Chapter 10

Jenlous [Jensoo fanfic]


Hey guys, Sorry for the late update....i officially hate whoever invented exams and assessments. There'll be a couple more late updates, cause, well, like i mentioned before, exams. So yeah. If you guys have any ideas or things you want to include in the story, comment down below and i'll try to include it in the story! ok, enough of me talking...or in this case, typing, and let's get on with the chapter.

~ Enjoy!


Chapter 10en


Jisoo was about to open to say something, when she was cut short by Jennie’s lips.

Jennie had leaned in and softly kissed Jisoo, still holding onto her hands. Jisoo blinked rapidly, but managed to calm herself down and kiss Jennie back.

The moment was so blissful, so k-drama worthy, so beautiful, that both girls forgot they were standing on a beach, and got lost in their own world.

If it hadn’t been for a loud yell that flew across the beach, the two girls could’ve done a whole lot more stuff than just kissing, if you know what I mean.

They both broke away from each other in surprise, and looked around to see who just yelled. Of course, they couldn’t see anyone, because it was dark and the only visible light was from the dim streetlamps on the footpath. But they did see the two bodyguards running up to them, and ushering them off the beach.

‘What’s wrong?’ Jisoo asked anxiously. The bodyguards seemed to be quite distressed.

‘Nothing’s wrong, miss.’ One of them said, but his voice sounded quite worried.

They got into the car, and the bodyguards relaxed.

Jennie and Jisoo sat at the back of the car, their hands clasped together, worried and confused about the whole dilemma. As they drove back to the dorm, the bodyguard driving spoke up.

‘The reason why we got both of you out of there was because there was an armed robbery very close to that location.’ He said. ‘We saw the event unfold where a young man in a hoodie attacked another man, probably about in his mid-50’s. He had a knife with him, and we immediately got you both as far away as possible from the location.’

Jennie and Jisoo both looked at each other, wide-eyed in shock.

‘Is the man who was attacked alright?’ Jennie asked.

‘We’re not sure. We did call the police, but that’s all we did. Our job is to protect you girls, not random strangers, even though we probably should have...’ He gave a side-glance to the bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat.

‘Yes we probably should have.’ he said. ‘Goodness knows what happened to him. Hopefully the police got there in time before any damage could come out of the situation.’

The rest of the ride home was grim and silent. As they neared the dorm, a realisation suddenly dawned on Jisoo. She gave Jennie a tug and whispered into her ear.

‘Do you think that the bodyguards saw us – y’know – kissing?’ she asked.

Jennie’s eyes widened, but then she shook her head.

‘No, I don’t think so.’ She whispered back. ‘It was too dark for anyone to see clearly.’

I hope that’s the case…Jisoo thought, as the car stopped at its destination.




Once they got into the house, Jennie took Jisoo’s hand and led her to the bathroom.

‘Wanna have a bath together?’ she asked.

Jisoo wanted to, but the events that happened before had frazzled her feelings, and she didn’t really feel like doing it with her that night.

‘I –uh –don’t take this the wrong way Jennie, but I just, I’m kinda not in the mood anymore, know what I mean?’ she said.

Jennie looked a bit confused.

‘No, I don’t know what you mean. All I asked was if you wanted to have a bath together, nothing else. Just a bath. What did you think I meant?’ She asked, looking very confused.

Jisoo felt herself going bright red.

Crap! She wasn’t talking about doing IT! Now I’ve just made myself seem like an idiot who takes things too far, too quickly!

‘Oh – um – n-nothing…I just…uh, actually, sure, let’s have a shower together.’ She said hastily, hoping the floor could swallow her up in that moment, and save her from her embarrassment.

Jennie didn’t seem to notice Jisoo’s very pink cheeks, and she smiled at her.

‘Yeah let’s go. I’ll go get my clothes…’ she said, and wandered off to her room.

Jisoo stood in the bathroom, facing the mirror, and watched her cheeks return to its normal colour.

‘Why do I have to be such an idiot?’ she asked herself aloud.

‘Whattya mean you’re an idiot?’ asked Jennie, who had just entered the bathroom with her bathrobe.

Jisoo spun around, startled.

‘Oh gosh you scared me!’ she exclaimed.

‘Oh sorry about that!’ Jennie said, hanging up her bathrobe. ‘Have you not got your things yet?’

‘No I haven’t…uh, I’ll be right back!’ Jisoo said, running out of the bathroom at top speed.

She ran into her room, slammed the door, and flung herself onto her bed.

AGHR!!! Why does it feel so weird and awkward??!! It feels even worse than before, before I confessed to her…is it because I still can’t believe she kissed me? Breathe Jisoo, breathe…a shower with her shouldn’t be too much of a deal. I mean, it’s just a bath, not as if we’re gonna make out or anything, haha…


She gathered her stuff and returned to the bathroom. Jennie had filled up the bathtub and the water was steaming and frothy.

‘Do you want to put the bath bomb in?’ she asked Jisoo, holding out a swirly patterned pink bath bomb.

‘Sure.’ Jisoo said, taking the bath bomb and throwing it into the bubbling water.

