?”


“I’ll tell her tonight.”




“The ceremony will be held in 3 more days. I was thinking if we can combine it together with the coronation ceremony.” asked the king, when he reads through the ceremony agenda.


“Your majesty, it is not advisable to combine the two ceremony as we are afraid that it might anger the citizens. They like Prince Jaeho…”


“I know...but Jaeho is not as capable as Jaejong…”


“Suzy is not Jaejong...your majesty.”


“He lives in her...have you seen the way she talked back to those scumbag minister this morning? I see Jaejong in her Mr. Dong...she is Jaejong’s daughter.”


“Your majesty...maybe you should let her go through trials before she can take over your job…”


“Mr. Dong, you know my time is short...she needs to replace me before my time comes…try to discuss if the coronation can be done in the same day. I am counting on you Mr. Dong.” the king told his adviser.


“I understand, my king…”



Meeting Hall


“We can’t get you or your grandfather to approve the law princess...the only way is for the ministers to agree on it then only the prime minister can make the decision. Yes we do need the ruler’s signature to finalize the law but it has to go through all the stages...we can’t just skip the ministers and go straight to you.” Alice explained to Suzy.


“Excuse me ladies, Princess Joohyun and Princess Suji…” the king adviser interrupt the girls who are in the middle of their discussion. “I am here to relay the king’s message, he demanded that the ceremony to be combined with the coronation ceremony, so we will have rehearsal tomorrow morning at 9.”


“Combine?” asked Irene with a raised eyebrow.


“But I’m not ready yet to...take over.”


“Princess Suji, I’m afraid we can’t postpone your coronation, the king is dying. He may look fine now, but he is getting weaker, he doesn’t want to waste anymore time. You shall ascend to the throne as soon as possible Princess Suji.”


Suzy turns to Irene, Irene smiles and she holds Suzy’s hand to comfort her cousin “I will be here for you okay?” 


Suzy smiles back and she turns back to the advisor “Then shall be it.”


Irene’s phone rings and the whole room were surprised by the sound of her ringtone, she sheepishly apologizes to everyone and excuses herself to answer the call when she saw the caller ID.




“Hey babe, ugh, I called you because I got something that I want to tell you, it’s late and you’re not home yet.”


“Uh, ah yes, I forgot to tell you that I’m staying over here tonight, Suzy needs me. Today was a little hectic, I must have forgotten to text you. I’m sorry.” said Irene while massaging her temple.


“Oh, it’s okay, I’ll take care of the kids, you do your stuff. I’ll probably will ask Jisoo or Jenlisa to come over and baby sit Ryujin.”


“Why do Ryujin need to be baby sit?”


“I’m taking the first flight to Canada tomorrow morning.”


“What?! Why the sudden…”


“Dad is dying, I gotta go see her before it’s too late…” Wendy cuts Irene off before the girl able to finish her sentence.


“......” Irene didn’t answer, she doesn’t want Wendy to go to Canada alone, but she can’t leave her job.


“It will only be for a couple of days...I know we’ve talked about the operation and I should get it done this week, but what if my dad died when I was on that operation table? Or when I wake up and can’t remember anything? I’ve called my doctor, she already prescribe my medicine...”


“If you want me to be honest...I don’t want you to go Wannie ah...but...I know that your father needs you more than we do now...just promise me you will regularly eat your medicine and come back as soon as possible.”


“I know, I’ll get back once everything is settled...I love you, don’t worry about Ryujin and Yeri. I’ve told them…”


“Please be safe Wendy…”


“I will love…”


“I love you, bye.”


“I love you.”


Irene hangs up and she tries to hold in her tears before she goes back to her cousin. “So where did we left off earlier?” she asked.



Wenrene’s Condo


Wendy sat on the floor in the living room, she was packing her stuff into her luggage.


“Here unnie, your stuff…” said Ryujin when she handed Wendy the things that she wanted to bring to Canada.


“Thanks..” Wendy takes it from Ryujin and stuff it in her luggage, she paused for a moment and then turns to Ryujin “Ryujin-ah…”




“Want to try call me mom?”


“Eww! No!” Ryujin rejected the idea, she was being tsundere again toward Wendy.


“Come on, just this once! Then you can call me whatever you want.” begged the older girl.


