Chapter 6

Jenlous [Jensoo fanfic]

Chapter 6ix


Later at dinner, Jisoo went to the kitchen to help set up the table. As she bent down to open one of the cutlery draws, Jennie walked over, didn’t see Jisoo, and tripped over her. As well as tripping, she was also holding a pot of hot soup – luckily the pot had a lid and didn’t spill. Jisoo immediately sprang into action, catching both Jennie and the pot of hot soup, without harming either of them. Jisoo gently set the pot of soup on the benchtop, and helped Jennie stand up.

‘Are you alright?’ she asked.

Jennie nodded with her head down, and she seemed to be turning quite….pink!

‘Y-yes, I’m fine, I just didn’t see you there – uh - thanks for – um - catching me…unnie.’

‘No worries.’ Jisoo replied, feeling her heart thump against her ribcage.

Why is she turning so pink? Is she blushing??? Did I…did I – could I have possibly… - t-touched her s-somewhere, by accident, when I caught her just then???!!! She thought, realising that her cheeks were also turning pink.

‘Uh – well, do you need any help with anything?’ Jisoo asked, feeling uncomfortable with the sudden awkward atmosphere. ‘I’ll help you take the pot of soup over to the table. It’s a bit heavy. You really should be more careful when you carry things like this, especially when it’s boiling hot!’

Jennie smiled.

‘Yeah, I’ll be more careful in the future, thanks for telling me.’ She said, and turned back to get the other dishes that she had prepared.

Jisoo placed the pot on the table and smelt the contents.

Mmm….delicious! Wow, Jennie is really improving in her cooking skills lately…no offense to Lisa and Rose, but she’s much better than both of them at cooking….speaking of, where are they??

‘Ya Lisa! Rose! Dinner’s ready! If you don’t come soon, all the food will be gone!’ shouted Jisoo.

Jennie appeared at the table holding the other dishes and placed them on the table.

‘There we go…is Lisa and Rose not joining us?’ she asked, looking around.

‘No, they are…I just called them to come. Where are they?’ Jisoo said feeling ticked off at the two maknaes, who she thought we’re probably up to something…naughty.

Just as Jisoo was about to storm to their room with all the lightning in the world, Lisa and Rose walked into the kitchen together, with Lisa looking happy and bubbly, and Rose looking like she might fall asleep at any second.

‘Ooh! Dinner!’ Lisa exclaimed, admiring the food on the table. ‘Let me go get my camera and I’ll take a picture of it!’ she said.

‘No you will NOT.’ Jisoo said sternly. ‘You’ve wasted enough time already. Let’s eat.’

Lisa sulkily sat back down at the table.

‘Jisoo-yah, why’re you so grumpy?’ she asked, giving Jisoo a gentle kick underneath the table.

‘I’m not grumpy.’ Jisoo said. She wasn’t grumpy, but she was feeling annoyed that Lisa and Rose weren’t being honest, about certain things, with her. ‘I’m just tired and hungry.’

‘Yeah, well it’s coming off as grumpy.’ Lisa muttered under her breath.


No-one noticed, but Jennie seemed to brighten up when Lisa and Jisoo had a little argument with each other.


After their dinner, Jisoo stayed back to wash the dishes. And to her surprise, Lisa came and helper her! As she wiped the plates dry, she started talking.

‘Hey, uh – sorry about before…I was just a bit ticked with the way you spoke to me…I guess it was cause I was on an empty stomach.’ Lisa said.

‘It’s alright.’ Jisoo said. ‘I was also hungry. I guess hunger can sometimes REALLY get to your emotions…’

‘Tell me about it!’ Lisa said laughing.

‘But I guess now, Jennie might think we’re not actually…a – um – “thing”.’ Jisoo said in a whisper.

Lisa shook her head.

‘Jisoo, have you never been in a relationship before? You do know that couples have arguments. In fact, most couples ALWAYS have arguments, usually over tiny petty things.’

‘So it wouldn’t have foiled your plan?’

‘No of course not. We’re still – I mean – from Jennie’s perspective – we’re still a “thing”.’ Lisa said. ‘So let’s continue washing the dishes together, honey.’

Jisoo cringed at the last part of the sentence.

‘Aish, I still feel weird about this whole thing…’ she mumbled.

But now…I think my feelings for Jennie are clearer and definitely aren’t the same as before. I don’t think I see her as just a good friend now…I think…I think I see her as more than that….





That night, the girls were bored so they decided to film a V-live. At first, there were only a few people online, but after a while, there were a couple thousand people watching the live session. Lisa was doing most of the talking with Rose, even though Rose looked as if she would pass out at any moment. One of the viewers noticed that Rose wasn’t her usual bubbly self.

‘Hey Rose, someone just asked you if you’re alright…’ Lisa said, reading off the comments.

Rose gave a light smile.

‘Aw thanks for asking!’ she said. ‘But I’m fine, don’t worry. I’m just a bit tired cause Lisa and I made ou –‘

She stopped midsentence because Lisa had given her thigh a pinch.

‘Ow that hurt Lisa!’ she exclaimed, rubbing her leg.

Lisa gave her a frightening threatening look which made Rose slink back in the couch.

‘Don’t mind Rose, guys. She’s just a bit – um – tired, like she said before…’ Lisa said, hoping she didn’t appear too aggressive on camera, but also hoping that the viewers wouldn’t start thinking of certain things with herself and Rose, like Jisoo had.

All throughout the V-live, Jisoo was very quiet. Jennie occasionally spoke a few words but Jisoo didn’t. She just stayed put on the couch, not doing anything except for looking at the camera and smiling.

I can’t stop thinking about Jennie! What’s going on??? Why can’t I stop thinking about her??? Wait, no – that’s a stupid question – I already know the answer to that…it’s just…I literally can’t stop thinking about her!!! I keep seeing her everywhere! What the – how come Lisa suddenly looks like Jennie??!! And Rose too! Even the tri-pod and the camera! YAH WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING???

She blinked vigorously and rubbed her eyes. When she opened them and looked at Lisa and Rose, they looked like themselves again. She looked at the camera and the tri-pod. It was all normal again.

Phew, I thought I was going sane for a second….Jisoo thought. I really can’t look at Jennie now. If I do, I won’t be able to stop thinking about her…

‘Hey someone just suggested we do a staring contest with each other!’ Lisa said.

WHAT???!!! Jisoo thought. Legit straight after I told myself that I can’t look at Jenni! Are you for real??!!

‘Hey Jisoo, do it with me!’ Lisa said, snapping Jisoo out of her thoughts.

‘Oh ok, sure.’ She replied, glad that she wouldn’t have to do it with Jennie. ‘3, 2, 1!’

Both girls stared intently at each other, with Jennie and Rose and a couple thousand people, watching on. Lisa felt her eyes start to water after 10 seconds of intense staring, but Jisoo was still going strong. In fact, she looked like she could keep her eyes open for a full minute!

‘AHHRR!!!’ Lisa said through gritted teeth. ‘How are you – arh – how are you keeping your eyes open for so long??!!’

Jisoo grinned and kept staring. They had now been staring for 20 seconds and counting. As they continued with their game, Lisa noticed from the corner of her eye, that Jennie looked rather….mad?

No, it wasn’t mad. It was jealousy, and Lisa felt it. She smiled to herself. Jealous Jennie Jealous Jennie. Why’re you so obvious?

Finally, after 30 seconds, Lisa blinked first.

‘Oh that feels so much better!’ she said, falling back on the couch and blinking rapidly.

‘That means I win!’ Jisoo said. ‘What do I get for my prize?’

‘Hold up.’ Rose said suddenly, reading off the comments on her phone. ‘The viewers are telling you, Jisoo unnie, that you have to go against all of us to be able to win.’

Jisoo panicked.

That would mean that I would have to do it with Jennie! AHR!! Why couldn’t I have lost the stupid game?

‘Alright, I’ll go first.’ Rose said. ‘I at looking at anyone in the eyes for a long time, so I’m probably gonna lose.’

‘Ready, set, go!’

And the 2 began staring at each other. They had just started when Rose blinked and fell back, laughing.

‘Oh no! I can’t do this! Hahaha.’ She said. ‘Aish, you beat me unnie. I knew you would anyway.’

‘Okay, it’s Jennie’s turn now!’ Lisa said, sounding a little too enthusiastic.

Jisoo gulped but turned to face Jennie anyway. Jennie looked just as uncomfortable as Jisoo, but she was a bit better at hiding it.

‘Ready, set, go!’

Jisoo stared at Jennie. Jennie stared at Jisoo. The eye contact was so intense, that Rose and Lisa couldn’t help but shiver from the intensity. They continued staring, not blinking at all, for 20 seconds. As they stared, they subconsciously moved closer to each other. They didn’t even realise it. They were only focused on one thing at that moment in time.

Each other.

Rose noticed that they were getting a bit too close for comfort, and she immediately burst out.

‘Ya guys! Are you leaning in for a kiss or something?’ she said, causing both girls to jolt up and blink at the same time. ‘Aha! You both blinked at the same time, so you guys draw!’

Lisa felt slightly annoyed that Rose had broken up the perfect moment for Jisoo and Jennie. If they weren’t filming a V-live at that moment, she would’ve stopped Rose from blurting out, and let the 2 kiss each other.

Jennie looked away from Jisoo, a flush crawling onto her cheeks. Jisoo turned to the camera and gave an innocent smile.

‘We both win, I guess.’ She said, forcing a smile, and hoping that her blush wasn’t showing. She secretly wished that they weren’t filming a V-live and that Rose hadn’t interrupted them. Perhaps something might’ve blossomed in that moment.

They chatted for a while longer, talking about this and that, but Jisoo had gone and sat down next to Lisa, on the opposite side of where Jennie was sitting. Lisa wrapped an arm around her. Oh right, the whole “I’m in love with Lisa” thing…Jisoo thought suddenly.

She turned to face Lisa and puffed out her cheeks, moving closer to her. Lisa grinned and did the same back. Just as their mouths were about to touch, Jisoo turned her face away, grinning at the camera. Lisa leaned in anyway, and gave her a peck on the cheek. Jisoo had to use all the will power she had, to touch the area where Lisa had kissed, put her hand over her heart, and act like it was the best thing ever given to her. Jisoo noticed that Rose didn’t even flinch when Lisa had kissed Jisoo on the cheek, which surprised Jisoo, considering that those two were actually a thing. How can she not be, in the least bit, annoyed or jealous?

‘What’s with all these “Lisoo” comments?’ Jennie asked suddenly. ‘What even is “Lisoo”? Is it some sort of – uh – ship name?’

Both Lisa and Jisoo had no-idea what the name meant, but they both got the hint that Jennie was jealous of it.

Wow, I think she really is jealous over those “lisoo” comments! That might mean that the name is a ship name for me and Lisa! Yeah, that makes sense…thought Jisoo.

Lisa also had the same thought.

‘I think it’s a ship name.’ said Rose. ‘I thought I saw it somewhere on the – y’know – internet…’

‘Huh? Ship name? For who?’ Jennie asked, suddenly sounding very demanding.

‘Isn’t it obvious? For Lisa and Jisoo Unnie, of course!’ Rose said.

Jisoo noticed that Jennie had clenched her fist, out of sight of the camera, but it still made Jisoo feel worried. She is DEFINITELY jealous…

‘Oh! Haha…’ Jennie said, laughing awkwardly.

‘Hey, uh, let’s change the topic…’ Rose said, noticing that Jennie looked as if she wanted to squeeze the life out of her.


