
What is Love?
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Soomi hurled herself down the streets towards a certain house that contained a 'friend' of hers.

“KIM MINAH!” She hollered once she reaches their gate. “COME OUT. WE ARE TALKING.”

She bangs on the gate for a minute straight to get the attention of the people inside until an extremely annoyed guy with a cat-like eye, came out looking sleepy.

“Are you her brother?” Soomi, with her hands perched on her hips in the sassiest of manner confronts him. “Where’s the wench? I need a long talk with her.”

The poor boy looked utterly confused, “Minah? She’s a wench now?”

Soomi shakes her head in disbelief and entered the gate when the guy moves to usher her in, or she pushed him aside to enter. Whatever. She doesn’t care.

“I swear I’m gonna, like, tear her apart.” She mutters and walks in while the guy gives out a giant yawn.

It was 11 pm and clearly was not a great time to be visiting a 'friend' but now when she was all fired up and angry, no time was out of time.

“MINAH!” She barges in but recoils a little when an angry-looking mother was standing there clutching her nightgown.

“What on earth is going on? What is all this ruckus?”

“I just need to talk to Minah…” Soomi fakes a brilliant smile, “and I’ll go.”

The mother glares at her and shouts her daughter’s name before turning to look at her again. “What is it? You have your exams two days from now. She’s clearly studying.”

“Hmmm…” Soomi frowned, “Is she studying or is she gossiping or is she sharpening the knife she uses to backstab her friends? Hmmm… I’m like, super puzzled.”

“What is going on? Why would you accuse of Minah doing such a deed? You know my daughter will never do such a thing.” Her thin eyebrows flew up and she looked scandalized.

“Hmmm…” Soomi begins again, “Well… Would you like, believe it when I say that she has been secretly taking photos and framed a good and innocent friend of ours of dating a professor and nearly kicking them both out? I don’t think so, but like… truth is truth.”

The mother's eyes widen before panic becomes clearly evident in her eyes.


A tired, battered-looking Minah wearily shuffled down the stairs and stands at the foot looking down at her feet.

“What is she saying Minah? Is it all true?”

“N-No, mom…” She replies timidly, holding on to the stair's post.

Soomi scoffs, folded her arms, and threw a menacing gaze at the girl who still had her eyes locked on her foot.

“Look at me when I am talking,” Her mother hisses, and even Soomi felt a tinge of fear nip at her. “Did you or did you not send photos and accused your friend and a professor?”

A minute of silence prevailed before the girl slumps down on the girl and began wailing out loud.

“What on earth are all these dramas?” The guy was back in again and looking thoroughly pissed off looking at the girl crying on the floor.

“NONSENSE!” The mother finally barks, “I have two incompetent children who only know how to gossip. Is this how I brought you two up? I AM THOROUGHLY ASHAMED OF YOUR ACTIONS! What are you going to do now, huh? You messed with a professor?”

“Seriously, what is going on?” Her brother asked again. This time Soomi stepped in.

“This lying bi-” She pauses, her eyes darting to the stern woman there, cleared , and changed what she was about to say, “person framed and sent photos of our professor and a dear friend to the principal, and they nearly got kicked out. She has been, like taking secret photos and angling them in such a way that they looked like they’re together when they are not. ALSO, like I can’t believe that she’s been secretly feeding us lies about Kina.”

“Wait a minute…” Her brother’s eyes widened, looking more awake than ever. Damn… Soomi thought he was like… cute. “Kina? As in Oh Kina?”

“Oh Kina?”

“Lee Kina.” He adds after a pause.

“Yeah… You know about her?”

Her brother opens but their mother beats them to it.

“Minah talks about her all the time,” A pause and a worried frown. “From what she says about that girl… she doesn’t seem like a good girl.”

Everyone turns to look at the girl at the foot of the stairs still crying. Soomi rolled her eyes and folds her arms again. “Stop crying. You bought this, like upon yourself, girl.”

“Kina,” She continued looking at the two other people, “is one of the sweetest people alive on earth. Like I don’t know what she’s been feeding you guys but I am sure it’s all like, bull.”

Her brother lets out a huge sigh and ran a hand through his hair. “Man… I thought she’s changed.”

Their mother also sighs and looked away from them.

Soomi squints suspiciously at that, her curiosity burning. “What does that mean?”

“She-well… Let’s just say she’s an impulsive liar.”

“Impulsive liar? Like what the actual fu…. Fish.”

Her mother lets out a huge breath and Soomi turned to look at their mother. “Their father and I got divorced right after she was born and she grew up with that liar. I got custody of her but I guess it was too late.”

What-which drama was she in right now?

“She was caught lying in middle school, so much that we had to intervene and she went for therapy and she was quite alright in high-school… I suppose she relapsed.”

“Doesn’t she have a fu-fishing mouth?” Soomi snaps and looks at the girl who had stopped crying but still won’t look at them. “Let her speak too. TELL ME BIT-girl, like why on earth did you pick on Kina?”

But the girl still won’t budge making Soomi throw her hands up in the air in annoyance.

“I can’t like still believe that Minah would do such a thing. Like, seriously? And this whole time you’ve been trying to create like, a rift between us all. You are pure evil. Like what the serious fu-fly man.”

“She’s been telling me a lot of things about Kina… since the first year and I automatically assumed her to be a girl with no morals… Every single day she would rush home and start ranting to me about this Kina so obviously I thought she was an enemy of a sort. I would have never guessed her to be a friend… God. I made such a huge mistake.”

He groans, “Now he’ll think I know all about this and was trying to break them apart. Oh, God. I had plans with my friends today for real but he’ll think I am avoiding him.”

He groans again and runs to his room leaving Soomi all puzzled. He?

“Alright homie,” Soomi says cracking her knuckles and going towards the girl who her brother had jumped over to go upstairs. “We’re having a long talk and you will not be excused.”

“Can you do this after the exam?” Her mother suddenly comes and clutches the back of her jacket. Why does everyone do that? Just because she was a little short, doesn’t mean they can do that? “I hate the fact that my daughter would do such a thing but really… I think it can wait until exams are over. Let her reflect on her actions as well and the time to apologize to all your friends as well as the professor. Goodness. What am I going to do with her?”

Soomi angrily arranges her jacket but nods glares at Minah, bows at the woman, and rushes out.

“I’ll be back...” She says without looking back, feeling a lot like the terminator. “Like… as soon as the exams are over.”


* * *


Sehun looked at his flustered looking friend and arched his eyebrows. M

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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961 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
961 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
961 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
961 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
961 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.