Ryujin’s face scrunched upon Wendy’s request. She shakes her head violently as a sign or protest. Wendy clasps her hand together and begs Ryujin again “Phwease~”


Ryujin sighs and she clears , she looks at Wendy who looks at her full of anticipation “M..o...erhmm…” Ryujin coughs to clear and then she tries again “…”


Wendy burst out laughing out loud when she heard Ryujin struggles to call her ‘mom’ she pulls Ryujin down and ruffles her pink hair. Ryujin wriggles to get herself free but Wendy had her head lock in her arm.


“What are you two doing?” asked Yeri when she walked past the girls.


“Hey Yeri! Ryujin just called me mom!” said Wendy excitedly.


“Pffftttt I can’t believe Ryujin will do that! Well if Wendy unnie and Irene unnie got married one day, that will make me your aunt kiddo~” said Yeri and she ruffles Ryujin’s hair.


Ryujin whines and asked for her hair to be spared from the two’s attack. Wendy loves ruffling Ryujin’s hair as it is so soft just like baby’s hair. Though she disapprove of Ryujin hair color, because she thinks that it’s too bright for a student like her. Wendy did asked Ryujin to dye back to her natural hair color but Ryujin just brushed her off.


Once Wendy finish packing, she goes to check on the girls. Yeri had already fast asleep in her room, but her lights are still on. Wendy saw that Yeri exposed her stomach, so she helps her to cover it up with the blanket. 


“Good night Yeri.” said Wendy before she proceeds to turn off the light and slowly close the door. Then she walks to Ryujin’s room, the light is still on and Ryujin is still sitting at her desk. Wendy approaches her and peek from behind on what Ryujin is doing.


“Unnie...if you’re want to know what I’m doing, you should ask, not peek.” said Ryujin.


“Oh how did you know I came in?”


“I can see you shadow.”




“I’m writing a diary…” said Ryujin and she shows the diary to her ‘mother’.


“You’re writing diary? Since when? Don’t show it to me! It’s supposed to be your secret!”


“I’m writing diary starting from today, I want to write down whatever that happened so that when you lose your memories, I can show you this.”


Wendy was touched by Ryujin’s effort, she hugs Ryujin from behind and kisses her on the head. Ryujin grunts on the affection that Wendy is giving her, but she didn’t complain. 


“Thank you Ryujin...but please sleep after you finish writing, it’s almost 12, you have school tomorrow, by the way, Yeri and her manager will drive you to school tomorrow. My flight is early in the morning, stay out of trouble in school, don’t skip any classes, I’ve already asked Chaeryoung to keep an eye on you missy.”


“Geez, what a nagger!”


“If I don’t nag you then who will? Nag is what a mother always do.” Wendy winks at Ryujin and she pats her on the shoulder before she steps away from her daughter “Good night Ryu…”


“Good night…”


Wendy walks to her room, she closes the door and throw herself on her fluffy king size bed. She sighs deeply, it’s late but she can’t sleep. She takes out her phone and saw a text message from Irene.


Beloved Joohyunie - Don’t forget your medicine and the letter from the doctor! Your passport too! Please wear more layers as the weather is getting cold lately. Did you pack your luggage properly?


Wendy laughs at Irene’s text message. She presses reply and begins typing her reply.


Wendy - I’ve put everything in my backpack! Don’t worry about me. You’re still awake?


Wendy presses send and she was not hoping for any reply from Irene because the message Irene sent her was an hour ago, so she assumes that Irene is already asleep now.


Beloved Joohyunie is typing…


Beloved Joohyunie - I don’t like this Wannie, I don’t like you going to Canada alone...with your health condition. 


Wendy decided to call Irene and not texting her instead, so she calls her.




“Why are you still awake?” asked Wendy.


“I can ask the same thing to you too…”


Wendy chuckles at Irene’s replies “I’m lying on our bed now…”


“Let me send you off to the airport tomorrow Seungwan…”


“It’s too early Irene-ah.”


“I’ll meet you there at 5am okay?”


Wendy knows she is not going to win over the argument with Irene so she just agrees to meet with Irene at the airport. “Let’s end our conversation here, go sleep now.”


“Good night Wannie...I love you.”


“Love you too...nite nite.”


4.30 AM


The doorbell ring and Wendy gets it, when she opens the door, there stood the grumpy looking Jisoo.


“Unnie...I can’t believe you made me wake up at this hour just to be your driver, you could just call for cab!”


“Irene insist that I asked for Jennie to drive me to the airport but I know Jennie, she probably will curse me to death if I wake her up at this hour.” said Wendy.


