Chapter 12elve

Jenlous [Jensoo fanfic]


Ok, just a heads up, if you skipped, or didn't read chapter 9, you may not know who the "guy" is in this chapter, so i advise you go read it beforehand. You don't need to, but you might be a bit confused on who the guy is. And, no, it's not Kai, if you thought it was. Just a heads up. Anyways, hope you guys are all doing fine and happy, and i'll leave you to read and hopefully enjoy this chapter! 


Chapter 12


He stood in the entrance of the restaurant for some time, looking around the room, until he caught sight of Blackpink, sitting down at a table in the corner. He didn’t know who “Blackpink” were, but he did recognise two of the girls.

He had seen them before.

And one of them had tried to pick a fight with him.

Remembering the incident, he tightened his fist in anger.

Meanwhile, Jennie had ducked behind Jisoo, tightly holding onto her arms. Jisoo was also feeling nervous.

Did he recognise me? It’s the same guy, right? Has he – yes, he does…that scar on his face…the same dishevelled hair…oh my god! It IS the same guy! And why is he coming toward us?!

The managers noticed that the 4 girls had stopped talking and looked rather scared, their attention focused on the approaching man. The managers immediately got up and surrounded the girls, blocking the man’s path. There was a few minutes of hard glares being exchanged between the man and the managers. Then, when almost everyone in the restaurant had their breaths held in at the tension, the man swung his fist.

Luckily, the manager standing closest to the man, ducked the punch, and immediately, two security staff members leapt up and held the man down, pinning his arms to his side. There was a lot of struggle, and the man seemed to really want to - full on - lash out at everyone in the room, especially Jisoo.

The security dragged him out of the restaurant, and one of the managers called the police. Thankfully, the girls had not yet ordered anything, so they were quickly ushered out of the restaurant.

By now, there was a lot of chaos. The police had arrived in record time, surrounding the man, who was now cursing at the top of his lungs, and still making it very hard for the police to hold him down. The girls didn’t get to see what happened in the end, for they had been taken to the car and were driven back to their dorm straight away. Once they got back to the dorm, the manager driving asked them if they knew who the man was.

‘Uh, yes, I do…’ Jisoo started.

‘You do?’ the manager replied, sounding surprised.

Jisoo nodded. ‘Yes, I remember seeing him when Jennie and I went to the movies. He was the man who tried to attack Jennie, and I fought him off.’

The manager looked even more surprised when Jisoo said that.

‘I see…’ he said, nodding. ‘Well, for now, stay inside the house, and do not come out, unless you have a bodyguard with you. We cannot take any more risks.’

And with that, he gave a slight nod, and left the dorm.

Jisoo sat down on the couch, trying not to break down in front of her members. The others sat down next to her, and Jennie put her arm around Jisoo and gave her a comforting hug.

‘So – uh – who exactly was that guy?’ Lisa asked, after a few minutes of silence.

‘He was the guy that tried to grab me when Jisoo and I went to the movies.’ Jennie explained. ‘Luckily, Jisoo was able to fight him off – do you not remember that day when we were rushed back to the dorm by our managers, and we told you guys what happened?’

‘Oh that! Yeah, I do remember! You sure it was the same dude, though? I mean – surely it couldn’t have been!’ Lisa said.

Jisoo shook her head.

‘No, it was the same guy. The scar on his face, his shaggy hair. Everything was the exact same. What I don’t understand is why he keeps on coming at us. This is the second time, and now, I’m pretty sure it hasn’t got anything to do with him being drunk or anything.’

‘Maybe he’s holding a grudge against you for beating him in a fight?’ Rose said.

‘Maybe,’ said Jisoo. ‘But, it looked as if he was coming for all four of us.’

‘Whatever the reason is, I think we really should be more careful in public from now on.’ Jennie said, holding onto Jisoo’s hand. ‘If Jisoo hadn’t been with me that day he tried to grab me, I could’ve potentially been kidnapped or something!’

She gave Jisoo a smile that melted the girl’s anxiousness away. Lisa and Rose suddenly felt a bit awkward watching the 2 exchange flirty looks, so they both got up and said that they were going to go to their rooms.

‘We’ll leave you two alone…’ Lisa said, with a wink, as she left the room, her arm in Rose’s.

Once the two had left, Jennie immediately leaned in and gave Jisoo a soft kiss on the lips.

‘Taking the opportunity straight away, are you?’ Jisoo teased, as they broke away from the kiss.

Jennie laughed.

‘I just wanted to comfort you a bit. I can tell that you’re a bit tense over the whole situation.’

‘Goodness Jennie, you can already read my mind! In a way, that’s…sorta sweet.’ Jisoo said, her cheeks turning a bit pink.

‘Oh stop blushing, Jisoo!’ Jennie said. ‘You do know that you look even more attractive when you blush.’

Of course, this compliment just made Jisoo blush even more, and she looked away shyly.

‘Why won’t you look at me, Jisoo?’ Jennie asked, in a voice that made Jisoo tingle all over.

Jennie reached out and gently turned Jisoo’s head to face her, cupping her cheeks in the process. They met softly at the lips again, and Jennie worked her hand down Jisoo’s body. Jisoo paused and put her hand on Jennie’s hand to stop it.

‘Wait, shouldn’t we do it in our room? It wouldn’t be very ideal to do it in the living room, where one of our managers could potentially come in!’ she said.

‘Don’t worry over that.’ Jennie said. ‘I doubt any manager will come in at the moment. They’re all too busy! And besides, the door is closed; they would have to knock to get in. I can’t really be bothered to walk to our room, anyways.’

So Jisoo stopped worrying about the possibility that someone may come in at any moment while they were making out, and the two continued.

They were at the of the moment (that sounds a bit weird, but I dunno how else to put it in a way that doesn’t leak any explicit words. Anyways…), when a sound was heard by both girls that made them freeze in horror.

Someone was knocking on the door.


A sudden realisation hit Jennie as she remembered that the door wasn’t locked!


The handle of the door began to slowly move downwards, and in a few moments, that person outside would see the full sight of a Jennie on a Jisoo.


What was going to happen?




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1120 streak #1
Chapter 1: Lol Chaeng 🤣🤣🤣
yup the author just put the source of the fanart in descriptions. i didnt think much of it at the time LOL but this is a great story overall so dont let the cover affect your reading experience anyway XD
SecretName0505 #3
Chapter 1: Who is the fanart by? It seems like you stole it since you didn’t leave credits
I can't wait to read all fo this but first the worst thing in the world has to be made SCHOOL amg i just want to get over with every class so I can read already Xd
Chapter 7: Poor Jisoo, Everyone mad at her xixixixix
Satzuchaelisajensoo #6
Chapter 14: Thank you for this story authornim
566 streak #7
Chapter 14: Thank you for this... Hwaiting for more JenSoo and ChaeLisa ?
Jinriin #8
Chapter 14: Thank you for this story. More Jensoo and Chaelisa story to come~ ?
Chapter 14: Ooh it ended already?? Hmmm thanks for this one ^^
Chapter 12: Oh noo!! Who’s that person???