The V-live went on for a bit, and they decided to finish it quite late into the night, so the international fans could catch a bit of the live session. But all four girls were absolutely wiped out and ready to sleep for eternity, by the time they ended the session.

‘I’m gonna go to bed now…’ Rose mumbled, getting off the couch and going to her room.

Lisa was about to go with her, when she had an idea.

‘Hey Jisoo. Wanna come sleep in my room?’ she asked, trying to sound as flirty as possible.

Jisoo was about to say no, when she caught the look in Lisa’s eyes, and nodded.

‘Sure, why not? I’ll take my stuff over.’

‘Yay! Let’s go! Goodnight Jennie!’ Lisa said, jumping off the couch, taking Jisoo by the hand, and leaving the room.

As they left, Jisoo snuck a look at Jennie, who had laid down on the couch and looked like she was going to spend the night there. Jennie caught Jisoo’s gaze, her eyes half open, looking rather hurt for some reason.

Hurt and jealous.

Jisoo wanted to go back and give her a hug and snuggle under the covers with her, but Lisa had already dragged her off to her room.

Once they were in the room and had closed the door, Lisa did a little victory dance.

‘Why’re you dancing?’ Jisoo asked, confused with Lisa’s behaviour.

‘Because,’ said Lisa. ‘Jennie is JEALOUS! She is jealous of the thing between us, which means she must like you! I’m sure of it! Well actually, I’ve always been sure of it, it’s just you who doesn’t seem to get the hint.’

‘Yeah, well if she does like me, why hasn’t she confessed yet?’

‘She doesn’t HAVE to confess first, you do know that, right? You could be the one to first tell her about your feelings. There’s no harm in doing that.’ Lisa said.

‘No I can’t do that.’ Said Jisoo. ‘If I confess first…it would just be – I dunno – weird! I’m never the first to confess! I always wait for the person that I like to confess to me!’

‘Well then, that would explain why you’re STILL single. Apart from the fact that we are part of a large entertainment company that strictly forbids us to date anyone…’ Lisa said.

Jisoo rolled her eyes.

‘Hey, I gotta question…who was the first to confess with you and Rose?’

Lisa’s smile faltered for a second when she heard the question.

‘Well…it was a bit complicated…I was pretty certain of my feelings toward her, but I was scared that she might not feel the same back, y’know? I didn’t want to ruin our friendship either. And so…well I kept it to myself for a while, hoping that she might confess to me, just like what you’re doing at the moment. Well, I waited for about 2 whole freakin months, and she never confessed to me. But my feelings hadn’t gone either, and it was starting to pain me, knowing that she still didn’t know that I liked her.’ Lisa said, pausing to catch her breath.

‘Well then what happened? One of you obviously confessed, otherwise you wouldn’t have been together.’

‘Well one night, we went out to the movies, just me and her. We told our managers to wait for us somewhere else and then we bought tickets to watch a romance movie - even though I didn’t like watching romance movies, but Rose said she liked those types of movies so yeah. The movie was actually pretty decent, but what happened in the darkness of the cinema was even better.’

‘Let me guess – you guys secretly made out in the nice darkness of the cinema?’ Jisoo teased, which made Lisa give her a friendly shove.

‘No! Of course not! I hadn’t even told her I liked her yet! Anyway, it was about halfway through the movie, and the scene was all romantic and everything. And at that moment, Rose leaned on my shoulder and whispered: ‘Don’t you want to do that with the person you love, Lisa?’ And that shocked and confused me, because in the movie scene, the girl was resting her head on the guys shoulder, and what’s even more confusing, was that the girl was asking a similar question to the guy. Well I didn’t exactly know what to say, cause all I was thinking was: Oh my god is she confessing? But I couldn’t be too sure. So I just said, yeah why not, and then in the next moment, when the light from the screen dimmed a bit, she leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. I was so taken aback that I forgot how to breathe for a few seconds. But I kissed her back and yeah, that’s basically the story of how we found out about each other’s feelings and got together!’

‘Aw that sounds so sweet! So…basically…I have to take Jennie out to the movies to watch a romantic movie or something, and then wait for cupid to do his magic?’

Lisa laughed.

‘Don’t be silly! That was my experience. Yours will be different, Jisoo. But, of course, you could always take her out to some movie or something…it can be like a little “date”.’

‘A date?! I highly doubt it…but, I’ll think about it later. I’m too tired to think about anything right now. Should I wait for Jennie to go to bed and then slip into my own room?’ Jisoo said.

‘Wait, you don’t want to sleep here tonight?’

‘No, why would I? I only said that before because Jennie was there and y’know, the whole “plan”. Anyway, your room is a mess, no offense, and besides, I think Rose would be a better sleeping partner than me.’ Jisoo teased.

‘Ok sure, you can go back to your room whenever you want. I’m just gonna go on Insta and stuff for a while…goodnight Jisoo.’ Lisa said, climbing onto her bed and taking out her phone.

‘Night Lisa.’ Jisoo said, opening the door and leaving the room.


She quietly walked back to her room and shut the door behind her, softly.

I’m tired but I want to play a game or two before I go to bed…

As she was playing her game, she got suddenly got a notification from Jennie on Instagram. Huh? Why did she text me all of a sudden? And in the middle of my game too! Damn it, I was so close to beating my high score! Aish, what did she text anyway…?


She clicked on the notification and read the text that Jennie had sent. She had texted “goodnight Unnie” and had put a bunch of heart emoji’s after it. Jisoo felt her heart pick up again.

Well this is nothing out of the ordinary…she usually does this anyway…but why do I feel like this time – this time – it means something else?


She texted a goodnight back, and debated whether or not to put heart emoji’s as well. I don’t usually send heart emoji’s to anyone…it would be a bit strange for Jennie to suddenly get heart emoji’s from me…oh well, might as well try something new I guess.

Jisoo decided to put a couple of heart emoji’s and sent the text, hoping for the best. She played her game for a bit more before turning her phone off and getting ready for bed.

A few moments later, as she laid awake in bed trying to fall asleep, she started thinking about Jennie again.

Oh geez, not again! Why can’t my brain give it a rest? It must be that message she sent me before…it’s starting to get to me…I wonder if she replied? Nah, better not check, otherwise I’ll definitely not be able to fall asleep.

She rolled onto her side, staring into the darkness of her room.

It’s funny how only a couple of days ago, Jennie had waited outside for me after my photoshoot and acted so natural and normal. We even had lunch together…and we walked holding hands…I can’t possibly imagine how awkward that would be now though! And it was all because of that one sentence that she said to me in the kitchen that got me thinking…now that I think about it…perhaps it was better before…before I found out about my feelings for her…before Lisa got the crazy idea that Jennie likes me…cause now, our friendship is starting to turn into an awkward pile of mush!

She ce more and finally drifted off to sleep, to dream a dream that would leave her feeling dirty, ashamed, and even more awkward, the next day.

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1120 streak #1
Chapter 1: Lol Chaeng 🤣🤣🤣
yup the author just put the source of the fanart in descriptions. i didnt think much of it at the time LOL but this is a great story overall so dont let the cover affect your reading experience anyway XD
SecretName0505 #3
Chapter 1: Who is the fanart by? It seems like you stole it since you didn’t leave credits
I can't wait to read all fo this but first the worst thing in the world has to be made SCHOOL amg i just want to get over with every class so I can read already Xd
Chapter 7: Poor Jisoo, Everyone mad at her xixixixix
Satzuchaelisajensoo #6
Chapter 14: Thank you for this story authornim
566 streak #7
Chapter 14: Thank you for this... Hwaiting for more JenSoo and ChaeLisa ?
Jinriin #8
Chapter 14: Thank you for this story. More Jensoo and Chaelisa story to come~ ?
Chapter 14: Ooh it ended already?? Hmmm thanks for this one ^^
Chapter 12: Oh noo!! Who’s that person???