“Oh so, disturbing my beauty sleep is not wrong?” complained Jisoo but she still help Wendy to carry her luggage to the front door.


“I owe you big Jisoo.”


“Yeah yeah, you owe me big, for being your personal driver and your babysitter. I think Ryujin is capable of taking care of herself. She’s already 16!”


“She’s still a baby! I told her she can invite her friends over to our house to stay until I get back...since Irene is busy with helping Suzy.” Wendy explains.


“I envy you unnie…”




“You already got the perfect family...the only thing left is for you to get married to Irene unnie...then your family is complete.” sighed Jisoo.


“You can too Jisoo. I heard that you’ve proposed to when is the wedding?”


“I was planning to get married in Taiwan of Japan, but then Chaeyoung said she wanted to get married here, in I guess I will just have to wait until they legalize that law.”


“Soon Jisoo...soon.”





Irene spotted Wendy from afar, she runs to her and give her a hug. She breaks the hug and wrapped a blue scarf around Wendy to keep her warm. “Wear this, it will keep you warm.”


“It’s too warm for me~” whines Wendy.


“Don’t be stubborn Seungwan, you get cold easily wear it!”


“Yes mother~”


Irene cups Wendy’s face, she wanted to kiss her but then she remembers that they are in public so she refrains herself from doing so. She aims for Wendy’s cheek but Wendy shifted a little so Irene’s lips softly touches her lips. Irene was shocked and she looks around if anyone sees it and luckily no one did. Wendy pulls Irene close and gives her a quick peck before she bids her goodbye.


Irene watches her lover walks in to the boarding gate. She waves at Wendy when Wendy turns back to look at her. Wendy waves at Irene and Jisoo, and the two wave back. Once Wendy is out of sight, Irene sighs sadly.


“Is it bad that I feel bad about Wendy going to Canada alone Jisoo?”


“I don’t like her go back too...when I remembered what happened during our stay there. But Canada is Wendy’s unnie turf, she’s a powerful figure there, so I’m a little relieved.” said Jisoo.


“Hmmm…” was Irene’s replied. 


Irene takes out her purse and hand Jisoo money “Buy some breakfast for the girls, tell them I will be back tonight. Please take care of them for me, Jisoo.” said Irene to the CEO. Jisoo nods and took the money from Irene.

Irene bids Jisoo goodbye and walk toward the car that was waiting for her at the VVIP parking. Jisoo watches the princess drives away in her limousine. She turns and goes to McDonald's to take away breakfast set for Yeri and Ryujin.



Wenrene’s Condo 6.30AM


“Wake up!!” Jisoo screams when Ryujin didn’t want to get up from her bed. “Joanne Shin Ryujin!!”


“That’s not going to work unnie...I’ve tried it.” sighed Yeri while munching away her apple pie that Jisoo bought.


“Then how did she wakes up every morning?” asked Jisoo.


“Irene’s unnie voice. Wendy unnie actually recorded down Irene’s unnie voice and she plays it near her every morning and she will automatically get up.”


“Where…” Jisoo pauses and sighs “Seriously you kids are hard to be taken care of.” she complains before she dials Irene’s number.




“Hey unnie! I’m sorry if I bother you so early in the morning, I’m gonna put you on loud speaker, can you help me wake Ryujin up? It’s 7 now and she still asleep! The traffic is bad and I’m afraid she will be late to school if she doesn’t wake up now!”


“Oh, alright.”


Jisoo puts Irene on the loud speaker and put her phone near to Ryujin’s ear.


“Ryujin-ah...Ryujinie, time for school, wakey wakey…”


Both Yeri and Jisoo frowned at the whiny cute voice that Irene makes, but it works. Ryujin immediately gets up from her bed. She looks around to find the voice owner but only saw Jisoo and Yeri invading her personal space.


Jisoo takes her phone away “Thanks unnie it works, she’s awake now. Bye.” and she hangs up the call even before Irene able to reply her.


“Where’e unnie?” asked Ryujin with ehr hoarse voice.


“She’s not here, get up now, it’s 7am and you’re going to be late to school if you don’t get ready now.”


Ryujin grunts and she falls back to her pillow. Jisoo grabs her by the arms and pulled her up “Come on Ryujin! Don’t make this hard for me! Yeri go prepare all her bag and uniform!”



To be continued…

A/N: Next chapter is going to be intense!

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
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Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense