Older Brother

What is Love?
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Sehun parked his car and stepped out to greet Jongin who was already waiting for him at the parking lot, their usual coffee in his hand. Winter break was coming soon and they were all excited about the coming holidays.

Just some cars away from theirs, Kina’s car rolled in and Sehun unconsciously watched her as Jongin updated him on somethings. She walked out of the car and was walking to her class when she suddenly stops and lets out a small shriek.

Both the men’s senses shot up in alarm and Sehun scanned her entire body to know what’s wrong. She, however, seemed fine. Rather her attention was towards somewhere or somebody who they could not see.

“You cut off your hair!” She exclaimed and Sehun frowned when Baekhyun walked up towards her with a cocky expression.

True enough, the sides of his head were buzzed off and he looked… even younger than he was.

Pfft! Young people and their hairs.

“Can I touch it, Please?” Kina’s hands were already going towards it as Baekhyun nodded happily.

Her giggles were just so cute Sehun couldn’t be angry at her even if he tried. However, he was mad at Baekhyun for being… so effortlessly cool and making his wife so happy.

He watched as his wife ran her hands on the boy's hair and ruffling his rather styled hair.

"You look really nice with this new hair!" She gave him a thumbs up and smiled proudly as though she was the one who had cut it. The boy beamed and rubbed his neck with a small shy smile as they walked towards the class.

At times like this when all Sehun could do but watch from the sidelines, he is reminded of how different they actually were... They were young and fresh, fun and joyful... and he...

He was only a boring professor after all.

On the other hand, should he buzz off all his hair if it was going to receive that sort of treatment from her?


Older Brother


Sehun looked at his watch and sighed miserably at the thought of having to stay at the office for another 5 hours before clocking out. He had just finished his lunch and thankfully he had been early so the elevator was not crowded. In fact, it was just him.

Kina usually made lunch for him but these days since they were shifting home to be closer to his office, she was mad busy. The last few days had been a whirlwind of craziness as they had to go through many of their homes.

It was a chore whether to just settle into one of their family homes or just get another apartment but they had settled for a family home since moving in and out was always a hassle. Their official home was one of the Oh’s estate and was still some half an hour drive from his office and about an hour drive to college but it was okay. Kina did not seem to mind at all about the distance.

I got a car for a reason. Working is exhausting and I don’t want you to drive far. She had vehemently insisted.

With just some weeks into the New Year and also some weeks away from college’s opening, Sehun felt that pinch of pain increasing daily. This time when the college opens, he wouldn’t be there. This time when students pour in after the holidays, they won’t come to wish him a happy new year.

It was greatly nostalgic and frankly depressing to be doing something you love only to be snatched away due to responsibilities. Being born with a silver spoon really has its weight.

The elevator binged and another person comes in.

“Hello, Mr. Oh,” The man bowed and gave him a small smile before coming to stand beside him.

“Hello, Mr. Kim,” Sehun returned his bow with a nod. “Had a good lunch?”

Kim Minseok was one of the few people he interacted with in the office. It was hard for him to maintain a friendly aura in office when everything was so demanding and besides he was not the friendliest, to begin with. But thankfully, Minseok was already someone he knows from before.

Kim Minseok had been his brother’s personal assistant many years back and they got to know each other through that. Now he has been promoted to some manager or something so Sehun also had to do a lot of work with him.

“Lunch was good,” Minseok nods and smiles at him. “No packed lunch today?”

Sehun smiled and shook his head. “Wife’s busy. We’re moving home these days so no packed lunch.”

“That’s sad. If you don’t mind, you could always join us whenever you want.”

“Oh? Thanks for the offer.”

“Yeah. Our table is always open.” The shorter man with cat-like eyes nods at him before the elevator binges. “I’m here. Like I said, always feel free to join us. Good day, Mr. Oh.”

“Thank you. Will keep that in mind. Good day, Mr. Kim.”

Sehun smiled a little to himself as the man walked out of the elevator. Over here, people seem to avoid him a lot. It was more likely his glares or his aura but he thinks it might also be because of his status but Minseok always treated him well and he felt normal for once.

Maybe he could really join them tomorrow. It was not so bad to mingle with people from work, after all, he was going to be working here for goodness knows how long.

Back to work for now.

“Sir, your father told me to remind you about the official announcement of your marriage.” His personal assistant’s voice rang out from the phone. “They’re announcing it tomorrow.”

“Alright. Thanks.”

The business world always caught the interest of the media for some reasons especially their personal lives. Thankfully, his marriage had been kept under-wraps mostly because the media was yet to know about Kina’s existence and also very little about him.

Their focus was on his brother and his family, gushing about their children on almost every magazine cover talking about what his sister-in-law wore on what day. Sehun knew he could never live this life nor could Kina.

Regarding the announcement, their families had already discussed how to go about it. It was going to be merely stated as ‘Official merging of the Oh’s Enterprise with Lee’s Banking’. Marriage was only going to get a line in the statement so that they’re spared of the media. In fact, they were going to use engagement instead. Their marriage has actually been not so much about business, after all, it was more of fulfilling a promise between some old friends.

Sehun was glad that at least his grandmother was there to see one of her dreams come true before she went away.


“Kina…” Sehun smiled at her voice, missing her already. The last few weeks had been certainly mad as she drove around the city trying to do things to actually make their home livable. Besides he knows she was such a perfectionist that she wouldn’t stop unless she was satisfied with the outcome. “Are you very busy?”