The bath bomb immediately exploded into a pretty pattern of pink and purple swirls that soon coloured the entire contents of the bathtub.

‘Now we can go in.’ Jennie said, taking off her shirt.

Jisoo felt her heart race again. What’s the matter with me? I’ve already seen her without clothes on. Why am I feeling so….so weird??

Jennie noticed that Jisoo was staring at her in the most unusual way.

‘Are you ok Jisoo?’ she asked, walking over and holding her arm. ‘You look like you’re about to pass out!’

Jisoo DID feel like passing out. Her brain was whizzing a million thoughts in her mind and her heart was racing as if it was Usain Bolt in the 100m sprint. But she didn’t want to concern Jennie, so she just shook her head and smiled.

‘It’s okay, I’m fine.’ She said, giving Jennie a smile that she didn’t know would melt Jennie’s heart.

‘Well take off your clothes and let’s go in the bath. You don’t need help taking off your clothes, do you?’ she asked.

Jisoo immediately shook her head. Having a bath with her was one thing, but having Jennie take off her OWN clothes would be just too much.

‘I can do it.’ She said, stripping herself quickly.

Once they had both taken off their clothes, they got into the warm bath.

‘Oh it feels amazing…’ said Jisoo, who seemed to have recovered from the fact that she was sitting in a bath with Jennie.

‘Yes it does feel nice, doesn’t it…?’ Jennie replied.

They had each chosen one side of the tub, and they put out their legs so their feet were touching one another.

(side note – yes, they can do that cause they have a big bathtub. After all, they are RICH, so they can obviously afford a big tub…anyway…)

‘I could do with some red wine right now…’ Jennie said, sinking underneath the water and coming back up again with bubbles in her hair.

Jisoo laughed at the sight of Jennie wearing a bubble crown and she slipped under the water as well to get bubbles in her hair. As she was under the water, something funny touched her foot and she opened her eyes. The water stung her eyes, but she was curious with what had touched her foot. As she looked around, she suddenly realised that she was looking straight at Jennie’s body under the water. She immediately shot back up to the surface, rubbing her eyes.

‘You alright?’ Jennie asked.

Jisoo nodded, not daring to tell her that she had just stared at Jennie’s body for a full 5 seconds.

After a while, the warmth of the tub was beginning to have its effect on Jisoo, and she began to feel a bit dozy.

‘It’s getting a bit hot…’ she muttered, beginning to slide back under the water.

Jennie reached over and caught her arm before she slid under.

‘We should probably get out now, if you’re feeling dizzy or anything.’ She said, giving Jisoo a concerned look.

‘No no, I’m fine…’ Jisoo said.

‘If you say so…’ Jennie replied, sliding over to Jisoo’s side of the tub and putting her arm around her waist. ‘Just in case.’ She added, noticing Jisoo’s sudden flinch at the touch of her hand on her bare waist.

‘So…um, let’s talk about what happened at the beach.’ Jennie said, after a bit of silence.

That was probably the last thing Jisoo wanted to talk about.

‘Oh, uh…sure, ok.’ She said, not understanding how Jennie was able to get her to agree to everything she said.

‘Well…um, I didn’t get the chance to tell you before, but…’ she paused to look at Jisoo, who was inches away from her face, as they were both squashed into one side of the tub.

Jisoo’s cheeks were already pink from the heat of the tub, but turned even pinker when Jennie moved in closer.

‘I like you too, Jisoo.’ She said.

They both stayed silent and frozen in their spot, eyes locked with each other’s.

Jennie leaned in first and Jisoo did the same. They met lips quite softly at first, but soon, they seemed to really get into it, just like what had happened on the beach. Except there was no-one to interrupt them this time.


So you can probably imagine what happened after that kiss. Probably not the most ideal place to do it, but they did (much to Jisoo’s surprise…). I won’t go into descriptions because…well, I just won’t…cause if I did, I would’ve rated this chapter as “M”. And to be honest, I don’t actually know too much about the whole thing and what you do when you do it, so anyway, USE YOUR IMAGINATION.




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1120 streak #1
Chapter 1: Lol Chaeng 🤣🤣🤣
yup the author just put the source of the fanart in descriptions. i didnt think much of it at the time LOL but this is a great story overall so dont let the cover affect your reading experience anyway XD
SecretName0505 #3
Chapter 1: Who is the fanart by? It seems like you stole it since you didn’t leave credits
I can't wait to read all fo this but first the worst thing in the world has to be made SCHOOL amg i just want to get over with every class so I can read already Xd
Chapter 7: Poor Jisoo, Everyone mad at her xixixixix
Satzuchaelisajensoo #6
Chapter 14: Thank you for this story authornim
566 streak #7
Chapter 14: Thank you for this... Hwaiting for more JenSoo and ChaeLisa ?
Jinriin #8
Chapter 14: Thank you for this story. More Jensoo and Chaelisa story to come~ ?
Chapter 14: Ooh it ended already?? Hmmm thanks for this one ^^
Chapter 12: Oh noo!! Who’s that person???