Besides after the New Year, Kina seemed much quieter or maybe it was just because he had been busier.

“We’re setting up some chandeliers at the moment,” She tells him and at the same time, the sound of drilling is heard from the background. “As well as other lightning. Got to glam up this place a little.”

She gave a little laugh. “I also made a little den for you. It has the cutest library and the most comfortable couch with a fridge full of beer. You’ll love it.”

Sehun chuckled at that and shook his head at her thoughtfulness. “I can’t wait to see it.”

“I feel like an interior designer with a huge project and I am having so much fun.” She giggles into the phone and from the way the background sounds lowered, she must have walked away from the place where they were working. “But there’s just so many rooms and I think I will just do our master bedroom and leave the rest be for now. I got to focus on the upcoming classes.”

“Hmm… Do that. Your artistry can wait for now,” Sehun tells her sighing at her talks. He was missing her rants so much. Why did he call her again? “By the way, I called to tell you about the marriage announcement tomorrow. They pushed it up some months but I guess it's okay now.”

There is silence from Kina’s side which worries him for a moment. “Kina? Are you there?”

“Oh! I… Yeah. Great. I guess…”

“Don’t worry,” Sehun sighed and ruffled his hair. She was still a student after all. “There’s no way they would know it’s us. We’ve made sure our names and whatever it is, kept under wraps.”

“Hmm…” Kina hums and gives a little sigh. “Will you be home tonight?”

These last few days, he had been plunged into the world of business by his father and brother and so every single night, he was being introduced to some people.

“I… I don’t know. I hope I can.” He frankly tells her although he wishes he could go home and eat her cooking. He had been going home late, late enough to see her already sleeping. The only time they spend together these days were the breakfasts but he was usually tired so he sleeps in.

“When this deal goes through, and the dinners are done, it’ll be better,” He promises her when she does not reply again.

“Sir, your meeting with the Japanese representative is in 10 minutes. Please go through the files your brother has sent you.” Sehun sighs when his PA’s voice rang through the speaker again.

God. Really?

“You can do this,” As though she could read his mind, she tells him. “Go knock out the Japanese representative. Treat him as a student. Good luck, Hun. And I am so sorry about lunch, I completely forgot this morning.”

Sehun shook his head as though she could see it. “It’s fine. I already said it's fine. I had a huge lunch down at the ramen shop. Now I’ll go see my Japanese student, okay?”

Kina lets out a little giggle at that and ends the call with byes. Keeping his phone down, he rubs his face and lets out a sigh.

Sehun told his first lie to Kina. He hated the ramen and only ate a spoon of it.


* * *


“Baek,” Kina sighs uneasily. “I’m worried about tomorrow. I tried calling them up but they’re not even picking up my calls except for Soo.”

She bit her lips and shrunk even further into her cold bed. It felt like it had been years since Sehun and her cuddled up to sleep together. With Sehun being mad busy these days, a time to talk almost seem non-existent.

And with the way he was dealing with all the business, her worries seem too little to bother him with it.

“It's okay, Wifey.” Her friend’s soothing voice came out on the other side. “It’s okay. Just calm down.”

“No, it’s not,” It certainly was not okay. “They’re my friends. I texted them and told them about my predicament and how I planned to tell them about it…”

She sighs as Baekhyun listened attentively. She was glad for Baekhyun at this time. When everything seemed mad, everything was changing and everything was crazy… at least he was there, remaining stationary for her to come to every time things seem to go out of hand.

“Listen,” He begins, and she hung unto every word. “Tomorrow classes will start and you are going to see them. You’ve already given your share of explanation to them and have apologized several times already. However, if they are still adamant about not giving you a chance, that’s rather shallow of them. People make mistakes and although you were in the wrong, you did not remain quiet and actually tried to apologize. So them if they keep ignoring you.”

She kept quiet listening to him trying to gauge whether that was wise or not. Should she talk to Jongin? Maybe tomorrow if she meets him. He’ll understand and tell her what to do. It was already too late tonight to call him or Hyorin up.


“Oh… I’m here. Sorry.”

“Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?”

Actually, that would be nice. She would have someone by her side at least. When all her friends were ignoring her, she needed someone at least.

“Shall I make them lunch? What is one supposed to do anyway?”

“Kina… Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?”

“Oh, right,” She had totally forgotten about that. “I’m actually not at my parent's home.”

A tense silence followed before she hears a sharp inhale of breath.

“Did you move in with your boyfriend or something?”

“No,” Kina immediately replied. She did not move in with her boyfriend after all. She was at home with her husband. “I’m at home. Just not at my parent’s house.”

“Oh?” A relieved sigh, “Where’s your house?”

“You’d probably be invited some other time.” When Sehun is officially introduced to them.

“Cool. I hope I can crash on the couch when I feel like it.”

“Nope. There are enough guest rooms for you to sleep in.”

“It was a figure of speech, wifey.”

But seriously. This was actually bad. If she were to turn up to class tomorrow and none of her friends even wanted to talk with her that would be bad. She would only have to hang out with Baekhyun and as much as she liked him, he could be a handful at times.

“Okay. I lost her again,” Baekhyun’s amused tone reached her ears and she je

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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961 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
961 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
961 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
961 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
961 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.